The Bodies of Government in the Republic of Belarus

My Future Profession (Economist)

I am a first year student of Mogilev State University named after A.A. Kuleshov. I study at the Faculty of Economics and Law. In some years I'll graduate from the University and become a qualified economist. However, many of us have already been working as book-keepers, accountants, managers of different organizations and companies. We have to combine studies and work, because we are extra-mural students.

A professional economist should know much; that’s why we study many subjects at University: Macroeconomics and Microeconomies, Management, Marketing, Banking, Statistics, Philosophy, English and others. Besides, an economist needs some knowledge of political and business events outside his own country.

The graduates of our faculty may work at educational institutions, research centres, in industry, business, banks. There are many specialities within our profession; we may work as managers, book-keepers, accountants, brokers and auditors.

The profession of an economist is one of the most important nowadays.


The Police of the USA

There are several different types of police agencies, each with its own jurisdiction and special functions.

The major types of police agencies can be divided into three major branches of government: federal, state and local (city and county).

The federal law enforcement system includes such well known agencies as the Federal Bureau of Investigation, National Park Service, Border Patrol, US Postal Inspector and many more.

Law enforcement on the state level includes the state police or highway patrol, drug control agencies, investigative bureaux and others.

On the level of local government the police agencies are the largest law enforcement group. These agencies include municipal (or city) police, county sheriffs offices, constables and village police departments.

Municipal police departments, which are the heart of the entire police system, have their own organization with several different divisions, each with specific functions. In most departments there are four major divisions:

1) field operations (patrol, investigation, traffic, youth divisions, special operations, etc.);

2) administrative services (community relations, planning, etc.);

3) technical services (communications, records);

4) inspectional services (internal affairs, intelligence, etc.).

The Federal police agencies are financed from the Federal Fund. Other police forces are financed from the respective authorities' funds.

Policemen have weapons, such as revolvers, clubs and gas pistols.

Scotland Yard is the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police in London. Its jurisdiction extends over 740 square miles with the exception of the ancient City of London, which possesses its own separate police force. "

The name "Scotland Yard" is almost always associated with the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) of the Metropolitan Police. This name (Scotland Yard) comes from the fact that originally there was a palace used by the Scottish kings and their ambassadors when they visited London. Later the palace was replaced by the building of the Metropolitan Police; but the name of Scotland Yard slicked to it.

There is the Special Branch in Scotland Yard, which has a staff at every airport or seaport; it is also charged with protecting very important persons (VIPs) and dealing with actions which may be regarded as subversive to the state.

Other branches of the CID which operate on a nation wide scale are as follows:

1. the criminal record office, which maintains a central record of all criminals;

2. the fingerprint department – maintains all fingerprint records;

3. the flying squad, which is used all over the country by chief constables when necessary.

Although the CID usually operates on a nation wide scale it can go to the help of a provincial police force only if it is invited. But in serious cases it is usually invited.

There is the "999 system" in Scotland Yard's crime detection. After receiving a call the 999 Room operator sends the nearest police car to the place of accident/crime and informs by teleprinter the police station concerned.

There is the Museum of Scotland Yard, which contains murder relicts, forgery exhibits and coining moulds.

The Bodies of Government in the Republic of Belarus

The Republic of Belarus is a unitary, democratic, social state based on the rule of law. State power in Belarus is formed and realized through three main branches – legislative, executive and judicial.

Belarus is a presidential republic. The highest executive power belongs to a President elected for a five-year term and to the Council of Ministers headed by a Prime Minister. The Prime Minister is appointed by the President of the Republic with the consent of the House of Representatives. He manages the activities of the Government and holds personal responsibility for its activities. The local management and self- management is carried out through local councils of deputies, executive bodies, bodies of self-management, referenda, assemblies, etc.

The President of the Republic of Belarus is the head of the state. He provides the

protection of the sovereignty of the Republic, its national security, ensures its political and economic stability, etc.

The supreme standing and exclusive legislative body of state power in the Republic of Belarus is The National Assembly. This Parliament consists of two chambers: the House of Representatives and the Council of the Republic, In order to become a law a draft law should be considered and voted for by the two chambers. If the President is in agreement with the bill, he shall sign it; otherwise he should return the bill within two weeks.

The judicial power in the Republic is performed by a system of courts. The head of the judicial power is the Supreme Court. Control over the constitutional compliance of normative acts in the country is fulfilled by the Constitutional Court.

Control over different spheres of life in the country is carried out by the State Control Committee.


Дата добавления: 2019-07-15; просмотров: 135; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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