VIII. Перекладіть речення українськ ою мовою , звертаючи увагу на форми присудків .

1. Bee-hives (вулики) have to be constructed in a proper way.

2. Аnimals diseases must be controlled or prevented by veterinary doctors.

3. Different modern methods should be employed by the breeders of cattle.

4. Wild animals and plants must be conserved and restored by people.

I X. Перекладіть речення англійською мовою.

1. Хребетні підрозділяються на риб, птахів, ссавців та інші класи тварин.

2. М’ясо, що ми їмо, в основному, постачається великою рогатою худобою, вівцями, свинями та птицею.

3. Більшість нашого одягу виготовляється із вовни овець.

4. Коні та бики завжди використовувалися людиною для багатьох видів робіт.

5. Більшість сільськогосподарських робіт зараз виконується тракторами та іншою технікою.

6. Перед тим, як подоїти, корів нагодували.

7. Перші одомашнені тварини використовувалися людиною для м’яса та шкіри.

8. Новий корівник (barn) буде побудований наступного року.

9. Нашій лабораторії незабором надішлють нове обладнання.

10. Цей закон обговорюється зараз нашим урядом.

X. Вставте потрібне слово, використовуючи слова в дужках:

(proud, fast or quick, sly, angry or mad, gentle, wise, free, slow, graceful, hungry, stubborn, silly, busy, playful)

Зразок: 1. playful as a kitten.

1. (             ) as a kitten

2. (             ) as a mule

3. (             ) as an owl

4. (             ) as a fox

5. (             ) as a turtle

6. (             ) as a bee

7. (             ) as a rabbit

8. (             ) as a lamb

9. (             ) as a goose

10.(            ) as a swan

11.(            ) as a wolf

12.(            ) as a bull

13.(            ) as a peacock

14.(                   ) as a bird

XI. Підберіть потрібне слово .

1.Sheep farmers in Australia have constant wars against ____________.

a)dingoes b)kangaroos  c)buffaloes  d)rabbits

2.Farm animals belong to the large group of _______________.

a)invertebrates b)vertebrates c)reptiles d)grains

3.In ruminants the stomach consists of ____________ parts.

a)10 b)4 c)2 d)3.

4.Farm animals serve man by furnishing him ________________.

a)oxygen and nitrogen b)magazines and newspapers c)food and manure

d)TV and computers

5.Some of the animals such as ________________ruminate.

a)wolves and foxes b)toads and lizards c)monkeys and crocodiles d)cattle and sheep

6.Some parts of animal bodies, such as ___________________ are valuable raw materials for various industries.

a)feather and bones b)tails and teeth c)wool and furs d)eyes and ears.

7.The meat we eat is furnished largely by________________.

a)pigeons and sparrows b)bees and butterflies c)tigers and lions d) cattle and swine.

8.We get honey from_________________.

a)butterflies b)bees c)geese d)bears.

9.Much of our clothing is made of___________________.

a)feather b)horns c)milk d)wool

10.Horses, mules and oxen have been used by man for_________________.

a)carrying burdens b)writing letters c)hatching out eggs    d)educating children.

11.Much of our shoes is made of _______________.

a)skin from animals b)wool from sheep    c)skin from snakes d)eagles from hedgehogs.

XII . Перекажіть текст.


Farm animals belong to the large group of animals known as vertebrates, or animals with a backbone. Fishes, birds and mammals all have a backbone and are vertebrates. But most of the ordinary farm animals with the exception of poultry belong to the class of mammals, that is animals which suckle their young.

Some of the farm animals, such as cattle and sheep, ruminate, while others do not. In ruminants the stomach is not simple, as in the pig, but consists of four parts.

Farm animals serve man by furnishing him food, clothing and supplying many other necessary products and services. Some parts of animal bodies, such as skins, wool, furs, feather, bones, are valuable raw materials for various industries. The meat we eat is furnished largely by cattle, sheep, swine and poultry (fowls, geese, ducks, turkeys etc.). We get honey from bees. Much of our clothing is made of wool from sheep.

Horses, mules and oxen have been used by man for many kinds of work, although much of the work formally done by farm animals is now performed by tractors, lorries and other machinery.


UNIT 14.


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