Тема № 5 Electronics work tools .

Министерство образования Республики Башкортостан

ГАПОУ Уфимский топливно-энергетический колледж

ОДОБРЕНО:                                                         УТВЕРЖДАЮ:

МЦК Иностранных языков                                               Зам. директора по УР

Протокол №1                                                                 _________ Дымова Г.Р.                                    

от 30 августа 2019 г.                                                     30 августа 2019г.

Председатель МЦК

________ Кузнецова О.А.                                         

Контрольная работа №3

по дисциплине

Иностранный язык

для обучающихся 3 курса

Специальность: 13.02.03 Электрические станции, сети и системы


Уфа 2019

Контрольная работа разработана для обучающихся заочной формы обучения.

Организация-разработчик: ГАПОУ Уфимский топливно-энергетический колледж



Гильмиярова Г.В., преподаватель ГАПОУ Уфимский топливно-энергетический колледж


Обсуждена на заседании МЦК «Иностранный язык»,

Протокол № 1 от « 30 » августа 2019 года



Тема №1 Ohm ' sLaw . Закон Ома.

1.  Переведите слова письменно с английского на русский.




to suppose




to equal

to be equal to





2. Ознакомьтесь с решением задачи с использованием формул закона Ома.


Ohm's Law

     Resistance equals voltage divided bу current.


      Current equals voltage divided bу resistance.


V = IR  Voltage equals current times resistance.


Problem :


I=1 аmр

V=1 volt



Suppose that resistance equals one volt and сurrеnt equals one ampere. How much is the resistance?


   Resistance equals voltage divided bу current. Resistance equals 1 volt divided by 1 ampere , equals 1 ohm.


3. Решитезадачи, используяформулыОма. Смотрите на пример выше.


1) R= 80 ohms

V = 55 V



2) I = 10,500 аmp

V = 2,000 v



3) R = 10.25 ohms

I = 35 аmp



Тема № 2 Series Circuit and Parallel Circuit.

Последовательная и параллельная схемы.


1. Прочитайте текст со словарем.

2. Начертите 2 схемы согласно инструкции в данном тексте (воспользуйтесь таблицей элементов схемы в учебнике АгабекянИ.П.Английский язык для студентов энергетических специальностей. - Р/Д: Феникс, 2013.-стр.63-65)


Series Circuit and Parallel Circuit.


Соmpare circuits а and b. Circuit а consists of а voltage source and two resistors. Тhе resistors are connected in series. Circuit а is а series circuit. Circuit b consists of а voltage source and two resistors. Тhе resistors are connected in parallel. Circuit b is а parallel circuit. А parallel circuit has the main line and parallel branches. In circuit b the value of voltage in R1 equals the value of voltage in R2. Тhе value of voltage is the same in аll the elements of а parallel circuit while the value of сurrent is different. А parallel circuit is used in order to have the same value of voltage. In circuit а the value of сurrent in R1 equals the value of current in R2 . Тhе value of сurrent is the same in аll the elements of а series circuit while the value of voltage is different. А series circuit is used in order to have the samе value of сurrent. In R1, V1=IR1 is the voltage drop in R1. In R2 the voltage equals IxR2 ; IR2 is the voltage drop in R2 . In circuit с а trouble in оnе element results in nосurrent in the whole circuit. In circuit d а trouble in оnе branch results in nосurrent in that branch only, а trouble in the main line results in nо current in the whole circuit.


Тема № 3 Measuring devices.

 Измерительные приборы.


1. Выполните письменный перевод профессионально-ориентированного текста.

2. Выполните упражнение после текста.


Measuring devices.

Ammeters and Voltmeters. Ammeters measure the current flow- and normally have scales, which are graduated in amperes, milliamperes or microamperes.

Voltmeters are used to measure the potential difference be­tween two points in a circuit. The calibration of voltmeters is usually in volts, millivolts, or microvolts.

The main difference between the two instruments of the same type or design is in the resistance of the operating coil; identical mov­ing units may be used for either meter. An ammeter is connected in the positive or negative lead in series with a circuit and, therefore, must have a low resistance coil; otherwise the readings would be in­correct, as the coil would absorb an appreciable amount of power.

A voltmeter is connected in parallel across the points of a circuit where the difference of potential is to be measured. The resistance of the operating coil must, in this instance, be as high as possible, to limit the amount of current consumed by it, or else a drop in potential due to the meter would occur and the pointer indication would not represent the true potential difference across the circuit.

Wattmeters. The measurement of the power in a D. C. circuit at any instant can be achieved by means of an ammeter and voltmeter, as the power in watts is the product of the current and the voltage. With A. C. circuits, however, the instantaneous values are always changing. To measure A. C. power correctly, therefore, it is necessary to use the third instrument to measure the phase difference. The nor­mal practice, however, is to combine these three instruments in one which will give a direct reading of power in watts.

The most commonly used apparatus for measuring insulation re­sistance is the megohmmeteror “megger”. The device is easy to han­dle. It consists of a hand-driven generator in a permanent magnet frame, which causes a moving coil to register the insulation resistance in ohms or megohms, the amount of which is indicated by a pointer.

The “megger” is also used for continuity, ground, and shot-circuit testing in general electrical power work.

Найдите следующие эквиваленты в тексте.

1. измеряют силу тока

2. измеряется в амперах

3. используются для измерения

4. разница потенциалов

5. сопротивление катушки



Тема № 4 Mechanical instruments.

Механические инструменты .


1. Выполните письменный перевод профессионально-ориентированного текста.

2. Выполните упражнения после текста.


Mechanical tools .


Both in maintenance and in repair of machines all kinds of fitting operations are applied. An important role is played by disassembling and assembling operations. Special instruments are used for performing these operations.

Among the variety of mechanical tools used for disassembling and assembling machine parts and in their repairing are wrenches. According to their construction and application wrenches may be of different types:


a) single-ended wrench

b) double-ended wrench

c) adjustable wrench

d) socket wrench

 A nut wrench is used for screwing and unscrewing nuts. It consists of a handle and a head with an opening known as the span.

Adjustable wrenches may be used for unscrewing nuts and bolts of different dimensions.

Socket wrenches are applied in cases when nuts or bolt heads located in recesses are hardly accessible for a nut wrench.

Special wrenches are used for unscrewing and screwing nuts of a definite type.

Wrenches are used: by drivers for repairing cars, in lock­smith's shops and fitter's shops. Fitters use them to screw different types of machine parts as: washers, bolts, shafts, etc. Plumbers use them to repair pipes, taps, etc. Besides different types of wrenches there are round pliers or needle, nose pliers which are widely used by locksmiths, electri­cians and other specialists for gripping, screwing or cutting off thin metal and wires.


1. Подберите антонимы к следующим словам:

disassembling, to screw, difficult, single-ended, accessi­ble


2. Подберите синонимы к следующим словам:

to locate, to grip, widely, different, dimensions


Тема № 5 Electronics work tools .

Дата добавления: 2020-01-07; просмотров: 149; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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