A) He is ... strange man: he dislikes ... animals.


Ex. 1. Listen to the dialogue between two people about their daily routines. For “daily routines we use ___________________ Tense

Answer the following questions about the interview.

1) When does she get out of bed?

a) Before six
b) Before seven
c) Before eight


2) What does she do in the morning in bed?

a) Read books
b) Check her phone
c) Go back to sleep


3) What does she like to eat in the morning?

a) eggs
b) toast
c) cereal


4) What does she drink in the morning?

a) tea
b) coffee
c) hot chocolate


5) What does she do in the evening?

a) do yoga
b) watch TV
c) wear pajamas


Tapescript: Fill in the gaps

Todd: So Natalie, what is a typical day for you? For example, what is a typical morning?

Natalie: Well, I wake up at about 7.00 a.m.

Todd: Oh that's early.

Natalie: Yes, I really am a morning person.

Todd: I think you are a morning person. I'm not a morning person at all.

Natalie: Well, I don't actually get out of bed until about 7.30.. ю .

Todd: Okay, so what do you do?

Natalie: Well, I play on my phone, I check my emails, I check Facebook, and I read the news.

Todd: Do you eat breakfast at home?

Natalie: I usually prepare breakfast at home, yeah.

Todd: What do you eat?

Natalie: Oh, just the simple stuff, eggs, bacon, sausages, sometimes I'll have toast.

Todd: Do you drink coffee or tea?

Natalie: No, I don't like coffee or tea.

Todd: Oh, what do you drink?

Natalie: Actually, I like hot chocolate in the morning.

Todd: Yeah, I like hot chocolate too. So what about your day?

Natalie: Well, I'm a teacher. I teach at a school. Lessons start at about 9.00 a.m. and we have lunch at noon.

Todd: How many classes do you have in the morning?

Natalie: Each class lasts an hour, so I have three classes.

Todd: Do you eat lunch at school?

Natalie: Yes, we have a huge canteen.

Todd: Is the food good?

Natalie: The food is great and it's so much fun eating with the students too.

Todd: Is the food cheap or expensive?

Natalie: It's pretty cheap. I'd say maybe $3 for lunch.

Todd: Oh that's really good.

Natalie: Yeah, and for that you get a lot of food.

Todd: What do you do in the afternoon?

Natalie: In the afternoon I have more lessons, usually taking me till about 4.00 p.m.

Todd: Oh and do you have big classes?

Natalie: Yes, so I teach English, that means I teach the whole year, so I have really big classes. We have about 200 students at the school.

Todd: That's a lot.

Natalie: Yes it is.

Todd: What about the evening? What do you do in the evening?

Natalie: When I get home I'm usually really tired, so I get changed into my pajamas and I watch TV for about two hours. After that, I'll maybe have some dinner, maybe get a pizza and then read a book or play on my phone again.

Todd: What do you watch on TV?

Natalie: I really like watching Korean drama.

Todd: Korean dramas are cool.

Natalie: I know, the characters are so much fun.

Todd: Do you listen to K-pop?

Natalie: A little bit but I think it's a little bit boring. I prefer American pop.

Todd: Oh so you like Korean dramas and American music?

Natalie: That's right. I also like game shows.

Todd: Oh, what game shows?

Natalie: Well actually my favorite one is Busted, and that's also Korean.

Todd: Okay, I need to see that. So when do you go to bed ?

Natalie: Most nights I go to bed at around 10.00 p.m. but at the weekend, sometimes it's later, maybe around midnight .

Todd: Well I think you have an interesting and long day.

Natalie: That's right, I'm usually very tired.

Ex. 2. Mute Exercises. Pronunciation Drill. Clusters of consonants:[ ptk, pbm, tdnl, kg, tr, dr, dr, br, fr, tf, dx ]

Pronunciation of vowels within the given consonant frames:

Charles, cheese, chess, chose, chase, choice, chance.

John, Jane, Jim, join, jam, gem, gene, Joe.


Ex. 3. Read the following words with the definite article according to the rules of reading:

a) [ðə]: the “Stable, the street, the neck, the bag, the cat, the text

b)  [ði]: the apple, the aim, the ass, the end, the elm, the egg, the arm

c) the hand, the arm, the article, the middle, the centre, the end, the ant


Ex. 4. Memory work:

I can't. I can't meet Rose. I can't meet Rose after classes. I'm afraid I can't meet Rose after classes. I'm afraid I can't meet Rose after classes: she'll have to go alone.


Ex. 5. Explain why the Present Indefinite (Simple) Tense Form is used here. (!!!!!!!!Mind that we also use it in clauses of time and condition!!!!!!!!!)

1. We shall stay at home if it STARTS raining.

2. He STAYS at home on Saturday.

3. He GIVES lectures 3 times a week.

4. She PLAYS the piano very well.

5. Hamlet WANTS to act but he hesitates.

6. Two and two MAKE four.

7. I shall wait till he COMES.

8. He WORKS at a factory.

9. He WRITES me letters twice a week.

10. He WRITES poetry.

11. He will act as soon as he FINDS out the truth.

Ex.6. Make up a monologue about your family. Enumerate all relatives you have got and tell their names and how old they are.


I HAVE GOT mother and father. My mother’s name is Mariya. She is forty-five years old. My father’s name is Alexander. He is fifty-two years old. I also have got younger (older) sister/brother. I also have got a niece/nephew………. Our family HAS GOT a pet. It’s a cat. His name is Garfield. I love my family.


Ex. 7. Revise the numerals. Work in pairs.



Ex. 1. Listen and show your cards for articles: then answer the questions.

What does Hamlet feel for his uncle? Is he going to act at once or does he hesitates? Does he KNOW that Claudius is guilty? What does he need to make sure? How does he behave?).


Ex. 2. Match the words to form the names for the situations in which Present Simple is used. (Some of them will go alone!!!)

characteristic daily dramatic general habitual laws of permanent regular repeated sports   actions commentaries features narration nature programmes reviews routine states timetables truths  

Ex. 3. Read the sentences and find Present Simple Tense.  Identify the situayion using Ex. 2. and translate only the predicates.

1) Мы всегда говорим только правду.  
2) Настоящие хоббиты не интересуются приключениями.  
3) Торин спит, не будите его.  
4) Обычно мы не пускаем в дом незнакомцев так поздно вечером.  
5) Надеюсь, вы нас не подведете.  
6) В этом месте каждый год устраивается гуляние.  
7) Осторожно: в этих местах водятся гоблины.  
8) Их армия выступает на рассвете.  
9) Хоббиты – очень дружелюбный народ.  
10) Леголас никогда не промахивается из лука.  
11) Его отец наместник Гондора.  
12) Тут неожиданно раздается страшный грохот и все падают на землю от страха.  
13) Мы путешествуем уже несколько месяцев.  
14) В десять часов утра Бильбо обычно завтракает во второй раз.  
15) Этот странник очень подозрительный.  
16) Он живет здесь не так давно.  
17) Паром отходит только в восемь – у нас уйма времени.  
18) Мы знаем друг друга с самого детства.  


Ex. 4. Say what you like or dislike, are (not) afraid of:

I like I really like I love I don't like I hate I'm afraid of I'm not afraid of mice, geese, snakes, dogs, kittens. ghosts, thieves, noisy boys, noisy games, cold weather, rainy weather, the dark, exams, homework, housework, nice guys, soap operas, pop music, spiders, rats, hamsters, chips, sweets, porridge, aggressive people.


Ex. 5. .Explain the way you feel in different situations. Make 5 sentences and add 3 of your own.


I feel guilty I feel (ill) at ease I feel (un)happy I feel sad when people visit us when I make mistakes (when I speak badly). when I am late for classes. when I am alone. when I (not) ready for classes.


Ex. 6. Choose the right article (definite , indefinite or zero)

a) He is ... strange man: he dislikes ... animals.

b) Tom is ... silly boy! He believes in ... ghosts. So he is afraid of ... dark.

Дата добавления: 2019-03-09; просмотров: 253; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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