Use the simple past or the past perfect of the verbs in parentheses. In some cases, both forms are correct.

Supply the correct form of the verbs given in brackets

Some people living in Gulf Breeze in the USA claimed that they had seen a UFO (an unidentified flying object). Here is what they told the reporter.

Bill Jackobs: I (1) (to work) in the garden when I (2) (to see) a very bright light. I (3) (to go) inside and (4) (to lock) the door.

Jim Sort: I (5) (to drive) my car when suddenly I (6) (to hear) a loud bang. I (7) (to think) somebody had crashed into my car.

Pam Barker: I (8) (to watch) TV. It was very late at night and I (9) (to notice) that it (10) (to rain). Suddenly I (11) (to hear) a strange whistling noise. I (12) (to look) out of the window and (13) (to see) a huge object like an airplane. It (14) (to fly) through the sky.

Bob Robbins: I (15) (to walk) with my dog in the fields when suddenly he (16) (to start) barking. It (17) (to get) dark but the sky was green. It was frightening, so we (18) (to run) home.   

More mysterious things happened in Gulf Breeze ten years later.

Alan Rogers: My wife and I (19) (to have) dinner at home when suddenly our cat, Toto, (20) (to fly) across the room. My wife said, ‘you (21) (to see) that?’ We couldn’t believe our eyes. Later, we (22) (to watch) TV and suddenly it (23) (to change) channel. ‘You (24) (to change) the channel?’ I asked my wife. ‘No’, she said. At ten o’clock we (25) (to wash up) when all the lights (26) to go out). At first we (27) (to think) our son David (28) (to try) to frighten us. We (29) (to look) into his bedroom but he (30) (to sleep). We (31) (to stay) awake all night. It was strange and very frightening.   


Thomas Edison (1) (to start) work on the railway when he was twelve, selling newspapers and snacks. There were long periods with nothing for him to do so he (2) (to build) himself a little laboratory in the luggage van where he could carry out experiments when he (3) (not to sell) things to passengers. Another way that he (4) (to occupy) himself was by reading. He (5) (to join) a library and (6) (to read) every single book in it.

One day when he (7) (to wait) at a station he (8) (to notice) a small boy who (9) (to play) by the track, unaware that a train (10) (to approach). Edison (11) (to run) out and (12) (to grab) the child just in time. The child’s father was so grateful that he (13) (to offer) to teach Edison to be a telegraph operator. Edison (14) (to accept) the offer and soon he (15) (to have) regular lessons. After a year he was good enough to get a job in the telegraph office. He (16) (to continue) to read and experiment, whenever he (17) (to have) time. At 21 he (18) (to leave) the telegraph office to devote all his time to being an inventor. He (19) (to go on) to invent the electric lamp bulb, the phonograph and the movie camera.


Colin Boyle was born in 1973 near Dublin, Ireland. In 1983 he (1) (to become) seriously ill. While he (2) (to recover) his uncle (3) (to give) him an old violin. He (4) (to enjoy) playing it and (5) (to practise) at his school every day after lessons. One day in 1987, John Leaf, the manager of many successful musicians, (6) (to have) a meeting with the headmaster when he (7) (to hear) Colin practising. He immediately (8) (to contact) Colin’s teacher and (9) (to invite) Colin to appear in one of the concerts he (10) (to organize) that year. Colin, however, (11) (to refuse) Leaf’s invitation, because just then he (12) (to prepare) for some important school exams. Colin (13) (to pass) his exams and (14) (to go) to college to study engineering. At college he (15) (to meet) Kim O’Malley, who (16) (to study) chemistry. Kim was also a keen amateur musician. Being students they rarely (17) (to have) much money and they usually (18) (to work) as waiters at weekends. One evening in April 1992, while Colin and Kim (19) (to serve) customers, the manager (20) (to announce) that there would be no live music in the restaurant that night as the regular band could not come. Colin and Kim (21) (to persuade) him to let them play for the customers. Everyone (22) (to be) amazed to hear how good they were. Six months later they (23) (to decide) to leave college because they (24) (to earn) so much money as musicians. Their success has continued ever since.


Put the verbs in brackets into the appropriate past forms.

1 Bill ...... (paint) his front door when the telephone ......................... (start) ringing. He ............................ (answer) the phone and ............................ (speak) to his friend. Later he ............................ (notice) that he ............................ (leave) red fingerprints all over the phone.

2 "...................... (Tony/ring) you last night?" "Yes. He ..................... (wait) for days for you to phone him but since you ................ (not/phone) he ................ (sell) his motorbike to someone else."

3 "Your hair......................... (look) different last night." "I know -I ......................... (want) to dye it red, but I ..................... (not/pay) attention when I ............................ (buy) the dye and I .................(not/ realise) until it...................... (be) too late that I.................. (buy) the wrong colour."

4 One day my sister...................... (call) me. She ....................... (not/know) what to cook for a dinner party she ................. (give) that evening and she .................. (want) some advice. I ...................(give) her some simple recipes but I ........................ (be) surprised that she .....................(not/contact) our mother. When I ............... (ask) why, she ............................ (reply), "She's one of the guests."

5 Last Friday I ................... (walk) to work when I .............. (see) an old friend I ..................(not/see) for a long time. I ......................... (throw) my arms around him. He ..................... (stare) at me with an open mouth. To my horror I .................... (realise) I ........................ (mistake) him for my friend.

Use the simple past or the past perfect of the verbs in parentheses. In some cases, both forms are correct.

1. Yesterday I (go) _________ to my daughter's dance recital. I (be, never) ________ to a dance recital before. I (take, not) _________ dancing lessons when I (be) _______ a child.

2. Last night, I (eat) _________ four servings of food at the "all-you-can-eat" special dinner at The Village Restaurant. Until that time, I (eat, never) ___________________ so much in one meal. I've felt miserable all day today.

3. A: I (see) _________ you in the school play last night. You (do) _________ a terrific acting job. (you, act, ever) ___________________ in a play before this one?

B: Yes. I (start) ____________ acting when I was in elementary school.

4. Last year, I (go) _________ mountain climbing for the first time. It was exciting and terrifying at the same time. We (move) _________ slowly and carefully, and it (take) ________ three days to get to the top. Imagine our surprise when we climbed onto the summit and found another group of climbers. They (arrive) _______________ several hours ahead of us. They were having dinner and listening to Beethoven. We (laugh) ____________, and they (invite) ____________ us to join them. The climb (be) ________, to say the least, an unforgettable experience.

5. A friend of mine, Judith Nelson, is presently working in the international sales division at an electronics firm. She's just returned from a trip to Japan. She was asked to go there because she can speak Japanese. When she (be) _________ a business student at Boston University, she (study) _________ Japanese for four years. She (have, never) _________________ the opportunity to use her Japanese until she went to Tokyo last month. While she was there, she (speak) _________ Japanese every day and (enjoy) ___________ every minute of it. She's eager to return.

6. When I first (travel) ____________ abroad to study, I (live, never) ___________ ____________ in a dormitory before. During the first year, I (have) _________ a roommate from Switzerland who (become) ________ a very good friend. Prior to that time, I (live, never) ___________________ with anyone from another culture.


Translate into English paying attention to the Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous:

1. Когда я пришел домой, мама уж приготовила ужин, а папа ушел к друзьям.

2. Мама послала меня купить хлеб, но когда я пришел к магазину, оказалось, что его уже закрыли.

3. Когда я увидел Люси, я не узнал ее. Неудивительно, мы не виделись 10 лет.

4. Я все лето не был за городом, а когда приехал туда в начале осени, то увидел, что отец уже построил дом. Я был удивлен, что у него ушло так мало времени построить его.

5. Он пытался играть в футбол, но не мог. Несколько недель назад он сломал ногу и еще не совсем поправился.

6. Она выглядела великолепно, она только что приехала с юга.

7. Мне было приятно видеть свою первую школьную учительницу: я не видел ее уже много лет.

8. Когда он позвонил мне, я уже пообедал.

9. Когда я подошел к их дому, было очень тихо. Я решил, что все пошли спать и вернулся домой.

10.Я очень волновался, когда впервые плыл на теплоходе. Я никогда раньше не плавал.

11.Когда она зашла в комнату, там никого не было, но в комнате был бардак. Она поняла, что там играли дети.

12.Фильм шел уже 10 минут, когда он вошел в зал.

13.Он читал книжку уже около часа, когда решил прогуляться.

14.Когда я вошла в гостиную, то была удивлена, что он сидел на полу. Он объяснил, что потерял иголку и искал ее уже 20 минут.

15.Самолет опоздал, и когда я прибыл в аэропорт, они ждали меня полчаса.

16.Мы гуляли около часа, когда начался дождь.

17.Дождь шел полчаса, когда он почувствовал, что промок насквозь.

18.Они все были очень уставшие, т.к. без перерыва работали 10 часов.

19.Они занимались спортом 10 лет, когда решили бросить его.

20.Они были женаты 20 лет, когда развелись.

21.У нее болела голова, она загорала слишком долго.



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