Can everything described in the text be used when speaking about your usual day? What is different?



Early to bed and early to rise

makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.


Exercise 1.Study the following text vocabulary.

daily routine – повседневные обязанности

university dormitory – общежитие университета

to enrich our social and sports life – обогатить общественную и спортивную жизнь

to switch on my laptop – включить мой ноутбук

major- основной

do volunteer work – выполнять волонтерскую работу

to chat with my friends in the Internet –общаться с друзьями по интернету

to attend classes – ходить на занятия

to get dressed - одеться

to get Master’s degree – получать степень магистра

to have cookies – кушать печенье

to work on the documents – работать с документами

to work in a library – работать в библиотеке

to rest - отдыхать

to sleep in front of the TV – спать перед телевизором

to relax - расслабляться

a day trip to the countryside – поездка загород

to breathe fresh air – дышать свежим воздухом

to read novels – читать романы


Exercise 2.Connect the words to make phrases about daily routine.

take                                   the office

do                                      lunch

meet                                   the shower

get into                              paperwork

have                                   friends

arrive to                             the newspaper

check                                 the house


Exercise 3. Read these two passages and say if this is a man or a woman talking about their routine.

1. My daily routine is a bit different now that I’m working freelance, but when I was working regularly at the newspaper, I would start the day by getting up at about half past seven, have a shower, brush my teeth, put in my contact lenses and try to listen to the radio at eight o’clock, because they have fifteen minutes of news in English which was useful for my work. Then I would go to work, and maybe get a cake or something on the way, if I hadn’t had time for breakfast, or buy some fruit from a little stall on the street. Quite often I walked to work, which only took about twenty minutes. It was a good way to wake up, and I’d buy a newspaper on the way so I could read about what was happening in this country.

2.My daily routine has never really fitted into a regular pattern. I’ve never been the sort of person who has a job which starts at 9 o’clock every morning and finishes at 5 o’clock every evening, come home, watch television, eat and then fall asleep, like my father and other members of my family. I like to find time in the day for things which are really important to me. The first of these is playing music, practicing my violin or my flute or playing together with my girlfriend, learning new tunes to play in concerts or for a new group, or just playing for its sake. I like to spend at least an hour every day with my violin. Learning a new instrument from the beginning, especially one so different to those that I’m used to, is very demanding.


Exercise 4.Read, translate, name and retell the text.

Text I

I would like to speak about my daily routine. I live in a university dormitory. I share a room with one more student. So I usually wake up at 7 o’clock in the morning, then I wash myself and brush my teeth, eat some porridge or a sandwich, drink some tea or coffee. Then I switch on my laptop and check my e-mail and timetable, which is placed on our university website.

Usually our classes start at 8.30. So at about 8 o’clock I have to pick up my things and go to the bus stop. I get by bus to the Chekhov Street. It takes me 15 minutes. The university is situated in the heart of Khanty- Mansiysk city. You can see its high white and brown colored building from several spots.

Sometimes if I am lucky, I go to the university by car with my friends.

The first part of the day is normally very busy. We have lectures, practical classes, laboratory works until about 14 o’clock.

We study subjects that are considered to be major. They are History, Philosophy, Russian and English. We also have classes connected with our future profession.

After the classes I come to the university canteen to have dinner with my friends. I like these dinners – we talk, laugh and discuss various things that happened to us during the day. We usually order a bowl of soup, meat and vegetables or potatoes, some salad, juice and a piece of cake.

After dinner I either go to my dormitory room to do the homework and chat with my friends in the Internet or attend classes. After classes I go shopping for food, then I go home to cook something like soup or vegetables with meat. On weekends I clean the room and do the laundry. Later in the evening we also get together with friends at my place from time to time or go for a walk.

But for academic activities we try to enrich our social and sports life. There are dancing, singing, theatre clubs. Some students are involved in computer competitions between universities, some do volunteer work, some issue newspapers and magazines.

At 6 o’clock in the evening I like to take a walk. I spend some time shopping or visiting interesting places like Kinocenter86, local theatres, clubs, concerts, parks and squares.

Later in the evening I do homework and watch TV or read smth interesting on the Internet. Normally I go to bed at 11 o’clock in the evening.

Can everything described in the text be used when speaking about your usual day? What is different?

Exercise 5.Study the resource . Watch the video “The Secret to Waking up Early”. Do you think it’s possible for you to wake up early and follow all these rules or at least some of them? Express your opinion.

Дата добавления: 2019-02-22; просмотров: 307; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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