Министерство Российской Федерации

По делам гражданской обороны, чрезвычайным ситуациям

И ликвидации последствий стихийных бедствий


Академия гражданской защиты





Для студентов I курса



Химки – 2014

Министерство Российской Федерации

По делам гражданской обороны, чрезвычайным ситуациям

И ликвидации последствий стихийных бедствий


Академия гражданской защиты

Кафедра иностранных языков

Субботина И.И.





Для студентов I курса


Химки – 2014

УДК 802.0 (075)

ББК 81.2 Англ-923



Автор: И.И. Субботина



     Учебное пособие по английскому языку.– Химки: АГЗ МЧС России, 34 с.



     Данное учебное пособие предназначено для студентов 1 курса.

Пособие содержит тексты профессионально-ориентированной направленности. К каждому тексту предлагаются активный лексический минимум и коммуникативные задания. В конце пособия даны вопросы по каждой теме для самоконтроля усвоения речевого материала.

Цель учебного пособия – развитие навыков изучающего чтения специальной аутентичной литературы и умений устного профессионального общения на английском языке.



Компьютерный набор: Литвина Т.П.




© Академия гражданской защиты МЧС России, 2014



Active Vocabulary to Text A

family                                –  семья

wife                                    –  жена

parents                               –  родители

graduate                             –  выпускник

speciality                           –  специальность

to be born                          –  родиться

to be … years old             –  быть … лет

to be married                     –  быть женатым / замужем

to be interested in             –  интересоваться

to be retired                –  быть на пенсии



Text A


About Myself

My name is Victor Pavlov. I am from Russia. I was born in Moscow.   I am eighteen years old. I am not married.

I have a family. My family is not large. I have parents and a sister.  My parents were born in Moscow. My mother’s name is Olga. She is thirty-nine years old. She is a graduate of Moscow University. My mother is a very good expert in English. She is an English teacher by speciality.

My father’s name is Nick. He is a graduate of a military school.    My sister’s name is Ann. She is not a schoolgirl. She is only five years old. She will be a schoolgirl in two years.

I am a student. I am good at English. I am also interested in computers.

I have grandparents. My grandfather is an engineer. He is retired now. My grandmother is a doctor at a hospital.

I have a cousin. My cousin is twenty-one years old. His name is Alex. Alex is a student of an Institute. He will be an engineer. Alex is married. His wife’s name is Irene. She is nineteen. Irene is a student too. She will be an economist in three years.


Questions to Text A

1. Who are you?

2. What are you?

3. Where are you from?

4. How old are you?

5. Are you married?

6. How large is your family?

7. What’s your mother’s name?

8. How old is your sister?

9. Your cousin is not married, is he?

10. What are your parents?


* * * *

Text B

About my Friend

I have a special friend. His name is Ivan. Ivan is an officer. He was born in Minsk. Ivan is not of my age. He is twenty-eight years old. My friend is married and has a family. His family is not large but it is very united.

My friend’s wife is a beautiful woman aged twenty-three. Her name is Kate. Kate has a higher education. She is a University graduate. She is a programmer by speciality. Kate is a highly-qualified and experienced specialist. Besides, she is deeply interested in foreign languages. She is especially good at English.

 Ivan and Kate have a daughter. They have no sons. Their daughter is only one year old. Her name is Dasha. 

Ivan has a sister and a brother. Ivan’s sister is a German teacher at a medical college. Her name is Nina. Nina is married. Her husband is not military. He is civilian. His job is a manager. My friend’s brother is a cadet of the Military Engineering Institute. His name is Oleg. Oleg is a first-year cadet at the faculty of civil defence. He is on top of the list in chemistry. Besides, Oleg is keen on sports. He is a member of the volley-ball team. Oleg is not married. He is single.

Ivan has parents. They are in their fifties. Ivan’s parents are engineers.


Active Vocabulary to Text B

officer                           –  офицер

specialist                     –  специалист

faculty                         –  факультет

first-year student         –  первокурсник

civil defence                –  гражданская оборона

military                         –  военный

civilian                         –  гражданский (штатский)

highly-qualified           –  высококвалифицированный

experienced                  –  опытный

besides                          –  кроме того


Questions to Text B

1. What’s your friend’s name?

2. What’s your friend by profession?

3. Where was your friend born?

4. Is your friend of your age?

5. Your friend is married, isn’t he?

6. How large is your friend’s family?

7. How old is your friend’s wife?

8. What’s your friend’s wife by profession?

9. Is your friend’s daughter a schoolgirl?

10. What are your friend’s parents, brother and sister by profession?




Active Vocabulary to Text A


activity                         – деятельность

duty                                   –  обязанность

higher education          –  высшее образование

entrance examination   –  вступительный экзамен

emergency situation    –  чрезвычайная ситуация

to consist of                 –  состоять из

to study                             –  учиться

to train                               –  готовить, обучать

to be responsible for    –  быть ответственным

both … and …        –  как … так и …



Text A

Our Faculty

We study at the Civil Defence Academy. Our Academy is large.         It trains both military and civilian students. The Academy has many faculties. One of them is ours. It is a faculty for students. The faculty trains specialists for the Emergency Situations Ministry.

We are first-year students. Our study group consists of fifteen students. We came from different towns and cities of our country. In summer we passed our entrance examinations and became the students of the Academy. We study with a great interest. Our main duty is to study well in order to have a higher military education. We do not miss lessons and take notes of all lectures. In winter we’ll take our first tests and examinations. The best of us will get special grants.

The dean of our faculty is a highly-qualified and experienced specialist. Our dean controls the activity of our faculty. Besides, the dean  is responsible for our studies and discipline.


Questions to Text A


1. Where do you study?

2.  When did you enter the Academy?

3. Whom does your faculty train?

4. Is your faculty dean a highly-qualified specialist?

5. Are you a first-year cadet?

6. How many students does your study group consist of?

7. Where are the students of your study group from?

8. Do you study with a great interest?

9. When will you take your first examinations?

10. What’s your main duty?

* * * *

Text B

The Civil Defence Academy

The Civil Defence Academy is the youngest academy in our country. It is situated not far from Moscow. The date of its foundation is December 9, 1992. The main mission of the Civil Defence Academy is to train specialists for the Emergency Situations Ministry.

The Academy commandant is a colonel-general. He controls the activity of the Civil Defence Academy. Besides, he is responsible for international cooperation of the Academy with the civil defenсe organizations of the other countries.

The Civil Defence Academy is a unique one. It trains both officers and cadets as well as civilian students and international students. In 1998 the Civil Defence Academy opened its doors to the international military students.

 One can enter the Academy by entrance examinations. The students of the Academy study eleven months a year and have a month’s leave.     In addition, the students spend much time on their self-study without assistance. Their duty is to do all their best to graduate from the Academy successfully and get a higher vocational education.

The Academy has about thirty chairs where competitive specialists work as professors and instructors. Most of them have over twenty-five year’s experience in teaching. They deliver lectures on different sciences and conduct practice classes. Every chair teaches its own subjects.

An Academy’s educational base consists of several buildings with lecture halls, specialized studies, and computerized laboratories.            The officers, cadets, and students have their classes, lectures and self-preparation work there. There is a specialized foreign language laboratory where students improve their language skills and habits. There is also a modern sports complex where officers, cadets, and students do their sports.

The Civil Defence Academy is young but its perspectives are great. The Academy faces its future with confidence and hope for the best.

Active Vocabulary to Text B

           foundation                        –  основание

mission                              –  задача

chair                                   –  кафедра

laboratory                         –  лаборатория

subject                               –  предмет

to teach                              –  обучать

to deliver a lecture            –  читать лекцию

to be situated                    –  находиться

far                                      –  далеко

as well as                           –  а также



Questions to Text B


1. What’s the date of the Civil Defence Academy’s foundation?

2. Where is the Civil Defence Academy situated?

3. What’s the mission of the Civil Defence Academy?

4. Whom does the Civil Defence Academy train?

5. Does the Civil Defence Academy train international students?

6. What  does  the  educational  base of  the  Civil  Defence  Academy consist of?

7. Is  there  a  specialized foreign language  laboratory in  the  Civil Defence Academy?

8. How many chairs are there in the Civil Defence Academy?

9. What subjects do the chairs teach?

10. What’s the main duty of a student?


Active Vocabulary to Text A

foreign language               –  иностранный язык

skill                                    –  умение

practice                              –  практика

classes                                –  занятия

to improve                        –  совершенствовать

     to learn                              –  изучать

to carry out                       –  выполнять

to graduate from               –  оканчивать (учебное заведение)

different                            –  различный

hard                                   –  упорно


Text A


At  the  English  Lesson

We are first-year students of  the Civil Defence Academy  which     is situated not far from Moscow. We study at the faculty for students.    The year of its foundation is 2012. The mission of the faculty is to train specialists for the Emergency Situations Ministry

 We learn many different subjects. Experienced professors deliver lectures on mathematics, physics, chemistry as well as on history, philosophy, etc. Instructors of the chair of foreign languages teach us English or German.

     Our study group consists of fifteen students. We study English.   We have English lessons every week. At our English lessons we usually read, write and speak English. Our instructor gives us a lot of language practice. If we make mistakes, the instructor corrects us. After classes we improve our English language skills at the language laboratory.

      We are in the language laboratory now. We are having an English lesson. Student Smirnov is writing an English sentence on the whiteboard. Student Titov is answering the instructor's questions. We are listening to him. Some students are reading texts, others are consulting dictionaries. We are working hard at the lesson.

      We always work at English much and with a great interest.          We want to speak English well because it is an international language. After we graduate from the Academy English will help us carry out our professional missions.


Questions to Text A

1. What faculty do you study at?

2. What’s the main mission of your faculty?

3. What subjects do you learn?

4. Do you study foreign languages?

5. What foreign language do you study?

6. How often do you have your English lessons?

7. What do you usually do at the English lesson?

8. What are you doing now?

9. Are you working hard at English?

10. Why do you learn English?


* * * *

Text B

Дата добавления: 2020-04-25; просмотров: 300; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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