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Олимпиада по английскому языку 8 класс

Рекомендуемое время выполнения заданий – 45 минут

Уважаемые участники олимпиады, обращаем ваше внимание на то, что ответы можно вводить, лишь используя латинские буквы (английскую раскладку клавиатуры), иначе компьютер засчитает вам неверный ответ!

1. (3 балла ) Choose the English-speaking countries from the list below. В ответе укажите последовательность цифр в порядке возрастания, без пробелов, без кавычек и каких-либо знаков препинания. Например , 245

Ответ : ______________________


2. (3 балла ) Find a mistake in one of the underlined words. В ответе укажи цифру без пробелов, без кавычек и каких-либо знаков препинания. Например: 4

Ответ : ______________________


3. (5 баллов ) Read the words and pay attention to suffixes. Are the suffixes correct or incorrect? Follow the corresponding arrows and get the final word. В ответе укажи это слово без пробелов , без кавычек и каких - либо знаков препинания . Например , go

Ответ : ______________________


4. (6 баллов ) Complete the sentences with the question words. Cross out these words one by one in the table and make your way to finish (1-6). You can move across and down only! В ответе укажи цифру без пробелов, без кавычек и каких-либо знаков препинания. Например, 1

1. What is your favourite movie? – My favourite movie is Aviator.

2. ___ did he come? – He came at 10 p.m.

3. ___ are you so happy? –Today is my birthday.

4.___ is your dad? – Pretty good, thank you.

5. ___ will you see him? – I’ll see him in an hour.

6. ___ do you like to do? – I like swimming.

7. ___ have you been in England? –I’ve been in England in 1987.

Ответ : ______________________

5. (6 баллов ) Complete with a, the, where necessary.

1. What did you eat for ________ lunch?

a) a     b) the     c) no article

2. The Andes are in ________ South America.

a) a     b) the     c) no article

3.Where is ________ Sahara Desert?

a) a     b) the     c) no article

4. She isn’t at ________ home.

a) a     b) the     c) no article

5. Susan’s mother will come to____ school today

a) a     b) the     c) no article

6. Clara's mother is in ________ hospital

a) a     b) the     c) no article

6. (5 баллов ) Read and choose the correct word. В ответе укажите комбинацию цифр по возрастанию и букв, без пробелов, без кавычек и каких-либо знаков препинания. Например: 1 c 2 b3a4d5e6f7g

Ответ : ______________________


7. (5 баллов ) Find the right word.

1. There was only … butter left.

a) a few

b) a little

c) many

d) the

e) a

2. There is … milk in the bottle.

a) few

b) many

c) little

d) an

e) are

3. It took her … minutes to make coffee.

a) much

b) a little

c) a few

d) the

e) a

4. There are … books on the shelf.

a) few

b) little

c) an

d) a

e) small


8. (5 баллов ) Make up the dialogue . В ответе укажите последовательность цифр без пробелов, без кавычек и каких-либо знаков препинания. Например, 245138

Ответ: ______________________

9. (10 баллов ) Choose the correct tense.

1. How long … you…the book?

a) has, been             b) have, been                c) have, read

d) are, read              e) has, read

2. It …for 3 hours already.

a) have been snowing            b) have snow              c) has snow

d) has been snowing              e) snow

3. There … a lot of bread on the table.

a) am      b) were        c) are       d) weren’t        e) is

4. My brother … a bread last year.

a) have grown       b) had grown      c) have grew    d) grew  e) grow

5. He …back home. Here he is.

a) has come    b) came    c) come   d) have come    e) came

6. New hospital …by the Queen.

a) were opened  b) open     c) opening    d) opens   e) was opened

7. Bread is … every day.

a) eat   b) eaten      c) eating      d) eats     e) eated

8. We …going to visit Picture Gallery. We are interested in Kazakh art.

a) is    b) were    c) been     d) are       e) was

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