These tasks are for reading and comprehension the information about different aspects of human life. You should choose from the suggested varients the correct one.


По английскому языку

Для студентов заочного отделения первого курса обучения

Второй вариант )

Part I. Tasks in this part are connected with different aspects of grammar material. Choose from A, B, C, and D which variant applies to the concreate sentence.

1. The appendices ___ usually found at the back of a book.

A. are    B. be          

C. is       D. being

2. Every success and failure ______ to an individual’s growth and maturity.

A. contribute          B. is being contributes

C.   contributes           D. have been contributed

3. The number of days of vacation provided to university employees ______ constant from year to year.

A. has remaining         B. to remain

C. remains               D. are remained

4. If you want us _____ there before dark you should let us ____ at once.

A. to get, to start   B. get, to start           

C. to get, start       D. get, start

5. He ______ a bad accident if he ______ more carefully.

A. will have, will not drive B. has, doesn’t drive

C. has, will not drive         D.  will have, doesn’t drive

6. She didn’t return the book she ______ after ________ to do so.

A. borrowed, promised B. had borrowed, promising

C. borrowing, promising D. had borrowed, had promised

7. In spite of the rain I contributed working in the garden, and so _____ she.

A. did        B. does  

C. has        D. is

8. His work made an enormous impact ___ his contemporaries and influenced ____ the style of many later artists.

A. on, on    B. by, ___      

C. on, ___  D. with, on

9. He was very kind ___ me, and took a great deal of notice ___ me, and paid a good deal of attention ___ me and at last he proposed ___ me.

A. to, of, to, to       B. of, for, for, at          

C. towards, to, to, ___        D. of, with, towards, for     

10. She smiled ___ me and said, “I don’t mind ___ organizing the party if he has no objections___ giving it.”

A. at, to, __                           B. to, ___, to 

C. for, from, upon              D. at, ___, for

11. ___ my opinion, he was always a little ahead ___ me. But he was a snob: he was always interested ___, and envious ___ those who had some sort of social position.

A. From, of, ___, for      B. In, of, in, of

C. On, from, in, ___       D. For, for, of, to

12. I am glad I’ ve explained___ you reasons ___ changing and hope you are not angry ___ me any longer.

A. ___, of, with     B. to, for, with          

C.  for, for, to             D.  ___, of, ___

13. The centre of the party was Mike who___ everybody laugh because he ___ and said many things for fun.

A. made, did         B. made, made         

C. did, did             D. did, made

14. The rebellion was put___ by the Brirish, but not before extensive loss of life on both sides.

A. through  B. down

C. out          D. in

15. We expected him to join ___ us, but he never turned ___.

A. ___, up             B. to, out               

C. with, in            D. ___, upon

16. But the majority of people are so intensely lazy and timid, that they prefer to encourage the imposition by giving ___ to it rather than put an end ___ it by the exertion of a little firmness.

A. away, for         B. out, to                 

C. in, to                D. off, by

17. He did not _____ me his secret and I was so curious to know that I made _____ my mind to find it _____ with Paul.

A. say, on, out

B. tell, upon, off

C. talk, up, in

D. tell, up, out

18. We ____. He arrived ______ half an hour behind the _____ time.

A. shouldn’t have hurried, near, appointed

B. mightn’t have hurried, nearly, appointing

C. needn’t have hurried, nearly, appointed

D. mustn’t have hurried, near, appointing

19. She has made me _________ that I ____ thoughtless and selfish ____ her yesterday.

A. to feel, might be, to

B. feel, might have been, of

C. feeling, should have been, towards 

D. feel, may have been, to

20. If I could only have one flower, I would have ____, the small ones that grow ___ and smell so ____.

A. lilies-of-the-valley, wildly, nicely

B. lily-of-the- valleys, wild, nice

C. lily’s-of-the-valley, wildly, nicely

D. lilies-of-the-valley, wild, nice

21. The staff, which consisted ___ ten people, _____ unanimous in ___ decision.

A. of, were, their

B. of, was, their

C. from, were, its

D. from, was, its

22. Mrs. Brown was a teacher who brought ____ the best in her students – but their own best, not ___ copied best.

A. up, anybody else               B. out, anybody else’s

C. out, anybody’s else           D. in, somebody’s else

23. A tiger has ____ from the cage. ____ everybody of the danger!

A. run, Say                     B. lost, Tell

C. hidden, Notify           D. escaped, Warn

24. He’s dropped his new glasses and broken them. Now he’s looking for his old ______.

A. one B. couple    C. pair D. match

25. The loud music in the room next to mine ____ me from my work.

A. irritated        B. distracted   

C. annoyed  D. interfered

26. Miss Keen has been teaching English for ages, though she hasn’t got any ____.

A. experience            B. diploma  C. knowledge D. know-how

27. He collided with another car and had multiple ______.

A. injuries       B. stabs   C. damages  D. strike

28. The driver denied that the accident was his own ___. He _____ to say anything unless he was permitted to speak to his lawyer.

A. mistake, denied                 B. fault, refused

C. blame, resisted                       D. guilt, gave up

29. She did not understand what they were ____ about, so she gave them a _____ look.

A. speaking, clear    B. talking, blank

C. telling, certain     D. saying, plain

30. It ___ that as a result of emigration and other factors, such as war losses and temporary decline in fertility, the population ____ by about 5 per cent between mid 1974 and 1977. The years since 1974 also ____  by an increase in persons leaving the island in search of work, especially in the Middle East.

A. has been estimated, decreased, have been marked

B. estimated, had decreased, mark

C. has estimated, had decreased, have marked

D. was estimated, was decreased, was marked

31. Because they are relatively durable and portable, books ____ for centuries to preserve and distribute information.

A. are used                       B. are being used

C. are been using             D. have been used

32. The first English colony in North America _____ by the Pilgrims, who ____ from the English city of Plymouth in the Mayflower and ______ in Massachusetts Bay in 1620.

A. was founded, had sailed, had landed

B. was found, sailed, landed

C. had been found, sailed, landed

D. was founded, sailed, landed

33. I think we ____ it on the shelf for Daddy to see when he ____ home from work.

A. will put, will come         B. will put, comes

C. put, comes                      D. put, will come

34. Cyprus ____ on major migration routes for birds, and in spring and autumn many millions ____ though. Many species also ____ on the island.

A. is living, are passing, will winter

B. lies, pass, winter

C. is lying, pass, wintered

D. has lain, have passed, have been wintering

35. Every year fox sixteen years, side Ted _____ three and Caroline one, it _____ the Christmas Eve custom of the Carters’ to hang up their children’s stockings and fill them with inexpensive toys.

A. was, had been             B. was, was

C. had been, was             D. had been, had been

36. Provided the dam ______ by February, the flood _____ several towns.

A. was built, will have struck

B. has not been built, will strike

C. won’t be built, will be striking

D. won’t have been built, strikes

37. Do you see a couple in the corner? Their dessert ____  now.  As soon as they ____ it, we _____ their table.

A. is served, finish, will take

B. is serving, will finish, take

C. is being served, finish, will take

D. has been served, will have finished, will take

38. She said that by the time you _____ to him for help they ___ the greater part of their research.

A. had turned, will do                    B. turn, will have done

C. turned, would have done                D. had turned, would do

39. Dictionary-making, since computers _____ the routine out of it, _____ fun.

A. took, has become 

B. had taken, has become

C. have taken, has been becoming

D. are taking, had become

40. The train ____ just as he ____ the station.

A. came, reached                  B. had come, reached

C. came, had reached           D. has come, reached

Part II

These tasks are for reading and comprehension the information about different aspects of human life. You should choose from the suggested varients the correct one.

41. Look through what these holidaymakers are talking about their holidays in North America. Choose from A, B, C, and D which statement applies to the content.

We were staying at the Holiday Inn in San Diego just relaxing and doing nothing. And it’s got this fabulous view of the harbour. And there was this one bridge that looked so picturesque, so we thought we’d have a photograph taken on the bridge. Well, we asked this man if he would photograph us. And he was delighted but he said he had trouble getting us in, so he kept backing up and backing up. Then … suddenly he turned round and ran off with our camera. What a nerve! I suppose we should have known better really.

A. This holidaymaker didn’t do any sightseeing.

B. This holidaymaker made an unusual discovery.

C. This holidaymaker’s luggage was lost.

D. This holidaymaker had something stolen.

42. Look through what these holidaymakers are talking about their holidays in North America. Choose from A, B, C, and D which statement applies to the content.

We were travelling, driving mostly, through New England. It’s a really pretty place especially in the autumn, or the fall as the locals call it. Actually you can hardly understand them, the accent’s so thick, but anyway, we stopped for tea at Deerfield which has a mile-long street where the buildings are pure eighteenth century. And we found a lady who would make us tea, and we got chatting, the way you do, and it turned out we had the same name: Barding. And more than that, her family had originally come from the same village as mine. Isn’t strange!

A. This holidaymaker made an unusual discovery.

B. This holidaymaker’s luggage was lost.

C. This holidaymaker had something stolen.

D. This holidaymaker spent too much money.

43. Look through what this teacher is talking about his work. Choose from A, B, C, and D which statement applies to the content.

Yes, the music department isn’t bad. I encourage all the pupils to play an instrument and sing in the choral societies. It’s very pleasing that most of them do. I had to create a third orchestra to cope with the demand. The boys and girls like to take exams too, huh that’s a change from when I came, we have a pass rate of 98% and that’s the best in the country. Oh, they’re so talented, some of these children. I always get five or six with music scholarships to university or Music College. And one of my violinists won the BBC Young Musician of the Year last year.

A. This teacher does experiments in class.

B. This teacher used to work in a bank. 

C. This teacher has a lot of gifted students.

D. This teacher advises colleagues on new methods.

44. Look through what this teacher is talking about his work. Choose from A, B, C, and D which statement applies to the content.

I went to Cambridge and trained to be a teacher to make sure I had the best possible background. I regularly take magazines like Modern English Teacher and English Teaching Today to make sure I give my students the most up-to-date techniques available. I’m sure my students benefit and I like to think my colleagues look to me for guidance in matters of methodology. I like to think too that my department is in the forefront of developments in this school. Of course, my ideas have yet to work their way through in terms of exam results, but I’m sure they will in the fullness of time.

A. This teacher takes the students on educational trips.

B. This teacher has been on several courses.

C. This teacher advises colleagues on new methods.

D. This teacher used to work in a bank.

45. Look through the description of the hotel and the holidays they offer. Choose from A, B, C, and D which statement applies to this hotel.

This country-house style hotel overlooks the scenic ruins of Tintern Abbey on the border between Wales and England. It is set in an area of great rural beauty and is ideal for quiet relaxation and country walks. The hotel has excellent catering facilities and its own extensive parkland which includes a deer park, a grouse moon and its own stretch of the River Wye. Holiday breaks can include in – season fishing for salmon and shooting for both grouse and deer. If you wish, these can later be prepared for you by our expert chefs.

A. This hotel is for people who want to go shopping and sightseeing.

B. This hotel is for people who want to visit places of historical interest.

C. This hotel is for people who enjoy sailing and scuba diving.

D. This hotel is for people keen on fishing and hunting.

46. Look through the description of the hotel and the holidays they offer. Choose from A, B, C, and D which statement applies to this hotel.

This truly superb hotel is set in 30 acres of parking, deep in the heart of Kent. It is very close to historic Leeds Castle. It contains a brand new health park which was recently opened by Olympic gold medalist and MP Sebastian Coe. There’s a health and fitness assessment centre, an indoor pool, a whirlpool spa bath, saunas, solarium, gym, floodlit tennis courts and an 18 hole golf course. Rooms are available for our special rate of $ 50 per night.

A.   This hotel is for people who enjoy sailing and scuba diving.

B. This hotel is for people who want to keep fit and active.

C. This hotel is for people who appreciate good food and wine.

D. This hotel is for people who want to visit places of historical interest.


Part III. These sentences are for translation in writing.

· Translate the sentences from English into Russian in writing

(Tasks from 47-51)

47. Since he took up painting 15 years ago, his pictures have been exhibited to public at many exhibitions in our country and abroad.

48. Though they are quite different, they get on with each other.

49. She is such a bore! She gets on my nerves every time I see her. I’m dreaming of getting rid of her.

50. She insisted on our clearing up the matter with him immediately. There’s no sense in pointing out her mistakes to her now.

51. It’s just come to my mind that I’ve given you no reason for not attending your wedding. As a matter of fact I received no invitation to it.

·  Translate the sentences from Russian into English in writing

(Tasks from 52 to 54)

52. Посмотри! Около парикмахерской стоит наш преподаватель по английскому языку. Она, должно быть, кого-то ждет.

53. Они сказали нам, что стояли под дождем целый час в ожидании автобуса.

54. Переписывая это упражнение, обратите внимание на незнакомые слова.



List for students to write down their answers           variant II

1 С 12 23 34 45
2 В 13 24 25 46
3 14 25 36  
4 15 26 37  
5 16 27 38  
6 17 28 39  
7 18 29 40  
8 19 30 41  
9 20 31 42  
10 21 32 43  
11 22 33 44  
















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