Task 1. Find the equivalents for the following words and phrases

a kitchen unit, a wall cupboard, a base unit

an electric / gas cooker

a hotplate / a plate

an oven, a microwave oven

a refrigerator, a fridge, a frig

a freezer, an icebox, a frozen food compartment

refrigerator shelves, a storage door

a sink, a wash basin

a dish drainer, a dishwasher, a dishwashing machine

a coffee grinder, a coffee maker

a mixer, a mincer, a toaster

a kettle, an electric kettle, a whistling kettle, a teapot

a spice jar, a spice rack

a glass, a cup, a mug

a plate, a dish, a tureen, a saucer

a pot holder rack

cutlery, crockery

a pan, a jug, a pot, a frying pan, a grill pan

a knife, a fork, a spoon, a ladle


Task 2. Answer the following questions using your active vocabulary

  1. Is your kitchen small or spacious?
  2. What’s the floor covered with in your kitchen?
  3. What kind of cooker do you have in your kitchen? How many plates are there on your cooker?
  4. What’s the oven usually used for?
  5. Is there a fridge in your kitchen? What is it used for?
  6. What do your keep on the refrigerator shelves / in the frozen food compartment?
  7. What do you keep in the wall cupboards?
  8. Where do you keep your kitchen utensils?
  9. What kitchen utensils do you have in your kitchen?
  10. What would you prefer: a whistling kettle or an electric one? Why?


Task 3. Translate into English

  1. Наша кухня – очень уютная, удобная и просторная.
  2. На нашей кухне нет кухонного гарнитура, но есть напольные и настенные шкафчики.
  3. Напротив окна – холодильник с большим количеством полок, где мы храним продукты, чтобы они не испортились.
  4. В холодильнике большая морозильная камера. У нас есть еще и отдельная морозильная камера для хранения мясных продуктов.
  5. Посредине кухни стоит стол с красивой скатертью. Над столом висит лампа. Вокруг стола – четыре стула.
  6. У нас есть: разные кастрюли, сковородки, кувшины, чайник со свистком и электрический чайник, кофеварка, кофемолка, миксер, мясорубка, тостер и другие нужные вещи.
  7. В углу, рядом с плитой – раковина с горячим и холодными кранами. Над раковиной – сушилка для посуды. В некоторых семьях есть посудомоечная машина, но это – не наш случай.
  8. На стене над микроволновкой – полочка для баночек со специями.
  9. На полу в нашей кухне лежит мягкий коврик, на окнах клетчатые занавески и тюль.
  10. Вся наша семья любит завтракать, обедать и ужинать на кухне. Но чай мы обычно пьем в гостиной.

Worksheet 8. Bathroom  and Nursery


When you want to clean yourself you use the shower (where you stand up) or the bathtub (where you sit in a lot of water). Almost every house has a shower. This is where you clean yourself by standing in a cubicle where water comes out of a shower head which is situated on the wall above your head. Sometimes the shower is not in a cubicle but combined with a bathtub. When this happens, you usually need a shower curtain so that the water doesn't splash onto the bathroom floor.

A rubber mat is placed on the floor of the shower so that you don't accidentally slip. To clean the dirt off your body you use soap. You can find this in the soap dish. Some people like to use some shower gel which comes in a plastic bottle instead of soap.

You can use a facecloth or flannel to help you remove the soap from your body. You use shampoo to clean your hair and then conditioner to make it softer and easier to comb. After you have washed your hair, you can use a hair dryer to dry it. This is an electrical appliance which blows hot air at your hair. You can dry yourself with a towel which is normally hanging on the towel rail.

Another use for the bathroom is to go the toilet. There should be some toilet paper at hand. When you finish using the toilet you have to flush it.

Remember to wash your hands before having a meal. You use the sink to do this. Another way of saying “sink” is washbasin or hand basin. The sink contains a tap where the cold water and hot water come out of. The water then goes into the sink. If there isn't a plug, the water then disappears down the drain. To dry your hands, you can use a hand towel.

Above the hand basin you will normally find a mirror. You use a mirror to see yourself and to help you brush your hair. Sometimes the mirror is actually the door of a medicine cabinet which is a place to keep your medicines. This is sometimes called a medicine chest too.

After every meal you should brush your teeth. You need to put some toothpaste on your toothbrush to clean them properly. Men often wear a beard and a moustache. If a man doesn't want a beard he uses a shaver to remove it, and shaves every morning. The razor is the sharp blade to cut.

You leave all of your dirty clothes in the laundry basket. Sometimes this basket is called a hamper. When you want to see how much you weigh, you use a scale.



Babies need many special things made just for them. A special type of underwear for a baby is called a diaper or a nappy. A changing table is where the mum or dad change the diapers of the baby and makes him/her clean. Cotton swabs are small pieces of cotton on both ends of a type of small stick. They are used to help clean the baby’s ears. Tissues are thin sheets of cotton that you use when you sneeze and wipe your nose.

A mobile is a decoration that hangs over the crib. It normally has a type of fence around so that the baby doesn’t fall out. A cradle is a small bed for a newly born baby that rocks, it is also called a cot.

A bouncer is a great toy for a baby. It has a seat for the baby to sit in and hangs from the ceiling so that the baby can bounce up and down. A walker is a toy on wheels that a baby can hold on to while it is learning how to walk. A potty is the name for a small portable toilet for a young child. A pacifier is a piece of plastic that is placed in the baby's mouth to keep the baby busy sucking on the object. Another name for a pacifier is a dummy.

A booster seat or a baby seat is a special chair placed on top of a normal chair. For younger babies they have a special chair called a highchair.

A doll is a special toy for a baby that looks like a person. Another special type of soft toy is a stuffed animal. The most famous kind of stuffed animal is the teddy bear. Other toys for babies include blocks, small cubes of wood or plastic. A rattle is a small toy, the baby shakes it and makes a noise. A play pen is a small area with four walls around it so that the baby has a space to play, but cannot get out to the rest of the room.

A pushchair or stroller is a chair for the baby to sit in that has wheels on the bottom so that the parent can walk and push the baby in the chair at the same time. A perambulator, or, more commonly, a pram is similar, but the baby lays down in a bed, rather than sitting up in a chair.

A nightlight is a small light that shines so that it is bright enough that the child can see in the darkness and isn't afraid.


Дата добавления: 2019-11-25; просмотров: 204; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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