(взять слово). Не spoke about the subjects we were to study and various departments of the faculty. He expressed hope that we should attend all the lectures, tutorials and seminars. Each year we must present a course paper to our scientific adviser (guide) and make reports in class on historical themes. At the end of each term we will take several examinations and credit-tests. In June, for instance, I will read for my exams in archaeology, ancient history, Latin, Russian history (the period of feudalism) and English.

As regards (что касается) English they will teach us not only to read and translate historical documents and literature but to speak English as well. Our English teacher says we must work at the language very hard.

After the inside tour of the college (осмотрев помещения колледжа) which we made, following the meeting, my friends and I went to the hostel. I am sure I’ll enjoy my studies (получу удовольствие, занимаясь) at the college.

Answer the questions on the text:

1. What was the author’s last exam? How did he pass it?

2. What college was he admitted to?

3. Did the author want to study sciences or history at school?

4. Did he like his first day at the college? Why?

5. What must every student do to pass the exams and credits?

6. What did the author do after the inside tour of the college?


Ex. 1. Match the expressions in the left column with their Russian equivalents in the right column:


It’s nice to see you.

(I am) glad to meet you. How are you? причина Молодец!

Не стыдно? Так тебе и надо! to be well by the way вообще откровенно говоря Не может быть! (Что вы говорите!) Мне очень повезло. выдержать экзамен Неудивительно. товарищ по группе товарищ по комнате

Интересно (знать), почему.

I wonder why. между прочим a roommate быть здоровым, хорошо себя a classmate чувствовать

No wonder.                                  Как поживаете?

Good for him! Рад тебя (вас) видеть. to get through one’s exam Привет!

I was most fortunate For shame!

It serves you right. reason to be frank with you in general You don’t say so!

Dialogue 1

Ex. 2. Read the following dialogue and say between whom the conversation is taking place:

– Hallo, Bob! Glad to meet you?

– Hallo, Pete. It’s nice to see you. How are you?

– Thank you. Fine. Hope you are well too. By the way, I saw Vic-tor, your roommate, this morning. He looks very happy. I wonder why.

– No wonder. He did well in his exams.

– Good for him! And what about you? Did you get through?

– No, I was most unfortunate. I failed in history.

– Failed? You don’t say so. What’s the reason?

– To be frank with you, I missed lectures rather often and some-times didn’t attend seminars. In general I didn’t work hard enough.

– For shame! It serves you right. It’ll be a good lesson for you.

Ex. 3. Fill in the gaps and translate the expressions in brackets:

– Hallo, Mike! ... to meet you

– It’s nice to ... you, too. How ... you?

– Thank you. Fine. Hope you are ... too. By ... ..., I saw your (товарищапо комнате) the other day. He looks very happy. I wonder why.

– ... wonder. He did well ... his exams.

– Good ... him! And what about you? Did you get ...?

– No, I ... in maths.

– You don’t say so! What’s the ...?

– To be ... with you, I ... lectures rather often and didn’t ... semi-nars. ... general I didn’t work hard enough.

– ... shame! It ... you right. It’ll be a good lesson for you.

Ex. 4. Match the expressions in the left column with their Russian equivalents in the right column:

normally (generally) перекусить a hot dish хотеть пить, испытывать жажду juice    брать что-л. на (завтрак) to be hungry       обычно

to be thirsty                                горячее блюдо

to have a bite                           хотеть есть, испытывать голод

to take something for (breakfast) сок

Dialogue 2

Ex. 5. Read the dialogue and say where thе conversation is taking place:

– Where do you usually go for lunch?

– Normally I have it here in the café.

– What does your lunch generally consist of?

– As a rule I take a hot dish and some juice or coffee, sometimes acup of tea and sandwiches. But why are you asking me these eating questions? Are you hungry already?

– To be frank with you, I am.

– Well, let’s go and have a bite then.

Ex. 6. Make up sentences according to the patterns, using the words listed below and ask questions to your partner:

1. Do you have breakfast at home or in the cafeteria?

2. Where do you usually have breakfast?

3. At what time (when) do you generally have breakfast?

4. What do you have for breakfast?

Lunch, dinner, supper, tea, your meals, coffee, milk, juice, bread and butter, fish, meat, fruit.

Report what you’ve learned about your partner to your groupmates. Don’t forget about adding-s(es) in the third person singular Present Simple.

Ex. 7. Put the phrases of the dialogue in the right order:

– As a rule, I drop in a café to have a bite. I usually take a sandwichand a cup of tea. And what do you prefer to have for lunch?

– O.K. Sounds great.

– By the way, it’s pretty hot in here. I’m getting thirsty.

– Where do you normally have lunch?

– Well, let’s go to the canteen and have something to drink, then,shall we?

– My lunch generally consists of a hot dish (fish or meat and friedpotatoes, for example), or if I’m thirsty I just take some juice, that’s all.

– In general if I’m hungry I go to the university canteen. And whatabout you?

Ex. 8. Using the prompts make up dialogues of your own and act them out in class:

1) former schoolmates meet after their first day at the university;

2) two groupmates talk to each other on the eve of the examinationperiod;

3) two groupmates are discussing their English classes;

4) some students are having a talk in the canteen;

5) some groupmates are admiring their college life;6) some students are complaining about their university life.

The words you may need:

1) exciting, to gather, Assembly Hall, the Rector, the Dean, to address the freshmen, to congratulate us on the beginning of the academic year, to wish success, to make an inside tour, to have a look at, in the evening, a grand party;

2) at the end of each term, to take credit-tests and examinations,the history of Belarus, the Introduction into Sociology, to read (prepare, sit) for the exams, to pass, successfully, to get good and excellent marks;

3) as regards English, to work at the language very hard, to want toknow the language, the reading-room, to do English lessons, to read and translate the text, to learn the new words, to study grammar, to learn dialogues by heart, to do various exercises, every evening;

4) to have meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper) at home or inthe canteen, what time, to take something for (lunch);

5) Dean, to lecture in, a credit-test, exams, to celebrate Students’

Day, a grand party, a lecture room;

6) too much homework, to make notes of, sources and literature.

Text 4

College Life

Ex. 1. Before reading the text look up the following words in the dictionary:

A full-time student a monitor an applicant
A part-time student a student membership a high academic
  card degree
Entrance exams a student record book a rector, a vice-rector
A professor a student library card a dean, a subdean

Ex. 2. Guess the meanings of the following words:

Junior – having a low rank in an organisation or profession: a junior student.

Senior – having a higher position or rank: a senior lecturer, a senior student.

Associate professor – a professor at an American university whose job is above the level of assistant professor and below the level of full professor.

Assistant professor – the lowest rank of professor at an American university.

Timetable – a list of the times of classes in a school, college, etc.

Curriculum – the subjects that are taught by a school, college etc, or the things that are studied in a particular subject

To play truant – to stay away from classes without permission.

To cheat – to behave in an dishonest way, especially in an examination.

A crib – a book giving a translation or answers to questions, often used dishonestly by students.

To cram – to prepare yourself for an examination by learning a lot of information very quickly.

A postgraduate – someone who is studying after graduating from the university.

An undergraduate – a student.

To graduate with honours – to finish the university at a level that is higher than the most basic level.

Graduation dissertation – a long research work that you do to graduate from the higher educational establishment.

Finals – the exams that students are supposed to take at the end of their studies.

Note that postgraduates often study for: an MA (Master of Arts), (I’m doing a Masters in English) or an MSc (Master of Science) (She did a Masters in biology) or a PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) (He’s got a PhD in computer science).

Ex. 3. Choose the right word:

1. (Full-time, part-time) students have their classes two months a year. 2. (An applicant, an undergraduate) is a person who is taking his or her entrance exams. 3. (A postgraduate, an undergraduate) is someone who is studying for their high academic degree. 4. (A monitor, a tutor) usually hands out student membership cards. 5. To be admitted to the library you need a (a student record book, a library card). 6. Freshmen are (junior, senior) students. 7. If you missed the lecture, it means that you (attended it, played truant). 8. If a person has only excellent marks in his or her record book, it means that he or she is going to (be expelled, graduate with honours). 9. If you cram while reading up for an exam, it means that you (learn everything thoroughly, make cribs).

Ex. 4. Study the following example of the appropriate translation of sentences with the pronoun one in the function of the subject:

One never knows what his answer may be. – Никогда не знаешь, что он ответит.

One should be careful when crossing the street. – Следует быть осторожным при переходе через улицу.

Suggest your own variant of translation of the following sentences:

One must always keep one’s word.

One must never cross the street when the traffic lights are red.

Read the text and say what subject the author has chosen to major in.

The merry-go-round of college life is something that one never forgets. It’s a fascinating, fantastic, fabulous experience, irrespective of the fact whether one is a full-time or a part-time student.

Who can forget the first day at the university when one turns from an applicant who has passed entrance exams into a first-year student? I did it! I entered, I got in to the university! A solemn ceremony in front of the university building and serious people making speeches. Hey, lad, do you happen to know who they are? Who? The rector, vice-rectors, deans, subdeans... and what about those ladies? Heads of departments and senior lecturers? Okay. Some of them must be professors, some – associate or assistant professors, but, of course, all of them have high academic degrees. And where are our lecturers and tutors? Oh, how nice...

The monitors hand out student membership cards, student record books and library cards – one feels like a real person. First celebrations and then days of hard work. So many classes, so many new subjects to put on the timetable! The curriculum seems to be developed especially for geniuses. Lectures, seminars and tutorials. Home preparations; a real avalanche of homework!

If one can not cope with the work load of college he or she immediately starts lagging behind. It is easier to keep pace with the programme than to catch up with it later. Everyone tries hard to be, or at least to look, diligent. First tests and examination sessions. The first successes and first failures. “I have passed!” or “He has not given me a pass!” Tears and smiles. And a long-awaited vacation.

The merry-go-round runs faster. Assignments, written reproductions, compositions, synopses, papers. Translations checked up and marked. “Professor, 1 have never played truant, I had a good excuse for missing classes.” Works handed in and handed out. Reading up for exams. “No, professor, I have never cheated – no cribs. I just crammed.”

Junior students become senior. Still all of them are one family – undergraduates. Students’ parties in the students’ club. Meeting people and parting with people. You know, Nora is going to be expelled and Dora is going to graduate with honours. Yearly essays, graduation dissertations, finals...

What? A teacher’s certificate? You mean, I’ve got a degree in English? I am happy! It is over! It is over...Is it over? Oh, no...

A postgraduate course, a thesis, an oral, and a degree in Philology. The first of September. Where are the students of the faculty of foreign languages? Is it the English department? Oh, how nice...

Text-based Activities

Ex. 1. Would you compare college life with a merry-go-round or with something else?

Ex. 2. What do you think of the first months at the university?

Ex. 3. They say that it is a poor soldier who does not want to become a general. Name the steps of the social ladder which a student must pass to climb up to the position of the rector. Use the words from the list below, placing one word on one step.

Dean, assistant lecturer, head of department, vice-rector, associate professor, assistant professor, subdean, professor, undergraduate, junior student, senior student


Ex. 1. Identify the tense:

1. If you are ready, we will start at once. 2. If it snows tomorrow, we will stay at home. 3. Before she gets to the theatre, she’ll go past the shopping centre. 4. What will we do if it rains tonight? 5. What will she do if she sees her best friend again? 6. Will I see you before you start? 7. What will he do when he comes home? 8. He will ring me up when he returns home. 9. I’m sure he will come to say goodbye to us before he leaves St. Petersburg. 10. I won’t speak to him until he apologises.

11. Peter will introduce us to his friends as soon as we meet them.

Ex. 2. Put the verbs in brackets in Present or Future Simple:

1. Before you (to cross) the park, you (to come) to a supermarket.

2. When you (to cross) the park, you (to see) the hospital. 3. If you (totranslate) this article into Russian, I (to use) it in my report. 4. If she (to be) in St. Petersburg now, she (to meet) you at the railway station. 5. If you (not to hurry), you (to miss) the train. 6. If it (to rain), we (not to go) to the country. 7. When my friend (to come) to St. Petersburg, we (to go) to the Russian Museum. 8. I (to be able) to translate this article if you (to give) me a dictionary. 9. You (to have) to work hard at home if you (to miss) the lesson. 10. Where you (to go) when you (to come) to London? 11. The child (not to be) healthy if you (not to give) him much fruit. 12. I (not to have) dinner before mother (to come) home. 13. What you (to do) if you (not to finish) your homework tonight? 14. What he (to do) if his TV set (to break)? 15. If I (to stay) some more days in your town, I (to call) on you and we (to have) a good talk. 16. He (to go) to the Public Library very often when he (to be) a student. 17. As soon as I (to return) from school, I (to ring) you up. 18. You (to pass) many towns and villages on your way before you (to arrive) in Moscow. 19. I (to stay) at home till she (to come). Then we (to go) to the theatre if she (to bring) tickets. 20. After I (to finish) school, I (to enter) the University. 21. When he (to return) to St. Petersburg, he (to call) on us. 22. If I (to see) him, I (to tell) him about their letter. 23. We (to gather) at our place when my brother (to come) back from Africa. 24. I (to sing) this song with you if you (to tell) me the words. 25. I hope you (to join) us when we (to gather) in our country house next time. 26. What you (to do) when you (to come) home? 27. When they (to cross) the road, they (to see) the hotel.

Ex. 3. Match the name of the subject with its Russian equiva-


the History of Sociology the Introduction into Sociology Applied Statistics in Sociology the Sociology of Marriage and Family Methods of Sociological Research the Sociology of Governing the Sociology of Labour the Sociology of Education Sociological National Schools the Sociology of Mass Media and communication Methods of Teaching Sociology the Sociology of the Personality Социология образования

Социология культуры

Гендерная социология

Социология Public Relations

Социология города

Социология кино

Социология образования Методология и методы социол. исслед. Социология личности

Методика преподавания социологии

Социология науки

Социология политики

Социология экономики

the Sociology of Science the Sociology of Politics the Sociology of Economics the Sociology of Conflict the Sociology of Youngsters Theoretical Sociology the Sociology of Advertising the Sociology of Culture Gender Sociology the Sociology of Public Relations the Sociology of the City the Sociology of the Cinema Введение в социологию

Социология молодежи

Социология рекламы

Социология культуры

Социология управления

Социология труда

Социологические национальные школы

Социология СМИ и коммуникаций

История социологии

Прикладная статистика в социологии

Социология конфликта

Ex. 4. Divide the titles of the subjects mentioned above into two columns (those with the definite article and those with no article) and explain the usage of articles before the names of subjects.

Ex. 5. Get acquainted with the university syllabus and say what subjects you are going to study in the course of your studies:

1st year – the History of Sociology, the Introduction into Sociology.

2nd year – the History of Sociology, Applied Statistics in Sociology, the Sociology of Marriage and Family, Theoretical Sociology.

3rd year – Methods of Sociological Research, the Sociology of Governing, the Sociology of Labour, the Sociology of Education, Sociological national schools, the Sociology of Mass Media and communication.

4th year – Methods of Sociological Research, Methods of Teaching Sociology, the Sociology of the Personality, the Sociology of Science, the Sociology of Politics, the Sociology of Economics, the Sociology of Conflict, the Sociology of Youngsters, the Sociology of Advertising.

5th year – the Sociology of Education, the Sociology of Culture, Gender Sociology, the Sociology of Public Relations, the Sociology of the City, the Sociology of the Cinema.

Дата добавления: 2019-11-25; просмотров: 449; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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