I. Напишите английскими буквами фамилии, имена и отчества своих одногруппников.

II. Напишите по-английски названия улиц:

Ул. Ленина, ул. Кантера, ул. Орлова, ул. Бошняка, ул. Горького, ул. Луначарского, ул. Чихачева, ул. Попова, ул. Советская, ул. Чкаловская, ул. Володарского, ул. Красногвардейская, ул. Аэродромная, ул. Красноармейская, ул. Школьная, ул. Сибирская, ул. Северная, ул. Пушкина, ул. Гоголя, ул. Павловича.

III. Напишите по-английски названия поселков и городов:

Николаевск-на Амуре, Хабаровск, Чныррах, Чля, Нижнее Пронге, Многовершинный, Нелькан, Иннокентьевка, Сахаровка, Пуир, Тыр, Тахта, Охотск, Арка, Чекдомын, Чумикан, Биробиджан, Благовещенск, Советская Гавань, Гжель, Красноярск, Сыктывкар, Йошкар-Ола, Ханты-Мансийск, Южно-Сахалинск, Петропавловск-Камчатский, Салехард, Ашхабад, Царицыно.

IV. Заполните удостоверение личности.

Identity Card

First name  
City (town, village)  
Telephone number  

V. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

About Myself

Let me introduce myself. My name is Timofei, Tim for short. My full name is Timofei Kurochkin. I'm seventeen years old. I was born in 1998. My birthday is on the 22ndof January. I live in Russia, in the Far East. I’m Russian. I'm a student. I study at teachers’ training college. I want to be a teacher like my grandfather. There are two more children in the family besides me — my elder brother Oleg and my younger sister Maria. Oleg is twenty-one, he goes to the Academy and he will be a dentist. Maria is only twelve, she is a schoolgirl. My parents are not old at all. My Mum is forty, she works for a newspaper. My Dad is forty-four; he is an engineer in computers. My parents love their jobs very much. I'm doing quite well at college. My parents are proud of my marks. I go in for sports. I play basketball. I take part in different basketball competitions. I have many friends at school and in the team. My grandparents are already retired. They are fond of gardening and spend all their time growing tomatoes, potatoes, onions, strawberries, raspberries.

Vocabulary: to introduce — представлять let me introduce myself — разрешите представиться besides – кроме job — работа quite – вполне proud — гордый to be proud of smth — гордиться чем-то marks – оценки to go in for sports — увлекаться спортом take part in – принимать участие competition – соревнование to retire — быть на пенсии to be fond of – увлекаться grow – расти, выращивать raspberries – малина Questions: 1. What is the boy’s full name? 2. How old is he? 3. When is his birthday? 4. Where does he live? 5. What nationality is he? 6. Does Timofei go to school? 7. Where does he study? 8. What profession did he choose? Why? 9. Is he the only child in the family? 10. How old are his parents? 11. What are they? 12. What are they proud of? Why? 13. What is Tim’s hobby? 14. Does he have many or few friends? 15. What are his grandparents fond of?

VI. Составьте диалог, используя вопросы.

  1. What is your name?
  2. What is your surname?
  3. How old are you?
  4. When were you born?
  5. When is your birthday?
  6. Where do you live?
  7. What is your address?
  8. What nationality are you?
  9. What are you?
  10. Where do you study?
  11. What do you like to do?
  12. Do you have many friends?
  13. What are they fond of?

VII. Напишите о себе, используя опоры.

  1. My name is ………………., ……………. for short.
  2. My full name is ………………………………… .
  3. I am ……………………………………. years old.
  4. I was born in …………. .
  5. My birthday is on the ………………………………………………………… .
  6. I live in Russia.
  7. I am ………………………… by nationality.
  8. My address is ………………………………............................................... .
  9. I am a ………………………………………. .
  10. I study at ……………………………………………………………………… .
  11. I like to ………………………………………………………………………. .
  12. I have many / few friends.
  13. My best companions are ……………………………………………………… .
  14. They are fond of ……………………………………………………………… .


My Family”

I. Перепишите и переведите слова по теме “Family”

  1. family
  2. parents
  3. mother
  4. grandmother
  5. father
  6. wife
  7. relative
  8. husband
  9. grandfather
  10. grandparents
  11. great-
  12. sister
  13. brother
  14. children
  15. daughter
  16. granddaughter
  17. step
  1. son
  2. grandson
  3. granny
  4. grandpa
  5. cousin
  6. twins
  7. aunt
  8. uncle
  9. nephew
  10. niece
  11. marry
  12. married
  13. … -in-law
  14. large
  15. small
  16. pensioner
  17. grandchildren

II. Напишите слова по теме «Семья» в алфавитном порядке.

III. Вставьте пропущенные буквы и переведите слова на русский язык.

…ncle ni…ce
a…nt s…n
co…sin d…ug…ter
t…ins w…fe
rel…tive h…sband
ne…hew pensi…ner

IV. Восстановите слова, переведите их на русский язык.

raspent pewhen
godnrasn stiwn
ceine therbor
fiew sonicu
andbush letavier

V. Напишите слова к транскрипции.

Дата добавления: 2019-02-22; просмотров: 1162; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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