Выберите правильный модальный глагол вместо пропусков:


1. Расставьте слова в правильном порядке в предложении:

А) 1) been 2) white 3) hours. 4) She 5) for 6) crocuses 7) 2  8) planting 

9) has

Ответ: She has been planting white crocuses for 2 hours

В) 1) friends 2) evening? 3) you 4) last 5) to 6) your 7) come 8) Did

Ответ: Did your friends come to you last evening?

С)1)sometimes 2)in a garage 3) Mr. Hodges 4) his car 5) parks

Ответ: Mr. Hodges sometimes parks his car in a garage

D) 1) fly 2) with my parents  3) to Florida 4) sometimes 5) I 6)in winter

Ответ: I sometimes fly to Florida with my parents in winter.

2. Выберите предложение с ПРАВИЛЬНЫМ порядком слов:

А)Jim doesn't like very much baseball.

В)Maria speaks very well English.

С ) I like to have my clothes clean.

D) We went last night to the movies.

Ответ: С.

3. Определите тип вопроса в предложениях:

1.Do you read abook? – Ты читаешь книгу?  А)Общий
2.When did you leave thehouse? - Когдатыушелиздома? В)Специальный
3.Shedoesn’tgotothechurch, doesshe? - Онанеходитвцерковь, нетакли? D) Разделительный  
4.Who invites guests for the party? - Ктоприглашаетгостейнавечеринку? Е)Вопрос к подлежащему  
5.Did they finish writing or reading the article? - Онизакончилиписатьиличитатьстатью? С) Альтернативный

Ответ: 1-A; 2-B; 3-D; 4-E; 5-C.

4. Укажите правильно время группы Simple в предложениях:

1.I was at home 2 hours ago. В)Past Simple
2.He will go to London next week. С) Future Simple
3.I always drink tea in the evening. А)Present Simple

Ответ: B; C; A.

5. Проспрягайте глагол tobe в трех временах группы Simple :


Местоимение Past Simple Present Simple Future Simple
I –я was am will be
you –ты were are will be
he –он, she –она, it –оно   was   is   will(he; she; it)be
we – мы were are will we be
you –вы were are will you be
they –они were are will they be

6. Вставьтеправильнуюформу оборота thereis / thereare вместо пробелов:

1. There_are__ many people in the room.

2. There _are__ two main reasons for it
3. There __is__ a book on the table.

4. How many flowers _are there_ in the vase?

7. Проспрягайте глагол to have в трех временах группы Simple :

To have

Местоимение Past Simple Present Simple Future Simple
I –я had have will have
you –ты had have will have
he –он, she –она, it –оно   had   has   will have
we – мы had have will have
you –вы had have will have
they –они had have will have

8. Вставьте some или any вместо пробелов:

1. Have you got __any___ questions?

2. Could you buy ___ some ____ apples, please?

3. Would you like____ some ___ coffee?

4. She doesn't have ___ any____ children.

5. I don'thave___ any__ money!

9. Укажите степени сравнения для следующих прилагательных:

Положительная Сравнительная Превосходная
new newer the newest
large larger the largest
hot hotter the hottest
dangerous move dangerous the most dangerous
good better the best
old older the oldest

10. Укажите степени сравнения для следующих наречий:

Положительная Сравнительная Превосходная
fast faster the fastest
wisely more wisely the most wisely
loudly more loudly the most loudly
well better the best

11. Укажите тип предлога (предлог места / направления и движения/ времени):

1. Our house is behind the forest. – Предлог места

2. I have been there for 2 hours already. – Предлог времени

3. We shall go to the theatre. – Предлог направления

4. Не went out of the room. – Предлог направления

5. I have no time to do this during my working day. - Предлог времени

6. Nick is sitting by the window. - Предлог места

12. Выберите ваш вариант ответа вместо пропусков:

  • 1. My friend likes to eat fish.
  • fish
  • a fish
  • thefish

2. __The__ Earth is millions of kilometres from_the __Sun.

  • ---,---
  • A,a
  • The,the
  • 3. This is__ the best_ wine I have ever drunk.
  • best
  • a best
  • the best
  • 4. Could you close__ the door_, please?
  • door
  • a door
  • the door

13. Выберите ваш вариант ответа вместо пропусков:
1. Our two __ babies ___ are crying all the time.
- babies

- babys

- babyes

2. No news ___ are __ good news.

- is

- are
3. __ flies ___ usually fly not very high.

- flyes

- flies

4. These potatoes weigh five __ kilos ___.

- kiloes

- kilos

5. I don’t like going by car. If I have a chance, I always go on _ foot ____.

- foot

- feet

- foots
6. What do you need these __ boxes ___for?

- boxs

- boxes

14. Укажите тип местоимения:

Местоимение Тип
1. somebody д) неопределенно-личное
2. his г) притяжательное
3. those б) указательное
4. you а) личное
5. which в) вопросительное
6. neither е) отрицательное

15. Переведите интернационализмы («ложные друзья переводчика»):

Слово Перевод
accuracy Точность
brilliant Блестящий
data Данные
decade Десятилетие
Dutch Голландский
instance Пример
list Список
magazine Журнал
personal Личный

16. Выберите ваш вариант ответа вместо пропусков:

· 1. The children were not allowed ____ to play___ noisy games indoors.

· play

· to play

· 2. Mary looks so upset and forlorn that I can't but __ feel_ sorry for her.

· feel

· to feel


Выберите правильный модальный глагол вместо пропусков:

1._ can_ you speak any foreign language?

  • may
  • can
  • might
  • will

2. You look tired. You _ should__ go to bed.

  • must
  • would
  • should
  • could

3. You've been reading all day. You__ must_ betired.

  • can
  • could
  • must
  • should


Дата добавления: 2019-02-22; просмотров: 328; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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