Task IX. Give a summary of the article (no more than 10-12 sentences) according to the following plan.

Лексико-грамматическая контрольная работа № 2

По дисциплине «Иностранный язык»

для студентов заочного отделения факультета таможенного дела

(I курс 2 семестр)

Темы : 1. Red and Green Channels.

      2. Passenger declaration form.

      3. Customs regulations on valuables.

      4. Customs regulations on pets .

Грамматическая тем a : Модальные глаголы.

Вариант 9.

Task I. Give the Russian equivalents of the following words.

1. leaflets, distributed through tourist agencies or airlines

2.  complete customs formalities

3. the officer-in-charge

4.  the contents of baggage

5. to be accused of smuggling

6.  the legal proprietor

7. to present no breeding value

8. State Committee on Environmental Protection

Task II. Give the synonyms of the following words.

1. the purpose of the journey

2.  to decrease the damage

3. official rules

4. to surpass the quantity

5. examination

6.  the process of looking over carefully

7. rare animals

8.  to buy

Task III. Give the antonyms of the following words.

1. to disconnect

2.  to slow the search

3. short name

4. duty-free

5. modern

6. wild

7. domestic

8.  self-taught doctor

Task IV. Complete the sentences with the proper form of the modal verbs from the box.  

can                may           must              have to        should     

1. You ... not declare these things as they are your personal belongings.

2. I ... take all these goods myself.

3. We ... use stricter regulations for birds and exotic animals.

4. Animals ... be transported under humane and healthful conditions.

5.  Transport conditions ... be provided by the owner or the carrier of the pet.

6. To cross the border a pet ... be vaccinated against rabies and other infectious diseases.

7. We ... pass the customs control quicker.

8. To cross the border you ... have special certificate from breeding club

Task V. Ask two questions to each sentence.

1. You have to confirm that the animal was born on the territory of the RF.

2.  The procedure of cultural valuables registration must be established by the Federal Customs Service and the Culture Ministry

3.  Travelers must declare radioactive materials.

4.  Now you may carry these cultural valuables across the customs and state border of the country.

5.  A customs officer can look at the State Protection Lists and Registers.

Task VI. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Путешественник должен пройти по красному коридору, если он везет запрещенные или ограниченные к провозу предметы.

2. Если Вы сомневаетесь в стоимости товара, вам следует его задекларировать.

3. Информация в декларации должна быть представлена как в цифровом выражении, так и письменно.

4. Пассажиров можно информировать о таможенных правилах и положениях посредством информационных листовок.

5. Если вы не превышаете допустимые нормы провоза товаров, вы можете пройти по зеленому коридору.

6. Дежурный офицер может выбрать любого пассажира для осуществления выборочной проверки.

7. Таможенник должен внимательно соотносить содержимое багажа пассажира с целью его поездки.

8. Любые виды наркотических и психотропных веществ должны быть задекларированы.

Task VII. Complete the sentences.

1.  A traveler can take duty-free...

2. A passenger should declare at the declaration form...

3.  To export cultural valuables a person must...

Task VIII. Translate the text from English into Russian.

Customs agents in Russia’s Far East have confiscated wild animal skins that a businessman was attempting to smuggle into China. A semi-truck crossing the border from Russia had 6.7 tons of furs hidden inside rolls of paper for recycling. Among the furs there were more than 4 tons of muskrat, as well as mink, sable, and Siberian mountain weasel.

An investigation of the smuggled goods is currently under way to determine their overall number and cost.

The smuggling of animal parts, especially bear paws, from Russia into China has become a common business. Bear paws are considered an exotic dish in China and thousands are estimated to be smuggled into the country from Siberia annually. Frogs, tiger bones, deer musk and genitals from the spotted deer are also smuggled across the border mostly for Chinese medical purposes.

Task IX. Give a summary of the article (no more than 10-12 sentences) according to the following plan.

The title of the article The article is headlined … The headline of the article I have read is … The title of the article is... The article is entitled...
The author of the article; where and when the article was published The author of the article is … The article is written by … It is (was) published in …
The main idea of the article The article is about … The article is devoted to … The article deals with … The article touches upon … The article focuses on … The main/central idea of the article is … The purpose of the article is to give the reader some information on … The aim of the article is to provide the reader with some material (data) on …
The contents of the article (facts, names, figures, etc.) The author starts by telling the reader (about, that …) The article describes … According to the text … The author writes/ states/stresses/points out  that … Further the author reports (says) that … In conclusion … The author comes to the conclusion that …
Your opinion of the article To my mind … In my opinion … If you ask me … I found the article interesting/ important/ informative/ dull/ of no value/ too hard to understand


Theresa May defends customs Brexit 'backstop'

A "backstop" plan to keep the UK aligned with the EU's customs union after 2020 would only apply "in a very limited set of circumstances", Theresa May has said.

The proposal was drawn up to avoid a hard border in Northern Ireland if the UK and EU cannot agree new arrangements in time.

Earlier Boris Johnson said Brexiteers need not worry about a "betrayal".

He said Mrs May would be "true to her promises" and deliver a deal.

The UK is leaving the EU in March 2019, which will be followed by a temporary transition phase until the end of 2020.

But ministers have yet to agree what they want to replace the UK's membership of the EU's customs union, which allows for tariff-free trading between members.

With no decision reached between the two alternative proposals the UK is considering, senior ministers signed off on a third, temporary, "backstop" option - which government sources say is very unlikely to be needed - at a meeting last week.

It would see the UK match EU tariffs in order to avoid border checks.

The government says this would allow the UK to sign and implement its own trade deals, something which it cannot do in the customs union.

But some Brexiteers who want a clean break from the EU fear it could turn into a long-term arrangement - last week backbench MP Jacob Rees-Mogg warned that people did not vote for a "perpetual purgatory".

Speaking in Macclesfield, Mrs May said the EU's own "backstop" - keeping Northern Ireland in the customs union - had been unacceptable so the UK had drawn up an alternative.

"Nobody wants this to be the solution that is achieved," she said.

The prime minister said she wanted to solve the customs issue "through our overall relationship with the European Union".

Earlier, speaking to reporters during a tour of Latin America, Mr Johnson - who led the campaign to leave the EU in 2016 - said: "Brexiteers fearing betrayal over the customs backstop must understand that the PM has been very clear that neither option is an outcome we desire - we want a deal with the EU and she will deliver it.

The "strictly time-limited" arrangement would ensure a free flow of goods across the Irish border if the UK and EU cannot agree alternative arrangements, he said.

None of the UK's customs proposals have been agreed with the EU yet.


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