Глава 7. Согласование времен.

Упр.7.1.1.c. a. were coming; b. would; c. was leaving; d. would; e. would; f. were going to.


Упр.7.1.2. a. showed / shows; b. has; c. (should) distill; d. (should) play; e. slams, replaces; f. (should) result; g. (should) proceed; h. (should) be; i. states, divides.


Упр .7.3.1. a. told; b. spoke, addressed; c. said, spoke; d. talked; e. said; f. spoke; g. talked; h. addressed; i. told.


Упр.7.3.2. a. he was going; b. the students that it was time; c. the film would be; d. she couldn’t help me; e. that Ann had bought; f. that it had taken him; g. she thought it was; h. that the breakfast was served.


Упр.7.3.3. a. talked; b. told; c. said / replied; d. explained; e. tell; f. speak; g. said / replied; h. tell; i. speak; j. said; k. speak; l. said.


Упр .7.3.4. a. ask tell warn urge remind invite persuade  advise

a. Sir Albert Pringle advised to the shipbuilder’s leader that he should accept the pay rise.

b. Peter Arkwright persuade his members that they really must stay united.

c. Sir Albert reminded to his secretary didn’t forget to come to the meeting,”.

d. A colleague warned Peter Arkwright to be careful of the press.

e. Peter persuaded that he thought they should return to work. Shipbuilders said they agreed if he thought it was a good idea.

f. Sir Albert asked Mr Arkwright to reconsider that offer.

g. Peter Arkwright told the builders to stop work.

h. Sir Albert invited Peter to have lunch with him.



a. Ann said that she couldn’t turn that screw and asked me to do it for her.

b. Ann asked me to tighten the bolt handling me a spannel.

c. He asked if I would mind discussing this question at the seminar.

d. I asked if I should explain my recent results.

e. She asked me to help with translating the article.



a. “Is you pleased with your job?”

b. “I want to know what sort of translation you’ve ever been engaged in.”

c. “How much would you like to get for your job?”

d. “Why do you think the company may be interested in hiring you?”

e. “I want to know what your career goals are.”

f. “I doubt if you are qualified enough for the job.”

g. “Can you prove his experience with letters of recommendation from his previous job?”

Упр.7.5.1. a-4; b-6; c-8; d-2; e-7; f-5; g-1; h-10; i-9; j-3.



a. He advised me not to touch the cable until I had switched off the power; it wasn’t safe.

b. The mechanic explained that I pressed the wrong button. He warned me not to do it again as I might had have a nasty accident.

c. The supervisor threatened that he would drop me from the team if I didn’t work harder.

d. He advised (warned, reminded) me never operating a cutting machine until I had oiled and checked it.

e. John suggested (advised) me to twist electric wires together using a pair of scissors.

f. He wished the procedure would reduce the energy losses.

g. He introduced Mr White to Mr Brown.

h. He beged me not to tell my colleagues. I promised I would not.

i. He exclaimed that he had passed the first exam. I congratulated him and wished him good luck with the second.

j. My colleague remarked that I was in a difficult position for I couldn’t explain that result. I agreed.   

k. She apologized being late and explained that her car had broken down.

l. One of the engineers complained that he expected a lot of work for very little money. The other agreed.

Упр.7.6.1. a-B; b-A; c-A; d-B; e-C; f-C; g-B; h-A; i-C.



Ключи к тестам в приложении.



Тест 1.

1 b; 2 a; 3 b; 4 b; 5 a; 6 a; 7 d; 8 c; 9 b; 10 a; 11 a; 12 d; 13 f; 14 c; 15 g; 16 h; 17 b; 18 e; 19 e; 20 a; 21 a) must, b) be able; 22 has to; 23 need not; 24 a) can, b) can; 25 a) may be, b) ought to; 26 a) scope, b) number, c) magnitude, d) size, e) bulk, f) extend; 27 d; 28 c; 29 c; 30 d; 31 a; 32 b; 33 c; 34 b; 35 c; 36 e; 37 g; 38 a; 39 b; 40 j; 41 h; 42 k; 43 f; 44 i; 45 d; 46 struck; 47 including; 48 had been proclaimed; 49 had been considered; 50 sank; 51 had been steaming; 52 had been provided; 53 had not come; 54 has been; 55 photographed; 56 took; 57 exhibited.


Тест 2.

I. 1. a) phenomena b) theses с) criteria d) data е) hypotheses f) radii g) axes h) analyses; II. 2 a; 3 c; 4 a; 5 c; 6 c; 7 b; III.8 flux, stream, current, flow; IV. 9 d; 10 g; 11 f; 12 e; 13 a; 14 b; 15 c; V. 16 m; 17 l; 18 f; 19 k; 20 j; 21 d; 22 g; 23 a; 24 o; 25 h; 26 b; 27 n; 28 r; 29 c; 30 p; 31 e; 32 i; VI. 33 B; 34 A; 35 B; VII. 36 b; 37 c; 38 b; 39 c; 40 a; 41 c; 42 c; 43 b; 44 c; VIII. 45 was investigated; 46 led; 47 found; 48 lying; 49 had been devastated (was devastated); 50 was growing; 51 had observed; 52 spoke; 53 followed; 54 to throw; 55 (to) shake. 


Тест 3.

I. 1. cred –b-g; duc/t –e-i; fin –h-k; flex i-h; fus, fund –k-b; jac –j-l; liter –l-j; dict –c-f; mob –d-c; pend –a-e; urb –f-d; ven –g-a; II. 2. a) chromosome, b) dogged, c) gram; d) meteorite; III. 3 –c; 4 –d; 5 –e; 6 -f; 7 –a; 8 –b; IV. 9 –a; 10 –b; 11 –a; 12 –b; 13 –b; 14 –a; 15 –b; 16 –a; 17 –b; 18 –a; 19 –a; 20 –b. V. 21 would have been arrested; 22 (might) have been stolen; 23 must have been destroyed; 24 could have been killed; 25 had been signed; 26 have been interviewed; 27 are being analyzed; 28 will have been sent / will be sent; 29 should not have been given; 30 to be checked. VI. 31 to obtain; 32 stopped; 33 (should) be; 34 to have been formed / to be formed; 35 were / was; 36 made; 37 were proposed; 38 will have taught / will have been teaching. VII. 39 b; 40 d; 41 c; 42 b; 43 b; 44 a; 45 b; 46 c; 47 c; 48 a; 49 b; 50 a; 51 d; 52 b; 53 c. 


Тест 4.

I. 1 - c-b; 2 –d-c; 3 –e-e; 4 –a-a; 5 –b-d. II. 6 fifties; 7 action; 8 collisions; 9 reliable; 10 movements; 11 activity; 12 location; 13 observers; 14 equipment; 15 measurements; 16 illumination. III. 17 –c; 18 –d; 19 –a; 20 –a; 21 –a. IV. 22 having established; 23 to have objected; 24 has been announced; 25 will not be built; 26 were received; 27 was launched; 28 will be made; 29 have been interviewed; 30 to be made; 31 to have occurred; 32 wouldn’t have left; 33 could have decided; 34 get / should get. V. 35 c; 36 d; 37 b; 38 f; 39 c; 40 a. VI. 41 a; 42 a; 43 a; 44 b; 45 b; 46 b; VII. 47 in; 48 to; 49 for; 50 from. 


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