Конструкция безличных предложений

Безличные предложения в английском языке (impersonal sentences) – это такие предложения, в которых нет главного действующего лица. Давайте рассмотрим это на примере.

Безличные предложения мы используем:

Для описания погоды и явлений природы. Например: Холодно. Темно.

Для обозначения времени, даты, дня недели и т.д. Например: 6 часов. Понедельник.

Для обозначения расстояния. Например: Далеко. Близко.

Для выражения мнения говорящего. Например: Весело. Трудно.

Чтобы построить такие предложения на английском, нужно использовать конструкцию it is. Давайте рассмотрим её подробно.

Такие предложения образуются очень просто: с помощью местоимения it и глагола to be в нужном времени. Схема предложения: It + глагол to be + другие члены предложения. It не указывает лицо и не переводится на русский язык, но в образовании предложения берет на себя роль главного действующего лица. Глагол to be – особый вид глагола. Его мы используем, когда говорим, что кто-то: Находится где-то (Он в парке) Является кем-то (Она медсестра) Является каким-то (Кот серый)

В зависимости от времени, в котором мы используем этот глагол, в сочетании с местоимением it он меняет свою форму: В настоящем времени Present Simple – It is… = It’s…. Примеры: It is hot. Жарко. It is 5 o’clock. 5 часов. В прошедшем времени Past Simple – It was… Примеры: It was dark. Было темно. It was easy. Было легко. В будущем времени Future Simple – It will be… Примеры: It will be difficult. Будет сложно. It will be fun. Будет весело.

Мы используем безличное предложение, чтобы сказать который час: Сейчас 11 часов – it is 11 o’clock now Времени было половина пятого – it was half past 4 Когда я вернусь, будет уже 10 часов – when I return it will be 10 o’clock already Безличные предложения всегда используются для описания погоды с глаголами to rain, to snow, to hail, to drizzle Осенью часто идет дождь – It often rains in autumn Моросит, нужно взять зонт – It is drizzling, I must take an umbrella Чтобы отметить, сколько времени нам требуется на совершение действия – наверное вам встречались предложения, начинающиеся со слов «мне нужно … времени чтобы что-то сделать, у меня уходит… времени на что-то и т.д.». Так вот, для перевода таких предложений также используется конструкция безличного предложения — It takes … to…: Ей нужен час на дорогу до работы – It takes her an hour to get to her work Моей маме потребуется полдня чтобы испечь столько пирожных – It will take my mother half a day to bake so many cakes. Безличное предложение часто используется для описания действий, для которых нужен инфинитив, в которых фигурируют такие слова как never, to appear, to seem, to turn out, to happen It is never late to say “excuse me” – Никогда не поздно сказать «прости» It seemed to be late to change anything – Казалось, уже поздно что-либо менять Безличное предложение используется для выражения модальности с глаголами can, may, must. В этом случае формальным подлежащим является слово one, которое при переводе на русский язык опускается. Здесь нельзя курить – One must not smoke here Нужно мыть руки перед едой – One should wash hands before having meals Невозможно сделать всю работу сразу – One cannot do all the work at once.


Задание 3. Переведите предложения

1) 1.It is spring.2. It is cold today. 3. It is dark. 4. It often rains in March. (см. Комментарий ниже). 5. It is a beautiful day. 6. It is nine o’clock. 7. It is a long way from here to London. 8. It is dangerous to drive so fast. 9. It was interesting to talk to him. 10. It always snows in the north.

2) 1. Зима. 2. Была зима. 3. В прошлом году была холодная зима. 4. Холодно. 5. Было очень холодно. 6. Пять часов. 7. Сейчас пять часов. 8. В феврале часто идет снег (to snow- глагол). 9. Был теплый весенний день. 10. В гостиной тепло. 11. Чудесный день. 12. Завтра будет холодно.



ТЕМА 2.1



Виды транспорта

мопед – moped, motorized bicycle, motorbike

мотоцикл – motorcycle, motorbike

велосипед – bicycle, cycle, bike

трехколесный велосипед – tricycle

парный велосипед – tandem bicycle, tandem

самокат – scooter

автомобиль – automobile, car, motor car

автобус – bus, coach

трамвай – tram, tramway, tramline, street railway

троллейбус – trolleybus, trolley coach

микроавтобус – minibus

такси – taxi, cab

грузовое такси – taxi-lorry, taxi truck

такси-малолитражка – minicab

поезд – train

скорый поезд – fast train

курьерский поезд – express, express train

пассажирский поезд – passenger train

метро – underground railway, subway, the underground, metro

рикша – rickshaw, ricksha, jinricksha, jinrickshaw

Наземный транспорт

автобус bus [bʌs]

такси taxi [‘tæksi]

поезд train [treɪn]

автомобиль car/ auto / autombile [kɑ:] / [‘ɔ:təʊ] / [‘ɔ:təməbi:l]

мотоцикл motorcycle / motorbike [‘məʊtəsaɪkl] / [‘məʊtəbaɪk]

метро subway / underground [‘sʌbweɪ] / [,ʌndə’ɡraʊnd]

снегоход snowmobile [‘snəʊmə,bi:l]

троллейбус trolleybus [‘trɒlibʌs]

трамвай tram [træm]

туристический междугородний автобус coach [kəʊtʃ]

грузовик lorry / truck [‘lɒri] / [trʌk]

велосипед bike / bicycle [baɪk] / [‘bʌɪsɪk(ə)l]

тележка, фургон wagon [‘wægən]

Железная дорога

railway железная дорога

barrier шлагбаум

berth плацкарт

car вагон

compartment купе

diesel locomotive тепловоз

electric locomotive электровоз

electrotrain электропоезд

hand car дрезина

local train пригородный поезд

locomotive локомотив

platform платформа

semaphore семафор

steam locomotive паровоз suburban

train электричка

switch стрелка

track рейсовый путь

tram трамвай

 train поезд

Водный транспорт


корабль ship  [ʃɪp]

пароход steamer steamboat steamship [‘sti:,mər] [‘sti:mbəʊt] [‘sti:mʃɪp]

паром ferry [‘feri]

лодка boat  [bəʊt]

теплоход motor ship [‘məʊtə® ʃɪp]

яхта yacht [jɒt]

судно vessel [‘vesəl]

anchor якорь



bay бухта

 buoy буй

cable цепь якорная

canvas паруса

compartment отсек

deck палуба

harbor гавань

hold трюм

jetty пристань

mast мачта

master капитан

moorage причал

overboat за борт

rostrum нос корабля

scull весло

seafaring мореплавание

shipping судоходство

skin-diver аквалангист

sluice шлюз

stern корма


Задание 4 . Вставьте пропущенные слова:

miss, cancel, leave, catch, delay, run


1. Can you tell me where I can ____ the number 8 bus, please? – Yes, the stop’s round the corner in front of the Town Hall.

2. Which platform does the train go from? – 18. Hurry up or we’ll ____ it. We’ve got two minutes.

3. Come on, let’s go. Our train ____ in five minutes.

4. Sorry. I’ll be a bit late for the meeting. My train’s been ____ by half an hour.

5. The buses are ____ late again. I’ve been waiting for nearly twenty minutes now,

6. We regret to announce that the 18.04 train to Bristol has been ____ .

Задание 5. Вставьте слова в пропуски:

stops, exit, line, tube, change


The quickest way from the airport to our office is by (1) ____ . Take the Piccadilly (2) ____ to Holborn and then (3) ____ to the Central Line. From there it’s three (4) ____ to Bank and our office is immediately opposite the (5) ____ to Bank station.


Задание 6. Переведите текст


On a daily basis we used to use various means of transport to get from one place to another one: trams, cars, buses, planes, underground and other transportation means.

In times gone by, people had to go from one city to another for weeks and even months to get to the destination place, because they used horses, boats or their own feet to travel. Nowadays everything is changed and men cross the country or waters in some hours.

The most rapid mean of transport is travelling by plane. Other people prefer car, train or bus, because they are cheaper and it is possible to enjoy passing villages, forests and fields through windows.

Life in a big city makes people be depended on transport, especially if they live in the countryside. Sometimes people have to change two or more transportation means (metro, suburban train, bus, share taxi, tramway, etc.) to get to a workplace or come back home after hard working day. The choice of the transport facilities depends on many factors: a financial ability, the distance between workplace and home place, time, comfort and other things. Most people prefer to get a car, because today it helps to be a little more independent from public transport.

Transportation involves all actions that cause physical movement of products in space, from the place of origin to the designated place of receipt at the right time, intact and after previously agreed price. There are several main types of transport used in modern economy.

Road transport

Road transport (trucking) is the most common form of transport used in most logistics operations. A well-developed network of roads allows freight carriers to reach virtually any point, which leads to the fact that transport services can be provided for the benefit of almost everyone. Due to the low capital barrier to entry to road carriers market, there is a very large number of companies providing this type service in this branch of transport.

Rail transport

Rail transport - this type of transport services are provided by a small number of large businesses (usually large portion of shares in this companies are held by the State). There is a large barrier to entry (high cost of investment in terminals, equipment and traction). The railway deals mainly with the movement of large quantities of (relatively cheap) goods over long distances (wood products, mining, agricultural products). The biggest disadvantage of rail transport is the low availability and long transit times of goods.

Water transport

Water transport - is one of the most important factors of economic development. Along large rivers it caused large cities to form over many years of economic history. By using this mode of transport low value and high content goods are transported over long distances. Also they can be easily reloaded by mechanical devices. One barge can carry about 1500 tons of cargo. Big advantages of water transport are low cost. One of the largest drawbacks are long time of carriage, as well as limited availability of space.

Air transport

In air transport the majority of income is generated from passenger transport, freight transport is still under development. The main advantage of this mode of transport compared to others is the short transportation time. The disadvantages include high cost and limited availability, which often forces companies to use of road transport services.

Pipeline transportation

Pipeline transportation - refers to the oil pipeline and not to gas pipelines. It is used most commonly to the movement of liquid petroleum products. Pipeline availability is limited, forcing the use of other means of transport (rail, road or water). Is very slow but is not disturbed by the weather conditions. It is characterized by low cost of transportation.

Comparison of passenger transport modes

Transport mode Advantages Disadvantages Summary
Aviation · The fastest way of transport on long routes, · High level of safety, despite a widespread sense, · All things considered, it is cheaper than other means on long routes · No infrastructure between airports is required (navigation stations are obsoleted by GPS systems) · High price, · Airports are away of focus points, which requires changing transport modes, · Long time of preparation (check-in, security, waiting), · Baggage handling extends time of travel, · Fear of customers of the travel by plane, · High requirements for personnel expertise · Very sensitive to weather conditions Number of passengers increases each year. However the cost of travel don't decrease due to new requirements regarding security. This limits effect of scale to only large airlines. Customers require high standards of services, which increases also costs of airports maintenance. The air transport has no competence in quick long range travelling.
Railway · Increasing average speed of modern trains · High comfort of modern trains · Average costs of train maintenance · Medium requirements for personnel expertise · Extensive net of rail tracks in most countries · Easy increase of train capacity · Lower impact on environment · Modern trains are only few percent of railway transport · Costs of rail tracks maintenance · Long time of travel (excerpt for modern trains) Modern trains become a competition to aviation on short and medium routes. They usually arrive to city centres and don't require extensive security procedures. Therefore, even that transport time is longer, the whole travel can be quicker. The trains are much less sensitive to weather conditions which increases reliability.


Дата добавления: 2020-11-15; просмотров: 148; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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