A. Match the questions to their translation.


Are you from Nizhny Novgorod? Тебе интересно делать модели?
Are you a first-year student? Ты опаздываешь на лекции?
Is your future job an architect? Ты готов к занятию?
Is this profession to your liking? Архитектурное проектирование твой любимый предмет?
Are you fond of art?  Ты из Н. Новгорода?
Are you good at drawing? Ты учишься на первом курсе?
Are you late for lectures? Твоя будущая работа – архитектор?
Are you ready for classes? Эта профессия тебе по душе?
Is architectural design your favourute subject? Ты увлекаешься искусством?
Is it interesting for you to make models? Ты хорошо рисуешь?

B. Read and role-play the microdialogues.

E.x: 1. Jill: Mary, are you a first-year student? Mary: Sure, I am. And it is to my liking, Jill.      Jill: I see. E.x: 2. Julia: Are you fond of architecture , Helen? Helen: Of course, I am. And I really like architecture . Julia: The same with me.

E.x: 3.

Sandy: Is architectural design your favourute subject, Bred?

Bred: Certainly, it is. I like it a lot.

Sandy: The same with me.

C. Create your own microdialogues using Ex.15a. and role-play them.

D. Read and role-play the microdialogues.

E.x: 1. Jill: Where are you from, Mary? Mary: I am from Nizhny Novgorod. And what about you, Jill?  Jill: As for me, I am from Kstovo. Mary: I see. E.x: 2. Jack: What subject are you good at, John? John: Oh, I am good at architectural design. It is my favourite subject. Jack: Really? I share your opinion, John. John: I see.

E.x: 3.

Jane: What are you interested in, Ann?

Ann: As for me, I am interested in programming. And what about you, Jane?

Jane: You see, I am interested in tourism. It is to my liking.

Ann: Why not. It’s a good idea.

C. Create your own microdialogues using Ex.5a. and reproduce them.

Conversational formulas

Chart 3         


Conversational formulas

1. I agree/disagree with you. Я согласен/не согласен с тобой. 2. I am of the same opinion. Я такого же мнения . 3. I share your opinion. Я разделяю твоё мнение . 4. The same with me. И я тоже . 5. Really ? Can ’ t believe . Действительно? Не могу поверить. 6. I doubt it . Я в этом сомневаюсь. 7. No doubt. Несомненно . 8. I wonder. Мне интересно знать. 9. By the way . Кстати . Между прочим . 10. It is hard to say. Трудно сказать . 11. Is it really so? Это действительно так? 12. I don ’ t think so . Я так не думаю . 13. I take a different view. Я придерживаюсь другого мнения. 14. You are wrong . Вы неправы . 15. I don’t agree with what you say. Я не согласен с тем, что вы говорите. 16. As for me . Что касается меня. 17. To my mind/in my opinion. По моему мнению. На мой взгляд. 18. I hope so . Надеюсь, что так. Я надеюсь . 19. I hold by my opinion. Я остаюсь при своём мнении. 20. Fortunately. К счастью. 21. Un fortunately. Жаль. К сожалению. 22. What do you mean ? Что вы имеете в виду? 23. It’s a good idea. Хорошая идея . 24. Exactly so . Вот-вот. Вот именно. 25.I am so sorry. М не так жаль. Виноват . 26. I am frightfully sorry. Мне ужасно стыдно . 27. I feel sorry for you. Мне жаль тебя . 28. There is no doubt about it. Нет никакого сомнения в этом. 29. Don ’ t you know ? Разве ты не знаешь? 30. I feel for you. Я тебе сочувствую . 31. You are welcome . Не стоит благодарности.

Reflection ( Размышление )

Listening & Speaking

16. Prepare a text about yourself and present it to the class. Get ready to answer your group mates’ questions creating a micro dialogue. (See chart 1.)

Writing & Speaking

20. Make up questions concerning the topic “About yourself” in writing. Think of the reaction on the questions and write down the micro dialogues. Then project yourself (перевоплотиться) into a character of an English teacher and ask the students the questions. Get ready to communicate with your students creating a micro dialogue. Chart3 will be useful.


Unit 2

Students’ life

1. Group work. Reflect on the proverb “ Evil (дурной) communications corrupt (портить) good manners” and answer the question “What does the proverb tell us about?” The following lexis can be helpful.

E.g. This proverb tells us that we should be particular (разборчивый, требовательный) about choosing friends.

company окружение
a huge circle of friends огромный круг друзей
an inner circle ближний круг
close friends; close people близкие друзья; близкие люди
to be friends with; be on friendly terms with; keep company with Дружить с
To be serious about; to take something seriously Серьёзно относится к
To fail a friend Подвести друга
To help out of trouble Выручить из беды
a good man хороший человек
a man of honour; white man; a man of good morals; decent person порядочный человек
a man without scruples (угрызения совести); indecent person; disreputable; dishonorable непорядочный человек
to offend/ hurt Обидеть
to do somebody ill; to do harm to somebody причинить вред
I don’t mean to do any harm Я никому не желаю вреда
to bring to grief; to lead somebody to trouble довести до беды
an act; an action поступки
to commit ill (evil) actions совершать дурные поступки
good deeds хорошие поступки

2. Listen and repeat after the teacher the following terms and phrases, mind their pronunciation:

to study учиться, изучать
studies учёба
a second-year student второкурсник
to be proud (of) гордиться
an educational institution учебное заведение
To begin with/ First of all для начала, прежде всего
a pleasant friendly atmosphere приятная, дружелюбная обстановка
intelligent, cheerful and benevolent guys умные (интеллигентные), весёлые и доброжелательные ребята
to participate in the foreign economic activity of an enterprise  
to prepare the texts of agreements готовить тексты соглашений
to travel on business to foreign countries ездить в деловые поездки в зарубежные страны
to be around окружать
to be ready to help быть готовым помочь
to be in trouble быть в беде
group mate согруппник
ask for help просить помощи
to support поддерживать
in a tight situation в трудной ситуации
to answer in kind отвечать тем же
course of studies курс обучения
informative and cognitive содержательный и познавательный
profession oriented subject профильный предмет
to be to one’s liking быть по душе, по сердцу
Some students одни студенты
to study architectural design изучать архитектурное проектирование
to project buildings and parks проектировать сады и парки
to collect and analyze spatial information собирать и анализировать пространственную информацию
 to be short of time испытывать нехватку времени
to face problems сталкиваться с проблемами
to do one’s best делать всё возможное
to cope with difficulties справляться с трудностями
What is more кроме того, что ещё важно
to have an opportunity иметь возможность
to get an extended education получить дополнительное образование
basic education основное образование
within the verge of the university в стенах университета
to take the course проходить курс
an interpreter in the sphere of professional communication Переводчик в сфере профессиональной коммуникации
to have a good command of English хорошо знать английский язык
to work in the specialty работать по специальности
to get a good job получить хорошую работу
to make a successful career сделать успешную карьеру
In spite of the interesting course of studies Несмотря на интересный курс обучения
different разный
an organized and disciplined person организованный, собранный и дисциплинированный человек
lazy ленивый
to be lazy; to idle about; laze away лениться; лодырничать; лентяйничать
He is lazy about his studies. Он ленится учиться.
to work by fits and starts; to work by snatches работать урывками
vital жизненно важный
the place of residence; place of living; место жительства
a resident of постоянный житель
non-local students иногородние студенты
a student hostel, student dormitory общежитие
native city родной город
to be far from находиться далеко от
in the suburbs в пригороде
on the outskirts of a city на окраине города
to provide students with the hostel обеспечивать студентов общежитием
to lead a merry life вести весёлую жизнь, весело жить
to have fun весело проводить время
to have a good time приятно провести время; хорошо провести время, повеселиться
to share joys and sorrows делиться радостями и горестями
a roommate товарищ по комнате
to rent a flat снимать комнату
to find friends найти друзей
a remarkable place замечательное место
on the whole в общем, в целом
to help out помочь в затруднении, выручить
I swear Клянусь
to surround окружать


3. Match the words and phrases to their translation and make sentences about university students


the University of Architecture and civil engineering Быть готовым помочь
an educational institution в трудной ситуации
To study in a pleasant friendly atmosphere просить помощи
Intelligent, cheerful, and benevolent guys поддерживать
to be around Архитектурно-строительный университет
to be ready to help учебное заведение
to be in trouble Учиться в приятной, дружелюбной обстановке
ask for help умные (интеллигентные), весёлые и доброжелательные ребята
to support Окружать
in a tight situation Быть в беде



to answer in kind получить дополнительное образование
informative and cognitive в стенах университета
to do profession-oriented subjects Проходить курс
to be to one’s liking Переводчик в сфере профессиональной коммуникации
To be short of time отвечать тем же
to have an opportunity Содержательный и познавательный
to get an extended education изучать профильные предметы
within the verge of the university быть по душе, по сердцу
To take the course испытывать нехватку времени
An interpreter in the sphere of professional communication Иметь возможность



To have a good command of English ездить по делам
to get a good job готовить тексты соглашений
make a successful career работать урывками
In spite of the interesting course of studies работать по специальности
to work in the specialty Хорошо знать английский язык
to participate in the foreign economic activity of an enterprise получить хорошую работу
travel on business Сделать успешную карьеру
to prepare texts of agreements Несмотря на интересный курс обучения
an organized and disciplined person организованный, собранный и дисциплинированный человек
work by fits and starts участвовать во внешнеэкономической деятельности предприятия


To be short of time Иногородние студенты
To face problems Жить в пригороде
To do one’s best Обеспечивать общежитием
to cope with difficulties Вести весёлую жизнь, весело жить
the place of residence Испытывать нехватку времени
a resident of N. Novgorod Сталкиваться с проблемами
non-local students делать всё возможное
live in the suburbs Делиться радостями и горестями
Provide with the hostel место жительства
lead a merry life постоянный житель Н. Новгорода
share joys and sorrows справляться с трудностями


4. Read the text and answer the following questions:

1. What is this text about?

2. What does Max think about the educational institution in which he studies?

3. What kind of people surround him?

4. Who supports him in a tight situation?

5. What is his opinion about the course of studies?

6. What options (дополнительная возможность) in studies do the students have?

7. What opportunities does the program give students?

8. Where do non-local students live?Why?

9. What does Max tell about a hostel life?

10. What is your opinion about the university and its students?

Students’ life

Hello, everyone. My name is Max and I am 19 years old. I am a second-year student of the University of Architecture and civil engineering and I am really proud that I study at this educational institution. 

To begin with, the university is a great place to study at. I am really happy that I am a student of this university. First of all, we study in a pleasant friendly atmosphere. Intelligent, cheerful, and benevolent guys are always around me. They are friendly and are always ready to help. If I am in trouble, I often ask my group mates for help. My university friends always support me in a tight situation and I answer in kind.

As for the course of studies, it is very informative and cognitive. We do a lot of profession-oriented subjects which are to my liking. Some students study architectural design and learn to project buildings and parks. Others study geodesy and learn to collect and analyze spatial information about the land. What is more, we have an opportunity to get an extended education within the verge of the university. We can take the course “An interpreter in the sphere of professional communication”. To have a good command of English is very important for a future profession. This diploma can help me to get a good job and make a successful career. I will work in the specialty but I will participate in the foreign economic activity of an enterprise. It can help me to prepare texts of agreements and travel on business to foreign countries. In my opinion, it is very important for my professional future.

In spite of the interesting course of studies all students are very different. Some of them are organized and disciplined persons, the rest (другие) are lazy and work by fits and starts. Of course, it is not so easy to be a student. The students are always short of time. We often face problems with studies, but we do our best to cope with difficulties. No doubt, it is vital for students to have the place of residence. As for me, I am a resident of N. Novgorod. But in the university there are a lot of non-local students. They can live in the hostel if their native city is far from N. Novgorod. If these guys live in the suburbs, the university doesn’t provide them with home.( общежитие) To my mind, guys lead a merry life in the hostel. But if they have problems, they can share joys and sorrows with their roommates and friends. Of course there are some students who rent a flat.

On the whole, the university is a remarkable place for studies where you can get both a basic and an extended education. We study profession-oriented subjects which are very important for the future. You can find good friends who will help you out in trouble. It is to my liking that friendly guys surround me. It is great to be a student of this university, I swear.

5. Pair work. Match the words from two columns to create a phrase and make sentences to use them in the text entitled “Students’ life”. Share your ideas with the partner.


a great profession-oriented subjects
study the course of studies
To be ready a successful career
ask in the specialty
support  in the foreign economic activity of an enterprise
answer place to study at
do in a pleasant friendly atmosphere
take to help
make for help
work in a tight situation
participate in kind


In spite the place of residence
work from N. Novgorod
To be short joys and sorrows
face with the hostel
do a merry life
to cope of the interesting course of studies
to have by fits and starts
To be far of time
live problems with studies
Provide our best
lead with difficulties
share in the suburbs


6.Pair work. Translate the sentences and repeat them adding the word “also”:  

E.x: I am a good student. – I am also a good student.

It is interesting for me to study at the university. - It is also interesting for me to study at the university.

I always cope with difficulties. I also cope with difficulties.

I will do this work. I will also do this work.


1. I am a second-year student of the University of Architecture and civil engineering. 2. I am proud that I study at this educational institution. 3. We study in a pleasant friendly atmosphere.  4. Benevolent guys are always around me. 5. I often ask my group mates for help. 6. My university friends always support me in a tight situation. 7. We do a lot of profession-oriented subjects. 8. I will work in the specialty. 9. I will prepare texts of agreements and travel on business to foreign countries 10. It is very important for my professional future. 11. We do our best to cope with difficulties. 12. Guys lead a merry life in the hostel.  13. We share joys and sorrows with our roommates and friends. 14. They live in the suburbs.


7. Make up general ( общие ) questions to the sentences and ask your partner creating a dialogue according to the example:

E.g.: I am a good student. – Are you a good student, Jack/. ( общий ) – Of course, I am. And what about you, Jill? - I am also a good student.

Do you study at the university, Ann? – Don’t you know? I am a first-year student.

1. I am a second-year student of the University of Architecture and civil engineering. 2. I am proud that I study at this educational institution. 3. We study in a pleasant friendly atmosphere.  4. Benevolent guys are always around me. 5. I often ask my group mates for help. 6. My university friends always support me in a tight situation. 7. We do a lot of profession-oriented subjects. 8. I will work in the specialty after graduation . 9. I will prepare texts of agreements and travel on business to foreign countries 10. It is very important for my professional future. 11. We do our best to cope with difficulties. 12. Guys lead a merry life in the hostel.  13. We share joys and sorrows with our roommates and friends. 14. They live in the suburbs.


8. Prepare a text about your students’ life. Get ready to answer questions.


Conversational formulas

1. I agree/disagree with you. Я согласен/не согласен с тобой. 2. I am of the same opinion. Я такого же мнения . 3. I share your opinion. Я разделяю твоё мнение . 4. The same with me. И я тоже . 5. Really ? Can ’ t believe . Действительно? Не могу поверить. 6. I doubt it . Я в этом сомневаюсь. 7. No doubt. Несомненно . 8. I wonder. Мне интересно знать. 9. By the way . Кстати . Между прочим . 10. It is hard to say. Трудно сказать . 11. Is it really so? Это действительно так? 12. I don ’ t think so . Я так не думаю . 13. I take a different view. Я придерживаюсь другого мнения. 14. You are wrong . Вы неправы . 15. I don’t agree with what you say. Я не согласен с тем, что вы говорите. 16. As for me . Что касается меня. 17. To my mind/in my opinion. По моему мнению. На мой взгляд. 18. I hope so . Надеюсь, что так. Я надеюсь . 19. I hold by my opinion. Я остаюсь при своём мнении. 20. Fortunately. К счастью. 21. Un fortunately. Жаль. К сожалению. 22. What do you mean ? Что вы имеете в виду? 23. It’s a good idea. Хорошая идея . 24. Exactly so . Вот-вот. Вот именно. 25.I am so sorry. М не так жаль. Виноват . 26. I am frightfully sorry. Мне ужасно стыдно . 27. I feel sorry for you. Мне жаль тебя . 28. There is no doubt about it. Нет никакого сомнения в этом. 29. Don ’ t you know ? Разве ты не знаешь?



1. Pair work. Reflect on the proverb “A good beginning makes a good ending” and answer the question “What is the proverb about?” Interpret the proverb. The following lexis can be helpful.

E.g. This proverb is about people who work hard at the start”.

at the beginning/at first/ at the start вначале/ сначала, на первых порах/ поначалу
to work hard   трудиться, много работать
be serious about серьёзно относиться (к чему-л.)
to be lazy лениться
to think about the future задумываться о будущем
to look to the future смотреть в будущее
to be excited about the future с воодушевлением смотреть в будущее
To get good results получить хорошие результаты
Finally/ at the end в конце/ на завершающей стадии
in the future; in years to come; in after years в будущем
to be successful иметь успех
to achieve success добиться успеха
to aim at excellent results стремиться к отличным результатам
to strive for perfection стремиться к совершенству
to take pains прилагать усилия
to change the situation for the better изменить ситуацию к лучшему
to change one’s life completely полностью изменить свою жизнь

2. Read the following terms and phrases, mind their pronunciation:

a full-time student студент дневного отделения
a part-time student студент заочного отделения
a first-year student первокурсник
the University of Architecture and Civil Engineering Архитектурно-строительный университет
to study учиться, изучать
the faculty of Architecture and Town Building Факультет архитектуры и градостроительства
to want хотеть
course of studies курс обучения
run (for) длиться, продолжаться
to do/study a subject изучать предмет
to have classes, lectures and seminars иметь практические занятия, лекции и семинары
to spend time проводить время
to work hard/ labour трудиться
to try cтараться, пытаться
to attend classes посещать занятия
to miss classes пропускать занятия
with a reasonable excuse по уважительной причине
without a reasonable excuse без уважительной причины
to do well in a subject успевать по предмету
to pass an exam ( a test) in сдать экзамен ( зачёт ) по
to take exams in сдавать экзамены по
to hope надеяться
to get a mark получить оценку
to do one’s best делать всё возможное
to become a qualified specialist стать квалифицированным специалистом
to work by fits and starts работать урывками, нерегулярно
to fall behind the group отстать от группы
to catch up with the group догнать группу
to graduate from the university закончить университет
After graduation после окончания учебного заведения
to take / make notes at a lecture on делать записи на лекции по
to discuss problems обсуждать проблемы
a group mate одногруппник
a time – table расписание
to give a mark (a credit ) поставить оценку ( зачёт )
to revise/study for an exam готовиться к экзамену
to resit an exam пересдавать экзамен
to dismiss a student отчислить студента
a profession-oriented subject профильный предмет
to trouble somebody (Mathematics troubles me.) (Mathematics doesn’t trouble me at all) даваться с трудом (Математика даётся мне с трудом); (Математика даётся мне легко)
find a prestigious job найти престижную работу
make a successful career сделать успешную карьеру

3. Match the words and phrases to their translation:


a full -  time student проводить время
a part – time student после окончания учебного заведения
the University of Architecture and Civil Engineering курс обучения
a first-year student изучать предмет
the faculty of Architecture and Town Building тяжёлая работа
After graduation студент дневного отделения
the course of studies студент заочного отделения
do/study a subject Архитектурно-строительный университет
hard work первокурсник
spend time Факультет архитектуры и градостроительства


work hard/ labour успевать по предмету
try сдавать экзамены
attend classes найти престижную работу
miss classes Я делаю всё возможное
do well in a subject квалифицированный специалист
take exams работать урывками
get a mark трудиться
I do my best cтараться, пытаться
a qualified specialist посещать занятия
work by fits and starts пропускать занятия
find a prestigious job получить оценку


fall behind the group одногруппник
catch up with the group сделать успешную карьеру
 make notes at a lecture готовиться к экзамену
be good at a subject закончить университет
a group mate пересдавать экзамен
give a mark (a credit ) отчислить студента
to revise/study for an exam отстать от группы
graduate from the university догнать группу
resit an exam делать записи на лекции
dismiss a student хорошо знать предмет
make a successful career поставить оценку ( зачёт )

4. Read and role-play the microdialogues.

E.x: 1. Jill: Mary, are you a first-year student? Mary: Sure, I am. And it is to my liking, Jill.      Jill: I see. E.x: 2. Julia: Are you fond of geomatic engineering, Helen? Helen: Of course, I am. And I really like geomatic engineering. Julia: The same with me.

E.x: 3.

Sandy: Is Geodesy your favourute subject, Bred?

Bred: Certainly, it is. I like it a lot.

Sandy: The same with me.

5. Create your own microdialogues using Ex.4. and role-play them.

 6. Read and role-play the microdialogues.

E.x: 1. Jill: Where are you from, Mary? Mary: I am from Nizhny Novgorod. And what about you, Jill?  Jill: As for me, I am from Kstovo. Mary: I see. E.x: 2. Jack: What subject are you good at, John? John: Oh, I am good at Geodesy. It is my favourite subject. Jack: Really? I share your opinion..

E.x: 3.

Jane: What are you interested in, Ann?

Ann: As for me, I am interested in programming. And what about you, Jane?

Jane: You see, I am interested in Geodesy. It is to my liking.

Ann: It’s a good idea.

7. Create your own microdialogues using Ex.6. and reproduce them.

8. Group work. Reflect on the following questions making assumptions (делая предположения ) about the text “My studies” and share your ideas with the group:

1. What is the text, called “My studies” about?

2. Who is the main character of this text? Describe this person (personal qualities, appearance) and draw him or her?

3. Where does he/she study?

4. What does she/he study?

5. What is his/her attitude to studies?

6. What is his/her future?

Дата добавления: 2019-11-16; просмотров: 360; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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