A space –volume the structuration (the Item of Century С )    51.

That that it works in both parties from plane sheet for it the word the spatial answers. That that it has frequency characteristics tells a word wolume

The word a structuration designates that it gives to space structure befor to produce natural characteristics.

Through space we on very big speeds exhaust selective beam time in an organism of energetically defective person with the help us of the designed devices. Classics speak to us that the problem consists it is that to make time spiral. But a question how to twist this spiral, « to be sun» or « a none to be sun» very much and it is very important. If we twist time to sun , that is right a centripetal point clockwise for a beam as real physical unit we will hook on selective time without problems and we will force to work through turning space in the interests. 

 For these the listed sensitive characteristics it is enough to make an inclination of letters in the generator to the right!!!                                                                            

The inclination of letters to the right, observance of the law of a quadrature of a circle at deducing of matrix modules and application «domains means: that is graphite, silver and gold with characteristics not subject to magnetic terrestrial fields will give us good luck in manufacturing of those of 10 kinds of products about which mankind dreams to have in a life in the near future. This chapter speaks about that and proves that Leonardo felt and knew a for mirror, other- wordly polarity of a word. It proves all that it closely has approached to concept торсионный the word generator. But it was not its time. Now this our time, Leonardo would relieve people of a cancer having created primary preventive maintenance of a cancer as disease with infringement harmonous power, a torsion to anatomy. But during its time the technology electrochemical to be graphite (x-copyings) for creation of quantitative characteristics a torsion to generators of a word in the form of a matrix has not been created. In the end of a life he it understood that none will reach this level of development of technics of our time. Space and Leonardo –as they are fastened. Leonardro da Vinci was the first who has dared to comprehend a torsion of technologies as they directly are fastened with secret of the space which prospect he sharply felt as the artist. Maestro Leonardo also felt cross-section polarity of the words written by graphite as a hand and through a mirror, that is is strict to on the contrary. Yes, yes this that cross-section polarity where two charges with the same name make a start, and heteronymic are drawn. It is a basis of spatially-wave modulation of space. Leonardo felt that sacral words as that change space if them to place strictly cross-section that is against each other and simultaneously on one axis that is is strict polarly. This guess has come to it at work of the text with a mirror (effect of a mirror). It simply has not deepened thought in this direction or has not wanted to deepen or was not in time that it is more -more probable. It simply has not sufficed on it physically. But its texts written strictly «to on the contrary» through a mirror already then have been written by a graphite pencil instead of paints. And we know that with you that graphite strengthens cross-section polarity of words twice overcoming the magnetic moment of the Earth in work. Leonardo as the scientist guessed that words are biologically active form, the proof to it the collar on against ». Befor any invention which is прорывным on a basis to transparent a technologies is its mirror experiences with letters and words, and also with texts written«, the sum of knowledge on the basis of the previous technologies is necessary. Here it at Leonardo also was not near at hand, so and in a head.The scientific guess leans on what that basis, let though minimum, but the necessary. In it its incompleteness in a writing also consists, well and is final not up to the end research of "strange" words.     



Спекаемый к задней стенке матричной плоскости в ламинаторе ,порошковый графит создает термически расширенный , графитовый сердечник ,припекаясь тонким слоем к бумажному носителю любого формата и частоты. Так создаются раздрай характеристики эфир динамического поля предлагаемой матрицы.Термин эфир динамика введен профессором В.И. Бояринцевым в 2000гду, он предтеча эфир динамики. Издал книгу «Антиэйнштейн» в из-ве «Яуза» г.Москва,в 2001году.                                                                   Future -55.


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