Ex. 1. A. Practise the pronunciation of the words.

Handsome, stout, figure, broad-shouldered, straight, curly, shoulder-length, plait, pony tail, bald, moustache, beard, rough, delicate, forehead, eyebrows, eyelashes, bushy, aquiline, double, freckles, appearance, image, pink, height.

B. Translate into Russian:  index finger, little finger, middle finger, ring finger, thumb;                                                   big toe, long toe, middle toe, fourth toe, little toe.

Ex. 2. Paraphrase using the vocabulary of № 1.

1. He has no hair on his head. 2. Alice is quite good-looking. 3. She has а short and turned-up nose. 4. Harry has a strong athletic body. 5. His face is quite ordinary. 6. Meg’s’s hair is short.  7. Her uncle has hair above his mouth and on his chin. 8. Her hair reaches her shoulders. 9. His skin was brown. 10. Marcia has exactly the same appearance as her mother. 11. She weighs 90 kilos. 12. Jenny has a small waist and long legs. 13. Sam was tall and had big shoulders. 14. She had small yellow spots on her face. 15. He had bushy eyebrows, a long nose and a big mouth.  

Ex. 3. Say the opposite.

1. Dan was broad-shouldered and strongly built. 2. Mrs Morris was old and ugly. 3. Dr Shackley had a narrow forehead, thin eyebrows and large wide-set eyes. 4. His father was absolutely bald. 5. Jim was clean-shaven and looked younger. 6. He had a broad face, plump rosy cheeks and a round double chin. 7. Jessica had a tanned complexion and dark curly hair that she wore very short. 8. She had small dull light-blue eyes. 9. They are very different from each other. 10. She has thin pale lips and uneven teeth. 11. Her nose is long and straight. 12. Russ is short and stout, his hair is black and he wears it shoulder-length. 13. He has rough features and bad skin.


Ex. 4. Translate into English.                       

Ларри выглядел очень молодо. У него была приятная внешность. Его лицо было загорелым, черты лица не особенно красивыми, но правильными. У него был довольно высокий лоб и над ним масса тёмных волос. Его глаза казались большими. Цвет глаз я не мог определить, так как он смеялся. Я обратил внимание на его руки. Они были длинными, но для своей величины не широкими, красивой формы и одновременно сильными.

Грей был в действительности чуть выше Ларри, но стройный Ларри казался рядом с ним мальчиком. Грей был скорее эффектным, чем красивым. У него был короткий курносый нос и ясные, ярко-голубые глаза. Красивые густые черные волосы были гладко причёсаны. Он был очень сильный и нравился девушкам.

Третьим за столом был Эллиот. Ему было около пятидесяти. Он был элегантным мужчиной с хорошей фигурой. Его светлые волосы слегка поседели.

Ex . 5. Spell the words .

[mə'stɑ:ʃ], ['hænsəm], [bıəd], ['brɔ:dˌʃɜʊldəd], [streıt], ['i:vn]. [skwɛə], ['aıbraʊz], ['delıkıt], [rʌf], [bɔ:ld], [bɜʊld], ['kɜ:lı], ['freklz], ['ımıʤ], ['plezənt], [ɑ:ʧt], ['dʌbl], [haıt].

Ex. 6. Paraphrase the sentences using the vocabulary of № 2.

1. My grandmother likes to receive guests. 2. Jim does very well at school. Everything comes easy to him. 3. His elder brother can never tell a lie. 4. My uncle often forgets things, sometimes he is so deep in his thoughts that he takes no notice of what is going around. 5. People respect his father and often go to him when they have a problem. 6. It’s practically impossible to make my little nephew change his mind. 7. Fred thinks only of himself. 8. Her son starts to shout and kick every time he wants something he can’t get. 9. His niece likes to communicate with different people and easily makes friends. 10. He has a good sense of humour and is always ready to joke. 11. Sam never takes anything seriously. 12. Her mother believes everything people tell her. 13. Justin does everything carelessly. 14. He knows all about literature. 15. He is able to solve very difficult intellectual problems. 16. She is always ready to help and support others.


Ex. 7. Say the opposite.

1. Mr Hide doesn’t like to meet new people. 2. Hank is very attentive. 3. Pauline is light-minded. 4. Her cousin is a liar. 5. George is slow. 6. Mark is suspicious of other people. 7. Her son is well behaved. 8. He has never opened a book in his life. 9. Aunt Clara is quite generous. 10. He can be easily persuaded. 11. David is stupid. 12. He doesn’t understand humour. 13. She has a cruel heart. 14. Pamela’s parents never have guests.

Ex. 8. Translate into Russian.

 1. His boss says John is very efficient. 2. I think Meg is too tense and sensitive. 3. Try to be more sensible. 4. I’d like to have a loyal friend. 5. We find Patricia very confident and rather aloof. 6. I’m afraid Jerry is too impatient and rude to become a good teacher. 7. She is so kind and sympathetic. 8. His mother-in-law is said to be a sullen and quarrelsome woman. 9. He’s good-natured and easy-going. 10. Englishmen are often considered cool and reserved. 11. He isn’t very tactful. 12. Jake is rather narrow-minded and envious, you know. 13. Liz is quite frank and broad-minded. 14. He is very organized – he keeps everything in his flat in perfect order. 15. My granny is kind and sympathetic; I often go to her when I’m in trouble and she would always listen to my problems and offer a shoulder to cry on. 16. Fred is rather a home-loving guy and doesn’t like to go out. 17. My younger sister is so untidy, she is always leaving her clothes and belongings lying around. 


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