Дополнительные материалы к занятию « Telephoning »

Образцы телефонных разговоров

Прочтите и переведите следующие образцы телефонных разговоров.

1. Sergei and Marina Rudins en route to New York are staying for a couple of days in London. Sergei rings up his friend Charles Maxwell.

Sergei: Hello, Charles. This is Sergei Rudin.

Charles: Hello, Sergei. Where are you old boy?

Sergei: Here in London.

Charles: Good. Welcome to London.

Sergei: Marina and I we are looking forward to seeing you.

Charles: How long are you planning to stay in London?

Sergei: Only for two days.

Charles: We haven`t got much time, I`m afraid. Tomorrow we’ll begin with a lunch at our place. Then I’ll take you to see the Buckingham Palace. Sunday morning I`ll take you to the Tower of London which for centuries has served the three purposes – of a fortress, a palace and a prison.

Sergei: Charles, could you show us the Houses of Parliament?

Charles: Of course.

Sergei: Fine. I think that will do for the day. You will be very tired.

Charles: No, one more visit and that is the British Museum.

Sergei: It`s very kind of you, Charles.

Charles: See you tomorrow at 10 o`clock. Bye now.

Sergei: Bye.

2. Mr. Black:  May I speak to Mr. Gibson?

Man:           I`m afraid you`ve got the wrong number.

                           This is a private residence.

Mr. Black:  I`m sorry to have bothered you.

Man:           That`s quite all right.

Mr. Black:

(a little later)   Is it three-five – zero; eight-double seven-nine?

Young Woman: Yes. Good evening. Who is calling, please?

Mr. Black:  It is Mr. Black. Can I speak to Mr. Gibson, please?

Y.w.:             Sorry. He is not in yet. I`m afraid he won`t be back till late in the evening. Is there any message?

Mr. Black:    Oh, it`s Paul Black calling. Tell him I`ll call him back later. I`d like to discuss something important with him.

Y.w.:             I`m Mr. Gibson`s daughter – Jane. Will you repeat your name, please? And would you mind speaking up, your voice is so faint.

Mr. Black:  Fine. My name is B-l-a-c-k.

J.:                  Thank you, sir. I`ll tell him you called as soon as he comes.

Mr. Black:   Yes, please, I`ll be waiting for his call. Thank you. Bye.

J.:               Good-bye.





Никифорова Наталья Николаевна

Яценко Мария Вадимовна

Комиссаров Анатолий Борисович






Вводный курс


Учебное пособие


Ответственный редактор

А. Б. Комиссаров

Редактор И. И. Щенсняк

Компьютерная верстка Е. А. Головинской


План 2013 г., п. 184


Подписано к печати 18.06.2013

Объем 3,25 усл.-печ. л. Тираж 185 экз. Зак. 296


РИЦ СПбГУТ. 191186 СПб., наб. р. Мойки, 61

Отпечатано в СПбГУТ



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