Male and female authors in glossy magazines


Male authors cover political, legal, economic and scientific problems related to natural disasters on a pandemic scale; political issues (state of emergency, anarchy, foreign donors, anti-corruption campaigners, etc.), economic, legal and scientific terms dominate in “male” news texts (frozen funds, to issue contracts, contractors, subcontractors, fraud, criminal proceeding, looting, lawlessness, inquest, hearing, coroner, to preside, ground-penetrating radar, electromagnetic waves, underground structures etc).

Female authors mainly cover the personal and social problems of the victims. However, the leveling of masculine and feminine differences is manifested in the fact that, along with the social aspects of the event, female journalists often highlight the economic, legal and political consequences of a natural disaster, but within a particular social group or individual: "Brown calls for aid 'shock ‘fund, Millions pledged for tsunami go unpaid"; "Computer models predict direction of molten lava flows", "Laughing stock of Katrina makes disaster his business" etc.

    The substantive aspect of the coverage of the event is determined by the psychological characteristics of reality perception by men and women. The specificity of the psychological perception of reality by women and men is due to the peculiarities of the formation of sexual identification of children: the girl's sexual identification proceeds in the background of an inseparable connection with the mother, identifying herself with her, awareness of the significance of the relationship between people; the boy's sexual identification is associated with opposition to the mother and isolation, which forms the basis for the formation of independence.

The study showed that female authors tend to specify information, while men tend to its generalization. Gender features of the language implementation of the “informative” category are manifested in the structuring of informative blocks in news texts created by female authors.

During the study of the material, it was found that male authors mainly follow the truncated scheme of the news text developed by T. van Dake: Title, Introduction, Main Event, Comments, History, Reaction, Consequences, Background / Circumstances, i.e.informative blocks in a rigid logical sequence.

In female authors' articles, the Background, Circumstances, History blocks are often missing, individual variation of informative blocks and often their merging is noted. The selective variability of content blocks in the fashion text is explained by their greater informative significance for the female author and the realization of the communicative intention of an emotional impact on the reader, appealing to compassion and participation.

A female author’s emotional involvement in the situation being described explains the accumulation of information about various consequences of a natural disaster, its visualization by quoting eyewitnesses of the incident, giving a detailed description of their feelings, experiences, while the male author quotes mainly officials stating the dates, names, numbers ( precision information). The predominance of factual information is also provided by toponyms; names of international and foreign organizations, communities, institutions, which increases the reader’s trust in information.

The study of the gender characteristics of the verbalization of the category of "expressiveness" involves the analysis of language means of actualization of emotionality, appraisal and figurativeness in the news text. Male emotionality is manifested in the emotive nominations of a natural disaster and its political and economic consequences for the nation, while female is manifested in the innate ability to empathize, to show empathy to the participants of the event, to notice and decode the nonverbal signals of their psycho-physical and emotional state.

Linguistic and stylistic analysis of media texts also showed that men have a higher level of linguocreagative competence, manifested in the use of a wider and more diverse "arsenal" of stylistic techniques.

Female authors' media texts differ in citation methods; in particular, female authors quote eyewitnesses (mostly women) of a natural disaster that emotionally describe their physical and mental state, the extent of the damage, the depth of grief and loss. A citation of this kind helps a female author to create an effect of presence in an informational text, appealing not so much to the mind of readers as to their feelings. On the contrary, male authors, quoting eyewitnesses to natural disasters (mostly male), note their courage, dedication in the struggle with the elements, resilience in overcoming its consequences, i.e. masculine psychological signs.

A study of the tender parameters of the news text allow to differentiate the masculine and feminine styles of news text generation, which are manifested in the substantive and structural specifics, ways of concretizing / generalizing information, using stylistically neutral / marked vocabulary, selectivity of stylistic techniques that were included in the author’s gender identification matrix developed news text.


Дата добавления: 2019-07-15; просмотров: 140; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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