Ex. 2. Complete the sentences. Speak about yourself.

1. My friend wants to be a………………… 2. My granny was a……………… 3. When I was a child, I dreamt to be a……………… 4. I could never be a……………….


Ex. 3. What animals make these noises?

“OINK” – ………………….. , “BAA” – ……………… , “MEOW” – ……………….. , “WOOF” – ……………… , “MOO” – ……………………., “COCKADOODLEDOO” – ……………………… .


Ex. 4. Translate the words, use them to complete the sentences. Look up their pronunciation.

bark, bleat, cluck, croak, crow, growl, grunt, hoot, mew, moo, neigh, quack, purr, roar.


1. Cats …………. when they are hungry and ………….. when they are happy. 2. Dogs …………........ or ………….. when they are angry. 3. Lions …………. 4. Sheep and goats ……….... 5. Horses …….... 6. Pigs …………….. 7. Cows ………… 8. Frogs ………. and ducks ………. 9. Cocks ……….., hens ………. and owls ………. . 

Ex. 5. Complete the sentences with the names of the animals. Consult the dictionary.

hens, frogs, ducks, butterflies, hares, kittens, cows, snakes, wolves, bears, horses, lambs, birds, goats, fish, puppies, pigs, chickens;


1. ……… fly and ……….. swim. 2. …………flutter. 3. ……….. hop. 4. ……….. slither.    5. .............. trot or gallop. 6. Cats have ………… and dogs have …………… 7. …………. have foals. 8. Sheep have ………….. . 9. …………. have calves. 10. ……….. have piglets. 11. …… and ………......have cubs. 12. ………. have ducklings. 13. ………….. lay eggs from which …………. hatch. 14. Tadpoles turn into ………... . 15. Caterpillars turn into ……………… . 


Ex. 6. Do the crossword Animals.


Across: 1. Always with a bag. 4. The biggest in the sea. 6. What grace! 7. He can’t change his spots. 8. Man’s best friend. 9. A busy honey-maker. 11. A swine that can be plural. 12. A smart town’s bird. 14. Once she laid a golden egg. 15. Walks by himself. 17. A bird in a tailcoat.  19. A big-eared fellow. 20. Quicker than wind. 23. You can find him on the symbol of the USA. 24. Something between a deer and a camel. 26. It’s the last straw that broke the ….’s back.  28. In a red fur coat. 29. All its beauty is in its tail. 30. There’s a Russian opera called «……. Lake» 32. He sings «cock-a-doodle-doo» in American English. 33. The plural of goose.  

Down: 1. A future mice-hunter 2. What a neck! 3. The wisest. 4. A tree’s dentist. 5. So snug in the rug! 8. Sounds very dear. 9. Winnie-the-Pooh 10. It was young 100 years ago. 12. A nut cracker. 13. Sometimes in sheep’s clothing. 16. Big and yellow. 18. Another pig. 21. White when it snows, grey when it rains. 22. Don’t touch me! 25. The king. 26. Gives us milk. 27. Rhymes with ‘funky’ 30. It hisses and slithers. 31. Don’t make an … of yourself!  

Ex. 7. Choose the correct explanation.

I. Don’t make an ass of yourself.                                                                 

1. Не притворяйся. 2. Не веди себя так странно. 3. Не выставляй себя на посмешище.

II. He killed two birds with one stone.

1. Он добился цели. 2. Он разрешил две проблемы одним махом. 3. Он хорошо поохотился.

III. Let’s take the bull by the horns.

1. Давай приступим к делу. 2. Давай продолжим, то, что начали. 3. Давай покончим с этим.

IV. He has butterflies in his stomach.  

1. Он нервничает. 2. У него болит желудок. 3. Он на вершине блаженства.


V. Don’t let the cat out of the bag.   

1. Не давай ему волю. 2. Не проговорись. 3. Не выноси сор из избы.

VI. It’s raining cats and dogs.

1. Моросит дождь. 2. Идет грибной дождь. 3. Дождь льет как из ведра.

VII. That cat won’t jump. 

1. Этот номер не пройдет. 2. Это неправда. 3. Это нечестно.

VIII. It’s a pretty kettle of fish.

1. Это все вранье! 2. Ну и дела! 3. Вот это результат!

IX. They smelled the rat. 

1. Они заподозрили неладное. 2. Они испугались. 3. Они удивились.

X. He can’t say “boo” to a goose.

1. Он плохо говорит по-английски. 2. Он не может ничего сказать об этом.                        3. Он не способен никого обидеть.


XI. He is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

1. Oн элегантно одет. 2. Он жестокий человек. 3. Он враг, скрывающийся под видом друга.


XII. Can the leopard change his spots? 

1. Может ли дикий зверь стать ручным? 2. Может ли человек изменить свой характер? 3. Может ли человек измениться к лучшему?

Ex. 8. Read the blogs and say if you are an animal person or not.

I’m not just an animal person

I have nothing against animals in general and I really enjoy wildlife programmes on TV.       Working animals like guide dogs are very important, of course, but I can’t see the point of      keeping pets. To me, they just make a mess and cost you a lot of money. And some pet owners treat their animals like children, dressing them up and feeding them the best meat or fish. It’s just crazy! What really gets me is when people set up a blog ‘written’ by their dog or cat. Why do they pretend that an animal has opinions to share with the rest of the world? As I see it, if you want to communicate, talk to a person, not a pet.

Дата добавления: 2019-02-22; просмотров: 504; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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