Задание 2. Письменная диалогическая речь.

Билет № _____

 Задание 1. Чтение с охватом содержания (тестовый контроль). Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 1–5 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated).                                        

The picture

Arthur started painting when he was 10. He loved painting so much that he decided to become an artist. Arthur studied painting seriously and mastered his technical skills to reach a professional standard.

At 25 he arranged his first exhibition. Art critics wrote nice reviews of the exhibition and most of his paintings were sold. Arthur was happy. He married Tina, the girl he had loved since his school days, and rented a room to build his workshop there.

Soon, to complete his education, Arthur went to Italy. He lived and painted there for almost half a year. When his money was spent, Arthur returned home. Time passed but Arthur’s other exhibitions were less successful than the first one. In fact Arthur painted much better than before his visit to Italy.

But the art critics said that his paintings were too academic and there was nothing new in them. Arthur worked hard to improve his style. Sometimes he managed to sell some of his paintings but soon the money ran out and he felt very unhappy.

One morning Arthur came to his workshop earlier than usual. He tried to finish one of his pictures but he felt that he wasn’t able to work. Arthur got angry and threw down his brush.

A bright orange spot appeared on the board which lay below to protect the floor. The board was covered with green, blue and yellow paint from previous work. It was a real mixture of bright colours.

Arthur ran out of the workshop. An hour later, Tina came to the workshop to clean it. She picked up the board and put it against the wall to clean the floor. At that moment, Mr Harrison, the owner of an art gallery, came in. Two days before Arthur had invited him to come and look at the pictures. Arthur went around the workshop looking at the pictures. There was a blank and bored expression on his face. He sighed, “Nothing interesting”. Suddenly the board against the wall attracted his attention. He went closer.

“Tina, my dear,” he said. “What an interesting picture! Is it Arthur’s new work? Why is he keeping it from us?”

Tina kept silent, she didn’t know what to answer. Mr Harrison continued admiring the picture with an orange spot. “I’m happy that he has changed his style. This really is something special. I’ll ring Arthur this evening. Tell him that I’m ready to buy this picture myself. And any other pictures in this style.” Then he left the workshop.

When Arthur came back, Tina told him about Mr Harrison’s visit. She was very nervous and Arthur couldn’t understand her at first. Tina repeated the story and Arthur started to laugh. Then he asked, “Why didn’t you explain the whole thing about the board to Mr Harrison?”

“I don’t know,” answered Tina. “I knew that I should. But at first I thought he was playing jokes. Then I was afraid to look silly. I just said I didn’t think you would sell it.”

“I see,” said Arthur. “But what shall we do now?”



1) Arthur’s first exhibition was a success


o 1)True o 2)False o 3)Not stated


2) Tina, Arthur’s wife, was an artist too.                             


o 1)True o 2)False o 3)Not stated


3) When Arthur returned from Italy, his pictures started to sell better.


o 1)True o 2)False o 3)Not stated


4) One day, by accident Arthur put a bright orange spot on his best picture.


o 1)True o 2)False o 3)Not stated


5) When Mr. Harrison came into the workshop, Arthur was out.


o 1)True o 2)Falseo 3)Not stated


Задание 2. Письменная диалогическая речь. Составьте письменно 3 вопроса к тексту


                                             Билет № __________

Задание 1. Чтение с охватом содержания (тестовый контроль). Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 1–5 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated).


A Desperate Adventure

Captain Cowgill had always wanted to arrange a hot-air balloon expedition. One day, he placed an announcement in all the morning papers. He wrote that he needed three people who wanted to take a risky adventure. Ten people came to his office and Captain Cowgill selected three of them: two men and a young lady.

The first volunteer was Mr. Crutter, a well-dressed man of about sixty. He looked depressed and unhappy. The second one was a doctor, Dr. Hagan, a sad thin gentleman. The third adventurer, Miss Dermott, looked slim and miserable. They were ready to fly in the balloon in spite of the risks. Though Captain Cowgill hoped for success, there was a great chance that the participants wouldn’t come back. The next day, the balloon was ready for the journey. They had some food and the gas equipment. It was supposed that the travellers would fly during the day and then land for the night. Right before the take-off, a young man ran up to Captain Cowgill and begged to let him join the expedition. Captain Cowgill listened to his arguments and let the young man, Mr. Winden, fly too.

With the last farewell to Captain Cowgill, the balloon went sailing towards the clouds. At first the travellers said nothing. An hour later they found the journey exciting. Two hours later they revealed their reasons for coming on the dangerous flight.

Mr. Crutter said that he had been cheated by his partners and had lost a large part of his business. Though he had enough money left, he felt extremely depressed. Dr. Hagan told the travellers that he had lost his job in a hospital. He felt lonely and unwanted. Miss Dermott said that she suffered from a serious disease and had no money for treatment. Mr. Winden had just split up with his girlfriend and was ready to die.

In the evening, the travellers decided to take a rest. They landed in a deserted place and tied the balloon to a tree. After supper they continued talking about their unhappy fates. Suddenly, Mr. Crutter offered to share his money with his new friends. Dr. Hagan smiled and looked at Miss Dermont. “I think I can cure you, Miss Dermott,” he said. “I have already had patients with the same diagnosis.” Miss Diamont smiled. But it wasn’t the last surprise.   Mr. Winden proposed to Miss Diamont saying that he had fallen in love at first sight. She shyly promised to think it over. The talk raised their spirits and, in the morning, everybody decided to go back home. Now when all their problems were happily solved, they didn’t want to go anywhere. Suddenly Miss Dermott cried out pointing to a distant object in the sky. It was their balloon that had broken loose while they were having breakfast. Nobody felt upset! The group decided to walk to the nearest railway station. Mr. Crutter bought tickets for his new friends and they sent Captain Cowgill a telegram. It said that the balloon had flown away accidentally, their expedition had failed and they would arrive in town the next day.



1)Captain Cowgill tried to find the participants for his project using an advert.

1)True 2)False 3)Not stated


2)Captain Cowgill couldn’t take part in the expedition for health reasons.

o 1)Trueo 2)False 3)Not stated


3)After the first day of the flight, the travellers decided to stop the expedition.

o 1)True o 2)False 3)Not stated

4)During the flight, the travellers kept their reasons for going on the expedition in



o 1)True 2)False 3)Not stated


5)The balloon took off with four travellers on board.

o 1)True 2)False 3)Not stated


Задание 2. Письменная диалогическая речь. Составьте письменно 3 вопроса к тексту задания № 1.

                                                   Билет № _________

Задание 1. Чтение с охватом содержания (тестовый контроль). Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 1–5 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated).


Fast Food


When people all over the world are looking for a quick, easy meal, fast food is the most common choice. With good service, low prices and a relaxed atmosphere, fast food looks like the ideal choice. In fact, over 25 percent of Europeans eat fast food every day. Fries and hamburgers are sold everywhere: in big cities, small towns, shopping malls, airports, bus stations, schools, and even hospitals! There are 31,000 McDonald's worldwide.

However, fast food companies make clients eat more. They offer over-sized burgers, extra-large French fries, and big portions of Coke. What's more, these "large versions" are usually cheaper. The products have lots of calories, sugar and fat. A typical hamburger at a fast food restaurant weighs 170 grams. In 1957, it was just 50 grams. According to scientists, your fast food meal is like three ordinary meals. Fast food doesn't spoil. This is because it has lots of “special” ingredients. There's a video on YouTube that illustrates this. It is based on a true story. In 1991, an engineer from the USA, Tom Scarvell, met with friends for New Year's Eve. They stopped at McDonald's on the way home. He bought some cheeseburgers, ate one and put the other in his coat pocket. Then he forgot about it. A year later, he took the coat out of the wardrobe, put it on and discovered the cheeseburger in his pocket from New Year's Eve. It looked exactly the same. He was absolutely shocked. He told his friends and family but nobody believed him. So he decided to start a "burger museum" to show everyone that these cheeseburgers and hamburgers don’t decompose. He started collecting burgers, one every year. He kept them on bookshelves in his living room in the open air. These burgers looked exactly the same, the bun, the meat, the cheese, the special sauce, the cucumber, even the lettuce. They all kept their shape and colour for over five years!

It is surprising that although most people don't think that fast food is the best choice they can't stop going to fast food restaurants, like McDonald’s. The chain has healthy dishes on the menu, such as fruit and vegetables. Why not order them? But you don’t go to McDonald’s for a green salad or a yoghurt! The unhealthy hamburgers, French fries and milkshakes are more common and attractive and to many people they are tastier than low calorie dishes. There is no problem with eating fast food from time to time. If you really are dreaming about a hamburger, go and get it. But if you're having a stressful day, remember that lunch in a fast food restaurant is not a good choice. Doctors strongly recommend avoiding all fast food and takeaways these days. You can occasionally allow yourself a fast food meal. However, if you are eating it more than once a week, think of giving up. Fast food should play a small role in your life. If you don't have a way out, have a fast food meal in one of McDonald’s restaurants but choose the healthier dishes. You should be aware of what you eat and try to develop healthy eating habits.


1) The “burger” museum showed hamburger making equipment.

o 1)True o 2)False o 3)Not stated

2)Fast food dishes can help when you feel stressed out.

o 1)True o 2)False o 3)Not stated

3)It’s possible to find some healthy food in McDonald’s.

o 1)True o 2)False o 3)Not stated

4)McDonald’s is cheaper than other fast food restaurants.

o 1)True o 2)False o 3)Not stated

5)Burgers look the same for a long time.

o 1)True o 2)False o 3)Not stated


Задание 2. Письменная диалогическая речь.

                                                    Билет № ___________

Дата добавления: 2020-04-25; просмотров: 1056; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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