II. Read the text to yourself and then aloud.

Проверяем домашнее задание

Sport Quiz .    Спортивная викторина .


Match the sport or game to the appropriate set of rules (соответствующий набор правил).

Write the number of the sport or game in the correct box.

A _________

Each team may have up to eleven players, only seven of whom are allowed to play at the same time. One team should wear blue caps, the other white. Players must not splash water into an opponent’s face.


The two contestants must bow to each other at the start of the contest. They should wear white clothing. Contestants must only attack the arms and legs of their opponent. They should not get overexcited.


The game can be played by two or four players. The players must change positions after each game. The ball must touch the table on both sides of the net each time it is hit.


Competitors should wear a helmet. They must not stop another competitor from overtaking. Competitors are not allowed to help each other.

E __________

Each team may have up to ten players, only five of whom may play at the same time. Players are not allowed to leave the court without permission. The ball may be thrown but it must not be carried or kicked. A team must try for a goal within 30 seconds of getting possession of the ball.


Each team must have eleven players. The two teams should wear different colours. Only the goalkeeper is allowed to play the ball with his hands or arms.


Each team must have six players. The server may hit the ball with his hand or any part of the arm. He must release the ball from his other hand before hitting it. Players must not touch the net.


Each team may have up to seven-teen players, only six of whom are allowed to play at the same time. Players must wear skates and numbered shirts.


Contestants are weighed before the contest. The contestants’ assistants must leave the ring before the fight begins. Contestants must wear gloves and must not hit an opponent behind the neck.


1. Table tennis       2.Water polo

3.Basketball        4.Volleyball

5.Cycle racing       6. Judo

7. Icehockey          8.Boxing


2. Поставьте глагол to be в одну из форм Simple.

1. … your girlfriend Italian?

2. I … afraid of spiders.

3. There … a lot of tourists in our café yesterday.

4. Peter … in Africa next winter.

5. We … never late for our Drawing classes.

6. I … 70 years old in 2050.

7. She … my neighbor last year.

8. It … usually very hot in Egypt.

9. I … born in September.

10. My parents … doctors.

3. Выпишите из текста глаголы в форме Present Simple, Past Simple и Future Simple. Переведите текст .

Clara had a car accident when she was ten years old. When she grew up she was afraid of cars. Then she met Brad who was a professional racing driver. He wanted to help her and drove her in his car every day. So in five years Clara became a racing driver too. Now she drives 200 km per hour and takes part in sports championships. She really enjoys driving and has a lot of future plans. Next year she will open a driving school. And Clara and Brad will get married quite soon.


4. Превратите утвердительные предложения в отрицательные, обращая внимание на форму глагола-сказуемого.

1. This coat belongs to Jane.

2. I drive to Moscow once a month.

3. Your boss is very impudent.

4. The car stopped near the bank.

5. The soup was delicious.

6. The concert will start at 7 p.m.

7. Her shoes are dirty.

8. I bought the curtains for my bedroom.

9. I am a football fan.

10. Their wedding will be in spring.



Тема     Современное увлечение путешествиями


I. Выражение «мне требуется…»

1. Translate the sentences into Russian and pay attention to the constructions.

«It takes me ... to do smth.»                     досл.: «Это берет у меня вре­мени ... чтобы                                                                      что-либо сде­лать.»,

Но мы переводим:

«It took me ... to do smth.»                      «Мне требуется/требовалось ... чтобы сделать…»

It took Columbus more than 2 months to cross the Atlan­tic ocean.

Nowadays it doesn't take long to get to a place of desti­nation.


2. Read the sentences and answer the questions in the right one.


1) Columbus started on the 3d of August, 1492 and landed on the 12th of October.

How long did it take him to cross the Atlantic ocean? (10 weeks).

2) The train from Moscow starts at 8 a.m. and arrives in Kiev аt 9 p.m.

How long does it take you to get to Kiev from Moscow?

3) Mr. Smith decided to go to Germany by plane. He left Moscow at 2 p.m. and landed in Berlin at 4 p.m.

4) How long did it take Mr. Smith to travel to Germany by plane?


3. Translate the sentences in writing.

Сколько времени требуется, чтобы добраться до школы?

Сколько времени тебе потребовалось вчера, чтобы добраться до больницы?

Мне потребовалось 20 минут, чтобы добраться до дома.

Мне требуется 5 минут, чтобы добраться до школы.

II. Read the text to yourself and then aloud.

1. Repeat the new words after the teacher and translate them into Russian.

to broaden the mind - broad — широкий

                               - the mind — зд. кругозор

a fortnights - 2 weeks

a coach — 1) a carriage in old times

                   2) a bus used for long-distance travel

Fast - quickly

the Atlantic ocean

Edinburgh — the capital of Scotland

a common activity — common — обыкновенный, общий

                              active — activity (n)



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