Answer the questions on part 9, use the script to prove your answers:

Part 8

Watch the episode. Use the key words to continue the sentences:

  a. Hector and his son are having a tense talk in the hall. They are discussing … b. Hector’s son think himself irresponsible for… c. Hector is upset because…  Key words: Dad, I'm not the Wart's keeper. I took him in, adopted the lad. Being his foster father*, I'm responsible. * foster father - опекун, приемный отец

Continue watching. After watching, mark the following expressions true/false/not given:

a. At first, Hector recognized Merlin was happy to see him.

b. Hector knew the name of Merlin.

c. Hector believed that Merlin was a wizard.

d. Hector thought that the owl was under a spell.

e. Merlin had to demonstrate his magic power.

f. Hector didn’t believe Merlin but never revealed his disbelief.

g. Hector was afraid of black magic.

h. Marlin managed to convince Hector.

Fill in the gaps taking into consideration the Russian notes.  Watch again to check.

- My ____________ (магия) is used mainly for _______________ (образовательные) purposes. 

 ___ __________ (На самом деле), that is why I am here. I have come to ____________ (учить) the Wart.

- I'm _____________ (управляю) this place. And if you think you're gonna fiddle with my ____________ (расписание, распорядок)... you'd better pack up your _______ __ _______ (сумка с фокусами)

and be gone. Wha... Well, by Jove. Hey, he has __________ (исчез, ушел, растворился). Good riddance.

- I'm gone, but then, I'm not gone. So, if I do _________ (уйду)...  you could never be ___________ (уверен) that I am gone, can you?

- Well, uh... Well, I __________ (должен, настоятельно следует) say, you... you got me there, Marvin. Yes. Well, you win. You're welcome to stay   ___ ____  _________ (если тебе хочется).

- Thank you. _______’re __________ ____________ (Ты очень добр). Very ______________ (щедрый), I must say.  

Watch again to check.

Part 9

Look through the script for part 9.


- Well, uh, all we can offer is room and board. Hard times, you know, Marvin. We'll put you up in the northwest  tower. That's the guest room. It's a bit draughty in the winter... but in this blazing hot weather, it's the best room in the house.

- Oh, yes. Very lovely indeed.

- So just make yourself at home, Marvin.

- Marvin, Marvin, Marvin, Marvin.

- Best room in the house! Guest room! Unwelcome-guest room! But if he thinks that he can get rid of me, I've got news for that old walrus. I'm sticking it out.

- And I say we go back to the woods.

- No, not on your life. That boy's got to have an education. He has a future.

- Well, you may be right.

- A skinny kid like that would make a cracking good chimney sweep.

- Something tells me that you're all wet, Archimedes.

- Who goes there?

- Pelinore! It's Pelinore, dash it all! I've got big news from London. Big news!

- Come on, man. Drop the bridge.

- Oh, big news, eh? They can't wait for the London Times. First edition won't be out for at least, uh... Archimedes, would you mind sailing down there and, and...

- Not interested!

- Oh, come, come, come, come now. You're as wet as you can get.

- No! No, no, no!

- Archimedes! I'll turn you into a human.

- Hmph! You wouldn't dare!

- I will. So help me, I will.

- Well, all right, all right.

- All right! All right.

- It works every time. Just like magic.


2. Match the Russian and English equivalents:

1) все, что мы можем предложить…

2) комната и пропитание

3) зимой здесь бывают сквозняки

4) тяжелые времена

5) комната для гостей

6) негостеприимная комната для гостей

7) избавиться от…

8) располагайся, чувствуй себя как дома

9) худенький, тощий, костлявый ребенок

10) не возражаешь ли ты сходить туда под парусом

11) это всегда работает

12) превратить в…

13) почти как магия

14) не интересуюсь

15) Ты промок до нитки! (идиом.)

16) Ты не посмеешь!

3. Watch the episode and fill in the gaps in the following sentences:

1) Well, uh, all we can _________ is room and __________ .

2) Hard __________, you know, Marvin.

3) We'll put you up in the __________ tower.

4) That's the ___________ room.

5) It's a bit draughty in the ___________... but in this blazing hot weather, it's the __________ room in the house.

6) Oh, yes. Very ___________ indeed.

7) So just make ____________ at home, Marvin.

8) Best room in the house! _________ room!

9) ________________-guest room!

10) But if he _____________ that he can get rid of me, I've got ______________ for that old walrus.

11) And I say we go back to the ________________.

12) No, not on your life. That boy's got to have an _______________.

13) A skinny kid like that would make a cracking good ___________________ sweep.

14) Something tells me that you're all _____________, Archimedes.

15) Not _________________!

16) Oh, come, come, come, come now. You're as _______ as you can get.

17) Archimedes! I'll turn you into a _______________.

18) It ____________ every time. Just like _________________.

Answer the questions on part 9, use the script to prove your answers:

a. Did Hector really welcome the wizard? What did Hector offer Merlin? 

b. Why did Merlin call the room an unwelcome guest room?

c. Merlin was ready to give up his plan and go to the wood, wasn’t he?

d. Why Merlin wanted to stay so much?

e. Prove that the owl was pessimistic about the new dwelling.

f. How did Merlin convince the owl?


5. Present the episode 9 (a) from the owl’s point of view, (b) as if Merlin would tell it to his grandson, (c) as if Hector would discuss it with his friends. Use the text vocabulary.

Дата добавления: 2019-02-22; просмотров: 119; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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