Match the places with the pictures and say what people at the pictures are doing and where.

Д.З №2 и №3.

Дано: Мальчик 7 класс.

Уровень: между Beginner и Elementary. Минимальный словарный запас. Практически не развиты навыки говорения (затрудняется ответить на вопросы How old are you? How are you?), аудирования, чтения.

Задача: подготовить к ВПР в марте 2020 года.

Материал для работы: текст для чтения из демоверсии ВПР 2019 г. для 7 класса.

Цель работы: запомнить ключевые слова и выражения из текста по темам заголовков.

Активировать изученную лексику в задании устной части.

Активный вокабуляр:                                   Пассивный вокабуляр :

city attractions                                              delights of soft hills

nature sights                                                  day tourists

panoramas of great lakes                            the principle town

natural beauty                                               remains the seat of somebody

visited by holidaymakers                                Railway museum

ancient city                                                     lie on the river

a castle                                                            list of masters

to engage young people and adults           to perform regular seasons

famous for its interiors                                 impressive ceremonial way

stage plays                                                           outstanding collections

a broad avenue

parade take place

celebrate the official Birthday




Look through the key words and phrases and match them with the themes below. You don’t have to use all of the topics.

1. ancient city

Viking, Castle and Railway museums

engage young people and adults


2. delights of soft hills


panoramas of the great lakes

is visited by day tourists and holidaymakers

outstanding natural beauty


3. National Gallery

one of the most outstanding collections in the world

a list of masters

Leonardo da Vinchi, Rembrandt, El Greco, Van Gogh


4.variety shows

musical comedies

stage plays

English National Opera

English National Ballet

perform regular seasons


5. a broad tree-lined avenue

parade takes place here each June

ride down the avenue

two hundred musicians march


a) nature sights

b) a London street

c) city attractions

d) a London theatre

e) a London cinema

f) a London museum


VPR. Reading. Установите соответствие между текстами A–E и их темами, выбрав тему 1–6 из списка.

Используйте каждую тему только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя.

This text deals with …

City attractions.

A London cinema.

A London theatre.

A London street.

Nature sights.

A London museum.

A) The Lake District, in northwest England, is a small area, but extremely beautiful, with the

varied delights of soft hills and woodland and the panoramas of the great lakes. The Lake

District is more often visited, both by day tourists and holidaymakers, than any other region of

outstanding natural beauty in the British Isles.

B) England's most ancient northern city lies on the River Ouse in the centre of the Vale of York

between the Yorkshire Dales and the North York Moors. It was once the principal town of

Yorkshire, and it remains the seat of the Archbishop of York. A child-friendly city, its Viking,

Castle and Railway museums have plenty to engage young people as well as adults.

C) Along the north part of Trafalgar Square is the famous National Gallery. Founded in 1824, the

gallery has since grown into one of the most outstanding and comprehensive collections in the

world, with a list of masters ranging from Leonardo da Vinci and Rembrandt to El Greco and

Van Gogh.

D) The London Coliseum famous for its richly decorated interiors was used for variety shows,

musical comedies, and stage plays for many years. In 1974 its name was changed to

the English National Opera. Today it is used primarily for opera as well as being the London

home of the English National Ballet. When not on tour they perform regular seasons

throughout the year.

E) The Mall is London's impressive ceremonial way, a broad tree-lined avenue. The spectacular

parade takes place here each June to celebrate the official Birthday of the Sovereign. Queen

Elizabeth II rides down the avenue in a horse-drawn carriage. Over 1,000 officers and men are

on parade, together with two hundred horses; over two hundred musicians march and play as


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Complete the collocations. Use the text above if necessary.

city ________

nature _______

panoramas of great ______

________ beauty

visited by ____________

ancient _____

_______ young people and adults

________ for its interiors

stage ________

a broad _______

parade _____ _____ each June

__________ official birthday.

4. Answer the questions below:

a. What city attractions and nature sights are the most popular in your hometown?

b. Do you enjoy natural beauty of your town?

c. Are there lots of day tourists or holidaymakers in the place you live in?

d. What is your hometown famous for?

e. Where do you prefer to celebrate your birthday? Do you engage your parents to take part in birthday party preparations?

f. Have you ever been to any ancient city with your parents?


Match the places with the pictures and say what people at the pictures are doing and where.

For example:  Young people are walking along the broad avenue.

a) broad avenue; b) lake; c)hills; d) ancient city; f) gallery; g) stage

1. 2.

3. 4.

5.  6.

Дата добавления: 2019-11-25; просмотров: 245; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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