What is the way to disagree productively? 2) Are you good at convincing people of your point of view?

How to disagree productively and find common ground contempt [kən'tempt] презрение, неуважение tantalize ['tænt(ə)laɪz] манить, соблазнять for the uninitiated для непосвященных genuinely ['ʤenjuɪnlɪ]/ искренне; неподдельно rebuttal [rɪ'bʌt(ə)l] опровержение to make a rebuttal pontificate [pɔn'tɪfɪkət] говорить важно, напыщенно palatable ['pælətəbl] аппетитный, вкусный fresh and palatable food humanize ['hjuːmənaɪz] очеловечивать, смягчать compulsory [kəm'pʌls(ə)rɪ] обязательный empower [ɪm'pauə ] уполномочивать dismiss [dɪs'mɪs] отвергать, отпускать 1) We are so scared to get into an argument that we're willing not to engage at all. Contempt has replaced conversation. 2) The way that you reach people is by finding common ground. It's by separating ideas from identity and being genuinely open to persuasion.   3) Without rebuttal, it's not debate, it's just pontificating. 4) People who disagree the most productively start by finding common ground, no matter how narrow it is. They identify the thing that we can all agree on and go from there: the right to an education, equality between all people, the importance of safer communities. 5) Listening to someone's voice as they make a controversial argument is literally humanizing. It makes it easier to engage with what that person has to say. So, step away from the keyboards, start conversing. 6) One of the reasons it is so hard to disagree productively is because we become attached to our ideas. We start to believe that we own them and that by extension, they own us. 7) By debating you're embracing the humility of uncertainty. The possibility of being wrong. And it's that exact humility that makes us better decision-makers. 8) Our debate moderators should be asking it of our elective representatives and candidates for office "What is it that you have changed your mind about and why?" "What uncertainty are you humble about?" 9) And the principles of debate can transform the way that we talk to one another, to empower us to stop talking and to start listening. To stop dismissing and to start persuading.

What is the way to disagree productively? 2) Are you good at convincing people of your point of view?

3) "What is it that you have changed your mind about and why?" "What uncertainty are you humble about?" 4) Can you “pre-commit to the possibility of being wrong”? 5) Did you like this TED?

10 How to disagree productively and find common ground

contempt [kən'tempt] презрение, неуважение tantalize ['tænt(ə)laɪz] манить, соблазнять for the uninitiated для непосвященных genuinely ['ʤenjuɪnlɪ]/ искренне; неподдельно rebuttal [rɪ'bʌt(ə)l] опровержение to make a rebuttal pontificate [pɔn'tɪfɪkət] говорить важно, напыщенно palatable ['pælətəbl] аппетитный, вкусный fresh and palatable food humanize ['hjuːmənaɪz] очеловечивать, смягчать compulsory [kəm'pʌls(ə)rɪ] обязательный empower [ɪm'pauə ] уполномочивать dismiss [dɪs'mɪs] отвергать, отпускать

1) We are so scared to get into an argument that we're willing not to engage at all. Contempt has replaced conversation.

2) The way that you reach people is by finding common ground. It's by separating ideas from identity and being genuinely open to persuasion.   3) Without rebuttal, it's not debate, it's just pontificating.

4) People who disagree the most productively start by finding common ground, no matter how narrow it is. They identify the thing that we can all agree on and go from there: the right to an education, equality between all people, the importance of safer communities.

5) Listening to someone's voice as they make a controversial argument is literally humanizing. It makes it easier to engage with what that person has to say. So, step away from the keyboards, start conversing.

6) One of the reasons it is so hard to disagree productively is because we become attached to our ideas. We start to believe that we own them and that by extension, they own us.

7) By debating you're embracing the humility of uncertainty. The possibility of being wrong. And it's that exact humility that makes us better decision-makers.

8) Our debate moderators should be asking it of our elective representatives and candidates for office "What is it that you have changed your mind about and why?" "What uncertainty are you humble about?"

9) And the principles of debate can transform the way that we talk to one another, to empower us to stop talking and to start listening. To stop dismissing and to start persuading.

What is the way to disagree productively? 2) Are you good at convincing people of your point of view?

3) "What is it that you have changed your mind about and why?" "What uncertainty are you humble about?" 4) Can you “pre-commit to the possibility of being wrong”? 5) Did you like this TED?

Дата добавления: 2019-02-22; просмотров: 112; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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