David Slawson was sitting at his desk one morning last February when a colleague called him to tell that one of his patients was in the emergency room (ER), suffering from pneumonia. The patient, an otherwise healthy 43-year-old woman, was in no immediate dander, but the ER doctor wanted to hospitalize her just to be safe. Few physicians would have stopped to question whether hospital care actually benefits such a client. But Slawson, a family practitioner at the University of Virginia , had an easy way to find out. He grabbed the mouse on his computer and, with a few clicks, pulled up a "prognosis calculator". By punching in basic facts about the woman, he determined, that her odds of dying would be 2.2 times HIGHER if she checked into the hospital (where germs are rampant and medical errors possible) than if she recuperated at home. Shown that number, the ER doctor quickly wrote a prescription and sent her on her way - saving her insurer thousands of dollars and, in all likelihood, hastening her recovery.

What Slawson had, and the emergency room didn't, is a new software program called InfoRetriever. IR as compact enough to run on a palmtop PC, yet potentially powerful enough to transform the practice of medicine. Besides quantifying the advantages of different treatment strategies, it calculates drug dosages, clarifies test results and summarizes current research findings on everything from arthritis to baby care. At Michigan State University and the University of Virginia, some 200 physicians are now road-testing the first palmtop version of InfoRetriever. And though most have used it for less than a month, few would deny that it's making better doctors of them. The program doesn't just enhance their efficiency. As Slawson's experience suggests, it can improve their decisions.

Medical practice has never been quite the scientific endeavor we imagine. Studies have shown repeatedly that doctors pay less attention to research findings than to colleagues and drug-company representatives - and that patients with identical conditions often receive radically different treatments, depending on which clinic they visit. Reformers have struggled since 1970s to promote a more consistent, "evidence-based" model of care, but managing the relevant data has proven a daunting hallenge. A physician would have to skim thousands of articles a year to find the clinically useful findings - and no one who collected them all would have time left for appointments. "The information explosion is one of the critical challenges facing physicians," says Dr. Sim Galazka of the University of Virginia. "We've got to find ways to sort out the evidence and apply it."

InfoRetriever grew out of a project that Dr. Mark Ebell launched from Michigan State back in 1994. Working with several colleagues, he started scouring 85 medical journals each month and summarizing clinically important findings in the Journal of Family Practice. The group's reviews and treatment recommendations still appear in the journal and in a monthly newsletter called Evidence Based Practice. InfoRetriever includes all of

these digests, along with hundreds taken from other reliable sources, and the whole program can be updated quarterly through Internet downloads. But unlike Medline, a sprawling database that includes 11 million articles, IR stays tightly focused on patient care.

Besides fielding tough questions, InfoRetriever can alert a busy doctor to unimagined possibilities. Unlike the Physician's Desk Reference, it includes well-documented uses for prescription drugs. It also highlights research findings that no one is bothering to advertise. Last year, for example, the journal Neurology published a study showing that the vitamin riboflavin could relieve migraine headaches. "Nobody in primary care reads

Neurology", says Slawson. "Even if they did, would they remember it five months later when a patient walks in? With InfoRetriever, you punch in "migraine" and you get a summary of the study."

Will your intern be performing such feats the next time you show up with a sprained ankle? Don't count on it. Ebell and his colleagues developed InfoRetriever on their own time, without corporate support. And though several university health systems now plan to adopt the program, no one is marketing it directly to individual practitioners. At the moment, only one physician in four is sure to change. "I see patients in the office and the hospital," says Ebell. "I do house calls. I'm on call at the hospital tonight. And the care I give depends on the information I command." Medicine has gotten too complex to practice from a dog-eared textbook. Fortunately, there is now an alternative. InfoRetriever and other portable database won't make doctors obsolete. But doctors who lack them may soon be just that.

Geoffrey Cowley, Anne Cowley



efficient - эффективный

emergency room - пункт первой помощи

otherwise - в других отношениях

immediate - здесь: непосредственный

danger - опасность

physician - врач, доктор

benefit - принести пользу/выгоду

grab - схватить

pull up - здесь: вызвать на экран

punch in - здесь: ввести

determine - определить

odds - шансы

germ - микроб

rampant - распространен

recuperate - выздоравливать

prescription - предписание, рецепт

likelihood - вероятность

hasten - ускорять

recovery - выздоровление

retrieve - находить, спасать

enough - достаточный

palmtop - размером с ладошку

powerlful - мощный

transform - преобразовать

quantify - подсчитывать

advantage - преимущество

calculate - подсчитывать

treatment - лечение

drug - (амер.)лекарство

clarify - освещать, разъяснять

current - современный

research - научное исследование

finding - открытия

deny - отрицать

enhance - увеличивать

improve - улучшать

endeavor - попытка, старание

representative - представитель

treatment - лечение

depending on - в зависимости от

struggle - бороться

promote - продвигать, содействовать

consistent - последовательный

relevant - уместный

prove - доказать

evidenсe - здесь: реальный случай

daunting - обескураживающий

challenge - вызов, возможность

skim - просматривать

appointment - здесь: прием

explosion - взрыв

face - сталкиваться

sort out - сортировать

apply - применять

grow out of - вырасти из

launch - начинать

scour - здесь: просматривать

newsletter - информационный бюллетень

digest - краткое изложение

along with - наряду с

reliable - надежный

source - источник

update - обновлять

quarterly - ежеквартально

download - загружать

unlike - в отличие от

sprawl - здесь: разрастаться

tightly - тесно, плотно

care - забота, уход

fielding - здесь: освещение

tough - трудный (для выполнения)

alert - насторожить, сделать бдительным

reference - справочник

prescription - назначение

highlight - придавать большое значение

bother - беспокоить(ся)

relieve - облегчать

primary care - первичная помощь

punch in - войти

intern - молодой врач-стажер

perform - выполнять

feat - подвиг

sprained - растянутый

ankle - лодыжка

count on - рассчитывать на

support - поддержка

adopt - принимать/вводить

be on call - быть на вызовах

depend on - зависеть от

command - владеть

complex - сложный

dog-eared - с загнутыми углами (о страницах)

obsolete - устарелый; ненужный

lack - не хватать


Word Study.

 Ex. 1. Match the phrases with their Russian equivalents:

1. monthly newsletter                  a/ лечение в больнице

2. treatment recommendations     b/ основанный на реальных случаях

3. time for appointments              c/ в непосредственной опасности

4. portable database                    d/ доза лекарства   

5. treatment strategy                                e/ по всей вероятности

6. hospital care                            f/ первичная помощь   

7. drug dosage                              g/ ежемесячный бюллетень

8. primary care                              h/ противоположный   

9. emergency room                         i/ стратегия лечения

10. witness-based                        g/ пункт первой помощи 

11. reliable source                         k/ рекомендации по лечению

12. radially different                                l/ семейный врач  

13. in all likelihood                      m/ один врач из четырех

14. one physician in four             n/ время для приема (пациентов)

15. family practitioner                  o/ надежный источник

16. in immediate dander                p/ переносная база данных


Ex. 2. Match the phrases with their Russian equivalents:

1. to update quarterly                              a/ просто для безопасности  

2. to write a prescription                         b/ принести пользу клиенту

3. to alert a doctor                                    c/ владеть информацией

4. to recuperate at home                         d/ выписать рецепт

5. to highlight smth.                              e/ трансформировать мед.практику

6. to hasten one's recovery                      f/ подсчитать преимущества

7. to qualify the advantages                     g/ повысить эффективность

8. to field tough questions                       h/ обновлять ежеквартально

9. just to be safe                                       i/ насторожить врача

10. to enhance one's efficiency                     j/ придавать большое значение 

11. to command the information             k/ выздоравливать дома

12. to save thousands dollars                  l/ ускорять выздоровление

13. to transform the practice of medicine m/ освещать трудные вопросы

14. to benefit a client                                           n/ экономить тысячи долларов


Ex.3. Translate the following sentences into English.


1.  Дэвиду Слоусону однажды позвонили его коллега и сказал, что одна из его пациенток находится в пункте скорой помощи, страдая от пневмонии.

2. 43-летняя пациентка не была в непосредственной опасности, но врач первой помощи хотел госпитализировать ее - просто для безопасности.

3. Немногие врачи задаются вопросом, принесет ли лечение в больнице реальную пользу клиенту.

4.  Но у Слоусона, семейного врача из штата Вирджиния, был простой способ выяснить, была ли в данном случае необходимость в госпитализации.

5. Он открыл в своем компьютере программу "подсчет прогнозов".

6.  Введя основные данные об этой пациентке, он определил, что шансы умереть у нее будут в 2,2 раза выше в больнице (где наличествуют микробы и существует вероятность врачебной ошибки).

7. Увидев эти данные, врач первой помощи выписал пациентке рецепт и отправил ее домой - сохранив тем самым тысячи долларов ее страховой компании и, вероятнее всего, ускорив ее выздоровление.

8. То, что было у Слоусона и чего не было у врача первой помощи, - это новая программа InfoRetriever (поиск информации).

9. Программа настолько компактна, что может работать (run on) в переносном компьютере (laptop PC), но достаточно мощная, чтобы трансформировать медицинскую практику.

10. Помимо подсчета преимуществ различных стратегий лечения, она подсчитывает предписываемые(prescribed) дозы лекарств, дает объяснения результатов анализов, кроме того, она суммирует текущие научные открытия по всем заболеваниям.

11. Многие врачи, которые начали пользоваться этой программой, говорят, что она не только повышает их эффективность, но и помогает им принимать решения о стратегии лечения.

12. Информационный взрыв - это то, с чем сталкиваются врачи, и InfoRetriever помогает им справляться (to solve) с этой проблемой.

13. InfoRetriever вырос из проекта, который был начат доктором Марком Эбелем и его коллегами.

14. В 1994 г. они начали ежемесячно просматривать 85 медицинских журналов и суммировать клинически значимые открытия в журнале "Journal of Family Practice".

15. Обзоры данной группы и рекомендации по лечению до сих пор публикуются в вышеназванном (above) журнале и в ежемесячном бюллетене, освещая наиболее трудные вопросы.

16. Доктор Эбель и его коллеги разрабатывали InfoRetriever в свое свободное время, не имея корпоративной поддержки.

17. И хотя несколько университетских систем здравоохранения планируют ввести у себя эту программу, никто не продвигает (to promote) ее напрямую для индивидуальных практикующих врачей.

18. Медицина стала слишком сложной, и InfoRetriever дает возможность врачу владеть наиболее полной информацией.

19. Он не сделает врачей ненужными (obsolete), но, напротив, поможет им работать наиболее эффективно.


Comprehension Check.

Answer the following questions:

1. What is a InfoRetriever?

2. What are its functions?

3. How many physicians are testing it now?

4. How do they estimate (оценивать) its work?

5. What is InfoRetriever based on?

6. What did InfoRetriever grow out?

7. Do these people go on working on it?

8. What does InfoRetriever include?

9. Did Dr. Ebell and his colleagues have the corporate support?

10. Will InfoRetriever make doctors obsolete?


Topics to Discuss.

1. Dr. Ebell and his colleagues' work.

2. Possibilities of InfoRetriever.

3. Real cases of treatment described here.


Text II-C


People do not travel for pleasure on the roads and trains leading into cities on weekday mornings; they are commuting. Commuters represent the antithesis of Robert Louis Stevenson's view of travel­ling that 'For my part, I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel's sake.' Commuters travel because they have to; the destination is the only thing that matters.

Commuting is modern. Up until the 1950s most workers lived in the shadow of their workplace and within earshot of its whistle or hooter; people walked or cycled to work, even going home for their lunch. As cities grow and as the pressure on city centre property increases, so ever more people have had to move further away from their place of work. The suburbs grow and this results in the horrendous rush hours, many of which tail back to the suburbs themselves. To ease the commuter congestion city governments build new roads, especially ring roads, but these generate more traffic, adding to the traffic jams and bad health. San Francisco introduced BART to take the pressure off its roads, but after an initial positive response the scheme was over­taken by the sheer magnitude of commuter growth.

Trains and subway systems are little better. In Tokyo 'pushers' are employed to squeeze commuters into carriages, in London and New York the underground systems are near capacity and unpleasant to ride. In Paris petty crime on the Metro is rife. In Soweto the trains are so crowded that commuters hang on to the outside of the 'black only' trains. The associated health hazards are rivalled by those caused by traffic accidents and the stress-related diseases created by the tension in all forms of commuting.

The bigger the city, the larger the longer the distances travelled. Many commuters see neither their house nor their children in day­light for almost six months of the year. In a large city like London the average daily time spent commuting to and from work is almost two hours. As a working day is eight hours or less, this means that the average commuter really 'works' in excess of a six day week. Cities which try to alleviate the lot of the commuter are those which are most worth living in, but it is a hard and uphill task to do anything constructive. Special 'Kiss and Ride' metro stations surround Washington, but are as little used as the "Ride-Qn" buses. People appear to prefer the traffic jeans on the Beltway.

  Although most people dislike the unpleasant 'dead time' of commuting, some people turn it to their advantage. J.M. Keynes wrote his General Theory en route from London to Cambridge, and there are classes in French, business studies, bridge and chess (among other topics) on commuter trains into the London main-line stations. Other people, especially those who can afford the comfort of first-class tickets, catch up on their reading, do the preparation for the day's work, use their computers or the train telephones, or listen to music. Others take the view that commuting should make you fit. They walk, run, cycle, row, sail, skate and skate-board into work


By Barrie Sherman


commute - амер.: совершать регулярные поездки

commuter - амер.: челковек, имеющий сезонный билет; пассажир

leading (to) - ведущий (в)

antithesis - контраст, противоположность

for the sake (of) - ради

shadow - тень

within earshot - в пределах слышимости

whistle - свисток

hooter - гудок

pressure - давление

property - недвижимость

increase - возрастать

further - дальше

suburb - пригород

result (in) - сказаться в, иметь результатом

horrendous - ужасный, ужасающий

rush our - час пик

tail back - сплошная череда машин, затор

ease - облегчать

congestion - скопление, затор

generate - производить, порождать

traffic jam - дорожная пробка

response - реакция

subway - амер.: метро

growth - рост

push - толкать

employ - нанимать, брать на работу

squeeze - втискивать, вжимать

carriage - вагон

capacity - мощность

ride* - ехать

petty crime - мелкое преступление

rife - частый

crowded - переполненный

hang* - висеть

associate (with) - ассоциировать (с)

hazard - опасность, риск

rival - соперничать, конкурировать

tension - здесь: давка

cause - вызывать, быть причиной

traffic accident - дорожная авария

desease - заболевание

average - средний

in access - сверх

alleviate - облегчать, смягчать

surround - окружать

turn* into - превращать (в)

advantage - преимущество

en route - по пути

afford - позволять (финансово)

be* fit - быть в хорошей физической форме


Word Study.

Ex. 1. Match the phrases with their Russian equivalents:

1. the only thing                        a/ в пределах слышимости

2. en route                                     b/ дорожная авария

3. traffic jam                                  c/ болезни, вызываемые стрессом

4. point of destination                               d/ единственное

5. distances travelled                     e/ положительная реакция

6. stress-related desease                f/ по пути

7. within earshot                            g/ при дневном свете

8. rush hour                                   h/ дорожная пробка

9. positive response                       i/ мелкое преступление

10. petty rime                                 j/ риск для здоровья

11. health hazard                            k/ пункт назначения

12. traffic accident                         l/ на работу и обратно

13. in day light                                           m/ час пик

14. to and from work                     n/ преодолеваемые расстояния


Ex. 2. Match the phrases with their Russian equivalents:

1. to be fit                                      a/ порождать больше транспорта

2. the only thing that matters                    b/ ездить ради удовольствия

3. to result in                                 c/ быть в хорошей физической форме

4. to tail back                                 d/ быть частым явлением

5. to ease the congestion               e/ единственное, что значимо

6. to generate more traffic             f/ растянуться на километры

7. to be crowded                           g/ снять заторы

8. to take the pressure off             h/ иметь в результате

9. to travel for pleasure            i/ снять давление/напряженность

10. to be rife                                   j/ быть переполненным


Ex. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. По дорогам, ведущим в город, каждое утро рабочего дня люди едут не ради удовольствия.

2. В отличие от Р.Стивенсона, который говорил : "Я путешествую ради самой поездки", эти путешественники ездят потому, что они вынуждены это делать.

3. Пункт назначения - единственное, что значимо для них.

4. До 1950-х гг. большинство рабочих жили в пределах слышимости фабричного гудки.

5. По мере роста городов возрастала стоимость недвижимости в центре города, и люди вынуждены были переезжать дальше от места работы.

6. В крупных городах в "час пик" на улицах образуются заторы.

7. Чтобы снять заторы на дорогах, правительство строит новые дороги, особенно кольцевые, но они в результате порождают еще большие заторы.

8. Электрички (local trains) и метро не спасают ситуацию.

9. В Токио есть особая профессия - "толкачи", их обязанность - впихивать пассажиров в вагоны.

10. В Париже в метро часты случаи мелких преступлений.

11. В Совето поезда настолько переполнены, что пассажиры практически висят на вагонах с надписью "для черных".

12. Риск для здоровья ассоциируется со стрессовыми заболеваниями, вызванными давкой в транспорте.

13. Чем больше город, тем больше пассажиров и тем длиннее преодолеваемые расстояния.

14. Многие из вынужденных путешественников не видят ни свой дом, ни детей в дневное время почти по 6 месяцев в год.

15. Поскольку рабочий день составляет 8 часов, это означает, что среднестатистический (average) "путник" на самом деле "работает" сверх этого времени.

16. Городские власти (authorities) стараются смягчить ситуацию, но не могут придумать ничего конструктивного.

17. Хотя большинство людей не любят это неприятное "мертвое время", некоторые превращают его в преимущество.

18. Дж.М.Кейнес написал свою "Общую теорию" по пути из Лондона в Кембридж; существуют курсы французского языка, бриджа и т.д.

19. Другие люди, особенно те, кто могут позволить себе билеты первого класса, используют время на чтение, подготовку к дневной работе, работают на компьютере или слушают музыку.

20. Третьи считают, что дорога должна способствовать тому, чтобы поддерживать себя в хорошей физической форме.

21. По пути на работу и обратно они занимаются различными видами спорта.


Comprehension Check.

Answer the following questions:

1. What for do people commute?

2. Do commuters like travelling?

3. What was the situation like in 1950s?

4. What was the city growth resulted in?

5. What do city authorities do to ease the commuter congestion?

6. Is it a good way out?

7. Are trains and subway systems better?

8. What are health hazards associated with?

9. How long is the working day of an average commuter?

10. How do commuters turn the "dead time" into their advantage?


Topics to Discuss.

1. Commuting.

2. Train and subway system.

3. Exercising minds and bodies while commuting




(ALAN ROAD reports on the new moves to ban smoking

in Britain’s offices).


When tobacco clouds from the pipe of a pensive draftsman activated the smoke detection system in an office of a giant multi-national company recently, fire appliances were dispatched from three neighbouring authorities to deal with the imagined danger.

       While medical research has conclusively identified tobacco as a threat to the smoker’s own health, the dangers to innocent bystanders of what might be called nicotine fallout have yet to be proved beyond doubt. This has not prevented unilateralists calling for the banning of smoking in an increasing number of offices.


Nicotine traps

David Simpson, a director of ASH, the anti-tobacco group, says that unsolicited inquiries from the public about workplace policies on smoking are growing apace. “In the past six months a lot more calls have been coming from the employers’ side,” he pointed out.

Indeed, so impressed have he and his colleagues been by this phenomenon that they are planning to set up a management consultancy to advise large companies on formulating no-smoking policies.

Staff in the Normaliar Garrett product support division at Bournemouth Airport were happy enough to welcome the introduction of a no-smoking rule for their newly- opened office accommodation, says personnel manager Andy Braley.

All too many employers seem more concerned with the wellbeing of the hi-tech equipment than of their staff. Some, says David Simpson, ignore doctors’ pleas that certain workers should not be obliged to share offices with the smokers. “Yet down the corridor they have installed a mainframe computer and readily enforce a smoking ban there”.

Nor are trade unions above criticism. One has threatened legal action against a secretary who collated photographic evidence of the caused by smokers inn her office. Local authorities have led the way with the introduction of office smoking bans.

Ashfold Borough Council are in the middle of a two–year transition period. “It may sound long–winded,” says personnel officer John Styles, “but the only way a decision can be enforced is if it is backed up with a collective agreement.” And so a detailed questionnaire was circulated to the counsil’s500 office workers, who opted – with very few exceptions – for a smoking ban.

Lawyer Gillion Howard approves of Ashford’s softly-softly approach. “You can’t a no-smoking rule overnight,” she told me. A tribunal recently ruled that a firm of Birmingham insurance brokers who had done just that were in breach of contract, said Ms Howard, who specialises in occupational health matters and has advised a number of Industrial Society clients on smoking policies.

Pipe dream

“If you’re going to have a rule that a whole building goes non-smoking, then you’ve got to allow employees to go into the open air and have a drag,” she warned.

While she concerned that the dangers of passive smoking are yet to be recognized by the courts, she forecast that the day will come when will be so certain and so well-publicised in the press that employers will be obliged to take precautionary measures to protect their non-smoking. Meanwhile, she urges employers not to postpone action till then.

One positive step they can take immediately is to recruit only non – smokers. The Royal College of Nursing who recently advertised the post of PA to the general secretary, stipulated that applications from smokers would not be welcome , she recalled. “ It is lawful to refuse to employ someone because they smoke,” Miss Howard emphasised. “There is no anti-discrimination legislation for smokers.” Contracts for new recruits could, therefore, contain an undertaking that they agree to no-smoking rules. “If employees break the terms of that contract, they can be counselled, warned verbally and in writing and then dismissed.”

Clean air for non-smokers may soon no longer be a pipe dream.


.                            by Alan Road.


move - движение

ban - запрещать

clouds - мн.ч. здесь: клубы

pipe - трубка

pensive - задумчивый, мечтательный

draftsman - составитель законопроектов

detection - определение, выявление

giant - гигантский, огромный

recently - недавно

fire appliance - противопожарная установка

authorities - власти

deal (with) - иметь дело (с)

imagined - воображаемый

conclusively - здесь: убедительно

identify - выявит, определить

threat - угроза

innocent - невинный

bystander - свидетель, очевидец

fall-out - осадки

prove - доказать

beyond doubt - вне сомнения

prevent - предотвратить

unilateralist - выступающий заодно

increasing - растущий

trap - ловушка

unsolicited - незапрашиваемый

inquiry - исследование

apace - быстро

point out - указывать

impressed - потрясенный

support - поддерживать

division - подразделение, отделение

introduction - здесь: введение

personnel manager - начальник Отдела Кадров

be concerned with - беспокоиться (из-за)

well-being - здесь: состояние

plea - просьба, мольба

certain - щпределенный

obliged - обязанный

share an office - быть в одном офисе

install - установить

enforce - проводить в жизнь

trade union - профсоюз

threaten - угрожать

collate - сличать, тщательно сравнивать

evidence - доказательство, улика

danger - опасность

cause - вызывать, быть причиной

council - совет

transition - переходный

long-winded - многоречивый, скучный

back-up - поддерживать

detailed - подробный

questionnaire - анкета

circulate - распространять

opt (for) - выбрать (из других)

lawyer - юрист

approve - одобрить

soft - мягкий

introduce - вводить

overnight - за одну ночь, мгновенно

tribunal - трибунал, суд

insurance - страховой

breach - нарушение

occupational - профессиональный

advise - советовать

allow - позволять

have a drag - сленг: сделать затяжку

warn - предупреждать

concede - допускать, соглашаться

recognise - признавать

court - суд

forecast - предсказывать

precautionary measures - меры предосторожности

protect - защищать

meanwhile - тем временем

urge - убеждать, настаивать

postpone - откладывать

immediately - немедленно

recruit - принимать на работу

stipulate - ставить условием

application - заявление

recall - вспоминать

lawful - законный

refuse - отказывать(ся)

emphasise - подчеркивать, выделять

legislation - законодательство

undertaking - обязательство

break the terms - нарушить условия

counsel - советовать

verbally - вербально, устно

dismiss - увольнять


Word Study.

Ex. 1. Match the phrases with their Russian equivalents:

1. transition period                      a/ воображаемая опасность

2. detailed questionnaire             b/ никотиновые осадки

3. beyond doubt                        c/ переходный период

4. precautionary measures           d/ профсоюз

5. positive step                            e/ вне сомнений

6. tobacco clouds                         f/ гигантская компания    

7. trade union                              g/ невинный свидетель

8. well-being of hi-tech equipment h/ подробная анкета

9. imagined danger                     i/ угроза здоровью других

10. giant company                       j/ меры предосторожности

11. pensive draftsman                  k/ положительный шаг/мера/

12. sensitive detector                               m/ клубы дыма

13. threat to one's health             l/ задумчивый составитель законопроектов

14. innocent bystander                  n/ состояние высококлассной техники

15. nicotine fall-out                      o/ чувствительный детектор                      


Ex. 2. Match the phrases with their Russian equivalents:

1. to keep the rules                      a/ защитить некурящих 

2. to grow apace                          b/ быть признанным судом

3. to ban smoking                        c/ быстро расти  

4. to break the terms (of)             d/ быть в одном офисе

5. to enforce a smoking ban                    e/ запрещать курение  

6. to do smth. overnight               f/ соблюдать правила

7. to formulate no-smoking policy g/ нарушать условия   

8. to protect non-smokers            h/ одобрить мягкий подход

9. to approve a soft approach                    i/ объявить о вакансии

10. to be recognised by courts     j/ проводить запрет на курение в жизнь

11. to share an office                  k/ принимать на работу некурящих

12. to advertise the post (of)                    l/ предупредить устно

13. to recruit non-smokers           m/ делать за одну ночь, мгновенно

14. to warn verbally                     n/ сформировать политику некурения

15. to breach a contract                  o/ нарушить контракт


Ex. 3. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Когда клубы дыма от трубки задумчивого составителя законопроектов

активизировали детекторную систему в офисе одной гигантской компании, и

соседи принесли антипожарные устройства, чтобы справиться с воображаемой


2. Табак является угрозой для здоровья курильщиков, но сейчас

известно всем, что находиться в одном офисе с курильщиками вредно и для


3. Люди, думающие о здоровье нации, призывают к введению запрета

на курение в общественных местах и, в частности, в офисах.

4. Работодатели слишком озабочены состоянием высококлассной техники, но не состоянием здоровья своих сотрудников.

5. Но профсоюзы находятся вне критики.

6. Местные власти проводят в жизнь запрет на курение в офисе.

7. Но они считают, что запрет можно ввести только при наличии коллективного


8. Одна фирма распространила подробную анкету среди 500 своих

сотрудников, которые - за исключением немногих - выступили за запрет на


9. Конечно, нельзя ввести зарпет за одну ночь (мгновенно).

10. Необходима широкая рекламная кампания (campaign), чтобы убедить людей

отказаться от курения (give up smoking).

11. Сейчас уже вполне законно отказывать курящим в приеме на работу.

12. Новые сотрудники должны подписывать контракт, согласно которому они     

обязуются не курить в офисе.

13. Если они нарушают данное правило, сначала последует устное

предупреждение, затем - письменное, после чего они могут быть уволены.

14. Такая политика требует времени, но это делается в целях защиты здоровья



Comprehension Check.

Answer the following questions:

1. How does medical research identify the threat of tobacco to people?

2. What are many employers concerned with?

3. What do local authorities of Ashford do to introduce the office smoking ban?

4. Is is legal to refuse to recruit someone because they smoke?

5. What do newly-written contracts contain?

6. What will be done with those who break the no-smoking rules?


Topics to discuss.

1. Tobacco danger for non-smokers.

2. Soft approach to introducing a smoking ban.

3. Contracts for new recruits.


Grammar Exercises

Ex.1 Find the subject and state what it is expressed by . Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. What I want is fresh air.

2. The young must be in the first ranks.

3. Learning about other cultures is interesting.

4. Three and four make seven.

5. Everyone was silent for a minute.

6. The wounded were taken great care of.

7. His being late influenced his career.

8. To live is to work.

9. Watching the sunrise, the couple felt happy.

10. A journalist knocked on our door one afternoon.

11. They say she knows French perfectly.

12. Who is to blame?

13. After the show, the crowd applauded and screamed for fifteen minutes.

14. Should we leave now?

15. In a couple of months, Ellen and Mary became close friends.

16. One wants to live forever.

17. His was a happy life.

18. For over an hour, my father and uncle have been fixing the furnace.

19. Being polite to other people is important.

20. Jim has always been a good problem solver.

21. For her to come was impossible.


Ex.2  Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to the pronoun it used as the subject.


1. It isn’t hard to make friends.

2. How far is it from your home to the office?

3. It’s six o’clock now. I think it’s too early to get up.

4. The teacher said that it was important for the students to finish the experiment in time.

5. It’ll be interesting for us to meet again.

6. I wonder if it will rain tomorrow.

7. We decided to stay at home because it was snowing hard.

8. It’s wrong to cheat during a test.

9. The door suddenly opened. It was opened by a young girl who was looking rather strange.

10. Let’s go out if it stops raining.

11. Do you think it’ll be easy for you to live in a foreign country?

12. It was growing dark and we hurried to return home.


Ex.3 Insert there or it. Translate the sentences into Russian.


1. The clock struck nine ….. was no sign of any of the other guests.

2. ….. is important to be polite to other people.

3. I am afraid ….. is no use even trying to prevent it.

4. We were sure ….. was a rule for such cases, but we couldn’t remember it, though.

5. ….. was quite chilly in the dining-room.

6. Then ….. was a sudden burst of applause, ….. was unexpected for the actors.

7. ….. was five kilometres from the rancho to the town, …..was quite possible to drive     to town every day.

8. ….. was easy for the students to speak English to us.

9. ….. remained only to sign the will.

10. ….. isn’t much fun to have a cold.

11. ….. grew dark outside.


Ex.4 Find the predicate. Translate the sentences into Russian.


1. The oceans affect weather.

2. Twenty rolls of wallpaper were delivered to the office.

3. She couldn’t help crying.

4. Nothing is going to happen to you, I suppose everything will be O.K.

5. I will have gone by then.

6. Everyone remained silent.

7. They must have played soccer for three hours without stopping.

8. Will the universe expand forever?

9. According to the scientists’theory, the universe began with a huge explosion.

10. He went on eating in silence.

11. She used to meet with her friends at a small cafe.

12. In May, I will have worked at Kodak for 5 years.

13. From now on, the entire family must help with the housework.

14. At last, an honest person is running for mayor.

15. Every Tuesday night between eight and nine o’clock, Helen would practice her roller skating.

16. Are you taking an aerobics class?

17. The cars and trucks are covered with snow.

18. I thought that all I was doing was tying to help her.


Ex. 5 Fill in the blanks with one of the following link -verbs.


To sound, to become, to seem, to appear, to come, to be, to look, to get, to fall, to go


1. His brother often …... relaxed and happy.

2. Tracy ….. a medical technician.

3. This sunny weather ….. a pleasant surprise.

4. You often ….. worried.

5. Hurry up! It ….. late.

6. The child soon …. fast asleep in her mother’s arms.

7. The dreams of his life ….true.

8. He understood that he was in a trap. His face …. tense.

9. Jerry ….sleepy today.

10. We …. awake all night.

11. Aunt Claudia sometimes ….a little strange.

12. Ronda always ….the best debater on the team.

13. Andrew ….more and more alarmed.

14. The actress …. rapidly famous.

15. On seeing him she ….as pale as death.


Ex.6 Translate the following into Russian paying attention to the predicatives. State by what part of speech they are expressed.


1. Further events were of great significance.

2. Beauty is everlasting.

3. You are nobody.

4. This orange tastes bitter.

5. I’m afraid I can’t keep my word.

6. She is a very talented singer.

7. He was the first to rush into the room.

8. His first wish was to go away and the sooner, the better.

9. The events were beyond her understanding.

10. My favourite sport is jogging.

11. Eliza was greatly surprised.


Ex.7 Open the brackets using the infinitives in the proper form. Pay attention to the rules of agreement.


1. “Little Dorrit” (to be written) by Ch. Dickens.

2. There (to be) much traffic at night and many people on the streets.

3. Neither I or my brother (to be) to blame.

4. Everybody (to be) glad to see him again.

5. The day was warm and many people (to be sitting) at their doors.

6. Their (to be) plenty of rooms at the hotel.

7. Twenty divided by five (equal) four.

8. My brother as well as I (to be) ready to help you.

9. Three metres (to be) not enough for this dress.

10. Official news (to be) sad.

11. Don’t move! The police (to be) all over the place.

12. It (to be) only you who can find the way out of this situation.

13. It (to be) all the money? You are kidding!

14. Classical and light music (to have) both their admirers.


Ex.8 Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the kind of object.

1. She pretended not to hear.

2. He found it impossible to make one more step.

3. The policeman ordered them to stop.

4. The parents were proud of their children.

5. Why do you insist on my doing it?

6. When he came home, he found a lot of guests in his dining-room.

7. I envied him all my life.

8. We are going to buy little Tommy a toy on his birthday.

9. The teacher dictated to the students the names of the books to be read for their examination.

10. I’ll give my present to you tomorrow.

11. Forgive me my being rude to you.

12. The captain asked the soldier his name.

13. I’ll retell this story to you later.

14. I am glad to hear these words, I hope they are sincere.

Ex.9 Translate into English.

1. Объясните мне, пожалуйста, значение этого слова.

2. Он посвящал своему хобби все свободное время.

3. Студентам преподают немецкий как второй язык.

4. Это задание было дано ей, а не вам.

5. Что вам сказали?

6. Ей простили ее ошибку.

7. Передайте мне соль, пожалуйста.

8. Оставьте записку для него у секретаря.

9. Нам показали список гостей, которые будут приглашены.

10. Ему потребовалось совсем немного времени для того, чтобы выучить эти правила.

11. Я сказал тебе об этом заранее, чтобы ты была готова услышать это сообщение спокойно, хотя бы внешне.

12. Вот статья, отдай ее редактору.

13. Отец велел не уходить из дома до его возвращения.

14. Я не пыталась влиять на него, он уже принял решение.

15. У меня к вам есть несколько вопросов.

16. Помоги мне решить эту задачу, пожалуйста.


Ex.10 Find the attribute and say by what it is expressed. Translate the sentences into Russian.


1. This information is very important.

2. There are many new methods of teaching.

3. It was not a matter to be discussed even with her close friend.

4. Our plans have suddenly changed.

5. She was always the last to leave the classroom.

6. A tender smile lit Mary’s face.

7. There was something mysterious about this man.

8. What time do you usually have dinner?

9. His mother’s nerves would never stand this news.

10. Imagine the idea of his coming into my life again!

11. The problem mentioned in the article turned out to unexpectedly interesting.

12. His business instinct was faultless.

13. She always said some polite words to the people she had dinner with.

14. She was pale with terror.

15. An officer, standing beside her, was unknown.


Ex.11 Point out the kind of adverbial modifier, and state by what it is expressed. Translate the sentences into Russian.


1. In two days she was well again.

2. After receiving her answer to his proposal, he felt ill at ease.

3. She had to talk to him because of her being too polite.

4. They were a bit surprised at seeing me.

5. Why do you always look at things with such practical eyes?

6. He usually drank his wine at one gulp.

7. They decided to meet near the entrance to the theatre.

8. The effect of the medicine was unexpectedly strong.

9. She darted on like a wind but it was too late, her rival had come to the goal long before her.

10. We came back because of heavy snow.

11. They have gathered to discuss some problems.

12. The performance is rather good, I should say.

13. David and Mary often sat side by side among the hills.

14. When questioned, she explained everything.

15. She left the room without saying good-bye to anybody.

16. He stopped and looked at his wife, his eyes extremely proud.

17. My sister does everything much better then I.

18. He stared at her embarrassed as if he did not understand her.


Ex.12 Complete the following sentences using your own possible adverbial modifiers.


a) of time:


1. The parents hope to see their son ….

2. We often went to the theatre ….

3. …. I couldn’t understand her.

4. She smiled ….

5. It was raining ….

6. They will be ready ….

7. You should be careful …

8. …. he nodded and left.


b) of place:


1. She sat …looking at ….

2. He was waiting for us ….

3. We were seated ….

4. John put his hand ….

5. Mary enjoyed walking ….

6. Our guide offered us to pass …


c) of degree:


1. I see you are ….happy.

2. We were …. priviledged to be invited to this dinner party.

3. This work tired us ….

4. The effect of her words was …. unexpected for her.

5. The weather is …. very nasty today.

6. I am …. surprised to see you safe and sound. The situation was …. dangerous.


d) of manner and attending circumstances:


1. They returned …

2. She behaved ….

3. We were talking … not to disturb the neighbors ….

4. I can’t imagine him acting ….

5. “Who’s there?” she asked ….

6. He put on his coat ….


Ex.13: Add to where necessary. blank.

1. 1. I have to go downtown tomorrow.

2. 2. Tom can 0 play soccer.

3. Could you please ______ open the window?

4. The students must ______ learn all of the irregular verbs.

5. Sally has ______ do her history report tonight.

6. I think you should ______ take better care of yourself.

7. I ought ______ go to the post office this afternoon.

8. Would you ______ speak more slowly, please?

9. We may ______ go to Argentina for our vacation.

10. Will you please ______ mail this letter for me?

11. Tom and I might ______ play tennis after work tomorrow.

12. You had better ______ see a doctor.

13. We can ______ go shopping tomorrow.

14. The students have ______ take a test next Friday.

15. I have got ______ go to the post office this afternoon.

16. Shouldn't you ______ save a little money for a rainy day?

17. Poor Edward. He has ______ go to the hospital for an operation.

18. Alex! Stop! You must not ______ run into the street when there's traffic!

19. May I please ______ have the salt and pepper? Thanks.

20. You'd better not ______ come to the meeting late. The boss will ______ be angry if you're late.

21. I've had a lot of trouble sleeping the last few nights. I've got _____ get a good night's sleep! I can barely ______ stay awake in class.


Ex.14: Complete the dialogues. Use should, ought to, or had better.

Choose from the expressions in the list or use your own words.

borrow some money

call the landlord and complain

call the police

drink a glass of waterfind a new apartment

find a new girlfriend

get a job

go back to the restaurant and ask if

someone found them hold your breath

marry somebody who is rich

put cotton in your ears

see a dentist

send her a dozen roses

soak it in cold water

speak English outside of class

take it back to the store

use a dictionary when he writs

watch TV a lot


1. A: I have a toothache. This tooth hurts. What should I do?*

B: You shouldl ought tolfiad better see a dentist.____

2. A: I have the hiccups. What should I do?

B: ______________________________________

3. A: Ah wants to improve his English. What should he do?

B: ______________________________________

4. A: I don't have any money. I'm broke. I can't pay my rent. I don't have enough money to pay my bills. What should I do?

B: ________________________________

5. . A: Someone stole my bicycle. What should I do?

B: __________________________

6.  A: I cut my finger. I got blood on my sweater. My finger is okay, but I'm worried about my sweater. What should I do?

B: ______________________________________

7. A: Tom's spelling isn't very good. He makes a lot of mistakes when he writes compositions. What should he do?

B: _______________________________________

8. A: Ann bought a new tape recorder. After two days, it stopped working. What should she do?

B: _______________________________________

9. A: The refrigerator in my apartment doesn't work. The stove doesn't work. The air conditioner doesn't work. And there are cockroaches in the kitchen. What should I do?

B _______________________________________

10. I asked Mary to marry me. She said no. What should I do?


11. I left my sunglasses at a restaurant yesterday. What should I do?


12. . A My husband/wife snores. I can't get to sleep at night. What should I do?B: _______________________________________

Ex. 15: Complete the sentences. Use have to, has to, or had to in each.


1. . I went downtown yesterday because 7 had to go to City Hall.


2. I can't go to the movie tonight because _________

3. I couldn't go to Pete's party last Saturday because __

4. Josh can't go downtown with us this afternoon because

5. When I was in high school, ________________

6. If you want to travel abroad, _______________

7. I'm sorry I was absent from class yesterday, but.

8. Erica can't come to class tomorrow because __

9. I need a car because ________________

10. When I worked in my uncle's restaurant,

11. If you want to enter the university, ___

12. We wanted to go on a picnic yesterday, but we couldn't because


Ex.16: Complete the sentences with than or to.

1. When I'm hot and thirsty, I prefer cold drinks ___w____ hot drinks.

2. . When I'm hot and thirsty, I like cold drinks better than hot drinks.

3. . When I'm hot and thirsty, I'd rather have a cold drink than____ a hot drink.

4. I prefer chicken __________ beef.

5. I like chicken better _________ beef.

6. I'd rather eat chicken _________ beef.

7. When I choose a book, I prefer nonfiction _________ fiction.

8. I like rock 'n roll better __________ classical music.

9. Tina would rather lie on the beach _________ go swimming.

10. Tina likes lying on the beach better _________ going swimming.

11. Tina prefers lying on the beach _________ going swimming.

12. My parents would rather work_________ retire. They enjoy their jobs.

13. Do you like fresh vegetables better _________ frozen or canned vegetables?

14. I would rather take a picture of a wild animal _________ kill it with a gun.

15. Mr. Kirn prefers tea _________ coffee with his evening meal.

16. I prefer visiting my friends in the evening _________ watching TV by myself.

17. My brother would rather read a book in the evening _________ visit with friends.

18. My sister likes her math class better _________ her biology class.


Ex.18: Complete the sentences with prepositions. This exercise contains prepositions that follow adjectives.


1. 1. Alex is afraid of snakes.

2. I don't understand that sentence. It isn't clear ______ me.

3. Mark Twain is famous ______ his novels about life on theMississippi in the nineteenth century.

4. I'm hungry ______ some chocolate ice cream.

5. Our daughter graduated from the university. We're very proud ______ her.

6. A lot of sugar isn't good ______ you. Sugar is especially bad ______ your teeth.

7. Who was responsible ______ the accident?

8. My coat is similar ______ yours, but different ______ Ben's.

9. Some people aren't friendly ______ strangers.

10. My daughter is crazy ______ horses. She is very interested ______ horses.

11. Sara knows what she's talking about. She's sure ______ her facts.

12. Are you aware ______ the number of children who die each day throughout the world? According to one report, 40,000 children die each day throughout the world, mostly due to malnutrition and lack of minimal medical care.

Ex.19:Find out the Subject and the Predicate

1. Courses vary in length - from a few months to two years.

2. In order to enter a university or polytechnic in Britain, you should have two or three "A" levels with good marks.

3. Do young people pay less in their own state?

4. The undergraduate education culminates in a Bachelor's Degree.

5. During the last two years the undergraduates major in one special subject.

6. To obtain the Master's Degree a graduate student should work for two or sometimes three years.

7. For classes like history, literature, or even science there are essay questions, for math there are problems to solve.

8. Discussion often centres on the design of secondary and higher education programs.



Ex 20:Choose the verb (in brackets) that agrees with the subject

1. Colleges of education (train, trains) teachers.

2. Postgraduate courses (exist, exists) for the degrees of MA, M Sc and Ph.D.

3. In you have a high IQ score the teacher (give, gives) you more interesting work to do.

4. Further education at special colleges is mainly vocational, and (lead, leads) to a certificate, or a diploma, not a degree.

5. The academic programs (differ, differs) greatly in various universities.

6. An ever increasing number of students (hold, holds) jobs besides studying.

7. This (mean, means) that just about any student who really (want, wants) to can finance his education.

8. Young people usually (go, goes) to the university in the state they (live, lives).



Ex.21:Choose the correct form of each present tense verb

1. A university (offers, offer) both the B.D. and graduate degrees such as the M.A. and Ph.D.

2. Why (does, do) people go to university?

3. Education in Great Britain (is, are) compulsory from 5 to 16.

4. University and Polytechnic degree courses (lasts, last) three or four years.

5. (Does, do) a student wear a uniform?

6. Private universities (is, are) generally small and, therefore, very competitive.

7. In the USA the word "school" (describes, describe) any place where people learn.

8. (Does, do) students have a lot of tests and exams?


Ex.22: Complete the sentences with the words in parentheses. Some of the sentences express true situations, and some of the sentences express contrary-to-fact situations.

1. Maybe I will have enough time tonight. If I {have) have enough time, I (write) ______Will write________ a letter to my cousin.

2. I won't have enough time tonight. But if I (have) had enough time, I (write) _____would write______ a letter to my cousin.

3. Maybe I will have enough money. If I (have) ________ enough

money, I (buy) _________________ a ticket to the rock concert.

4. Unfortunately, I don't have enough money. But if I (have) ________ enough money, I (buy) _________________________ a ticket to the rock concert.

5. Maybe I will buy a car. If I (buy) _________ a car, I (drive) ________________ to Springfield next month to visit my friend.

6. I'm not going to buy a car. But, if I (buy) ____________ a car, I (drive) ____________ to Springfield next month to visit my friend.

7. The weather is terrible today. But if the weather (be) _________ good, I (go) ____________________ for a five-mile walk.

8. Maybe the weather will be nice tomorrow. If the weather (be) _________ nice, I (go) __________________ for a long walk.

9. I know that you don't want to go to a movie tonight. But if you (want) ___________ to go to a movie, I (go) __________ with you.

10. What would you like to do tonight? Do you want to go to a movie? If you (want) _________ to go to a movie, I (go) ___________ with you.


Ex.23: Complete the sentences with the words in parentheses.

1. I didn't feel good yesterday. If I (feel) _____________ better, I (come) ___________________ to class yesterday.

2. I don't feel good today. If I (feel) _____________ better, I (take) ___________________ a walk in the park today.

3. I have a cold today, but I will probably feel better tomorrow. If I (feel) _________ better tomorrow, I (go) ________________ to class.

4. I'm sorry that you didn't come to the party. If you (come) ________ ________, you (have) ____________________ a good time

5. I didn't know that Bob was sick. If I (know) _____________ that he was sick, I (take) ____________________ him some chicken soup.

6. I'm tired. If I (be, not) __________ tired, I (help) __________ you.

7. Snow is predicted for tomorrow. If it (snow) __________ tomorrow I (stay) ________________ home.

8. I may have a dollar. Let me look in my wallet. If I (have) ________ a dollar, I (lend) ________________ it to you.

9. I don't have any money. If I (have) __________ a dollar, I (lend) ________________ it to you.

10. I didn't have a dollar yesterday. If I (have) _________ a dollar yesterday, I (lend) ___________________ it to you.

11. I didn't know it was your birthday yesterday. I wish you (tell) _____________ me. I (get) ____________________ you present if I (know) ________________ it was your birthday yesterday.

13. Why didn't you tell me when your plane was supposed to arrive? If you (tell) _____________ me, I (pick) ___________________




Ex. I Study the word combinations:


If these verbs are followed by another verbs, the structure is usually verb + to + Infinitive

If these verbs are followed by another verbs,

the structure is usually

verb + ing

agree refuse decide plan manage fail want force promise offer hope seem pretend arrange expect warn learn (how) ask know explain remember forget persuade teach   stop finish enjoy delay suggest mind regret deny avoid involve like dislike hate give up put off go on can’t stand to be interested in to be good at to be fed up with to be used to succeed in feel like think about/of approve/disapprove of can’t help dream of look forward to insist on apologize for accuse of suspect of congratulate on prevent from thank for forgive for It’s worth go (shopping,...)  


Complete the sentences that follow and translate them into Russian:

1. Could you stop (make) so much noise? 2. Does your job involve (meet) a lot of people? 3. We decided (take) a taxi home. 4. I don’t know whether (go) to the party or not. 5. I enjoy (travel). 6. Jim explained how (get) to the station. 7. If you want (be) a good student, please avoid (miss) your classes. 8. He denied (steal) the money. 9. They had to put off (travel) abroad because their son got ill. 10. They didn’t agree (lend) me more money. 11. I was warned not (touch) anything. 12. I can’t stand (live) in the country. 13. I tried to be serious but couldn’t help (laugh). 14. I’m fed up with (work) for this company. 15. I’m looking forward to (see) you next Monday. 16. He learned how (write) programs for his computer when he was twelve. 17. They accused me of (tell) lies. 18. He insisted on (move) to NY 19. When I met him he pretended not (see) me. 20. Has Sue succeeded in (find) a job yet? 21. He never apologized for (be) so rude to me. 22. The man was suspected of (be) a spy. 23. Ask Jack. He’ll tell you what (do). 24. I’ve always dreamed of (live) on a small island somewhere in the Pacific. 25. I don’t fee like (study) today.


Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Дик поблагодарил меня за помощь. 2. Он извинился за то , что заставил нас ждать. 3. Я всегда мечтал быть богатым. 4. Мы думаем о покупке нового дома. 5. Я поздравляю вас со сдачей экзамена. 6. Тому удалось купить новую квартиру. 7. Покажите мне, как пользоваться этой машиной. 8. Ему не удалось перевести текст. 9. Он привык жить один . 10. Напомни мне позвонить маме.             


Ex. 2 Study the expressions with verbs and try to memorize them:

to DO = perform, carry out an action; work at, be busy with; study, learn to MAKE = construct or produce by combining parts together; establish; acquire; force; turn into
do harm, damage, research do away with (abolish) do without (manage without) make an agreement, an arrangement, a phone call,     a report, a speech, a suggestion, a statement     an experiment, a good job, sense


Insert the correct verb-noun combinations and translate into Russian:

1. Could you wait a little? I have to ... a phone call. 2. The Russian Government shall ... an official statement. 3. This deases was ... many years ago. 4. They got very interested in the experiments we were ... last year. 5. We’ll have to ... a holiday this summer. 6. You’ll ... a very good manager, I think.  7. They asked me to come to the Congress and ... a report there. 8. He ... a good job, and I think of employing him. 9. I’m sorry, but I’m very busy as we have to ... a lot of arrangements for the Conference. 10. Your suggestion ...

sense. We’ll think it over. 11. He is ... some research in molecular phisics.

Ex.3 . Study the verbs and use them in the sentences that follow:


to take = get, accept, make records, need to put = to a certain position, indicate, offer
take a seat, a photo (of), part, place,      trouble, steps/ measures against,     care of smth, control of smth,     advantage of smth put the blame, an end/a stop, money   pressure, a question put together, forward, aside


1. We should ... urgent measures against land contamination. 2. Please, ... a photo of that wonderful view. 3. The expert refused to ... a price on the Rubense painting. 4. Who will .. care of this? 5. We have an honor to invite you to come to London and ... part in the Conference devoted to the problems of telecommunications. 6. You should ... an end to your bad behavior. 7. Don’t ... all the blame on me. 8. It’s easier to ... a machine to pieces than to ... it together again. 9. Why aren’t you ... notes of the lecture? 10. They ... my temperature and blood pressure. 11. It’s extremely important to ... control over new achievements of genetics. 12. This professor ... forward a new theory. 13. I have no proof but you may ... my word for it. 14. thank you for all the troubles you’ve ... to help my son. 15. I think we shall ... aside this question for a week or two. 16. 14. thank you for all the troubles you’ve ... to help my son. 15. I think we shall ... aside this question for a week or two. 16. You’d better ... off this plain dress and ... on your pale green suit.


Ex 4



       Study the necessary words:

to hold a conference = проводить конференцию
expert panel meeting = совещание специалистов
opening session = открытие конференции
chairman = председатель
to take minutes = вести протокол
items of the agenda = вопросы повестки дня
to present a scientific paper = представить научный доклад
speaker = докладчик
to take the floor/ to address the meeting = брать слово, выступать
to put a question to the vote = поставить вопрос на голосование
to solve the problem = решить проблему
to decide the question = решить вопрос
urgent/ pressing problem top priority/ controversial problem = проблема, не терпящая отлагательств = важнейший/ спорный вопрос
on behalf of = от имени


Read and try to reproduce the Chairman’s Opening Speech:

       “Ladies and Gentlemen! I declare the Conference open.

On behalf of the Organizing Committee and in my own name I wish to welcome the guests and participants of the Conference to St.Petersburg!

The first matter is to read the agenda and to explain briefly the work to be done and problems to be discussed: ... I wish you every success.

I am very happy to be able to introduce to you our honorary guests and our speakers. Professor Jones is the first to take the floor....”


How to lead the discussion:

1.    Getting started.

Okay, are we ready to start?

Is everyone ready to begin?

Shall we wait for anybody?


2.    Introducing the subject

The next item of our agenda is ... We need to discuss ...

Basically we have two alternatives.

We can either ...          or ...

company English classes   the paper work company cars a job vacancy employ a teacher   buy another computer rent them promote someone send the staff to a language school recruit a secretary buy them contact a recruitment agency


3.    Asking for an opinion

What do you think of that?

How do you feel about it?

What’s your opinion of that?

Have you got any views on this?

What’s your reaction to this?


4.    Giving an opinion

  In my opinion, Personally, I think It seems to me As far as I’m concerned As I see it, I believe/ suppose I don’t think*   the Government should we should there should spend less money on defence be private schools nationalize telecommunications be compulsory military service invest in new forms of energy spend more on education increase salaries to our deputies be state-supported hospitals take part in peaceful negotiations

* Mind that the negative form is used in the first part of the complex sentence


5.    Agreeing/Disagreeing

That’s right./You are right. Great. Let’s do that I think so, too. I agree with you. I completely agree with you. That’s a good idea. I don’t really agree with you. I’m afraid I don’t agree with you because ... Yes, that may be true, but ... Well, I can see your point, but ... I’m sorry, but it’s a waste of time/ money. I’m not sure about that.


6.    Encouraging everyone to participate

So, would you like to comment on what John said?

What do you think about Mary’s point?

Do you have anything to add?

What do you suggest?

  Why don’t we Shall we Probably, we could improve our English? cancel the Conference then? allow people to smoke in the building. invite staff of all levels of the organization? hold the meeting once a week? ask for volunteers.


7.    Clarifying

Formal:       -I’m very sorry, but I’m afraid I didn’t quite understand your last point.

                   I would appreciate it if you could explain I again.

                   - Would you be so kind as to repeat your last point?

Neutral       - Would you mind explaining your last point, please?

                   - Could you please explain that again?

Informal     - Excuse me?

                   - Please, explain that.

Highly informal - What are you talking about?

                   - What did you say?

                   - What?


8.    Dividing responsibilities

Who is going to be responsible for that?

Could you deal with that?

Can you take care of that?


9.    Reaching agreement and summing up

Do we agree that ... ?

So, to sum up, we have decided to ... .

I know you’re not going to agree with me but we have no choice.

We can discuss it later when we get the necessary information.


10.  Keeping the discussion moving

Perhaps we should go on to the next point.

We have only ten minutes left, so we’d better move on.


Ex. 5 Read the essay and try to:

1 mark the points where a new paragraph begins.

2 write out verbs expressing opinions.

3 underline all link words.

4 render it in Russian.


It is often claimed that nuclear energy is something we cannot do without. We live in a consumer society where there is an enormous demand for commercial products of all kinds. Moreover, an increase in industrial production is considered to be one solution to the problem of mass unemployment. Such an increase supposes an abundant and cheap energy supply. Many people believe that nuclear energy provides an inexhaustable and economically realistic source of power and that it is therefore essential for an industrially developing society. There are a number of other advantages in the use of nuclear energy. Firstly, nuclear power, barring accidents, is clean. A further advantage is that a nuclear power station may be run and maintained by relatively few technical and administrative staff. The nuclear reactor represents an enormous step in our scientific evolution and, whatever an anti-nuclear lobby says, it is naive to expect a return to more primitive sources of fuel. However, opponents of nuclear power stations pose a direct threat not only to the environment but also to civil liberties. Furthermore, it is questionable whether nuclear power is a cheap source of energy. There have been very costly accidents in the USA and in the Soviet Union. The possibility of increases in the cost of uranium in addition to the cost of greater safety provisions could price nuclear power out of the market. In the long run, environmentalists argue, nuclear energy wastes valuable resources and disturbs the ecology to an extent which could bring about the extinction of the human race. Thus, if we wish to survive, we cannot afford nuclear energy. In spite of the case against nuclear energy outlined above, nuclear energy programs are proliferating. Such a proliferation assumes a continual growth in industrial production and consumer demands. However, it is doubtful whether this growth will or can continue. Having weighed up the arguments on both sides, it seems there are good economic and ecological reasons for sources of energy other than nuclear power.


1.    Write the minutes of the discussion:

The subject (item of the agenda)

Advantages/ arguments for

Disadvantages/ arguments against


2.    Try to practice “leading a discussion”. Give your opinions and ask for others’ views on every important statement.

3.    Act the Conference “On the Uses of Nuclear Power”.

Roles to perform:

The Chairman

Those who support nuclear energy uses

Their opponents

Honorary guests

*You are expected and welcome to present your own opinions and arguments on the subject.

Improve your interpreting skills:

Ex.1. Colony in Space

Presenter: You've probably read one of those science fiction stories where a colony is established in space to solve the over-population problems on Earth. Well, a Japanese expert has come up with a scheme that sounds similar but which is apparently perfectly feasible using existing technology. But this colony is going to be in the middle of the ocean. Marilyn Evans has been finding out about it, haven't you? Marilyn: Yes, one of Japan's biggest problems is, in fact, cramming its large population of something like 120 million into a very limited amount of space. Only 18% of the 380,000 square kilometres of its land can be used for living space, and in fact over three-quarters of its land area is mountainous and therefore it's uninhabitable, but now Kirohide Terai, who is Japan's leading expert on new technology, has set up a study group with some of Japan's most prominent industries. These include companies like Sony, Mitsui, Nippon Steel, NTT and Asahi, the TV and publishing group. Now, their answer is not the one that we'd imagine, a city in space. What they want to do is to build a vast steel metropolis 300 kilometres offshore in the Pacific Ocean. If it's a success, more identical cities could be built, each of which would be a completely self-contained habitat for about two million people. Presenter: My word! And what would each of these floating cities look like? Marilyn: Well, there'd be four decks, each five kilometres square with a gap of about twenty metres between each deck. Um.. .on the top deck, it's where people would live and work, there'd be housing, flats, offices, shops and entertainments, parks and...and probably an provide connections to the mainland, but of course y.. .you could go by ship. Under the next level down you'd have the transport system for passengers, which would be a computer-controlled driverless train system. F.r...below that would be the industrial zone, which would be lots of high-tech companies: computers and electronics and so on. And on the lowest deck there'd be the services, there'd be electric and gas and sewers, and the telecommunications. And of course a...a desalination plant to convert the sea water into fresh water. And we'd have electricity which would be generated from... from wave power, from the movement of the waves, which would provide all the energy that the city would need. And the only thing that would need to be shipped in to support the community would be food. The whole thing would be built on 10,000 hollow steel cylinders. They'd be 50 metres apart but in fact they.. .they wouldn't be resting on the ocean floor, but floating: this whole thing would be out in the warm waters of the Pacific where the sea is several kilometers deep. Presenter: Yes, but wouldn't the...the whole thing sort of bob up and down in the waves? Every...everybody would be seasick! Marilyn: No. No no no. I3ccause in fact each cylinder would contain water to balance the weight of the structure, and the level of the water in each of the cylinders would be constantly adjusted by computers to keep the whole city floating in a.. .in a level, stable manner. In fact, there'd be no feeling of floating at all. It wouldn't be affected either by typhoons or storms because of its enormous size and because of its height above sea level. They've carried out tests in fact on.. .on models in water tanks, simulating the worst conditions imaginable and they've shown that it works. Presenter: Yes, but surely the cost of something like that would be absolutely astronomical? Marilyn: Yes, it would, you're absolutely right. And to build it would require 60 million tons of steel, which in fact is over half of Japan's annual production. The scheme would be financed by an offshore fund which...which offered tax benefits to investors. There'd be no tax to pay and the idea is that Ocean City would become a tax haven and a financial centre for the Pacific Region. I mean it would probably even replace Hong Kong. Presenter: Yes, but who would want to live there? It sounds terrible to me. Marilyn: Well, they're trying to make it as similar to the mainland as.. .as they possibly can, I mean not like an ocean liner. There'd be parks and golf courses, horse riding and swimming pools. course, lots of outdoor activities because a big attraction for people living there would be the climate: Ocean City would be to the south of Japan, where the weather is warm and pleasant. And they've chosen a spot where there are there are.. .um.. .few storms and not very much rainfall. Oh, yes, and it…. Of course it has one distinct advantage over living on the mainland in Japan. – there wouldn’t be any earthquakes!     Ведущий - В Мэрилин - М   В: Вероятно, Вы читали один из научно-фантастических рассказов, в котором для решения проблем перенаселения на Земле была создана колония в космосе. Так вот, один японский эксперт представил проект, который кажется (звучит) похожим, но который, по всей видимости, представляется вполне осуществимым с использованием современных технологий. Только эта колония будет находиться посреди океана. Мэрилин Иванс пыталась узнать об этом, не так ли?   М: Да. На самом деле, одна из наиболее больших проблем Японии - это впихнуть свое многочисленное население, около 120 миллионов, в очень ограниченное пространство. Только 18% из 380,000 кв. км. японской земли можно использовать для проживания. Фактически более 2/3 ее территории - местность гористая и, следовательно, непригодная для проживания (ненаселенная), однако теперь Кирохиде Тераи, который является ведущим экспертом Японии по новым технологиям, создал научную группу из представителей самых известных отраслей японской промышленности. Среди них такие компании как Сони, Мицуи, Ниппон Стил, НТТ и Асахи, а также группу телевидения и печати. Сейчас их ответ не тот, что мы себе представляли - город в космосе. Что они хотят сделать - так это построить огромный стальной город (метрополию) в Тихом океане в 300 км от берега. Если проект окажется успешным, то можно было бы еще построить такие города, каждый из которых был бы абсолютно независимым местом проживания для приблизительно 2 миллионов человек.     В: О господи! И как выглядели бы такие плавучие города?   М: Ну, очевидно, будет 4 палубы, каждая площадью 5 кв.км и с расстоянием между палубами 20 метров. Э ... на верхней палубе, где люди вероятно будут жить люди, будет жилье, квартиры, офисы, магазины и развлекательные центры, парки и ... и по всей видимости, аэропорт для обеспечения связи с большой (главной) землей, но, конечно, можно будет добраться и на корабле.        Под ней ... на следующем уровне будет, вероятно, транспортная система для пассажиров, которая будет представлять собой управляемую компьютером железнодорожную систему без машинистов. Ниже будет промышленная зона, занятая многими высокотехнологическими компаниями: компьютеры, электроника и тому подобное.        А на самой нижней палубе будут жилищно-эксплуатационные службы: электропроводка, газовые и дренажные системы, телекоммуникации. И конечно, завод по опреснению воды - для превращения морской воды в питьевую. И очевидно, у нас будет электричество, которое будет вырабатываться из ... силой волн, движением волн, которые будут производить всю энергию, необходимую городу. Единственное, что нужно будет поставлять для поддержания жизни горожан, - это пища.        Все сооружение будет построено на 10,000 полых стальных цилиндрах. Межу ними будет расстояние в 50 метров и они фактически ... они не будут покоится на дне океана, они будут находится на плаву: по всей видимости, все сооружение будет находиться в теплых водах Тихого океана, где глубина моря достигает нескольких километров.     В: Да, но наверное эта ... все это сооружение будет прыгать вверх вниз на волнах? Все ... всем будет плохо!     М: Нет, нет, нет. Поскольку, на самом деле, каждый цилиндр будет содержать воду для поддержания равновесия всей этой конструкции, а уровень воды в каждом цилиндре будут постоянно регулировать компьютеры, чтобы весь город находился в стабильном плавучем состоянии. Чувства движения по воде фактически не будет. На конструкцию не будут влиять ни тайфуны, ни штормы из-за ее огромных размеров и высоты над уровнем моря. На самом деле, уже проведены испытания на ... на моделях в резервуарах с водой, воспроизводя самые худшие условия, которые только можно представить, и они показали, что устройство срабатывает.     В: Да, но наверняка, стоимость такого сооружения будет просто астрономической?   М: Да, Вы абсолютно правы. И на его строительство потребуется, очевидно, 60 миллионов тонн стали, что составляет фактически более половины годового производства стали в Японии. Скорее всего, этот проект будет финансироваться оффшорным фондом, который предлагает инвесторам налоговые льготы. Налоги платиться не будут, и идея состоит в том, чтобы "Город в океане" стал налоговым раем и финансовым центром для всего Тихоокеанского региона. Я думаю, вероятно, он даже заменит Гонг-Конг. В: Да, но кто захочет жить там? Для меня это звучит ужасно. М: Ну, они пытаются сделать его похожим на большую землю ... насколько это возможно, я имею ввиду не как океанский лайнер. Там будут парки и площадки для гольфа, выезд для лошадей и плавательные бассейны. И ... конечно, множество развлечений на свежем воздухе, поскольку наиболее притягательным для людей, живущих там, будет климат: "Город в океане" будет расположен к югу от Японии, где стоит теплая благоприятная погода. И они выбрали такое место, где ... где редко встречаются штормы и не очень часто идут дожди. Да, и ... конечно, проживание там будет иметь одно явное преимущество над проживанием на материке, в Японии - там не будет землетрясений!  


Ex. 2. Interpret the following texts:

Text 1


На планете есть места, где слой (layer) озона уже уменьшился на три процента. А ведь его сокращение (reduction) на один процент вызывает (cause) ежегодный прирост (increase) раковых (cancer) заболеваний кожи (skin) на 6 процентов.

34 государства уже подписали соглашение о прекращении использования соединения (combination) хлора (chlorine), фтора(fluorine) и углерода (carbon) в кондиционерах и о сокращении имеющихся их запасов (storages) на 50 процентов. Однако, как утверждают многие специалисты, уже сейчас необходимо 85-процентное сокращение для того, чтобы предотвратить (prevent) дальнейший рост губительного (harmful) вещества (substance) в атмосфере.


Text 2

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