Answer the following questions.

Nbsp; Congratulations! You are a student now! You have entered the largest university in the North of Russia – the Murmansk State Technical University! We wish you success in studies and unforgettable campus life!!!


Answer the questions.

1. Are you happy to be a student of the Murmansk State Technical University? 2. What is your speciality[1]? 3. Why did you choose this special field?

Study the vocabulary. Memorize the new words.

full-time student студент очной формы обучения
to enter the university поступить в университет
to be keen on увлекаться
both… and… как…, так…; и…, и….
to take somebody's way идти чьим-либо путем
to follow somebody's steps следовать по чьим-либо стопам
notion, n понятие
to become familiar знакомиться
life science наука о жизни (биология, медицина, антропология)
freshman, n новичок, студент-первокурсник
sophomore, n студент-второкурсник
undergraduate, n студент, a university or college student who is studying for his first degree
double period пара
I am to… мне предстоит
complete, v завершить
degree course курс, завершающийся присвоением степени
especially, adv особенно
besides, adv кроме того
unlike, adv в отличие
well-paid, p.p. высоко оплачиваемый
high in demand востребованный
third mate третий помощник капитана
rather, adv скорее
embroider, v вышивать
feed, v кормить
realize, v осознавать
tidy, v убирать, наводить порядок
in general вообще, в общем
as good as pie очень хороший
to grow up расти
collaborate, v взаимодействовать
provide, v обеспечивать
disappoint, v разочаровывать
devote, v посвящать
capacity, n способность


Read and translate the following text.

I am a student of the Murmansk State Technical University

Let me introduce myself, I am Sergey Ivanov, I am 17. As you might have already understood, I'm a first-year full-time student of the Murmansk State Technical University. This year I have finished the school and entered the University. My special field is biology. You know that was my dream to enter this university. No wonder as my parents are biologists.

My father works as a marine biologist at the Murmansk Marine Biological Institute, he taught me to understand and love biology. I realize now biology is a corner-stone of all life sciences. My mother is a biology teacher at school. She is fond of her work, both biology and teaching.

As you see, I took my parents way and I'm going to be a good biologist as my dad. When I was a schoolboy I took an interest in the natural world and tried to learn as much as possible about animals, plants, fish. I worked hard to pass my USE well, and now I've become a happy member of the great family of students.

Many new things and notions came into my life with it. At first, I didn't know what they meant. Now I became familiar with such words as "a freshman", "a sophomore", "an undergraduate" and such terms as "a double period",
"a seminar", "labworks" etc.

I'm still to know more, and first of all how to save time to be able to not only study well but to take an active part in the students life, to join some students' scientific society, to become a member of our University volley-ball team, and to visit interesting students' parties.

I'm fond of everything at my University. I like its great buildings, lecture halls, laboratories, class-rooms. I'm a freshman, as they call the first-year-students. It'll take time to know everything about our University. I'm absolutely sure, that when I complete my degree course, I will get the opportunity to start a career in the research institute.

Now I'd like to tell you a few words about my family. I grew up in a happy family. I had an elder brother and a younger sister and this brightened my childhood, as we were always together. It helped me to learn how to communicate and collaborate with people even if I don't want to do it.

My parents had stable careers and this provided us with more opportunities to get everything we wanted: nice toys, new gadgets, brand clothes and travelling. When I was younger I played the piano and my parents wanted me to become a great pianist. It was a little hard to disappoint them when I decided to become a biologist. As for my interests, I devote much time to do sports, I am fond of playing volleyball, I also like computer games and good rock music.

My elder brother is 23, his name is Andrey, he graduated from the MSTU last year. Unlike me, he did not follow our parents' steps, he chose the profession of a navigator as he thinks it is well-paid and high in demand especially in our region. Now Andrey works on board a fishing trawler as a third mate. He lives in his own flat but often visits us.

My younger sister's name is Kate, she is only 12 and she studies at school rather well. After classes she does gymnastics, reads much, listens to music. She is also keen on embroidering. Besides, my sister helps my mum a lot with the housework. She peels potatoes, lays the table, washes up, feeds the dog, tidies the flat. In general she is as good as pie. She dreams of entering my university after finishing school but she did not decide what speciality to choose. I hope she will make the right choice as I did.

Now I am a student and I want to become a successful student because I want to learn new things and to be useful for the society. Education is very important for three reasons: firstly, I want a better future with an interesting career; secondly, I want to prove to myself that I have a capacity to do something good and different with my life and finally, having a higher education, I can achieve all my goals: to find a job, to get a promotion, or even to become a leader in the community.

Answer the following questions.

1. Who are you? Introduce yourself.

2. Are you a student or a cadet (курсант)?

3. Are you a sophomore or a freshman?

4. Where do you study?

5. How do you study?

6. Is education important for you? Why?

7. What are you hobbies?

8. What is your father's job? What are his hobbies?

9. What does your mother do? Does she have any hobbies?

10. Do you have any brothers or sisters? How old is he (she)? Is he (she) elder or younger than you? What does he (she) do? What is he (she) fond of?



My life as a student

Answer the questions.

1. Do you enjoy your studying at the University? 2. What do you like/dislike in the University? 3. Is it more difficult to study at the University than at school?

Дата добавления: 2019-02-22; просмотров: 325; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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