Going round a market Going to a rock concert

Going to an opera Reading a book

Growing flowers Visiting an art gallery

Visiting a museum Going to a disco club

Playing the guitar Fishing

Having a picnic Rollerblading

Horse riding Cycling


1. Choose one or more of these that you have done and describe the experience. Why did/ didn’t you enjoy it?

2. Put them in your order of preference. What kind of activity do you prefer?

3. Are there any others, which are not on the list that you like?

(Список увлечений и задания находятся на доске. Учитель опрашивает учеников индивидуально).

Teacher : Work in pairs . Act out a conversation between two friends discussing their hobbies.( учитель раздает карточки с диалогами, см. Приложение 4) But first of all, repeat the phrases after me, please. (учащиеся хором повторяют речевые образцы за учителем, соблюдая интонационный рисунок. После этого ученики в парах инсценируют диалог).


Teacher: In conclusion, I’d like to say that it’s very interesting to have a hobby. Hobbies help us to learn more about our planet, to be more intelligent and   well-educated. We should all have a hobby and our life will be more interesting. Did you like our lesson ? (дети высказывают свои мнения об уроке) Your marks for the lesson are the following (учитель оценивает работу учащихся на уроке, в том числе объявляет отметки и за грамматический тест). Now, please write down your hometask: write the composition about any old hobby in Russia, сontinue your work with projects. . Have you got any questions? The lesson is over. Good-bye.

Приложение 1


Choose the correct word to describe things and people’s feelings.

Variant 1

1. Tom is ________ in motorsport. He finds it _________. (interesting/interested)

2. I’m so ________ by collecting stamps. It’s _________ to learn a lot about the world. (amusing/amused)

3. Reading books is not ______ . I am never _______ with it. (boring/bored)

4. My Mum was _______ at the news. (surprising/surprised)

5. Cycling is an ________ hobby. (exiting/exited)

Variant 2

1. It was not ________ for Tom to do the tests. (interesting/interested)

2. Our teacher was _________ with Nick who was not a prodigy. (disappointing/disappointed)

3. Pupils were _________ because their marks were not good. (depressing/depressed)

4. George didn’t have a brother or a sister. He was ________ to tears. (boring/bored)

5. Looking after his Grandma wasn’t the most _________ way to spend a Saturday morning. (exiting/exited)


Приложение 2


Kite-flying is an old hobby in England. Many years ago people in London liked kite-flying. In our days young men and old men, women and children take their kites to the parks and threw them up into the sky. The kites are of many colours. Some of them are square and others have three corners. Some kites are like boxes, some look like balls or flowers. Many people, and children too, make their kites themselves. They make kites of paper, and fix bright ribbons to them. Some people buy their kites in the shops.

In some countries kite-flying is a sport. People have competitions in kite-flying.

Kite-flying – запуск бумажного змея

to throw (threw) – бросать , кидать

to fix – укреплять

ribbon – лента

1. In what country do people like kite-flying very much?

2. What do kites look like?

3. What are kites made of?

4. Can you make a kite?

5. Have you ever seen a competition in kite-flying?


Приложение 3


1. St. Petersburg is one of the most __________ cities in the world.

2. It was founded by ___________ in ________ .

3.The city is situated in ___________ .

4. Its population is _____________ .

5. __________ attract thousands of tourists from every corner of the world.

6. St. Petersburg is the _________ largest city in ________ .


Приложение 4

Dialogue 1

  • Harry, let’s play football in the yard.
  • I’d love to but my leg hurts.
  • Well then, how about walking in the park? The weather is nice today.
  • That’s a good idea, but I hate hanging out in the park. It’s a waste of time.
  • In my opinion you are just lazy!
  • No, I’m not. Besides there is an interesting film on TV in the afternoon. I get pleasure from watching old comedies.
  • As for me I prefer playing sport to watching TV. Playing football or tennis is a change from school, isn’t it?
  • You are right, Tom. But remember tastes are differ.

Dialogue 2

(Mary is speaking by telephone)

- Bob? This is Mary. How are you?

- Fine. And you?

- Fine too. What are you doing?

- I’m listening to music. It’s really relaxing. In my leisure time I enjoy listening to rock music. Do you like rock music?

- I like music, but I don’t like rock. I get pleasure from growing flowers. I’m so amused by this hobby. There are many beautiful flowers in our house.

- Do you have any orchids in your collection?

- Yes, there are some orchids, they are nice. Would you like to see my flower collection?

- That’s a good idea. Thank you.



Дата добавления: 2019-02-22; просмотров: 133; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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