Let’s ask our guest to tell some words about safety from his point of view.

Тема:« Машины и их работа. Техника безопасности на рабочем месте»

Today we’re speaking about the importance of the safety policy at a production and in our everyday life. We’re going to realize how “OCV Steklovolokno” meets this policy. (слайд№1) Today we have guests. They are the representative of world famous company “OwensCorning”. Frederic Skura, Dmitry Dumchev, Ilya Kolesnik. Later they will introduce themselves.

Background: (Слайды №№ 2-3)

OCV “Steklovolokno” is the branch of the “OwensCorning” Company - the world’s leader in glass fiber materials and composites. The work of this company focuses on some policies. One of the most important is the safety policy. It is aimed at stopping any hazards which might be resulted in injuries for the employees. Let’s try to make this idea a part of our mind.

So, now let our participants introduce themselves.

1. I’m the President of the factory. I’m in charge of the whole affairs of our company (Илья Судариков, студент ГСК).

2. I’m the IT Manager, my response is computer & internet support providing (Илья Колесник IT manager OCV “Steklovolokno”).

3. I’m the HR Leader, I’m in charge of personnel (Анна Крылова, студентка ГСК).

4. I’m the Finance Manager, I take care of corporate finance & accounting (Дмитрий Турусов, студент ГСК).

5. I’m the Safety manager, I’m responsible for the safety work condition (Дмитрий Думчев, Safety Manager OCV “Steklovolokno”) .

6. I’m the lawyer , I handle areas which are involved in law (Алексей Абрывалин)

7. I’m the PR manager, I communicate with the general customers &press promoting new products (Владимир Сырцов, студент ГСК).

8. I’m the Sales Manager, my response is selling the goods or services with a company offers. (Дмитрий Юматов, студент ГСК).

9. I’m the R&D Manager, I deal with the work directed towards the innovation and improvement of products and processes. (Frederic Skura - ведущий специалист по информационным технологиям компании “OwensCorning”).

10.  I’m the translator. My responsibility is to help our employers to communicate with foreigners. (Татьяна Крошкина, преподаватель английского языка ГСК).

     Script to the video.              

I would like to introduce myself in few words. I’m the Safety Europe Leader of OCV. I travel round the Europe in all OCV facilities. This week I’m with Gous team. We speak about safety project in EUROPE. Today we look at safety problems why they are so important. What we did in the past and what we would like to do in the future. How to improve safety conditions for the employees in the plant, to introduce safety policy. Our target is zero injuries that every employee comes home tonight in the same state of health as he arrives from home in the morning.

Do you believe that all injuries are preventable? It’s not easy to do but our target is to prevent any injury. It’s better to act before not to act after.

It means that everyone is responsible for the safety condition. Everyone is to think about him\herself and a person who works in his\her neighborhood. Our target is if I see that someone is doing something wrong for the safety I should stop this person & tell him or her you shouldn’t do this. Safety is everyone’s responsibility for himself and also for his/her colleagues. And another point is the safety working condition. If someone breaks the rule we need to take disciplinary actions but for sure it’s not our main goal. Our first goal is to convince everyone that safety is unconditional.

Our target is to reach zero. As you see for the last 10 years we did make much progress.

Our Commitment to safety Is Unconditional.

Now, you’ve got a text. Some information is missing. Try by asking questions find out the necessary details of the text.


Student B Safety Policy He spoke about safety problems, what they did and what they would like to do to improve safety conditions for the employees in the plant. He also introduced (What?)………. . The target is zero injuries that every employee comes (Where?) ………….. .        All accidents are preventable. It’s not easy to do but the target is to prevent any injury. It’s better to act before not to act after.   It means (What?)……….. . Everyone is to think about him\herself and a person who works in his\her neighborhood. The target is (What?)………….. .        Safety is everyone’s responsibility for himself and also for his colleagues.         And another point – (What?)……… .  If someone breaks the rule they need to take disciplinary action. But for sure it’s not the main goal. (What?)….. . And the first step to safe working is Personal Protective Equipment.   Student A Safety Policy He spoke about safety problems, what they did and what they would like to do to improve (What?)………... .      He also introduced the safety policy. The target is zero injuries, that every employee comes home tonight in the same state of health as he arrives from home in the morning.   All accidents are preventable. It’s not easy to do but the target (What?)……………. .      It means that everyone is responsible for the safety condition. Everyone is to think about him\herself and (Who about?)……….. . The target is if you see that someone is doing something wrong for the safety you should stop this person & tell him or her you shouldn’t do this. Safety is (Whose?)…………. . Working safely is a condition of employment at Owens Corning.       If someone breaks the rule they need to take (What?)…….. The first goal is to convince everyone that safety is unconditional.   And the first step to safe working is (What?)…….. .  



E.g : It’s a good idea to put on safety glasses while performing the welding works.

1. Выступление Frederic Skura о соблюдении безопасности на рабочем месте. В своём выступлении он подчёркивает важность вопроса безопасности при работе в офисе. (слайд №23)

Let’s ask our guest to tell some words about safety from his point of view.

So, first some words about safety. I think, in the office the danger is not so accurate, so evidence as for those working in the plant. In the plant you can lose one’s eye hand, finger in one minute. In the office, the injure may come with a time, with a long time. And in this case your safety depends on your safety self education. You should keep your working place clean, have a proper chair, you shouldn’t sit for a long time in front of a computer. At a plant people can tell you to put on safety glasses, for example, but when you are in the office there is nobody to tell you “take care”.

P.S: Also he said few words about the importance of being able to speak English to be a success in the modern world.


2. At this stage I suggest you a small test. Fill in the gaps using the active vocabulary of the lesson: ( письменное задание для самостоятельной работы ) (слайд №24)

1.Personal ……… is the first step to your safety in the plant.

2.We are to put on a …… to prevent our head from any kind of injuries.3. If you don’t have the safety mask or safety glasses while ......... some special kinds of work you are in ........ . Pices of glass for example ...... your eyes or face. 4. Earclips help you ...... the influence of any noise on your hearing. 5. The respirator,half mask, gas-mask protect your ........ from influence of different hamful substances.

6.Safety gloves protectyour hands from …. and …… while working with very hot or cold surfaces. 7. Safety …. protect your feet and legs ….. injuries.

- Are you tired? Let’s have a short break. Listen to the Jazz Chant and repeat. (слайд №25).

Дата добавления: 2021-02-10; просмотров: 58; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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