Speaking 5. Развитие умений диалогической речи – микродиалог. Role playing future actions (going to) Ex6, p15.

T: Read rubric and example. Use the notes to avt out short exchanges.

P1: What time does the concert start?

P2: 9.30, so we’re going to leave/we’re leaving the house at 8.00.

P1: What time does the film start?

P2: 8 o'clock, so we э re meeting/going to meet outside the cinema at 7.45.

P1: What time does your ballet lesson finish?

P2: Six o’clock.

P1: So, I’ll pick you up at 6.15.

Grammar 6. Освоение (на основе расширения значений ранее изученных явлений) распознавания и употребления в речи Past Simple / Past Continuous. Ex7, p15.

Учащиеся повторяют образование времён и выполняют упражнение совместно с объяснениями.

T: Match the tenses in bold to their uses. Give more examples.

P: 1 b 2 c 3 a 4 e 5 d

Writing 7. Развитие умений письма. Закрепление временных форм глагола. Consolidating verb tenses. Ex8, p15.

T: Complete message individually. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tenses. Read out answers to class and explain why you choose that tense of the verb.

P1: 1 haven’t written 2 have been/was 3 started 4 am studying 5 am going to become

P2: 6 have had 7 was walking 8 ran 9 took 10 will write


Homework 1. Домашнее задание.

T: Open your diaries, please, and write down your home task: Письменно выполнить упр.9 на стр.15: составить рассказ о школьной жизни. Повторить лексический материал прошлого урока. Повторить образование и употребление времён, глаголов состояния и способы выражения в будущем.

Summarizing 2. Подведение итогов урока .T: What did we do? What did we learn? What was difficult? Did you like our lesson? Your marks are…

Приложение 1

Present Simple also used for:

· general truths and laws of nature e.g. Water boils at 100o Celsius.

· habits and routines e.g. John goes to the dentist’s every six months.

· timetables e.g. The train arrives in Woking at two twenty six.

· sporting commentaries, reviews and narrations e.g. It’s in! It’s another goal for Liverpool.

· feelings and emotions e.g. I like Diana. She’s a good friend.

Present Perfect Continuous also used for:

· for an action which started in the past and lasted for some time. It may be continuing or has finished already with the result visible in the present. e.g. Alex has been working in the garden all day and is really tired now.

· to express anger, irritation or annoyance. e.g. I don’t believe it! Fiona has been using my perfume again!

· for repeated actions in the past continuing to the present. e.g. Harry has been practising a lot for the competition and is sure to do well.

Present Perfect is also used for:

· an action which started in the past and continues up to the present, especially with stative verbs such as be, have, like, know, etc. e.g. I have known Karen for five years.

· a recently completed action. e.g. I’ve washed the dishes.

· personal experiences or changes. e.g. Dee has lost weight.

Present Continuous is used for:

· for actions taking place at or around the time of speaking. e.g. Tim is talking on the phone.

· for temporary situations. e.g. We’re staying in London this week.

· for fixed arrangements in the near future. e.g. I’m meeting Sarah at two o’clock.

· for currently changing and developing situations. e.g. The earth is getting warmer and warmer.



Дата добавления: 2019-02-22; просмотров: 119; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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