With the help of the picture,match the numbers with the names of the instruments and tell what they are used for.


Kinds of transport

Transport is a set of all types of communication routes, vehicles, technical devices and facilities on the routes of communication, providing the process of movement of people and goods for various purposes from one place to another. Water transport is the oldest form of transport.Air transport is the fastest and at the same time the most expensive mode of transport.Railway transport is a type of land transport, transportation of goods and passengers.The car is a means of railless transport with its own engine.Road transport is now the most common form of transport. Road transport is younger than rail and water, the first cars appeared at the end of the XIX century. The advantages of road transport-maneuverability, flexibility, speed.

Name and describe the car parts using a picture

1.The ABS anti-lock braking system is designed to prevent the wheels from locking during braking, thus reducing the braking distance of the vehicle, as well as reducing the risk of skidding during sudden braking on slippery or wet roads.


2. The a / C compressor.

Summer is coming, and each of us does not want to in his car did not work the cooling system of the cabin (air conditioning).

3.The brake disc is one of the key components of the car's braking system.

4.Clutch.In vehicles equipped with a manual transmission, the clutch is the key link between the engine and the transmission.

                            3. Replacing a buld in a car headlight.

First, open the hood of the car. Replacement of lamps can be made, both with removal of a headlight, and without. The headlight itself is easily removed: you need to loosen the mounting bolts and remove the headlight from the car body.

Then disconnect the power connector at the rear of the headlight. The lamp itself is protected from moisture and dirt with a special cover. It needs to be removed by turning it counterclockwise. Sometimes the lid is difficult to turn away. In this case, it can be easily pry with a screwdriver.

The most difficult thing: you need to unfasten the metal fastener that holds the lamp in the opening of the headlight. She's tough enough. You need to press the end of the fastener and move it up. After that, carefully remove the lamp from the lamp base. We take out the spoiled lamp.The lamp carefully, trying not to touch the glass bulb with your fingers, insert into the base, and then into the hole in the headlight. After that, snap the clasp, aligning it with the notch on the lamp. Install the lamp cover, turning it clockwise, attach the power connector.



Transport (from lat. trans — "across" and portare "to carry") — can mean:


1.Оne of the most important branches of material production, carrying passengers and cargo ;

2.А set of all types of communication routes, vehicles, technical devices and structures on the routes of communication, providing the process of movement of people and goods for various purposes from one place to another. This article describes the concept of transport in this sense.

3.А set of technical systems designed to move people, goods and information from one place to another.

With the help of the picture,match the numbers with the names of the instruments and tell what they are used for.

 1. Cylinder key.This device consists of a long metal pipe with a head fixed to the end with 6 or 12 faces. It is used to Unscrew and tighten fasteners when replacing wheels.

2. Сandle key. This tool is used when replacing spark plugs of gasoline engines. The most convenient are the models with a hinge joint of the handle, as it is possible to work at an angle.

 3. Chain wrench. Using the handle creates the force required to Unscrew. In the field of auto repair chain wrench is used to remove the oil filter and other cylindrical parts


3.Filling the tank with petrol

1.Open the hatch of the gas tank and insert the gun, or trust it to the tanker. After that, as usual, go to the cashier.

2.You tell the cashier: column number, brand of fuel and "full tank" or "to full". The process has gone, the pump has turned on and the gasoline is pouring into your car's tank look into the tank hole and wait for the moment to turn off and take out the gun. Automation will do everything for you. Car refills are equipped with such pistols, which are automatically turned off when filling the tank.

3.If there is no tanker at the gas station, then after the announcement to the cashier of the column number and the fuel brand, you need to walk to the car and see when the gun turns off, hang it in place, close the fuel tank cover and go to the cashier to pay for fuel.

4.Payment can be made according to two schemes. In the first case, you tell the cashier "to full" and after refueling, pay for the amount of gasoline filled. In another case, you may be asked to pay a deliberately larger amount of fuel, for example: your tank holds 46 liters, and you pay 50. After that, the cashier looks at how many liters of fuel fit into your tank, and returns the change for the unshielded liters.

5.At the gas station you are always ready to prompt, help, direct. Contact your assistant or cashier, and you will explain everything on the spot.



3- билет

Transportion engeneering

Transport engineering is one of the most important industries. This branch is engaged in metal working and production of the equipment and cars for any branch of a national economy. Machine-building of this type has existed for more than 200 years, during this time it has undergone many changes, there were UPS and downs, but recently this industry is gaining growth rates, which creates conditions for the economic development of the country. Transport engineering includes the production of railway transport, ships, aircraft, cars, etc.


In-line engine

Built-in motors, consisting of a package of iron stator with winding, squirrel-cage rotor and fan, do not have a frame, shields, bearings and shaft, they are the most perfect form of organic connection of the engine with the machine. The built-in motor is assembled on the machine. On the shaft of the machine skewer rotor and fan stator is also used to reinforce in the accurately machined bore of the machine bed and after planting zastupovat. It is established that the use of built-in engines achieves the highest compactness of the installation. The use of built-in motors is particularly convenient and advisable when connecting the motor rotor to the drive mechanism of the machine without intermediate gears.

Checking car tyre pressure

1.It is necessary to check the tire pressure before the trip, when the tires are "cold".

2.To check the tire pressure, it is necessary to put the machine on a flat surface.

3.Next, Unscrew the protective cap of the nipple, if any, and connect the pressure gauge to measure the tire pressure. The connection must be tight, so that the air is not "poisoned" on the side, otherwise the result will not be accurate.

4.Make 2-3 measurements, and then draw a conclusion about the state of pressure in the wheel. Be careful not to confuse the units: bar, kPa, kg / cm2 and psi, they are all different from each other so make sure you have 2.2 kg/cm2, not 2.2 psi , for example.

5.If the pressure is lower than necessary, pump up using a pump or compressor, if higher - bleed by pressing the valve nipple.

6.After again we check the pressure and if it is correct — tighten the cap and go to the second wheel.To avoid confusion with the measurement, use the following table of pressure units, it will help you to know what is equal to a particular value.


Building of roads

Road construction is a time-consuming and lengthy process that requires maximum literacy and professionalism from all its participants. It seems to the simple inhabitant that this process begins and comes to an end directly on the road. In fact, everything is not so simple, and physical work is only a component of the whole list of works.




V- shaped engine-a conventional internal combustion engine (ice), the cylinders of which are structurally arranged against each other at a certain angle. Like any other motor, it largely determines the design of the car.

 Design features

Structurally, the v-shaped engine is much more complicated than a standard in-line motor. After all, they are equipped with two cylinder heads (cylinder head) and have more complex mechanisms of gas distribution (timing) and fuel injection.

Of great importance in the design of v-shaped engines plays the angle of the cylinders relative to each other. In the process of evolution created different designs in which the angles of the cylinders varied from 1 to 180 degrees.


Checking the oil level.



1.Extrusion of lubricant through the channel for installation of the probe and the crankcase drainage system, as well as its ingress into the intake manifold, if the engine provides for the connection of the breather with the power system

2.Difficult to start the engine in winter after a long downtime. Any grease thickens in winter. And if the engine oil reaches the crankshaft-to carry out the rotation of the engine in the thickened lubrication of the starter becomes problematic, and sometimes impossible.

3.The extrusion of the seals. This problem occurs when a combination of factors: exceeding the amount of grease in excess of the allowable rate and blocked crankcase ventilation system. The internal pressure pushes the seal.



Дата добавления: 2019-02-22; просмотров: 263; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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