Употребление местоимений this, that (these, those) another, other .

 Указательные местоимения this , that имеют форму множественного числа these , those, а местоимение another употребляется всегда только с существительным в единственном числе. Местоимение other употребляется как с единственным, так и со множественным числом существительного и имеет при себе либо определенный артикль, либо не имеет артикля в соответствии с правилами употребления артиклей. Существует также существительное множественного числа the others - другие, остальные.


Упр.3.5.1. Поставьте в пропуски одно из местоимений  (the ) other , another , ( the ) others .


a. I lost my watch, my pen and some _____ things.

b. The village is on ______ side of the river.

c. You are wet through. Change into ______ clothes.

d.  I must put on ______ coat before going to the party.

e. “Have you any ______ books on the subject?” “I am sorry, but there are no ______ .”

f. Take this chair away and bring me ______ .   

g. Give me _____ glove.

h. “Is there _____ train to Kiev this evening?” “Yes, there is one that leaves at midnight and there are two ______ that leave early in the morning”.

i. He took two books and left _____ on the table.

j. I saw Michael just _____ day in Hyde Park.

k. Heather goes to her cottage in the country every _____ weekend.


Местоимения much, many, little и few.

В качестве местоимений-прилагательных эти местоимения употребляются следующим образом:

С исчисляемыми существительными.  С неисчисляемыми существительными.

Много: many: Do you study many plant much: I haven’t much work to do today.


 Мало: few: He has few friends.            little: I have very little time.

Much и many употребляются главным образом в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях. В утвердительных предложениях m uch и many употребляются только, когда они определяются словами very , rather , too , so , as , how или когда они служат подлежащим или определением к подлежащему:


There are too many pages in this article.

Many people attended the meeting.

В других случаях в утвердительных предложениях употребляются выражения a lot ( of ), lots , plenty ( of ) и ряд других:

We have plenty of time.

Russia exports a great deal of timber.

A little переводится как немного, а a few - немного, несколько:   

Please give me a little water.

We have a few experimental results.

The little переводится как то небольшое количество, а the few – те несколько, те немногие:

Gold is one of the few metals which are found in a virgin state.


Упр.3.6.1. Перепишите предложения, используя слова few , a few , little , a little. Сделайте другие необходимые изменения.


a. Help yourself to a biscuit. There are one or two left in the tin.

b. My days are so busy that I don’t have much time for relaxation.

c. She’s exceptionally generous. Hardly anyone gives more money to charity than she does.

d. There’s a tiny bit of butter left, but not much.

e. He keeps trying, although he doesn’t have much chance of success.

f. “I’m afraid you need three or four fillings,” said the dentist.

g. He must have made a hundred clocks in his life, but only one or two of them ever worked properly.

h. She wasn’t very hungry. She just had one or two spoonfuls of soup.


Обзорные упражнения на местоимения.


Упр.3.7.1. Все следующие предложения содержат местоимения. Если предложение неправильно, найдите и исправьте ошибку.


a. The local soccer team has a season record that will put them in the final competition.

b. Mary reads just as well as him.

c. Do you actually believe it is they who sent the letter?

d.  The children were extremely boisterous, which annoyed their teacher.

e. When a person decides to move from the city to a farm, they should be prepared to make some mistakes.

f. You will never be able to convince him or her.

g. Him that speaks before he thinks will get himself in trouble.

h. The last owner of this house obviously didn’t enjoy working outdoors because they neglected the lawn.

i. The coach appreciated them giving him a new jacket.

j. The crowd was so large that it took us a long time to get through them.

k. One or the other of these people must give up their turn to speak.

l. The engineers studied the data carefully, but it didn’t seem correct.

m. I forgot my books, which will force me to return home to get them.

n. There is some disagreement among they who were at the meeting.

o. The teacher made all these improvements themselves.

p. She is very sad which makes me sad, too.

q. You cannot please both George and me.

r. Did you know it was him who started the fire in the wastebasket.


**Упр.3.7.2. Укажите буквой слово, подходящее по смыслу.


I. Chinese people have made the  most successful study of earthquakes because China has had the world’s worst earthquakes. Two times in (1) _____ history, in 1556 and in 1976, more than half a million people lost (2) _____ lives in earthquakes. In the winter of 1974-1975 there were readable signs twice. Almost (3) _____ the people left the cities, but the earthquake did not happen. Two months later the experts again warned the people. (4) _____ were unwilling to leave (5) _____ homes. (6) ______ thought (7) ______ was (8) ________ false alarm. However the police evacuated the dangerous areas. This time a severe earthquake did happen. Thousands of lives were saved.

a) it; b) their; c) its; d) all; e) some; f) another.


To know (9) _____ is going on in the world is (10) _____ person’s right today, but it was once the luxury of (11) _____ leaders. Even so, the knowledge of events was slow in getting to the privileged class. Today, a world wide system of communication makes news available quickly to nearly (12) ____ (13) _____ can read, to (14) _____ person (15) ______ has a radio, to (16) _____ (17) _____ can watch TV.

g) who; h) every; i) everybody; j) what; k) which; l) a few; m) little.


II. (1)____ years ago mathematicians (2) ____ over the world observed the 100th anniversary of the first proof of the prime number theorem. (3) ____ famous theorem tells (4)____ what proportion of the positive integers are prime numbers. The emergence of number theory as a by-product of numerology is analogous to that of (5)____ great science, astronomy, (6)____ owes (7)____ origins to a pseudoscience, astrology. Numbers that aren’t prime are composite, except that the number 1 is (8)____ prime ____ composite. This theorem has grown into a vast and beautiful branch of mathematics that for centuries has attracted the attention of (9)____ amateur ____ professional mathematicians.

a) this; b) another; c) neither … nor; d) which; e) some; f) both … and; g) all; h) its; i) us.

Тесты на местоимения.


Упр.3.8.1. Выберите правильный ответ (в некоторых случаях правильным может быть больше, чем один вариант).


a. I’m going to a wedding on Saturday. ______ is getting married.

A a friend of me  B a friend of mine      C one my friends

b. What time shall we ______ this evening?

A meet   B meet us    C meet ourselves

c. They live on a busy road. ___________ a lot of noise from the traffic.

A it must be B there must be   C there must have     D it must have

d.  He’s lazy. He never does ________ work.

A some     B any     C no

e. “What would you like to eat?” “I don’t mind ________ - whatever you have got.”

A something      B anything         C nothing

f. We couldn’t buy anything because ________ of the shops were open.

A all    B no one       C none       D nothing

g. When we were on holiday, we spent __________ money.

A a lot of    B much     C too much

h. __________ don’t visit this part of the town.

A the most tourists   B most of tourists      C most tourists

i. I asked two people the way to the station but _______ of them knew .

A  none      B either     C both       D neither

j. It was a great party. ________ enjoyed it.

A everybody    B all       C all of us         D everybody of us

k. The bus service is very good. There’s a bus ________ ten minutes.

A each      B every         C all

l. A black box is a device _______ internal workings are immaterial and __________ behavior can be examined only at its input and output terminals.

A that  B those         C which         D whose

a. “That tree looks terrible!” “The man cut off all ________ branches yesterday.

    A it     B itself      C its         D their

Упр.3.8.2. Найдите в каждом предложении одну ошибку в подчеркнутых словах и словосочетаниях.


a. The  more (A) profits US corporations earn in another (B) countries, the less (C) they need to care (D) about infrastructure and education in their country.

b. Any (A) material that (B) carries an (C) electric current even a straight wire - exhibit (D) all the characteristics of the passive circuit elements: resistance, capacitance and inductance.

c. We are not against him (A) being (B) present (C) at the coming (D) conference.

d.  Both (A) of (B) airliners arrived (C) on (D) time.

e. Among pure pharmaceuticals (A), the earliest to be isolated from (B) natural (C) sources they were (D) the alkaloids.

f. My friend makes (A) less (B) mistakes in English than (C) I do (D).

Глава 4. Предлог.


Так как в современном английском языке падежные окончания почти полностью отсутствуют, то предлоги играют важную роль, являясь одним из главных средств выражения отношения существительного (или местоимения) к другим словам в предложении. Предлоги выражают пространственные, временные, причинные и др. отношения. Многие предлоги имеют несколько значений: at the table, at 5 o’clock, to laugh at smb.

Некоторые глаголы могут употребляться с различными предлогами, меняя свое значение в зависимости от предлога: to look at smb. – смотреть на кого-то; to look for smb. – искать кого-то; to look after smb.- присматривать за кем-то.

Предлоги также входят в состав большого числа словосочетаний и выражений. Некоторые глаголы в английском языке требуют после себя предлога, в то время как после соответствующих им русских глаголов предлог не употребляется: to wait for smb.- ждать кого-то; to listen to smb.- слушать кого-то. С другой стороны, в английском языке есть ряд глаголов, которые не требуют после себя предлога, тогда как соответствующие им русские глаголы употребляются с предлогами: to follow smb. - следовать за кем-то; to enter smth.- входить в.

Предлоги бывают простые (of, for, on), сложные (below, between), составные (in front of, out of).

Предлоги обычно ставятся перед существительными, к которым они относятся, однако в ряде случаев могут стоять после них, а также в конце предложения:

This is a picture on the wall.

What street do you live in?

This novel is much spoken about.

Следует также отличать случаи так называемого несвободного, фиксированного употребления предлогов в том или ином сочетании слов: on duty , on foot; а также широкое употребление послелогов, то есть предлогов, обязательных для ряда глаголов и стоящих после них: (to laugh at, to listen to и т.д.)

Можно выделить три относительно большие группы предлогов: предлоги времени, предлоги места, предлоги направления.


Предлоги времени.


Ниже перечислены основные предлоги времени.

on – on Sunday, on the tenth of February

in – in two days, in September

at – at 7 o'clock, at noon

by – by 3 o'clock, by noon

from … till – from early morning till late at night

since – since 5 o'clock, since midnight

for – for an hour, for ages

during – during the lecture, during the break

before – before the bell, before winter

after – after the break, after classes

till (until) – till May, till the end of the year

between - between one and two o’clock


Упр.4.1.1. Заполните пропуски правильным предлогом in , at или on .

a. I get up early ____ the morning and go to bed late ____ night.

b. I’m so bored. There’s nothing to do ___ weekends.

c. He went swimming ___ Sunday morning, and ____ the evening he play squash.

d.  I love going for walks ____ summer. It’s still light ___ nine o’clock.

e. I take my annual holiday ____ June, but I have a few days off ____ Christmas.

f. He usually starts work ____ 9.30, but ____ Friday he starts ____ 8.30.

g. I was born ____ 18 January, 1954.

h. People exchange presents ____ Christmas Day.

i. This house was built ____ the nineteenth century.


Упр.4.1.2. С какими выражениями времени используются эти предлоги? Продолжите список на сколько вы сможете.


In the morning                at night                  on Sunday morning

___________                ___________        ________________

___________                ___________        ________________


Упр.4.1.3. Все предложения этого упражнения касаются прошедшего времени. Заполните пропуски подходящими словами из данных ниже. В некоторых случаях предлог не требуется.

  ago last in for at when on

Пример: I arrived home at six o’clock last night. 

           I saw Jane - yesterday.

a. I was born in Africa _____ 1970.

b. My parents moved back to England ____ I was five.

c. We lived in Bristol ____ three years.

d.   I went to college three years ___ .

e. I found a flat on my own ____ last year.

f. I usually go home ____ the weekend.

g. I didn’t go home ____ weekend because some friends come to stay.

h. They arrived ____ three o’clock ____ the afternoon.

i. ____ Saturday evening we went out to a concert.

j. ____ we got home we listened to some music.

k. We got up late ____ Sunday morning.

l. ____ the afternoon we went for a walk.

m. I bought a car a few weeks ____ .

n. I had an accident ____ last night.

o. It happened ____ 7.00 ____ the evening.

p. I took my car to the garage ____ this morning.


Упр .4.1.4. Употребите подходящие предлоги.


____ February; ____ Monday; ____ 11 o’clock; ____ night; ____ the daytime; ____ March; ____ an autumn day; ____ what time? late ____ the evening; ____ Friday; ____ the XYIII century; ____ June; ____ the afternoon; ____ 2 o’clock p.m.; ____ the 1st Sunday; ____ a fine September day; ____ Friday evening; ____ noon; (через) ____ a fortnight; ____ the 2nd ____ December; ____ midnight; _____ sunny summer morning.


Упр.4.1.5. While - это союз, за которым следует придаточное предложение (подлежащее + сказуемое). Если говорят “X happened while Y happened”, то это означает, что события X  и Y случились в одно и то же время.

Пример: I met Peter while I was studying at university.

During - это предлог и за ним следует существительное. Значение его то же, что и у while - в течении, во время: during the film /lesson / afternoon / football match.          

Пример: I worked on a farm during the holidays.

Словосочетания с while и during отвечают на вопрос When ? - Когда?

Словосочетания с for отвечают на вопрос How long ? - Сколько времени? Как долго?

Пример: I lived there for three years / six months.

Следует помнить, что a while - существительное, означающее период времени: for a while, for a long while.

Заполните пропуски словами while (1), during (2) или for (3).


a. I fell and hurt myself ________ I was playing tennis.

b. It started to rain ________ the match.

c. We played tennis _______ two hours.

d.  I worked in Italy ______ three years.

e. _____ the summer I stayed on a farm in Tuscany.

f. I learned Italian _____ I was there.

g. We went on holiday to Florida _____ three weeks.

h. ______ the day it was very hot, but it was cool at night.

i. We went to Disneyland _____ we were there.

j. We had a lovely meal yesterday. We sat at the table _____ three hours.

k. _____ the meal we exchanged news.

l. _____ I was talking to Barbara, I learned that Tony was in hospital.


Упр.4.1.6. В рассказе о Mrs Gibbs заполните пропуски одним из следующих слов:


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