Andrey Konyaev was born on the 10th of August 1872 in Tver. His father was a merchant, one of the founders of the flour-milling plant.

He finished school in Tver and he passed exams in the Moscow Impire High technical school in 1890. After graduating it he had a diploma of engineer-mechanic and became the technical leader of the mill at the Konyaevs’ Brothers’ Company.

 As soon as he returned to Tver he took an active part improving the equipment of the milling plant.

 A craft school was founded by charitable society “Dobrohotnaja Kopejka” in 1877.

 It was built with support of the manufacturer sponsor I. A. Morozov. A.N Konyaev worked for many years as a teacher of physics, drawing, technology of metal and wood and then as the director of the craft school. All his life was connected with education. His school became one of the best in Tver region.

A. Konyaev was really an intelligent man and understood the importance of the education for Russian people.

The school traditions are have been kept nowadays. To honour its founder the school was named after Andrey Konyaev.

Text C: “Ann’s academy”

Hello again! Now let me tell you about my Polytechnical Academy. I am really glad that I study here. It is one of the finest country's higher educational institutions. Many famous people have graduated from my Academy, and not only engineers or scientists, but many outstanding writers, actors, showmen and politicians. Studying at our Academy gives a solid background in all spheres of knowledge and prepares for practical work.

Our Academy is quite large and old. It was founded in the 19th century by the famous Russian inventor Vladimir Komarov. First, it was a small department of a large University, but later it was rearranged into an independent institution. Nowadays it is a large school where more than 5,000 students are currently enrolled. About 3,000 are full-time students, like me, and the rest are part time-students. There are also about 150 graduate students. They conduct independent research work and have pedagogical practice.

The course of study at my academy lasts five years. There are many faculties in my academy. Here are some of them: the faculty of industrial automation and robotics, the faculty of plastics, the faculty of machine tools and the faculty of metalworking.

Our academy is large and we have several buildings. One of the buildings is for lectures and seminars only. There are many large halls there so that students of 3-4 groups together can fit in there. And that is more than 100 people. The acoustics [э'ku:stiks] in such large halls is very good but sometimes it is very noisy when students chat during the lecture.

We have two laboratory buildings which are equipped with up-to-date equipment and there students can carry on lab works and conduct various experiments. Many students from my group do their own research work.

There are several cafes at the academy. My favourite one is situated in a separate one-storeyed building and people say that this is the oldest canteen or student's cafe. The food there is tasty and very affordable.

There are also several dormitories or hostel buildings where students from other cities live. But you know already that I don't live in a dormitory — I rent an apartment.

Vocabulary :

currently — в настоящее время

to be enrolled — числиться в списках студентов

full-time students — студенты дневного отделения

part time-students — студенты вечернего отделения

to conduct — проводить

course of study — курс обучения

industrial automation — промышленная автоматика

robotics — робототехника

plastics — пластмассы

machine-tools — станки

metalworking — металлообработка

figure [f'igэ] — фигура, цифра

noisy — шумный

to chat — беседовать, болтать

to be equipped with — быть оборудованным

up-to-date equipment — современное оборудование

carry on — проводить

research work — исследовательская работа

one-storeyed — одноэтажное

tasty ['teisti] — вкусный

affordable — доступная (to afford — позволять)

Add to your active vocabulary:

classroom — класс, аудитория

lecture hall — лекционный зал

laboratory — лаборатория

gym (gymnasium) — спортзал

semester (term) — семестр

school year — учебный год

course of studies — курс обучения

academy — академия

university — университет

institute — институт

faculty, college, department — факультет (ex. College of physics — факультет физики)

department, chair of... — кафедра

head of the department, chief of the department, chair (man, woman) — зав. кафедрой

substitute — заместитель

teaching instructor (TI) — преподаватель

professor — профессор

dean — декан

Rector — ректор

teaching staff, faculty members — преподавательский состав

full-time student — студент(ка) дневного отделения

part-time student — студент(ка) «вечерник»

student of distant education — студент(ка) «заочник»

student of preparatory courses — слушатель подкурсов, «подкурсник» undergraduate student — студент 1-4(5) курсов

graduate student — студент 5-6 курсов (магистрант, аспирант)

Exercise № 1 . Do you agree or disagree with the following statements:

1) Larger schools are better than smaller ones.

2) It is impossible to enter the university if you haven't attended preparatory courses.

3) The best professors are the oldest ones.

4) It is better to live in a dormitory or student hostel than to rent an apartment.

5) Professors always know more than students and teaching instructors.

Text D: “Moscow State University”

Moscow State University is the oldest, autonomous, self-governing and state-supported institution of higher education, founded in 1755 by the scientist Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov. Located in Moscow, the university is composed of faculties of biology, chemistry, computational mathematics and cybernetics, economics, foreign languages, fundamental medicine, geography, geology, history, journalism, law, mechanics and mathematics, physics, psychology, sociology, and soil sciences, as well as an institute of Asian and African Studies. Several museums, colleges, and a number of institutes are affiliated with Moscow University, and a preparatory faculty teaches Russian language and other subjects to foreign students.

Except for the science faculties and some of the arts faculties — which are situated in south-western Moscow — the remainder of the faculties are located in the older university buildings in the centre of the city. A diploma in a given field of study is awarded after five or five and a half years of study. After three additional years and the completion of a thesis, the kandidat nauk degree is awarded. The highest degree, the Doctor of Sciences, may be attained upon completion of a thesis based on independent research.


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