Task IX. Give a summary of the article (no more than 10-12 sentences) according to the following plan.

Лексико-грамматическая контрольная работа № 2

По дисциплине «Иностранный язык»

для студентов заочного отделения факультета таможенного дела

(I курс 2 семестр)

Темы : 1. Red and Green Channels.

      2. Passenger declaration form.

      3. Customs regulations on valuables.

      4. Customs regulations on pets .

Грамматическая тем a : Модальные глаголы.

Вариант 18.

Task I. Give the Russian equivalents of the following words.

1. up-to-date

2. to facilitate

3. to establish

4. reason

5. to ascertain

6. dual- channel system

7. to link

8. transaction

Task II. Give the synonyms of the following words.

1. import

2. export

3. to cease

4. to have doubts

5. infringement

6. without abbreviations

7. a fact of belonging to one country

8. to help

Task III. Give the antonyms of the following words.

1. display

2. to collect

3. abbreviations

4. in words

5. to hide

6. to sell

7. a prohibition

8. to destroy

Task IV. Complete the sentences with the proper form of the modal verbs from the box.  

should (2)         must (2)          can         may         need

1. I do not believe you. You … be the author of the painting!

2. The points of the declaration… be answered in full words in block letters.

3. The book is not an antique. You … declare it.

4. You … be nervous passing through the Customs control.

5. You … enter the zone.

6. You … take liquid in your carry-on luggage.

7. The owner of the baggage … answer all the questions of the officer-in-charge on the contents of his baggage and must present any article for examination.

8. Checking baggage for concealments customs officers … be careful to minimize the damage.

Task V. Ask two questions to each sentence.

1. A passenger must present any article for examination.

2. A passenger can be informed by means of posters and panels at the airport or leaflets, distributed through tourist agencies or airlines.

3. Modern items and items of mass production are not related to cultural valuables. 

4. When they receive the necessary documents, the Ministry issues a certificate confirming the right to export cultural valuables.

5. The entry declaration must be kept by the passenger for the duration of the stay in the country or abroad and must be presented together with the exit declaration on the way back.

Task VI. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Вы не должны забывать, что при въезде и выезде из страны пассажиры заполняют въездные и выездные декларации.

2. В декларации пассажир должен указать свое полное имя, гражданство, страну проживания, страну назначения и другие сведения.

3. Если вы везете запрещенные товары, вы не можете пройти через зеленый коридор.

4. Его выбрали для спонтанной проверки. Инспектор проверил паспорт и визу пассажира и задал вопрос о цели его визита.

5. Туристическое агентство обязано информировать туристов о наименованиях и количестве товаров, которые можно провозить беспошлинно.

6. Предмет может быть изъят или конфискован, если штраф не уплачен.

7. Ветеринарный сертификат должен содержать информацию о прививках против бешенства и других инфекционных заболеваний.

8. Мы не знали, какие правила провоза животных действуют в этой стране. У нас возникли проблемы на таможне.


Task VII. Complete the sentences.

1. To avoid unpleasant situations at the Customs a tourist shouldn’t…

2. If you have something to declare, you must…..

3. If you want to take an original hand-made picture out of the country, you must… 

Task VIII. Translate the text from English into Russian.

U.S. CBP agriculture specialists discovered harmful seeds in the personal belongings of a Canadian citizen who arrived in the United States to visit his family in Philadelphia.

 The traveler claimed that he was carrying some dried citrus peels for personal consumption. During a detailed examination, agriculture specialists discovered seeds of an unknown species. The seeds were sent to the Agriculture laboratory for identification. A final report identified the seeds as Imperata cylindrica, commonly known as Cogon Grass. Cogon Grass is a fast-growing Asian weed that was initially introduced to America as a packing material. Cogon Grass has been ranked among one of the “10 worst weeds of the world”. It has been known to kill pine seedlings and to replace other vegetation.

The citrus seeds were subsequently destroyed by CBP.

 CBP officers and agriculture specialists work diligently to safeguard American agriculture by preventing introduction of harmful plant pests, and foreign animal diseases from entering the country.

Task IX. Give a summary of the article (no more than 10-12 sentences) according to the following plan.

The title of the article The article is headlined … The headline of the article I have read is … The title of the article is... The article is entitled...
The author of the article; where and when the article was published The author of the article is … The article is written by … It is (was) published in …
The main idea of the article The article is about … The article is devoted to … The article deals with … The article touches upon … The article focuses on … The main/central idea of the article is … The purpose of the article is to give the reader some information on … The aim of the article is to provide the reader with some material (data) on …
The contents of the article (facts, names, figures, etc.) The author starts by telling the reader (about, that …) The article describes … According to the text … The author writes/ states/stresses/points out  that … Further the author reports (says) that … In conclusion … The author comes to the conclusion that …
Your opinion of the article To my mind … In my opinion … If you ask me … I found the article interesting/ important/ informative/ dull/ of no value/ too hard to understand




Дата добавления: 2019-02-22; просмотров: 131; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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