Task IX. Give a summary of the article (no more than 10-12 sentences) according to the following plan.

Лексико-грамматическая контрольная работа № 2

По дисциплине «Иностранный язык»

для студентов заочного отделения факультета таможенного дела

(I курс 2 семестр)

Темы : 1. Red and Green Channels.

      2. Passenger declaration form.

      3. Customs regulations on valuables.

      4. Customs regulations on pets .

Грамматическая тем a : Модальные глаголы.

Вариант 14.

Task I. Give the Russian equivalents of the following words.


2. permission

3. proof of ownership

4. receipt

5. to confirm 6. to fill in

7. auction

8. to issue

Task II. Give the synonyms of the following words.

1.harm/ destruction

2. postpone

3. illness

4. hiding place

5. to prove

6. to cease

7. injection



Task III. Give the antonyms of the following words.


2. to expire

3. wild animal

4. to destroy

5. gain

6. to contradict

7.to sell

8.not  to finish.

Task IV. Complete the sentences with the proper form of the modal verbs from the box.  

have to         must (3)         may        have to (2)        need


1. An entrance declaration… be presented together with the exit declaration on the way back.

2. You … give your passport to strangers.

3. If you want to take your pet with you, you… prepare documents in advance.

4. A passengers who goes through the Red channel … complete customs formalities.

5. Undeclared foreign currency in cash found during the search … regarded as smuggling.

6. The points of the declaration must be answered in full words in block letters.

7. An outgoing passenger… fill in an exit declaration form which is to be presented to the customs officer.

8. It has no cultural value, you… declare it.

Task V. Ask two questions to each sentence.

1. The formalities through which passengers must pass include passport and visa control and customs inspection of passengers’ baggage.

2. Incoming passengers fill in an entry declaration form, outgoing passengers fill in an exit declaration form which is to be presented to the customs officer.

3. Now the animals can enter the country upon arrival provided they carry microchips, are vaccinated and undergo a full veterinary inspection.

4. Information must be presented both in figures and in words.

5. The pet must be vaccinated against rabies and other infectious diseases at least 1 month prior to leaving Russia, but not more than 12 months before departure.

Task VI. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Количество пассажиров, путешествующих за границу, постоянно возрастает.

2. Новые технологии помогают повысить эффективность таможенного досмотра.

3. Если вы не везете товары сверх установленных норм, вы можете пройти через зеленый коридор.

4. Документы на груз не соответствуют требованиям.

5. Эти ценности были изъяты в ходе таможенного досмотра.

6. Если все нарушения таможенного законодательства не будут устранены, груз будет конфискован, а владелец оштрафован.

7. Партия контрабанды была задержана на российско-китайской границе. Организаторы будут установлены. Партия настолько крупная, что возможно заведение уголовного дела.

8. Нельзя перевозить крупных домашних животных в ручной клади.



Task VII. Complete the sentences.

1. Filling in the declaration form a tourist has to…

2. At the Customs passengers shouldn’t…

3. If you want to take cultural valuables out of the country, you must…


Task VIII. Translate the text from English into Russian.

United States customs law defines an antique as an object that is more than 100 years old. These include furniture, silver, glass, ceramics, rugs, embroideries, metal ware, and other objects of decorative art. Such objects are studied, collected, and bought and sold by cultural and social historians. They are studied and exhibited in ways that are different from the ways in which the fine arts (paintings, prints, and sculpture) are studied and presented.

Antiques are usually classified according to their countries of origin and the dates when they were made. The names of various periods into which antiques are classified may be derived from the reigning monarch of the time and place where they were made. A piece of art may be termed Georgian, Regency, or Victorian if it is English or Louis XIV, XV, or XVI, Napoleon. Antiques, especially pieces of furniture, are sometimes called by the name of the leading craftsman or designer of their period – Chippendale, Sheraton, Phyfe or Faberge.


Task IX. Give a summary of the article (no more than 10-12 sentences) according to the following plan.

The title of the article The article is headlined … The headline of the article I have read is … The title of the article is... The article is entitled...
The author of the article; where and when the article was published The author of the article is … The article is written by … It is (was) published in …
The main idea of the article The article is about … The article is devoted to … The article deals with … The article touches upon … The article focuses on … The main/central idea of the article is … The purpose of the article is to give the reader some information on … The aim of the article is to provide the reader with some material (data) on …
The contents of the article (facts, names, figures, etc.) The author starts by telling the reader (about, that …) The article describes … According to the text … The author writes/ states/stresses/points out  that … Further the author reports (says) that … In conclusion … The author comes to the conclusion that …
Your opinion of the article To my mind … In my opinion … If you ask me … I found the article interesting/ important/ informative/ dull/ of no value/ too hard to understand


Дата добавления: 2019-02-22; просмотров: 682; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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