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What is a Vertebrate? What separates vertebrates from other chordates, such as hagfishes and tunicates? Some chordates lose their notochords when they become adults. Vertebrates not only keep their notochords – they protect them with bone or cartilage. In most vertebrates this structure is composed of bones called vertebrae . Each bone in your spine is a vertebra. Each vertebra has a hole through which the spinal cord passes. Sharks and skates do not have true bone, but the cartilage in their teeth and vertebrae may calcify, or harden, into a bone-like structure.

Vertebrates also have skulls , whether made of bone or cartilage, to protect their brains. (The only non-vertebrates that have brains are hagfishes.) Few animals other than vertebrates have any kinds of bones. Vertebrates possess two types of bone , dermal and endoskeletal. Vertebrae, ribs, and arm and leg bones are made of endoskeletal bone. This type of bone begins as cartilage, which calcifies (hardens) to form bone. In some fish cartilage never hardens into bone. Most vertebrates have jaws. Jawless vertebrates began to decline about 380 million years ago as they were replaced by vertebrates with jaws. Many vertebrates don’t have teeth (including most birds and amphibians and a few insect-eating mammals). But those that do include most mammals, crocodiles, snakes, barracudas, and sharks.

Vertebrates are made for moving. Most vertebrates have two pairs of appendanges, whether they have four legs, four flippers, or two legs and two wings. What else do vertebrates have? Below are a few more things that most vertebrates have:

• Complex eyes arranged in pairs.
• Muscularized mouth and pharynx.
• The outer covering consists of two divisions – an outer epidermis and an inner dermis. It is often modified to produce scales, feathers, hairs, horns, glands, etc.
• Blood with red blood corpuscles containing hemoglobin and white corpuscles.
• Well developed body cavity (coelom) containing internal organs.
• Digestive system with large digestive glands, liver, and pancreas.
• Ventral heart with 2-4 chambers.
• Paired kidneys with ducts to drain wastes out of the body.

• Sex. Many invertebrates don’t grow up to be male or female.

So, any animal that has vertebrae is a vertebrate. And every vertebrate has a brain and bones to protect its brain and other internal organs which also provide attachments for muscles that allow animals to move.

Living vertebrates include fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals.

Дайте відповіді на запитання.

1. Do vertebrates keep their notochords?

2. What do they protect their notochords with?

3. What types of bones do vertebrates possess?

4. What is made of endoskeletal bone?

5. Do any vertebrates have jaws?

6. When did jawless vertebrates begin to decline?

7. What classes of vertebrates don’t have teeth?

8. How many pairs of appendages do most vertebrates have?

9. What appendages do most vertebrates have?

10. What are the main characteristic features of vertebrates?

11. What groups of vertebrates do you know?


I . Прочитайте словосполучення та перекладіть їх українською мовою.

to become adults; to keep notochords; to protect them with bone; to be composed of bones; the spinal cord; true bone; may calcify or harden; to protect their brains; arm and leg bones; endoskeletal bone; to be made of; to harden into bone; jawless vertebrates; to decline; to be replaced by; including most birds; insect-eating mammals; to be made for; muscularized mouth; outer covering; outer epidermis; inner dermis; to be modified; well developed; cavity containing internal organs; digestive system; ventral heart; paired kidneys; to drain waste out of the body; any animal; to provide attachments for muscles; to allow.

II . Заповніть пропуски в реченнях, користуючись текстом “ The Vertebrates ”.

1. Vertebrates … their notochords with bone or … .

2. Each bone in your spine is a … .

3. Each … has a hole through which the … cord … .

4. The cartilage may … into a bone-like … .

5. Vertebrates possess two types of … - dermal and … .

6. Most birds don’t have … .

7. Most vertebrates have two pairs of … .

8. The outer covering is often modified to produce …, …, …, …, etc.

9. Any … that has vertebrae is a … .

10. Every … has a brain and … to protect its … and other … organs.

Дата добавления: 2019-02-13; просмотров: 80; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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