Then I drew near, till She stood before my face

And gave utterance as a dove warbles in the realm of eternity,

As though speaking in the wondrous music that hath no words, letters or sounds.


It is as though all books appeared in commentary on the songs of Her innovation.


I recognized all meaning in a single point therein.


When I listened with my entire being,

I heard the mention of God, the Exalted, the Most Glorious, in Her tunes,

And the name of God, the Exalted, the Most High, in Her melodies.


Translated by J. R. I. Cole


Tablet concerning the selection of                                                                      CHAPTER ONE

a International Auxiliary Language and Script                                                         Divisions 1-45



We revealed in the Book of the Most Holy,


"O members of the parliaments throughout the world!


Select ye a single language for the use of all on earth,

and adopt ye likewise a common script.


God, verily, maketh plain for you that which shall profit you

and enable you to be independent of others.


He, verily, of a truth, is the Most Bountiful,

the All- Knowing, the All-Informed.                                                      



This irrevocable decree hath been revealed from the immemorial dominion

for the peoples of the world in general

and for those in government in particular


since the completion of the commandments, ordinances, and precepts revealed in the Book

has been entrusted to themen of the divine houses of justice.


This ordinance is the greatest means for the accomplishment of union

and the supreme instrument for the establishment of social interaction and loving fellowship

between the peoples of different lands.




It is evident that most people, due to the dispersion of the languages of the people of the world,

are deprived of social interaction, friendship,

and the acquisition of knowledge and wisdom from one another.


It is thus the case, as a result of the Divine Bounty and Grace,

that all have been commanded to select a language

-whether newly created or from among the existing languages of the earth-

that everyone may converse therein.




When this comes to pass,

the whole earth will be seen as one city due to the fact that

all will comprehend the language of one another,

and thoroughly understand each of their intentions.


This will be the cause of the promotion and the elevation of the world.


Should a person emigrate from his native land and arrive in any other city,

it would be nearly the sameas if he had arrived back in his own homeland.




Hold ye fast unto this directive,

O members of parliaments and civic authorities!


Should a person ponder a little upon this directive

they would easily come to understand

that what has been revealed from the Heaven of the divine will

is an expression of the Divine Bounty,

the benefit of which encompasses all.



Yet, it is the case, that some servants suckle at the breast of negligence and ignorance

in such manner that they transgress that which is beneficial,

the excellence of which is both rationally and traditionally obvious and clear.


These type of servants, with the hypocrisy of wayward souls,

have, and will continue to veil their eyes from that wisdom

that is the basis and the cause of the progress of the world and the elevation of its peoples.


Wherefore, verily, are they in manifest loss.




Every community speaks its own language;


the Turk, for example, in Turkish;

the peoples of Iran, in Persian

and the Arabs in Arabic.


In addition, the people of Europe speak their own diverse languages.


Such multifarious languages are traditional among, and specific to,

these aforementioned communities.


Yet, a further language has now been decreed

to the effect that all the people of the world would converse therein;


so that all will understand the other's language,

and be capable of achieving their respective intentions.


He, verily, is the Gate to love and kindness and to fellowship and unity.


He, verily, is the Most-Great Translator [Interpreter]

and verily the Key to the Ancient Treasury.




How many the souls that are observed spending all their time

in the acquisition of different languages!


What a great pity that persons should spend an entire lifetime

(the most-precious of worldly assets) in this manner.


The purpose of such an individual in these endeavors

is the acquisition of the knowledge of different languages

so that he might understand the intention of other peoples, and what lies within their domain. 




Now if mankind would carry out what has been commanded of them, it would suffice all alike

since they would free themselves from numerous impediments [causing separation].


That proposition which is especially beloved, when presented before the Heavenly Throne,

is that all should converse in the Arabic language.


This, inasmuch as it is the most comprehensive of all languages. 


If a person were to become truly aware of the comprehensiveness

and the broad scope of this most eloquent language,

they would certainly select Arabic [over other languages,

to be the international auxiliary language.] 




The Persian language is extremely sweet.


The tongue of God in this dispensation has revealed in both Arabic and Persian.


Persian, however, does not, and will never have, the magnitude of Arabic.


Indeed, relative to it, [all] [most] languages have been, and will remain, circumscribed.


This is the most-gracious state of affairs which has been mentioned.


The purpose however, is that the people of the earth should select a single language

and that all humanity converse therein.




This is that which hath been ordained by God

and is that which will benefit all mankind if they did but know.


Likewise, in place of the particular scripts of diverse peoples,

a single script should be adopted and all mankind write therein.


Thus will all scripts ultimately be seen as a single script and all languages a single language.




These commandments will jointly be the cause of the union of the hearts and the souls

of the peoples of the world.


He teaches you that which is best for you.


Take firm hold thereof, for He certainly, is the Exhorter, the Counselor,

the Expounder, the Director, the Gracious,

the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.




All languages and scripts will ultimately become one universal speech

and the diverse territories of the earth be seen as a single clime.


Otherwise, therein you shall see moral obliquity,

as opposed to peaceful tranquility.



Provisionally translated by S. Lambden


Tablet of the Vision                                                                                                 CHAPTER ONE

Divisions 1-40

The ideal story of a maiden brought before the priesthood and the prophet of God.

(with some spurious editing rearranged)



In My Name, that warbleth upon the Twigs!




O My Name!

Hearken unto My Call which cometh from the precincts of the heavenly Throne

that it might enable thee to attain unto the shore of an opulent Ocean;

the fathomless deep of which no seeker hath ever attained.


And Thy Lord is assuredly One Knowing and Generous.


We indeed desired to cast Our Bounty upon thee by making mention of that which We visioned.


This to the end that thou mayest witness the Luminous World in this nether world of darkness

and be firmly assured that for Us there is many a world within this mortal world.


Then render thanks unto Thy Lord, the Well-Informed.


And if He desired that He might cause the rays of the Sun to appear from a tiny atom

or disclose the waves of the ocean from a mere droplet,

He is assuredly capable of this;

even as He hath enabled the knowledge of what was and what is to emerge from a single Point!



[The vision]


We were enthroned upon the heavenly Throne

when there entered a Luminous Maiden clad in a beauteous, snow white robe. 


Even as the full moon did her brilliant morning light dawn forth from the horizon of heaven.


Exalted be God, her Creator!




When she untied her face covering veil, the heavens and the earth beamed forth;

Pre-Existent Being, by virtue of her Radiant Lights, disclosed theophanic splendour thereon.

[i.e. a blessed reincarnation]


Then she smiled and [curtsied] obliquely,

like the stem of a balsam plant before the gaze of the All-Merciful.


Then did she move about and circumambulate with neither intention nor desire on her own part, yet as if the needle of her yearning were attracted by the magnetic intensity

of the Beauty which beamed forth before her visage.




When she walked forth, the Divine Glory attended her,

whilst the Kingdom of Beauty heralded her. 


This on account of the wonder of her comeliness,

her amorous ways and the perfect symmetry of her form.


Then We percieved her jetblack locks cascading over the length of her snow-white neck

as if night and noontime embraced in this most beauteous locale and most elevated [destination].




We [studied] the [glory] of her [visage] and discovered the hidden [birthmark] neath the Veil of unicity, radiating forth from the horizon of her Bosom.


Through [the birthmark] were the tablets of the love of the All-Merciful [God] differentiated in the continent world,

as well as the registers of the enraptured lovers in the Horizons.


And the circumstance of that [birthmark] was narrated by the subsequent [birthmark]

situated above and to the right-hand of side her Breast.


Exalted be the Lord of the Hidden and Manifest who created her!




Then did the Temple of God rise up and walk forth

whereon the Maiden also didst walk along behind, listening,

trembling and enthralled at the verses of her Lord. [of God and the Manifestation of God]


Then was the joy, ecstasy, and yearning of the Maiden multiplied

to the extent that she was transformed and swooned away. [with love for her Lord, and for God]


When she recovered from her swoon she drew nigh said:


‘May my soul be a sacrifice for thine incarceration,

O Mystery of the Unseen in the Kingdom of Existence.’




Then did she gaze toward the orient light of the throne

even as one in a state of intoxication and mystical bewilderment;

until she set her hand upon the neck of her Lord and drew Him near in unity.


When the Maiden drew near, We also drew near

and found with her that which was sent down by Our Exalted Pen in the treasured Crimson Scroll.




Then did the Maiden bow her head, and place her [face] upon her two [hands].


It was as if the new Moon were joined with the wholly full Moon.


Thereupon she wailed and exclaimed,


‘May all in existence be a sacrifice for Thy woes,

O Sovereign of earth and heaven!’


Wherefore didst Thou set Thyself amongst such as are in the city of ‘Akká’?


Hasten Thou! Unto Thine other realms;

unto [Thy] retreats on high whereon the eyes of the people of names have never fallen.’


At this, We smiled.




Consider ye this most exquisite commemoration

and what We have intended by the most secreted mystery,

a matter evident yet most hidden,

O ye possessors of knowledge among the companions of the Crimson Ark.


This commemoration hath coincided with the day in which the Herald was born [the Bab]

who cried out after My Remembrance and Our Sovereignty.




He announced unto the people the tidings of My Will,

the ocean of My Intention and of the Sun of My Manifestation.


We honoured Him with another Day in which the Hidden Unseen,

the Treasured Mystery and the Well-Guarded Symbol hath been manifested.


The One, that is, through Whom the dwellers of the Kingdom of Names were disarrayed

and whomsoever were on earth and in heaven were thunderstruck;


save that is, such as We safeguarded through a Sovereignty and a Power which cometh from Us.


I, verily, am One Powerful to accomplish whatsoever He willeth.


No God is there except Me,

the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.




Blessed be whomsoever hath caught the fragrance of God[63] in this Day,

which is the Dawning-Place of the Manifestation, the Orient of My Name, the Forgiving.


Thereon hath the Breath wafted, the Breeze come forth,

and the ecstasy of the Theophany entranced all such as are lie in the graves.


[On that Day] Mount Sinai crieth out saying.


‘The Kingdom is God’s,

the Powerful, the Transcendent, the All-Knowing, the All-Informed.’


This Day every seeker attaineth the Desied One,

every mystic aspirant achieveth Real Gnosis [knowledge]

and every wayfarer reacheth the Straight Path.




Praised be unto Thee, O my God!


May Thy lovers be blessed in such wise

that Thou send down upon them from the heaven of Thy Bounty,

that which will enable them to be detatched from all that is other than Thee.


Do Thou orient them in the direction of that Horizon

from which beameth forth the Sun of Thy Bounty.


Empower them, O my God,

with what will benefit them in both this world and the world to come.


Thou in Truth art the Powerful, the Transcendent,

the Benefactor, the One Who Giveth Forth, the Wealthy, the Generous.




Translated by S. Lambden



Tablet of the Spring of the Cow    from the Tablet to the Shiek                       40



2nd Tablet to Sheik Salman                                                                                     CHAPTER ONE

 Divisions 1-40

Sheek Salman of Hindiyan




He is God, exalted be His Elevated Modes of Being.




O Salmán!

In all circumstances be enpowered by the [True Lord God One]

and be thou content with the divine pronouncements.


Be ye aware that this Youth [is          ]



O Salmán!

The door of the knowledge of the Ancient Being hath ever been,

and will continue for ever to be, closed in the face of men.


No man's understanding shall ever gain access unto His holy court.


As a token of His mercy, however, and as a proof of His loving-kindness,

He hath manifested unto men the Day Stars of His divine guidance,

that are the Symbols of His divine unity,


and hath ordained the knowledge of these sanctified Beings

to be identical with the knowledge of His Being.


Whoso recognizeth them hath recognized God.


Whoso hearkeneth to their call, hath hearkened to the Voice of God,

and whoso testifieth to the truth of their Revelation, hath testified to the truth of God Himself.


Whoso turneth away from them, hath turned away from God,

and whoso disbelieveth in them, hath disbelieved in God.


Every one of them is the Way of God that connecteth this world with the realms above,

and the Standard of His Truth unto every one in the kingdoms of earth and heaven.


They are the Manifestations of God amidst men,

yea the evidences of His Truth, and the signs of His glory.

Gleanings 21



O Salmán!

All that the sages and mystics have said or written

have never exceeded, nor can they ever hope to exceed,

the limitations to which man’s finite mind hath been strictly subjected.


To whatever heights the mind of the most exalted of men may soar,

however great the depths which the detached and understanding heart can penetrate,


the human mind and heart can never transcend that which is the creature of their own conceptions

and the product of their own thoughts.


The meditations of the profoundest thinker,

the devotions of the holiest of saints,

the highest expressions of praise from either human pen or tongue,

are merely a reflection of that which hath been created within themselves,

through the revelation of the Lord, their God.




Whoever pondereth this truth in his heart will readily admit

that there are certain limits which no human being can possibly transgress.


Every attempt which, from the beginning that hath no beginning,

hath been made to visualize and know God is limited by the exigencies of His own creation


—a creation which He, through the operation of His will

and for the purposes of no other person except for His will,

hath called into being.


Immeasurably exalted is He above the strivings of human mind to grasp His Essence,

or of human tongue to describe His mystery.


No tie of direct intercourse can ever bind Him to the things He hath created,

nor can the most abstruse and most remote allusions of His creatures do justice to His being.


Through His world-pervading Will He hath brought into being all created things.


He is and hath ever been veiled in the ancient eternity of His own exalted and indivisible Essence,

and will everlastingly continue to remain concealed in His inaccessible majesty and glory.


All that is in heaven and all that is in the earth have come to exist at His bidding,

and by His Will all have stepped out of utter nothingness into the realm of being.


How can, therefore, the creature which the Word of God hath fashioned

comprehend the nature of Him Who is the Ancient of Days?

Gleanings 148


Warn, O Salmán,

the beloved of the one true God, not to view with too critical an eye the sayings and writings of men.


Let them rather approach such sayings and writings in a spirit of open-mindedness and loving sympathy.


Those men, however, who, in this Day, have been led to assail, in their inflammatory writings, the tenets of the Cause of God, are to be treated differently.


It is incumbent upon all men, each according to his ability,

to refute the arguments of those that have attacked the Faith of God.


Thus hath it been decreed by Him Who is the All-Powerful, the Almighty.




He that wisheth to promote the Cause of the one true God,

let him promote it through his pen and tongue, rather than have recourse to sword or violence.


We have, on a previous occasion, revealed this injunction,

and We now confirm it, if ye be of them that comprehend.


By the righteousness of Him Who, in this Day, crieth within the inmost heart of all created things,

“God, there is none other God besides Me!”


If any man were to arise to defend, in his writings,

the Cause of God against its assailants,


that man, however inconsiderable his share,

shall be so honored in the world to come that the Concourse on high would envy his glory.


No pen can depict the loftiness of his station,

neither can any tongue describe its splendor.



For whosoever standeth firm and steadfast in this holy, this glorious, and exalted revelation,

that power shall be given him as to enable him to face and withstand

all that is in heaven and on earth.


Of this, God is indeed a witness.




O ye beloved of God!

Repose not yourselves on your couches,

nay bestir yourselves as soon as ye recognize your Lord, the Creator,

and hear of the things which have befallen Him, and hasten to His assistance.


Unloose your tongues, and proclaim unceasingly His Cause.


This shall be better for you than all the treasures of the past and of the future,

if ye be of them that comprehend this truth.

Gleanings 154


And may the Glory be upon thee, O Salman!

and upon them that do not [               ].



 Translated by S. Lambden



Tablet of the Nightingale of Separation                                                              CHAPTER ONE

Divisions 1-35

written at the time of the Tablet of the Bell



The nightingale of separation, perched upon the branch

of the horizon, calls out in grief, you who are filled with yearning;


The bird of loyalty sings upon the tree of eternity

with the strains of this parting, you who are filled with yearning;


As does the dove of the two seas upon the twigs of the lote-tree of separation —

that the departure is imminent, you who are filled with yearning.





the time of union has been fulfilled, and by virtue of the decree

that of absence has begun through this parting, you who are filled with yearning;


Tears have flowed from the eyes of the immortals in the concourse

on high because of this farewell, you who are filled with yearning;


The breezes of joy that blew from the paradise of splendor

have been stilled by this departure, you who are filled with yearning.


By God, the faces of the celestial maidens in their chambers

have paled at the prospect of this absence, you who are filled with yearning;


The nymphs powder their cheeks blood red, for they have heard

about this leave-taking, you who are filled with yearning;


And will never adorn their bodies with the silks of eternity

after learning of this departure, you who are filled with yearning:


No sorrow shall ever compare to this grief in the realm of the unknowable essence,

for the wind of separation is blowing, you who are filled with yearning!




In this time, when the bird of eternity has flown from the land of Iraq

and the people of longing and yearning burn with the fire of separation,

this letter is being sent by this ephemeral ant to the friends of God.


Friends, weep for as long as you have eyes, and cry out for as long as your souls exist,

for the carpet of union, joining, nearness and encounter has been rolled up.


Instead, the sovereign of destiny has, by virtue of a preordained decree,

spread out the quilt of parting, leave-taking, absence and departure.


The gales of separation and regret have gusted with such force

that they have clothed the branches of being, whether visible or invisible,

with the cloak of nothingness, then repaired to the blustery autumn of eternity.


Then, eyes should weep, ears listen to the wailing,

tongues moan and lament, and bodies tumble into the dust of their birth-places.


Nevertheless, we praise God for having singled us out for these misfortunes and afflictions,

and give thanks to him at all times and in all circumstances.


He is, in truth, witness to his own words.




In all the past scriptures it is mentioned that a time will come, a season will arrive,

that the bird of Persia shall sing an Arabian melody.


Therefore, hasten to him, lovers of the celestial beauty,

you who are distracted by the divine sanctum.


Now, that time has arrived, that breeze has wafted, and that bird has flown,

yet you have not seen it nor attained to it, and have not accomplished the goal.


Indeed, you have not advanced toward what was written, nor have you listened.


Now that moment has passed, and that day has slipped out of your grasp.


That breeze shall not blow again in this land, that rose shall not again flower here,

and that door shall never again open.


Have you never heard that the nightingale of the divine garden seeks repose

and settles only in the spiritual rose bower;


that the hoopoe of the Sheba of love only makes its home in the Sinai of the spirit;

or that the hearts of lovers seek no visage save the beauty of the beloved?




Lovers, you have become immersed in thoughts of your own selves, and never set out for the lands of the beloved.


What a marvelous heedlessness has overtaken contingent being and encompassed existence!


The sun is radiant, brilliant and shining in the midst of the sky,

yet all are singing along with and have become intimates of the birds of night.


I shall close with what the nightingale of separation sang in the land of Iraq,

calling out to all who dwell beneath the horizon:


The bird of immortality has flown to the city of the unknowable divine Cloud,

and the dove of the spirit has taken flight from its branch and sought another perch.


Then weep, lovers and people of the concourse on high.


Thus do we cast upon you the verses of parting,

so that perhaps you will rise from the couches of heedlessness and join the ranks of the mindful.






this nightingale of constancy has taken wing from the rose of union,

has set out for the garden of separation, and has consumed all the lovers in the precincts of Iraq.



do not forget the union of souls while you are in the affliction of separation.


Lament this departure,

yet sow the seed of patience in the good earth of the heart,


watering it with your tears, so that it will give forth sweet fruit.


This is the counsel of the nightingale of the divine garden.


Therefore, heed it.  


Translated by J. Cole


Tablet of the Feast of Ridvan                                                                                  CHAPTER ONE

Divisions 1-35





He is the Almighty Lord!




Lo, this is the garden of Paradise wherein is raised the Voice of God, the Dominant, the Strong;


Here do the immaculate Maids of Heaven dwell,

they whom no eye hath seen save only God's, the Sanctified, the Well-Beloved;


Herein the eternal nightingale singeth on the bough of the sacred Lote-Tree

a song that bedazzaleth the minds,


and herein are the needy led to the haven of wealth,

and all men guided to the Word of God;

verily this is a manifest truth.




Here is the song that the nightingale singeth;

In thy name that is God,

Thou art verily God!




O sacred Monk, ring out the bells,

for the day of God hath come,

and the Beauty of the All-Glorious is established on the holy, shining throne.


Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!



O prophet of wisdom, Hud,

beat thou upon thy drum, in the name of the Lord, the Precious, the Bountiful,

for the Temple of Holiness is seated upon His high, unapproachable throne.


Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!


O Thou beauty of eternity,

pluck with the fingers of the spirit at the strings of Thy lute that is wondrous and Holy,

for the Heavenly Beauty hath come in His garment of glimmering silk.


Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!


O angel of light,

sound thou thy trumpet to herald this appearance,

for the letter HA hath mounted above the letter of pre-existent might.

Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!



O Nightingale of Praise,

sing out upon thy boughs within this garden and land,

the well-beloved Name, for the beauty of the red rose hath shone from the impenetrable veils.

Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!

O Thou Dove of Paradise,

sing upon the boughs in this wondrous day,

when the Lord hath cast His rays upon all creatures.

Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!

O Thou Bird of Eternity,

soar into this firmament,

for the bird of faithfulness hath winged his flight to the presence of the merciful Lord.

Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!

O Dwellers in Paradise,

sing out and chant with melodious voices,

for the melody of God is pealing from beyond the high pavilions of holiness.

Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!

O denizens of the Kingdom,

sing in the name of the Well-beloved,

for the beauty of commandment hath gleamed from behind the veils,

in the shining mantle of the spirit.


Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!

O dwellers in the kingdom of names,

adorn the zones of the furthermost heaven,

for the Greatest Name is riding on the mighty clouds of holiness.


Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!

O people of the realm of holy attributes in the heaven of Abha,

prepare to meet your God,

for the breezes of sanctity have wafted from the exalted throne, and this is a manifest grace.


Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!

O thou Ridwan of the one God, rejoice within thyself,

for the Ridwan of God, the Exalted, the Precious, the Wise, is made manifest.


Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!


O heaven of the grandeur,

thank God within thyself,

for the heaven of holiness is raised up in the realm of the sanctified heart.

Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!

O Sun of this earth, eclipse thy face,

for the sun of eternity hath dawned in the luminous heaven.


Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!

O land of knowledge, swallow up thy learning,

for the realm of wisdom is unfolding in the self of God., the Exalted, the Mighty, the Bountiful.


Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!

O lamp of the world, extinguish thyself,

for the light of the Lord is kindled in the lamp of eternity,

and hath illumined the denizens of heaven and earth.


Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!

O seas of the world, quiet your waves within you,

for the crimson sea hath surged with a wondrous Cause.


Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!

O rooster of everlasting life,

crow out on the peaks of the realm of might,

for the Herald of God hath sounded His Call from every lofty hill.

Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!

O concourse of lovers, give out the glad tidings with all your heart,

for the time of waiting is over, and the covenant hath come,

and the Beloved hath shone in wondrous beauty.


Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!

O people of knowledge, rejoice within your souls,

for the day of parting is gone by, the time of certainty hath come,

and the beauty of this Youth hath shone in sacred raiment within the paradise of the steadfast Name.

Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!


Lauded art Thou O my God!

I implore Thee by Thy day in which all the prophetic days are resurrected,

Thy day whereof a moment comprehendeth all the ages.


Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!

And I implore Thee by Thy Name which Thou made king of the Kingdom of Names

and ruler over all in earth and heaven.


Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!

To make men free of all besides Thyself,

and cause them to approach unto Thee and sever themselves from all but Thee.


Verily Thou art the Powerful, the Precious, the Compassionate.


Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!

Then kindle, O my Beloved, in their hearts the flame of Thy love,

till it shall burn away the memory of all save Thee,

that they may testify with themselves that verily Thou hast dwelt from everlasting on the heights of immortality, that nothing hath been joined with Thee, and that Thou ever art as Thou hast been.


There is no God save Thee, the Mighty, the Beneficent.


Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!

And those among Thy servants who seek to ascend the heights of Thy singleness,

if their souls be set on the remembrance of aught else save Thee,

they shall not be true believers in the unity of God,

nor will the rank of a follower of the union of God be allotted them.


Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!



The glory be to Thee, O my God, for as long as Thy command endureth.


Wherefore send Thou down from the clouds of Thy Mercy

that which shall cleanse the hearts of Thy lovers, and sanctify the souls of Thy friends.


Then raise them up in Thy Loftiness, and give them the victory over all on earth;

for this is that which


"We have desired to bring honor upon those who were brought low in the land,

and to make them leaders of men, and to make them our heirs."                                    Koran __


Glory to Thee, O God, O Thou who art God,

O Thou who alone art God!



Translated by A. K. Khan and M. Gail



Tablet on the Birth of the [King of Names]                                                        CHAPTER ONE

(2nd tablet)                                                                                                              Divisions 1-35

After spurious inferences appear invoked, the tablet for the prophet's birthday has been re-edited.



He is God!




O concourse of the [people] of God!

By the righteousness of the Almighty!


Verily, this is a night, that the likes of hath never been manifested

in the world of creation.                                                               [on Earth, in this solar system]


Verily, this bounty is from God, the All-Powerful, the Beneficent.

[that is, the voluminous dispensation of the Bab and Baha-ullah,

and the manifestation of the prophets]



On this night, the Spirit spoke with a voice that threw into commotion the realities of men:


"Rejoice, O Concourse on high in the inmost essence of Paradise!"


Thereupon, God cried out from behind the Holy Veil of divine bestowals:


"This, truly, is a night during which the Reality of the All-Merciful hath been born

and the meaning of every eternal decree hath been divulged by the Pen of the All-Glorious."


Therefore, rejoice and exult, O people of the Bayán!


During this night, the Nightingale lifted up Its voice upon the boughs and branches, proclaiming:

"Rejoice, O citizens of Paradise!"





This night the veils of glory concealing the light of certitude were rent in twain

and the Dove of Heaven chanted and sang in the midmost heart of Paradise.


Therefore, rejoice O Temples of Holiness dwelling in the city of time!


On this night, God revealed His light through every exalted Name.


Moreover, He hath been established upon every pure and radiant heart.




So rejoice, O ye people of the Bayán!


During this night, the oceans of forgiveness have surged

and the breezes of divine bestowals were wafted.


Therefore, rejoice with exceeding gladness, O companions of the All-Merciful!


On this night, all the sins of mankind have been forgiven.


This is a joyous message unto all created things!





This, verily, is a night during which a pre-ordained measure of bounty and grace

hath been decreed in the Scrolls of celestial glory and certitude,

so that sorrow may be dispelled from all created things forever more.


Therefore, rejoice in thy hearts, O ye who hath entered the realms of being and creation!


At this, the Herald of the Spirit crieth out in the midmost heart of eternity

— the center of transcendent glory and sublimity.


This is by the grace of God, the Omnipotent, the Beneficent!




By God! The Hand of Power, endowed with ascendant sovereignty,

hath opened the [perfumed] seal.


Through the Beauty of the All-Glorious,

the hand of the Divine Joseph hath borne round the [prophetic] cup of pomegranate wine.


Therefore, O peoples of the world,

hasten and partake of this Salsabil of everlasting life.





O concourse of the [people] of God!

The unveiled and [naked] Beauty of the Beloved [of God] hath shone forth.


O concourse of the loved ones of God!

The Beauty of the Best-Beloved hath risen above the Horizon of Holiness.


Therefore, bestir yourselves and arise, O people of the Bayán!


The Testimony and the Proof hath appeared,

for the Resurrection hath come to pass through God’s Manifestation of His own Being,

the Ancient of Days.


The ages have persisted, the cycles have repeated, and the Lights have rejoiced,

for God hath shed the splendor of His effulgent glory from the branches of every Tree.




Bestir yourselves, O chosen ones of God,

for the spirits have emerged,

the divine winds have been diffused,

the likenesses of God have been torn asunder,

and the Tongues of Eternity have sung upon the boughs of every Tree.


By God! The veils have been rent asunder,

the dense coverings have been consumed by fire,

the abstruse allusions have been unveiled,

and the subtle signs have been unraveled by Him Who is endowed with Power and Omnipotence.


Rejoice and silently conceal this secret and hidden Symbol,

lest your foes learn of that which ye have quaffed from this wine of rapturous joy.




O people of the Bayan! I swear by God!


The favour of God is fulfilled, His mercy perfected,

and the light of the divine visage hath shone forth with exultation and rapture.



Drink ye, O concourse of people and assemblage of God’s loved ones,

from this effulgent and radiant Salsabil! [of inebriating scriptures that the enlighten the soul]


Verily, this bounty is from God, the Exalted, the Beneficent!

Translated by W. F. McCants


The Tablet of the Servants                                                                                     CHAPTER ONE

Divisions 1-35


Among the earliest scriptural Tablets of the Adrianople-Edirne period 1863-68.  The tablet for Siyyid Mihdi Dahaji is in Arabic. Some of the tablet was translated by Shoghi Effendi.




This is the chapter of the Servants.


It indeed, in very truth, was revealed on the part of God, the Exalted, the Mighty.


It is assuredly a revelation which cometh from One All-Knowing, All-Wise.




In the Name of God, the Supreme Creator,

the Supreme Creator [Most Innovative / Wondrous]!


God testifieth that there is no God save Him

and We, one and all, are merely His servants.


God testifieth that there is no God save Him

and We, one and all, are merely His servants.


God testifieth that there is no God save Him

and We, one and all, are but His servants.


God testifieth that there is no God save Him

and We, one and all, are but His servants.


God testifieth that there is no God save Him

and We, one and all, are but His servants.


God testifieth that there is no God save Him

and We, one and all, are but His servants.


God testifieth that there is no God save Him

and We, one and all, are but His servants.


God testifieth that there is no God save Him

and We, one and all, are but His servants.


God testifieth that there is no God save Him

and We, one and all, are but His servants.


God testifieth that there is no God save Him

and We, one and all, are but His servants.


God testifieth that there is no God save Him

and We, one and all, are but His servants.


God testifieth that there is no God save Him

and We, one and all, are but His servants.


God testifieth that there is no God save Him

and We, one and all, are but His servants.



O Mihdi! 

Testify ye according to that which God Himself doth testify

relative to His own Logos-Person before He created the heavens and the earths,

that `He, no God is there except Him'.


This Youth is His servant and His Baha'.


He is indeed the "Announcement" which hath ever been, for an eternity of eternities,

written in Powerful and Mighty scriptural Tablets.


Nobody knoweth this except He,

Him who is the Help in Peril, the Mighty, the All-Powerful.


No one is aware of this except whomsoever his Lord ordaineth.


This accords with a Command [Cause] about which We informed thee aforetime

as would be evident should thou be reckoned among the truly aware.


So hearken ye unto my counsel!


Then also unto that which the Tongue of God hath articulated in this wondrous era.




So beware lest any single thing deter thee or any matter hold thee back.


Then hearken ye within thine own heart

and strive ye with thine own essence

that thou be numbered among the righteous with respect to this Cause,


over which persons accounted mystical initiates were startled,

the inhabitants of the pavilions of certitude made apprehensice,

then the spirits of such as are nigh unto God thunderstruck.

Translated by S. Lambden



"Contemplate with thine inward eye the chain of successive Revelations

that hath linked the Manifestation of Adam with that of the Báb.


I testify before God that each one of these Manifestations hath been sent down

through the operation of the Divine Will and Purpose,

that each hath been the bearer of a specific Message,


that each hath been entrusted with a divinely-revealed Book

and been commissioned to unravel the mysteries of a mighty Tablet.


The measure of the revelation with which every [prophetic manifestation] hath been identified

had been definitely fore-ordained.


This, verily, is a token of Our favor unto them,

if ye be of those that comprehend this truth.



And when this process of progressive Revelation culminated in the stage

at which His peerless, His most sacred, and exalted Visage was to be unveiled to men’s eyes,

He chose to hide His own person behind a thousand veils,

lest profane and mortal eyes discover His glory.


This He did at a time when the signs and tokens of a divinely-appointed revelation

were being showered upon Him—

signs and tokens which none can reckon except the Lord, your God, the Lord of all worlds.


And when the set time of concealment was fulfilled,

We sent forth, whilst still wrapt within a myriad veils,

an infinitesimal glimmer of the effulgent Glory enveloping the Face of the Youth,


and lo, the entire company of the dwellers of the Realms above were seized with violent commotion and the favored of God fell down in adoration before Him.


He hath, verily, manifested a glory such as none in the whole creation hath witnessed,

inasmuch as He hath arisen to proclaim in person His Cause

unto all who are in the heavens and all who are on the earth."

Translated by S. Effendi


Tablet of [the Preaching]                                                                                    CHAPTER ONE

Divisions 1-[35]


The entirely Arabic tablet appears from the early-mid Edirne-Adrianople days of 1863-1868. The Address is characteristic of the time, with claims addressed to the Bābīs, and the voicing of the claim to be the "return" of the Bāb or messianic 'Remembrance of God', claims reflected, for example, in tablets similar to the tablet of the Traveller.


The tablet of the chapter of the Khiṭāb ishere translated into English for the first time. The name could be taken to imply the eloquent nature of this tablet, since words formed from the Arabic root kh-ṭ-b have connotations of rhetorical eloquence in the course of an address, speech, or sermon. The word khiṭāb is fairly common in classical and modern Arabic.




To Jinab-i Mulla `Abd of the [region of the] Euphrates (Baghdad)

who was present before the [divine] throne.




This was sent down on the part of God, the Powerful, the Mighty, the Munificient.


He is Mighty in the Abhā Horizon on account of His name, the Exalted, the All-Glorious.




The Remembrance of God in the form of Fire, in the Temple of Light,

from the Lote-Tree of [the Perfect] Man,

hath, in truth, been made manifest

with the permission of the All-Merciful at the very Summit of Paradise.


And He, in very truth, crieth out [saying],

`He, verily, no God is there except Him'.


And this Beauty is no one other than the Beauty of the Cause of God (the Command of God)

within the Supreme Horizon, 


the Mystery of the Inner Depth, in the Hidden Sphere of the Divine Cloud,


the Visage of the Divine Theophany, in the Kingdom of the Regeneration,


the Temple of Pre-existence, in the Cities of Immortality,


the Greatest Name, in the Egypt of Splendor,


the Manifest Beauty, in the beloved Temple of Holiness.




O Concourse of the Bayān!

Fear ye the [veils of the Divine] Grandeur and veil not thy hearts

from the [Lord] who came in the shadows of Holiness

with a Sovereignty, which was, in very truth, resplendently clear.


Accompanying him at his right-hand was the Kingdom of God,

then at his left the Kingdom of Names and before him the mighty, powerful hosts.


Follow ye O people, the Cause of God and His Decree!


And do not follow the [way of] Satan.


Follow ye the Beauty of the All-Merciful during these days

and fear ye God who created thee through a command on His behalf.


While on earth do not be a sinful oppressor.



O Ahmad!

Hearken unto that which hath been revealed for thee

from the Shore of Pre-existence about the Blessed, Pre-Eternal, All-Eternal Locale

wherein the Beauty of the All-Merciful hath mounted up on a lofty, mighty Throne.


This is that thou might be attracted by the breezes of the All-Merciful unto the Throne of Riḍwān,

be detached from the domain of created existence

and be purified from earthly defilement.


This is indeed an expression of the Bounty of God unto thee,

[that thou wouldst know] if thou should be cognisant in this respect.


Rise up in the Cause of thy Master then burn away the veils of idle fancy

through a power which originates with Us

and a sovereignty which cometh from Us.


Fear no one, even if all on earth should combine together to wage war against thee.




Say :

This Day no soul should be reliant upon any single thing!


Even if all the inhabitants of the heavens and of the earth should rise up

in servitude outside of My love, My proof, My uprightness

and whatsoever hath flowed out from this Mighty, All-Knowing, Pen,


[then] place [all their] vain illusions behind thee

and set all [their spurious] evidences beneath thy feet,

and orient thee with a luminous visage towards a Trustworthy, Sacred Court.


And thus thou should indeed enter the Locale of Paradise

and be seated in the reception hall of the Divine Throne.




















Translated by S. Lambden

Transcription in progress


___th Tablet to Varqá                                                                                          CHAPTER ONE

               Divisions 1-35

about the Prince and King of Martyrs


Varqá (Dove, Nightengale) was the title given by Bahá-ulláh to Mírzá Alí-Muhammad, named as a Hand of the Cause of God by Abdul-Bahá, and an Apostle of Bahá-ulláh by Shoghi Effendi.


Bahá-ulláh pays glowing tribute to the King and Beloved of the Martyrs for their exalted qualities. He affirms that God vouchsafed unto them special favours, and they appeared among people as embodiments of honour and glory. To their goodly virtues, both friends and foes had testified. Earlier they expressed to Bahá-ulláh their longing to lay down their lives in His path. In order to describe their exalted station, Bahá-ulláh states that people would be astonished if even the station of even those who merely worked for them as servants were to be disclosed.



He is the Most Holy, the Supreme!




O Varqá!

The Servant in Attendance attained My presence

and mentioned what thou hadst written


and We found thy letter a mirror reflecting thy love for the Beloved of the world

and thy turning towards Him.


Great is thy blessedness for having drawn nigh,

for having drunk thy fill, and for having been caused to attain.


Verily, thy Lord is the Resplendent Expounder.


Verily, We witness the fire that hath encompassed thee in thy love for thy Lord.


We see its flaring up and hear the crackling of its flames.


Exalted be He Who hath ignited it,

He Who hath made its flames leap high,

He Who hath revealed it to all mankind.


He is that Almighty Lord before the evidence of Whose might the essence of power acknowledgeth its helplessness.


Verily, thy Lord is He who heareth and seeth, and is the All-Knowing.




Rejoice, for this Wronged [servant] maketh mention of thee as He hath in the past,

and even in this instant, as He paceth, He giveth utterance to these words:


’Verily, We have sensed the sweet scent of thy love,

and have witnessed thy sincerity and thy humility,

as thy heart was occupied with the mention of Me and thy tongue with My wondrous praise.’


Thus hat the Sea of life sprinkled its waters upon thee,

that thou mayest rejoice in the days of thy glorious, incomparable Lord.




O Varqá!

Thy call was heard and thy letter was presented before the Throne.


Praise be to God!

By it the fire of divine love blazed up.




Some of the believers are seen to be sorrowful,

even fearful at the events in the Land of Sad;

whilst it was the Hand of Divine Might which graciously singled them out and,

from the heaven of His mercy and the clouds of His generosity,

caused the overflowing rains of affluence and abundance to shower upon them.


The consummate power of God adorned them with honour among the people,

so that the tongues of the sincere who enjoyed near access unto Him spoke forth their praise.


They reached such heights that their adversaries bore witness to the elevation of their high rank.


Then, at the end of their days,

they attained the most exalted station which is that of supreme sacrifice;


this is a station which Gods chosen ones and His loved ones

have at all times desired and everlastingly sought.


Notwithstanding, some are sad and sorrowful.


It is hoped that this grief hath appeared because of the love entertained for them.




I swear by the ocean of divine mysteries

that should the station of but one of the servants now engaged in their service be made manifest,

the people of the world would be shaken asunder.


Great is the blessedness of him who pondereth over that which hath transpired,

that he may be informed of the greatness of this Cause and its sovereignty.


This station which they attained was that which they themselves implored God

- exalted be His glory -

to grant them, and which they wished and desired with the utmost eagerness.





O friends!

Ye have endured much in the path of thy love for the Beloved of the worlds;


ye have witnessed that which it was not seemly to behold,

and have heard that which ill became thine ears,

and have endured such burdens in the path of the Friend as were truly heavier that mountains.


Great is the blessedness of your backs, your eyes and your ears,

for that which they bore and they saw and they heard.


Now ye should value this highly exalted station, and not allow it to be squandered.




In all cases, this ephemeral world and all who are therein will suffer death,

and all things therein will be caught in the claws of change.


At all times ask ye God - exalted be He - to keep thee in His safekeeping,

and to cause thee to be constant in the path of His Cause.


Know ye well that whatever ye have endured or seen or heard for His sake

hath been as a token of His special bounty unto you.


And among His eternal bestowals is the mention of thee in His Tablets.



Verily, ye have tasted the cup of calamity in His path;

now drink your fill of the purest elixir from the goblets of His remembrance of you

and of His tender mercy unto you.



Be not saddened by what appeareth to be thy weakness, thine abasement and thy distress.


I swear by the Sun of the Heaven of Independence that honour,

wealth and affluence are revolving around thee,

and making mention of thee and are turning unto thee.



If, in accordance with the dictates of divine wisdom,

their appearance is for some days as yet veiled,

days will come when each and all of them will become evident and manifest as the sun.


We beseech God that men will partake of the sweetness of His divine Utterance.


Provisionally translated by H. Balyuzi and Dr. M. Ghasempour




Tablet to Hájí Muhammad Nasír of Qazvíní                                                     CHAPTER ONE

Divisions [1-35]






By God!  This is He Who hath at one time appeared in the name of the Spirit,

thereafter in the name of the Friend,

then in the name of ‘Alí, (the Bab)

and afterwards in this blessed, lofty, Self-Subsistent, Exalted, and Beloved Name.


In truth, this is Husayn,

Who hath appeared through divine grace in the dominion of justice,

against Whom have arisen the infidels, with what they possess of wickedness and iniquity.


Thereupon they severed His head with the sword of malice,

and lifted it upon a spear in the midst of earth and heaven.


Verily, that head is speaking from atop that spear, saying:


“O assemblage of shadows!

Stand ashamed before My beauty, My might, My sovereignty, and My grandeur.


Turn your gaze to the countenance of your Lord, the Unconstrained,

so that you may find Me crying out among you with holy and cherished melodies.”




O Nasír, O My servant!  

God, the Eternal Truth, beareth Me witness.


The Celestial Youth hath, in this Day,

raised above the heads of men the glorious Chalice of Immortality,


and is standing expectant upon His seat,

wondering what eye will recognize His glory,

and what arm will, unhesitatingly, be stretched forth

to seize the Cup from His snow-white Hand and drain it.


Only a few have as yet quaffed from this peerless, this soft-flowing grace of the Ancient King.


These occupy the loftiest mansions of Paradise,

and are firmly established upon the seats of authority.


By the righteousness of God! Neither the mirrors of His glory,

nor the revealers of His names,

nor any created thing, that hath been or will ever be,

can ever excel them, if ye be of them that comprehend this truth.




O Nasír!

The excellence of this Day is immensely exalted above the comprehension of men,

however extensive their knowledge, however profound their understanding.


How much more must it transcend the imaginations of them that have strayed from its light,

and been shut out from its glory!


Shouldst thou rend asunder the grievous veil that blindeth thy vision,

thou wouldst behold such a bounty as naught,

from the beginning that hath no beginning till the end that hath no end,

can either resemble or equal.


What language should He Who is the Mouthpiece of God choose to speak,

so that they who are shut out as by a veil from Him can recognize His glory?


The righteous, inmates of the Kingdom on high,

shall drink deep from the Wine of Holiness, in my name, the All-Glorious.


None other besides them will share such benefits.




Tear asunder, in My Name, the veils that have grievously blinded your vision,

and, through the power born of your belief in the unity of God, scatter the idols of vain imitation.


Enter, then, the holy paradise of the good-pleasure of the All-Merciful.


Sanctify your souls from whatsoever is not of God,

and taste ye the sweetness of rest within the pale of His vast and mighty Revelation,

and beneath the shadow of His supreme and infallible authority.


Suffer not yourselves to be wrapt in the dense veils of your selfish desires,

inasmuch as I have perfected in every one of you My creation,

so that the excellence of My handiwork may be fully revealed unto men.




It follows, therefore, that every man hath been, and will continue to be,

able of himself to appreciate the Beauty of God, the Glorified.


Had he not been endowed with such a capacity, how could he be called to account for his failure?


If, in the Day when all the peoples of the earth will be gathered together,

any man should, whilst standing in the presence of God, be asked:

“Wherefore hast thou disbelieved in My Beauty and turned away from My Self,”


and if such a man should reply and say:

“Inasmuch as all men have erred, and none hath been found willing to turn his face to the Truth,

I, too, following their example, have grievously failed to recognize the Beauty of the Eternal,”

such a plea will, assuredly, be rejected.


For the faith of no man can be conditioned by any person except himself.




This is one of the certainties that lie enshrined in My Revelation--

a certainty which I have revealed in all the heavenly Books,

which I have caused the Tongue of Grandeur to utter, and the Pen of Power to inscribe.


Ponder a while thereon, that with both your inner and outer eye,

ye may perceive the subtleties of Divine wisdom and discover the gems of heavenly knowledge

which, in clear and weighty language, I have revealed in this exalted and incorruptible Tablet,


and that ye may not stray far from the All-Highest Throne,

from the Tree beyond which there is no passing,

from the Habitation of everlasting might and glory.



The signs of God shine as manifest and resplendent as the sun amidst the works of His creatures.


Whatsoever proceedeth from Him is apart,

and will always remain distinguished, from the inventions of men.


From the Source of His knowledge countless Luminaries of learning and wisdom have risen,

and out of the Paradise of His Pen

the breath of the All-Merciful hath continually been wafted to the hearts and souls of men.


Happy are they that have recognized this truth.       Translated by S.Effendi, and N. and C. Buck


First Tablet to Napoleon the 3rd                                                                            CHAPTER ONE

Divisions 1-35


Months before the larger second tablet to Napoleon III was written, when arriving at Saint-Jean-d’Acre, Bahá-ulláh had addressed through the intermediary of the French Consul, Cesar Cattafago, a letter to Napoleon III that had remained unanswered.










For 25 years an entire group of God’s servants

hath not had a single restful night nor an instant’s tranquility,

and hath been continuously exposed to the assaults of calumny and the workings of violence.


How many the children that have been made into orphans!


How many the mothers who have lost their child!


How many more weep to find themselves separated from their children!


How many children do lament and groan in search of their mother!


Sucklings have well nigh drank the cup of martyrdom,

and pity hath been shown to neither men nor women!


How many the nights when,

while the savage beasts and birds of prey reposed peacefully in their forests,

these servants could not, in their distress and exhaustion, find safe retreat or shelter!


How many the people who,

in the eve, were posessed of rank and fortune,

yet in the morrow woke in poverty and misery,

their goods pillaged and their possessions taken!


No land remains untinged by the blood of these oppressed ones,

nor soil where the graves of these wretched ones may not be found.


How many the women that have been ravished

and taken from country to country and town to town,

and how many the men that have been sold to slavery!


How many have fled into the deserts, with none apprised of their whereabouts!


How many others still remain imprisoned!


The sighs of these wronged ones rise up night and day,

and their appeals for succour can be heard incessantly.


And yet they have perpetrated no crime.



Two statements graciously uttered by the king of the age have reached the ears of these wronged ones.


These pronouncements are, in truth, the king of all pronouncements,

the like of which have never been heard from any sovereign.


The first was the answer given the Russian Government when it inquired why the (Crimean) war was waged against it.




Thou didst reply:

"The cry of the oppressed who, without guilt or blame,

were drowned in the Black Sea wakened me at dawn.


Wherefore, I took up arms against thee."




These oppressed ones, however, have suffered a greater wrong, and are in greater distress.


Whereas the trials inflicted upon those people lasted but one day,

the troubles borne by these servants have continued for 25 years,

every moment of which has held for us a grievous affliction.




The other weighty statement,

which was indeed a wondrous statement manifested to the world, was this:


"Ours is the responsibility to avenge the oppressed and succour the helpless."


The fame of the Emperor’s justice and fairness hath brought hope to a great many souls.


It beseemeth the king of the age to inquire into the condition of such as have been wronged,

and it behooveth him to extend his care to the weak.


Verily, there hath not been, nor is there now,

on earth any one as oppressed as we are, or as helpless as these wanderers.




For all living beings, even the savage beasts and birds of prey,

have a corner in which to find shelter.


These wronged ones, alone, are constantly captive in the chains of violence,

their necks prisoned in the bondage of hatred and passion.


Their strength hath reached its limit,

and there remains in their hearts neither patience nor endurance.


They call upon thee to accord them thy good will,

that they might enjoy the shelter of royal protection.









Translated and introduced by H. Dreyfus and I. Velasco 2001


Tablet of Qā'im (messianic ariser) and Qayyūm (deity independent)            CHAPTER ONE

Divisions 1-32

“Rise up O people, for the victory of God!


The Qayyūm (Bahā-allāh) hath assuredly come unto you,

about whom the Qā'im (the Bāb) gave glad-tidings.”     

                                                              Bahā'-ullāh in the Tablet of Iqtidarat


Bahā-ullāh responds in this Persian tablet to a question about the difference in meaning between al-Qā’im (the Ariser) and al-Qayyūm (the Deity Independent) both of which terms are frequently used within messianic and theophanological senses in the Persian and Arabic Babi and Baha;i sacred writings.

Baha-ullah explains the words Qāim and Qayyūm in numerological terms relative to the time of his advent after the Bāb's declaration in 1844 (1260).



"As for what thou hast asked about the difference between al Qā’im and al Qayyum, 


Know that the difference between these two names

is just as thou observe between al A`ẓam ("the most great") and al `Aẓīm ("the great").


And this is what My Beloved One (the Bāb) indicated aforetime.


We have mentioned it in the Tablet of Badi

and naught was intended by this

except that the people would be informed of the fact that

He [the promised one] to be made manifest is to be one greater (a`ẓam) than

what hath [previously] appeared [as the religion of the Bab or the Bāb].


And He, the Qayyūm, is superior to the Qā’im.


This certainly is the truth unto which testifieth the tongue of the All Merciful [God]

in the heaven of the Bayān. [the Explaination]


Know! then be capable of being detatched through Him from all the worlds.


Wherefore doth the Qāim call out from the right-side of the heavenly Throne and proclaim,  




`O Concourse of the Bayān!

By God! This is assuredly the Qayyūm.


He hath come unto you with manifest sovereignty.


And this is certainly that "Most Great One"

before whose Visage (Face) eveyone most great and greatprostrates.


Then appropriate not the Greatest Name

lest ye manifest arrogance before the Manifestations of His Sovereignty.


And never attempt to gain ascendency over the Qayyūm

except for the sake of his [humble] denial in His Court.




`O People! (qawm)

This is certainly the Qayyūm.


He, verily, is situated beneath your [                                    ]


So know thou that the numerical difference [between al-Qā’im and al Qayyūm] is 14,

and this amounts to the number of al bahā' (= 14)

when the hamza is reckoned as six (B =2 + H = 5 + A = 1 + ' = 6 Total = 14)

for its form is that of a six in the alphabetical mode. 




And if thou recite "al Qā’im" and find that the difference (from Qayyūm) is five (5) then this indicates [the letter] al hā' (abjad = 5) within [the word] al Bahā'.


And relative to this station (`in this manner') does al Qayyūm rise up

upon the Throne of His name al Qā’im 

just as the letter hā' (= 5) riseth up above [the letter] wāw (= 6).


And on one [another] level the [letter] hamza of Qā’im amounts to 6 

according to the alphabetical computation it yields the difference which is 9.


And furthermore, it is this Name (= bahā' = 9 or 14).


And through this six He --exalted be His sovereignty-- intended the theophany of the nine.


On this level, thou shalt see no difference in the appearance of the two names.(Qāim and Qayyūm)




By My Life! This difference is a sign of My Greatness

for such as do circumambulate the heaven of Bahā'!


This do We demonstrate for thee in concrete terms.


The inward reality of the significance of His position as the Qayyūm

is that the name al-Qayyūm surpasseth Qā’im in being more elevated

though counted among the maintainers.




Know thou that the intention of the Primal Point regarding the [numerical] difference

between al-Qā’im and al-Qayyūm and [between] A`ẓam and `Aẓīm

was the Grandeur (`most-greatness') of the forthcoming theophany.


Regarding the greatness and the position of the Qayyūm

of the eschatological [latter] theophany above the Qā’im

and the difference between the "most great" and the "great",


it relates to the number of the theophany which is nine.


And this Grandeur and Qayyūm-hood is manifest and evident in this theophany

and whatsoever was made manifest on His part.


For example, the intention of Qayyūm is the theophany of nine

and He is made manifest with the name of Bahā'.


And the magnitude of that Grandeur is evidenced by the letters.


On one level the hamza of Bahā' is calculated as six and that of Qā’im as one.


So ponder ye upon this, for this to be signs for the mystic knowers"                      Mā'ida, 4:174


Translated by S. Lambden

Translation in progress


Tablet to Sháh Muhammad Amín






Written in Arabic in honour of Jinab-i-Varqá in 1881.


When news of his martyrdom reached the Prison, all the captives grieved, and they shed tears for him, resigned to God and undefended as he was in his last hour. Even the face of Bahá-ulláh was grieved.

A tender tablet was revealed by the Supreme Pen, commemorating the man who died, and many other Tablets were sent down concerning him.



To the [man] who hath fixed his gaze upon the Visage of God, the Most Glorious -

his honour Varqá,


upon him be the Glory of God,

the Lord of the throne above and the earth below!




In the Name of our Lord the Most Holy, the Most Great,

the Exalted, the Most Glorious,


Who illuminated the world of humanity by the sun of firmament of His Knowledge,

and Who adorned the heaven of wisdom with the stars of discernment and sight!




As to your question of the [Great] True God - glorified be His bounteousness -

concerning the martyrs of Miyan Duáb,

these luminous words were revealed from the Heaven of His Will:



The Praise that is sanctified from human mention

and hearing belongeth to the Lord of all Names!


Call to remembrance those souls who have turned their faces to My all-glorious horizon,

have hearkened to My sweet call,

have held firmly unto the Sure Handle,

and clung to the hem of My luminous garment,


who have turned their faces to My visage

which remaineth when all other things vanish into nothingness,


who have taken their flight in the atmosphere of the love of their Lord, the Possessor of all Names,


and who have quaffed the wine of His decree from the Crimson Cup

and say unto them,




Great is your blessedness for ye did attain the all-highest purpose,

the supreme station, and the sublime grades.


Blessed indeed are ye and sweet is thy recompense

inasmuch as the Beloved of the World, the Most Great Name,

is mentioning you in such a manner that, through it,

every true seeker will recognize the fragrance of My Garment,


and every one endowed with the true sense of smell

will attain the musk of My Name, the All-Merciful, the Most Compassionate.




I bear witness that ye have truly recognized God in the days in which all things,

and beyond all things, the Supreme Concourse,

have lamented because of that which hath befallen those souls who took strong hold of God's Book and offered up their all in this Straight Path.


Rejoice ye in the Supreme Horizon,

inasmuch as the Lord of all men mentioneth ye in this prison which hath been named many names

and which is designated the Most Great Prison in the Book of God, the Almighty, the All-Praised.




In truth, your blood that was mixed with the love God hath been shed,

your spirits, which were fragrant with the breezes of God's Days, have ascended,

and your bodies have lain on the ground --


bodies which were adorned with the ornament of martyrdom in the path of this Cause

for which those near unto God and the sincere ones gave their all and their entire being.


In this wise hath the Tongue of Grandeur spoken in thy memory and thy praise.


Verily, He is the Forgiving, the Most Generous!




The light that shineth from the heaven of the mercy of the All-Merciful God rest upon you,

O ye who art the manifestations of His names in existence

and the dawning-places of His recognition amongst the religions!


Ye are indeed the ones who were prevented not by any one or by the cavilling of the unbelievers.


Ye heard and hastened to that station ordained by the Pen of God, the Single, the All-Knowing.


Great be your blessedness and joy,

and the blessedness of those who bring you to remembrance,

who visit you and recall the Visitation which the Tongue of this Wronged [] of the world

hath uttered as all sorrow hath encompassed Him --


sorrows brought about by those who have denied the right of God and the rights of His Friends,

and who have turned away from a visage

that hath shone from the horizon of His Revelation with very clear light.



And We make mention of Amín (whom We have mentioned before in Our very clear Book).


In truth, he preceded most of the peoples in the service of God and the service of His revelation

and he hath attained unto that loving providence

of which no one except the Omniscient, the All-Knowing is aware.


We were with him as his spirit ascended unto the Great Beyond.


We gave him drink from the most pure Kawthar time and again and the mercy of His Lord didst surround him to such an extent that all pens are powerless to describe it.


Unto this doth testify He that hath spoken and speaketh now and always:


There is none other God except Him, the Almighty, the Most Beauteous [Lord]!




O Amín!

Thou art a Letter of My Crimson Scroll

and thou art a remembrance from this Book which speaketh the truth.


And We make mention of His lovers -

those who visit Him, and those of the Supreme Concourse,

and those who have prostrated themselves before the face of their Lord,

the Lord of this wondrous new day.  


Blessed is the [man] that continueth in his remembrance of thee

and who seeketh through thee to get nigh unto God, the Lord of all the worlds


Translated by K. Fananapazir





Baha-ullah rarely compares his sufferings to those of Muhammad, preferring instead to parallel his mistreatment to that of Muhammad’s martyred grandson Husayn. Yet the comparison with Muhammad is apt if for no other reason than both men lived long lives as self-proclaimed prophets and died peacefully in their beds. One of the few places Baha-ullah makes the comparison is in the “Tablet of Tribulations,” written between 1863 and Baha-ullah’s death in 1892. In the tablet he differentiates greatly between his tribulations and those of Muhammad.

Given his allusion to the calumnies directed against him by two unnamed individuals, Baha-ullah probably wrote the tablet during his exile in Istanbul and Edirne between 1863 and 1868, when the Iranian ambassador to the Ottoman Empire and Sayyid Muhammad of Isfahan conspired against him. The tablet is not only unique for its subject matter, yet also for its historical references.

Baha-ullah quotes or paraphrases many early Islamic histories of Muhammad’s life and exegeses of the Qur’an, which is unusual in his tablets. Some of the episodes, especially the massacre and enslavement of a Jewish tribe, are rarely treated elsewhere in Baha’u’llah’s voluminous works. Because the tablet has no name, its name is taken from the “tribulations” (baláyá) mentioned throughout.




Tablet of the Celebration of Birth                                                                          CHAPTER ONE

Divisions 1-30

Revealed by Bahá-ulláh to honor his Birth




The Most Holy, the Unapproachable, the Almighty.




The celebration of His birth has come;

the beauty of God, the Powerful, the Sublime, the Beloved, is seated upon the throne.


Blessed is the one who is present, in this day,

before the divine visage;


the gaze of God,

the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsistent, shall rest upon them.





We observe the celebration in the Most Great Prison,

after the kings have arisen against Us.


The ascendency of the oppressor cannot frustrate Our purpose,

nor do the hosts of earthly dominion trouble Us.


This is that whereunto the All-Merciful has borne witness in this illustrious station.


Could the very essence of serenity be perturbed by the tumult raised by any man? No!


By His beauty dawning in its effulgence on all that is and shall be!




This is the sovereignty of God which encompassed all things;


this is His might which has overshadowed every seer and all that be seen.


Hold fast onto the rope of empowerment,

then remember your Lord, the Unconstrained,

in this dawn wherein all that had been hidden and concealed has been revealed;


thus has the tongue of the Eternal pronounced on this day

when the sealed wine [of prophecy] has been offered.


Do not let the delusions of those who deny God perturb you,

nor prejudices debar you from this outstretched path.




O People of Baha!

Soar on the wings of detachment in the heaven of the love of your Lord, the All-Merciful,

then render Him victorious with that which has been sent down in a preserved tablet.


Beware lest you dispute with any man;


reveal yourselves with the fragrance of God and with His Bayan whereby faces are turned.


Such as are heedless in this day abide in the drunkenness of passion, yet understand not.


Blessed is the one who turns toward

the dawning-place of the verses of their Lord in humility and repents.




Arise amidst His servants,

then invite them unto remembrance of what has been revealed in the book of their Lord,

the Mighty, the Unconstrained.





Be ever mindful of God,

and pay no regard to the delusions of those who follow every doubting sinner.


Turn with hearts full of light toward the throne of your Lord,

the Possessor of all names;


indeed, He shall confirm you in the truth.


No other god is there beside Him,

the Mighty, the Beneficent.




Would you hasten to the pond while the most great ocean is before you?


Turn to it

and do not follow every deceiving idolater.


Thus does the bird of immortality warble upon the branches of Our lote-tree

beyond which there is no passing.


By God, by merely one of its melodies, the heavenly concourse is enraptured,

then the denizens of the cities of names,

who circle round this throne at eve and dawn break.




Thus do the rains of teaching descend

from the firmament of the will of your Lord, the All-Merciful.


Advance toward it, O people,

and do not follow those who dispute the signs of God when they are revealed,

and who deny their Lord, the All-Merciful, though He come with proof and evidence.



Translated by J. Hall 2016




Tablet of the Wondrous (Maiden)                                                                          CHAPTER ONE

Divisions 1-30



The Beauty of holiness hath risen from behind the veil.

       And this is a wondrous thing!


And the spirits have fainted away, from the flames of attraction.

       And this is a wondrous matter!


They have recovered consciousness

and flown unto the pavilion of holiness on the Throne of Domes.

       And this is a wondrous mystery.





the Maid of Eternity hath removed the veil from her face.

       Exalted be the new and wondrous Beauty!


And the lights of her face have shone from the earth unto the clouds.

       And this is a wondrous light.


And she hath cast her glances as shooting stars are cast.

       And this is a wondrous casting.


And all names and all titles have been set aflame by the fire of her face.

       And this is a wondrous deed.


And she hath cast her glance upon the people of earth and dust.

       And this is a wondrous glance!


Whereupon the tabernacles of creation shook and then vanished.

       And this is a wondrous [vanishing].




Then there appeared from her a jet-black hair,

like the ornament of the spirit in the darkness of torment.

       And this is a wondrous colour.


And there issued forth from her breezes of the spirit and sweet perfumes.

       And this is a wondrous musk.


In her right hand ruby wine and in her left a portion of roast sweetmeats.

       And this is a wondrous bounty.


And her palms were red and stained with the [wine] of the lovers.

       And this is a wondrous affair.




And she passed round the living wine in long-necked pitchers and goblets.

       And this is a wondrous fountain.


And she sang in the name of the Beloved with lute and rebec.

       And this is a wondrous melody.


Whereupon the hearts melted with fire and flames.

       And this is a wondrous love.


And the sustenance of the Beauty was given them, with neither balance nor measure.

       And this is a wondrous sustenance.



And the sword of her flashing eyes was drawn upon the necks.

       And this is a wondrous [smiting].




She smiled and there appeared white, shining pearls.

       And this is a wondrous pearl.


Whereupon the hearts of the possessors of minds cried out.

       And this is a wondrous renunciation.


And every proud, disbelieving one turned aside from her.

       And this is naught but a wondrous rejection.


And when she heard this, she returned unto her palace in sadness and affliction.

       And this is a wondrous grief!


She came and she returned;

How exalted her coming and going!

       And this is a wondrous decree.




And she cried out in her heart, a cry that caused all existence to expire and vanish.

       And this is a wondrous sadness.


And she opened the fountain of her mouth in discourse and in reproof.

       And this is a wondrous stream.


And she said, "Do not reject me, O People of the Book!"

       And this is a wondrous matter.


"Are you the people of guidance and are you the friends?"

       By God, this is a wondrous lie!




And she said, "We shall not return unto you, O companions."

       And this is a wondrous returning.


And we shall conceal the secrets of God that are in the Tablets and the Book.

       And this is a command from a Mighty and Generous One.


"And you shall not find Me, save when the Promised One appears in the day of return!"

       By my life, this is a wondrous abasement!



Translated by D. MacEoin

Tablet of Carmel


The Tablet of the Hair                                                                                        CHAPTER ONE

Divisions 1-30




He is the Almighty!


My hair is My Messenger.


It is calling aloud at all times upon the branch of fire within the hallowed and luminous Garden of Paradise,


that perchance the inmates of the realm of creation may detach themselves from the world of dust

and ascend unto the retreats of nearness


--the Spot where the Fire seeketh illumination from the light of the countenance of God,

the Glorious, the Powerful.



O ye that have consecrated yourselves to this Fire!


Sing ye melodies, pour out sweet tones, rejoice with exceeding gladness

and make haste to attain the presence of Him Who is the Object of adoration,


bearing witness that no God is there besides God,

the All-Knowing, the All-Wise, the All-Compelling.



He is the God of Wisdom!


My hair is My Phoenix.


Therefore hath it set itself upon the blazing fire of My Face

and receiveth sustenance from the garden of My Countenance.


This is the station wherein (Moses) the Son of Imran removed from the feet of selfish desire

the coverings of the attachment to all else but Him


and was illumined by the splendours of the Light of holiness in the undying Fire kindled by God,

the Potent, the Gracious, the Ever-Forgiving.



He is the Most Excellent, the Best Beloved!


A lock of My hair is My Cord.


He who layeth fast hold on it shall never to all eternity go astray,

for therein is his guidance to the splendours of the Light of His beauty.



He is God!


My hair is My Veil whereby I conceal My beauty,

that haply the eyes of the non-believers among My servants may not fall upon it.


Thus do We conceal from the sight of the ungodly

the glorious and sublime beauty of Our Countenance.




He is the Eternal!


My hair beareth witness for My beauty that verily I am God

and that there is none other God but Me.


In My ancient eternity I have ever been God,

the One, the Peerless, the Everlasting,

the Ever-living, the Ever-Abiding, the Self-Subsistent.




O denizens of the everlasting Realm!


Let your ears be attentive to the stirrings of this restless and agitated hair,

as it moveth upon the Sinai of Fire,

within the precincts of Light, this celestial Seat of divine Revelation.


Indeed there is no God besides Me.


In My most ancient pre-existence I have ever been the King,

the Sovereign, the Incomparable, the Eternal,

the Single, the Everlasting, the Most Exalted.




O peoples of the heavens and of the earth!


Were ye to sanctify your ears,

ye would hear My hair proclaim that there is none other God except Him,

and that He is One in His Essence and in everything that beareth relationship unto Him.


And yet how fiercely have you cavilled at this beauty;

not withstanding that the outpourings of His grace have encompassed

all that dwell in the billowing oceans of His Revelation and Creation.




Be ye fair therefore in your judgement concerning His upright Religion,


for the love of this Youth who is riding high upon the snow-white she-camel betwixt earth and heaven;


and be ye firm and steadfast in the path of Truth.




Tablet to Rad'ar-Rúh                                                                                              CHAPTER ONE

Divisions 1-30

concerning the letter of a Christian from Alexandria


The recipient of this tablet, Raḍ’ar-Rúḥ, was a believer from Mashad, who was martyred around the time this tablet was written. Bahá-ulláh wrote the tablet soon after arriving in Akka, after his exile from Adrianople. In the tablet Bahá-ulláh tells Rad'ar-Ruh that while waiting to set sail from the port in Alexandria, he was given a letter from a Christian physician known as (Dr.) Faris, who was imprisoned in Alexandria with Nabil-i-Azam. In the letter, (Dr.) Faris declares his belief in Bahá-ulláh. Bahá-ulláh expresses in the tablet how thrilled he was to receive this moving declaration. (Ruh = Spirit)

(the first letter to the physician Dr. Faris of Alexandria)



In the Name of God, the Eternal, the Immovable.




O Thou who hast fixed his gaze upon the (divine) face!


Hearken unto the Call of Him Who hath suffered imprisonment, time after time,

in the path of God, your Lord and the Lord of all the peoples of the world.


Know, then, that the Ancient Beauty hath departed from the Land of Mystery (Adrianople), because of what the hands of the oppressors hath wrought.


While He was journeying upon the earth, the verses which enrapture the Concourse on High,

and likewise the clear tokens that cause the angels who enjoy near access (to God) to swoon,

were at every moment being revealed.




By God! The fragrances of the verses have wafted over the East of the earth and the West thereof.


And this, assuredly, is a great bounty.


When mouldering bones inhaled the sweet savor of the verses,

they were stirred to life, and arose by the leave of God, the King, the Almighty, the Beauteous.


Throughout all these vicissitudes, We deposited beneath every stone the peerless jewels of utterance.


Erelong, there shall arise, nigh unto every such stone, one who will proclaim that He is the Beloved of the world.




Days thus passed until We at last arrived at the shore of the sea.


Whereupon, the Most Great Ocean found repose upon the Ark.


The inmates of Paradise at that moment raised aloud this call:

"In the Name of God, Who doth launch the Ark!"


Whereupon, addressing the Ark itself, they exclaimed:

"Well is it with thee, inasmuch as the Desire of the Worlds hath tarried upon thee!"


The Ark thereupon set forth over the sea.


We could hear from every drop of the sea that whereunto no mortal was able to hear.


Your Lord is well aware of what I say.



As We approached the prospect of a city (Alexandria) among the cities of the earth,

We found from it the fragrance of the All-Merciful.



While We were thus taking in its scents, the very sea itself stood still.


And the Ark, too, remained motionless upon it.


Yet, by God, never once are the waves of this Ocean stilled,

throughout the Eternity of Eternities.




Thereupon, one of the people related to the Son (Jesus) approached unto the Presence of the Countenance, and was bearing, in hand, a lucid epistle.


When We, at length, pored over this message, We inhaled from it fragrances of holiness,

from one set aflame by the fire of the power of your Lord, the All-Merciful.


The rapture of the Revelation had impassioned him in such wise

as to detach him from all things worldly, and to cleave unto this Cord,

which is hung betwixt the heavens and the earths thereof.


We comprehended well what was expressed in the very language of his epistle.


Whosoever may wish can himself behold his letter, to begin to realize just how the fingers of the power of your Lord, the Exalted, the Almighty, the Glorious, can so transform the hearts.


If only you could have been present before Us,

while this Youth was reading aloud that epistle in the intonations of God,

the Powerful, the Mighty, the Wise.




Thus doth your Lord bring into being whomsoever He willeth, by virtue of His Might.


But, alas, how the people are wrapt in the veils of their own selves, and are of the negligent.


By God! His being (Faris) is of far greater significance, in the sight of God, than the creation of the heavens and the earth.


Whensoever thou recitest his epistle, do thou exclaim:


"Exalted is God, Who hath vivified, through His Might, whatsoever He hath ordained.


He, indeed, is the Quickener of humankind."



Provisionally translated by N. Hosseini



The epistle mentioned was from a Christian physician known as Faris, who had recently become a believer. The following is a summary of the contents of his letter.


"O Thou the Glory of the Most Glorious and the Exalted of the Most Exalted!


I write this letter and present it to the One who has been subjected to the same sufferings as Jesus Christ...It is incumbent upon us to offer praise and thanksgiving to God, the All-glorious, the All-bountiful. And now I beseech Thee to grant me and my kindred a portion of the ocean of Thy bounty, O Thou who art the Ever-living, the Self-subsisting and the Wellspring of Purity and Sanctity.



I entreat Thee by the mystery of Thy most joyful Being, by Thy Prophet who conversed with Thee (Moses), by Thy Son (Jesus), by Thy Friend (Muhammad) and by Thy Herald (The Báb) who for the love of Thee offered up His life in Thy path, not to deprive me and my family, these poor ones, from beholding the glory of Thy countenance.



O Thou who hast endured for our sake sufferings and tribulations.


Strengthen our faith, choose us for Thy service and accept us as martyrs in Thy path so that our blood may be shed for the love of Thee. We are weak and ignorant, confer upon us Thy glory so that we may not be among the losers. Grant us the distinction of love and faith, and cleanse our hearts from whatsoever runs counter to Thy good pleasure. Aid us to forget our own selves so that we may seek no rest in Thy service except by Thy leave and pleasure.



O Thou who knowest the secrets of the hearts!

Art Thou sailing in an ark made of wood? O how I long to be a part of that vessel, for it is blessed to be a carrier of the Lord. O, the surging sea! is thy restlessness because of the fear of the glorious Lord?


O Alexandria!

art thou grief-stricken because He who is the Ever-living, the All-wise, is leaving thy shores? O, the desolate city of 'Akka! Thou art clapping thy hands in fervent joy and art in a state of rapture and ecstasy, for the Lord in His great glory will bless thy land with His footsteps..."



Summary quoted from A. Taherzadeh



Tablet to Abd al-Razzāq al-Kashānī                                                                       CHAPTER ONE

Divisions 1-30

Concerning the ancient records










And now regarding thy question,


“How is it that no records are to be found concerning the prophets that have preceded Adam,

the Father of Mankind,

or of the kings that lived in the days of those prophets?”




Know thou that the absence of any reference to them

is no proof that they did not actually exist.


That no records concerning them are now available,

should be attributed to their extreme remoteness,

as well as to the vast changes which the earth hath undergone since their time.


Moreover such forms and modes of writing as are now current amongst men

were unknown to the generations that were before Adam.


There was even a time when men were wholly ignorant of the art of writing,

and had adopted a system entirely different from the one which they now use.


For a proper explaination of this, an elaborate explanation would be required.




Consider the differences that have arisen since the days of Adam.


The divers and widely-known languages now spoken by the peoples of the earth were originally unknown, as were the varied rules and customs now prevailing amongst them.


The people of those times spoke a language different from those now known.


Diversities of language arose in a later age, in a land known as Babel.


It was given the name Babel,

because the term signifieth “the place where the confusion of tongues arose.”


Subsequently Syriac became prominent among the existing languages.


The Sacred Scriptures of former times were revealed in that tongue.




Later, Abraham, the Friend of God, appeared

and shed upon the world the light of Divine Revelation.


The language He spoke while He crossed the Jordan became known as Hebrew (Ibrání),

which meaneth “the language of the crossing.”


The Books of God and the Sacred Scriptures were then revealed in that tongue,

and not until after a considerable lapse of time did Arabic become the language of Revelation.


Witness, therefore, how numerous and far-reaching

have been the changes in language, speech, and writing since the days of Adam.


How much greater must have been the changes before Him!




Our purpose in revealing these words is to show that the [great] true God hath,

in His all-highest and transcendent station,

ever been, and will everlastingly continue to be,

exalted above the praise and conception of all else except Him.


His creation hath ever existed,

and the Manifestations of His Divine glory and the Day Springs of eternal holiness

have been sent down from time immemorial,

and been commissioned to summon mankind to the [great] true God.


That the names of some of them are forgotten and the records of their lives lost is to be attributed to the disturbances and changes that have overtaken the world.


Mention hath been made in certain books of a deluge which caused all that existed on earth,

historical records as well as other things, to be destroyed.


Moreover, many cataclysms have occurred which have effaced the traces of many events.




Furthermore, among existing historical records differences are to be found, and each of the various peoples of the world hath its own account of the age of the earth and of its history.


Some trace their history as far back as 8,000 years, others as far as 12,000 years.


To any one that hath read the book of Jük it is clear and evident                                  [        ]

how much the accounts given by the various books have differed.


Please God thou wilt turn thine eyes towards the Most Great Revelation,

and entirely disregard these conflicting tales and traditions.



Translated by S. Effendi

Gleanings 87


and translated by S. Lambden

Translation in progress



The Tablet of Ahmad                                                                                          CHAPTER ONE

Divisions 1-30





He is the King, the All-Knowing, the Wise!




Lo, the Nightingale of Paradise singeth upon the twigs of the Tree of Eternity,

with holy and sweet melodies,

proclaiming to the sincere [servants of God] the glad tidings of the nearness of God,


calling the believers in the Divine Union to the court of the Presence of the Generous [Lord],


informing the severed ones of the message which hath been revealed by God,

the King, the Glorious, the Peerless,

guiding the lovers to the seat of sanctity, and to this resplendent Beauty.




Verily this is that Most Great Beauty, foretold in the Books of the Messengers,

through Whom truth shall be distinguished from error

and the wisdom of every command shall be tested.


Verily He is the Tree of Life that bringeth forth the fruits of God,

the Exalted, the Powerful, the Great.




O Ahmad!

Bear thou witness that verily He is God, and there is no God save Him,

the King, the Protector, the Incomparable, the Omnipotent.


And that the [Lord] Whom He hath sent forth by the name of ‘Alí¹

was the true [Lord] from God, to Whose commands we are all conforming.




O people,

be obedient to the ordinances of God,

which have been enjoined in the Bayán by the Glorious, the Wise One.


Verily He is the King of the Messengers

and His book is the Mother Book, if you only knew.


Thus doth the Nightingale utter His call unto you from this prison.


He hath simply to deliver this clear message:


Whosoever desireth, let him turn aside from this counsel

and whosoever desireth let him choose the path to his Lord.




O people,

if ye deny these verses, by what proof have ye believed in God?


Produce it, O assemblage of false ones.


Nay, by the [Lord] in Whose hand is my soul,

they are not, and never shall be able to do this,

even should they combine to assist each other.




O Ahmad!

Forget not My bounties while I am absent.


Remember My days during thy days,

and My distress and banishment in this remote prison.


And be thou so steadfast in My love that thy heart shall not waver,

even if the swords of the enemies rain blows upon thee

and all the heavens and the earth arise against thee.




Be thou as a flame of fire to My enemies

and a river of life eternal to My loved ones,

and be not of those who doubt.


And if thou art overtaken by affliction in My path, or degradation for My sake,

be not thou troubled thereby.




Rely upon God, thy God and the Lord of thy fathers.


For the people are wandering in the paths of delusion,

bereft of discernment to see God with their own eyes, or hear His Melody with their own ears.


Thus have We found them, as thou also dost witness.


Thus have their superstitions become veils between them and their own hearts

and kept them from the path of God, the Exalted, the Great.




Be thou assured in thyself that verily, he who turns away from this Beauty

hath also turned away from the Messengers of the past

and showeth pride towards God from all eternity to all eternity.




Learn well this Tablet, O Ahmad,

chant it during thy days and withhold not thee therefrom.


For verily, God hath ordained for the one who chants it,

the reward of [a hundred] martyrs and a service in both worlds.


These favors have We bestowed upon thee as a bounty on Our part

and a mercy from Our presence,

that thou mayest be of those who are grateful.




By God! Should one who is in affliction or grief read this Tablet with absolute sincerity,

God will dispel his sadness, solve his difficulties, and remove his afflictions.


Verily, He is the Merciful, the Compassionate.


Praise be to God, the Lord of all the worlds.




Tablet of the Sublimities                                                                                         CHAPTER ONE

           Divisions 1-30




This is the chapter of the Sublimities.


It was revealed on the part of God, the Transcendent, the Supremely Transcendent,

as a proof for whomseoever is in the heavens or upon the earth(s).




He is the Eternal, the All-Knowing God within the Heaven of Eternity.


Praised be He who offereth glory before Him;

All, whether they be in the heavens or upon the earth.


He indeed hath ever been All-Encompassing of everything.


Before Him areprostrate whomsoever is in the Heaven of the Divine Command and of creation.


He indeed hath ever been omnipotent over all things.


He hath decreed the measures of all things in tablets

and clarified for His servants what will draw them nigh unto a Beauty,

magnified be His Wonderful Ways.


He sent down from the Heaven of the Command, mighty and powerful verses

and made them to be a proof that cometh from Him unto all the worlds.


And He sent the Messengers proclaiming that

He, no God is there except Him.


This Youth is indeed His Baha (theophanic Glory-Splendor)

as well as His Might and His Grandeur unto whomseoever is in the heavens or upon the earth.


To this does God Himself bear witness with the Tongue of Power and Might.


He is indeed Witness unto all things.




And among them (Messengers) was He upon whose heart came inspiration

through the Spirit of Faith.


And among them (Messengers) was He to whom was sent down

divine inspiration by means of allusions which were sacred and hidden away.


And among them (Messengers) was He unto whom was

sent down the Holy Spririt in the form of a [well-proportioned] shapely Archangel.

 Quran 53:6, 19:11


And among them [the Messengers] was He with whom God held outer conversation,

in such wise that none can even make befitting mention thereof.




Yea, indeed there was [in this, latter instance] separation

despite the manifestation of the sovereignty of union;

such that is, as is outside of either allusion or explanation.


And among them [the Messengers] was He who cried out within His Logos-Person

unto His Logos-Person sanctified through the assistance of all else except Him.




So exalted be He who experienced such an expression of Divine Bounty which even every purified mystic knower [gnostic] was interdicted from understanding.


And whomsoever announceth the deep knowledge of this station certainly lied,


and thus hath ever been numbered among such caluminators

as are written down [accounted such] in the Preserved Tablets.




They will ever prove unable to acquire within themselves the confirmations of the Spirit.


These are the weak ones among the servants.


He hath ever been independent thereof, and transcendent above all the worlds.


The Holy Spirit conferreth confirmation through a command

which originateth with Him for the very Spirit of the Cause that circumambulates about Him.


Such is the foundation of the Cause.




"Thus hath the Spirit cried out upon the twigs of the Lote-Tree of knowledge,

on the part of the Mighty, the Praiseworthy.



`This Day nobody hath proved able to breathe a single thing, other then out of love for Me.


And God is indeed witness unto that which I say.


Translated by S. Lambden



Tablet of Consolation                                                                                               CHAPTER ONE

Divisions 1-25

Written following the death of the father of a believer.



God consoles you as a token of His grace,

and He is, in truth, the Comforter, the All Knowing, the All-Wise.


Do not be sorrowful on account of your father.


He has ascended to God and from him the perfume of My cherished love is diffused.


It is for one that is heedless that you ought to grieve,

not for one who has attained to the remembrance of Me, the All-Wise.


God forgave him before his ascension and, after his departing,

He caused him to enter a station that the pen of the worlds is powerless to describe.


Convey My greetings to the one named Ali.





Beware lest you be sorrowful in My days or that anything should perturb you.


Look upon the ocean of the loving kindness of your Lord and be among them that rejoice.


I was younger than you upon the passing of My father,

and I had the comfort of some of His servants.


Yet you have the consolation of God by His own tongue,

the Holy, the Cherished, the Wondrous.




Be just:

is it befitting that one should mourn after this?


No, I swear by My beauty that shines in effulgence from this manifest horizon!


This is an address that We have revealed lest you should be grieved by anything that might come to pass on earth.


In truth, your Lord is the Expounder, the All-Knowing.




This is not the day of grief and weeping.


Rather, it is befitting that you and the believers should rejoice in the days of your Lord,

the Forgiving, the Compassionate.


He is sufficient unto you in truth,

and more loving is He than a thousand fathers.


Even this sentiment [or writing], however, is within the limitation of this world.                                          


Otherwise, He Himself is far above His attributes [ever] being constrained by any bound

or circumscribed by the pen and ink.


All possessed of discerning knowledge testify to this.


Trust in Him and immerse yourself in His praise.




Be gladdened, moreover,

that He should make mention of you in this, His Most Great Prison,

with verses that all the treasures of the universe could not surpass.


Blessed is the one who ascended.


He is indeed among them that have been guided by the light of Revelation

and who turned unto the Beloved with a radiant visage.


Out of his goodwill have you come into being

and arisen in the service of Him who is your Lord, the Ancient of Days.


Remember him with joy and gladness

as We remember him in this glorious vision.


Upon him be the glory of God and the glory of those in My kingdom,

as well as every beauteous praise.



Provisionally translated by J. Hall 2017






Tablet of Words of Wisdom



Tablet of the Waves                                                                                                  CHAPTER ONE

Divisions 1-25

(Tablet of the Billows)

Revealed in the 1880s in Persian and Arabic for Áqá Siyyid Yahyá, the tablet implies the allusion of the ocean of the Bahai wrtings.

The tablet sets forth four waves (of the Ocean of Revelation) that billow forth various religious ethical principles according with the realization of the endtimes' Day of God.

The tablet ends with an Arabic prayer for the protection of the Bahái friends and their good works.




He is Herald of good Tidings, the Gracious, the Noble!




This Day, the Mother Book proclaimeth before the faces of the companions

that the very Alpha and the Omega of realization constituteth awareness that,


`In reality these Days hath ever been peerless and without comparison!'


Blessed be the souls that are in no way held back from the True One

by the clamourings of their contemporaries!


Rather, who rise up on the Right Path ornamented with the qualities of trustworthiness and piety

which are among the hallmarks of the fear of God.




His eminence the servant of (God) -- upon whom be My Glory and My Bounty --

proceeded in the direction of the saintly ones.


He wholeheartedly sought and graciously supplicated and requested for every one of them from the heaven of Bounty and Bestowal that which shall be the cause and reason of their eternal remembrance and perpetual laudation.


Wherefore is the Ocean of the Exposition manifest through the Waves of Demonstrative Proof and the Pure Bounty of the Desired One of all the worlds.


Every specific wave crieth out a given directive.



The first wave uttereth the words:



"O Concourse of saintly ones!

Unto My Days thou hast attained, the mention of which, most of the sacred Books of the world have been ornamented.


Today thou ought to manifest something of the Light of Unity that all the world,

whether of the East or of the West, might be illumined by that Light."



The second wave uttereth the words:



"O People!

The most befitting vesture in the sight of God in this Day is trustworthiness.


All Bounty and honour shall be the portion of the soul that arrayeth itself with this greatest of adornments."



The third wave uttereth:



"An Enlivening Spirit be upon thee, O people of Bahá!


Thou shouldst manifest that which will confirm the sanctity of His Divine Essence

from any likeness or inappropriate similitudes,

as well as uphold the transcendence of His Being

from all that hath either been said or will ever be said (about Him)."



The fourth wave uttereth;



"O Concourse of Lovers!

Cast aside whatsoever debaseth thee

and take thou firm hold of whatsoever elevateth thee through this Name

which hath caused the wafting of the Fragrant Breeze of God,

the Mighty, the Help in Peril, the Independent!"



Praise be unto Thee, O my God,

my Master and My Support!


Preserve Thy saintly ones from the evil of Thine enemies and

render them victorious through the hosts of Thy Power and Thy Sovereignty.


Do Thou make every single one of their deeds to be a lamp

among the deeds of whomsoever is upon Thine earth,

such that it might transform darkness into Light.


Thou art indeed the King of the Divine Theophany

and the Judge on the Day of Gathering.


No God is there except Thee,

the Ultimately Real, the Knower of things unseen.


Provisionally translated by S. Lambden

Introduction adapted from that of S. Lambden


"Verily it is We Who give Life and Death; and to Us is the Final Goal;

the Day when the Earth will be rent asunder, from (men) hurrying out:

that will be a gathering together,- quite easy for Us."                                            Qurán 50.43-4


Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá-ulláh:


"By Him Who is the Great Announcement!

The All-Merciful is come invested with undoubted sovereignty. The Balance hath been appointed, and all them that dwell on earth have been gathered together."



Tablet of Visitation of [the Shrines of the Prophets]                                           CHAPTER ONE

Divisions 1-25

A tablet read at the Shrines of Bahá-ulláh and the Báb, and also frequently used to honor their anniversaries.



[He is God, etc]



The praise which hath dawned from Thy most august personage,

and the glory which hath shone forth from Thy most brilliant Beauty, rest upon Thee,

O Thou Who art the Manifestation of Grandeur,

and the King of Eternity, and the Lord of all who are in heaven and on earth!




I testify that through Thee the sovereignty of God and His dominion,

and the majesty of God and His grandeur, were revealed,

and the Daystars of ancient splendor have shed their radiance in the heaven of Thine irrevocable decree,

and the Beauty of the Unseen hath shone forth above the horizon of creation.


I testify, moreover, that with merely a movement of Thy Pen Thine injuction “Be Thou”

hath been enforced, and God's hidden Secret hath been divulged,

and all created things have been called into being, and all the Revelations have been sent down.




I bear witness, moreover,

that through Thy beauty the beauty of the Adored One hath been unveiled,

and through Thy face the face of the Desired One hath shone forth,

and that through a word from Thee Thou hast decided between all created things,

causing them who are devoted to Thee to ascend unto the summit of glory,

and the infidels to fall into the lowest abyss.


I bear witness that he who hath known Thee hath known God,

and he who hath attained unto Thy presence hath attained unto the presence of God.




Great, therefore, is the blessedness of him who hath believed in Thee, and in Thy signs,

and hath humbled himself before Thy sovereignty,

and hath been honored with meeting Thee, and hath attained the good pleasure of Thy will,

and circled around Thee, and stood before Thy throne.


Woe betide him that hath transgressed against Thee, and hath denied Thee,

and repudiated Thy signs, and gainsaid Thy sovereignty,

and risen up against Thee, and waxed proud before Thy face,

and hath disputed Thy testimonies, and fled from Thy rule and Thy dominion,

and been numbered with the infidels whose names have been inscribed by the fingers of Thy behest upon Thy holy Tablets.




Waft, then, unto me, O my God and my Beloved,

from the right hand of Thy mercy and Thy loving-kindness,

the holy breaths of Thy favors, that they may draw me away from myself and from the world unto the courts of Thy nearness and Thy presence.


Potent art Thou to do what pleaseth Thee.


Thou, truly, hast been supreme over all things.



The remembrance of God and His praise, and the glory of God and His splendor,

rest upon Thee, O Thou Who art His Beauty!


I bear witness that the eye of creation hath never gazed upon one wronged like Thee.


Thou wast immersed all the days of Thy life beneath an ocean of tribulations.


At one time Thou wast in chains and fetters;

at another Thou wast threatened by the sword of Thine enemies.


Yet, despite all this, Thou didst enjoin upon all men to observe

what had been prescribed unto Thee by Him Who is the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.




May my spirit be a sacrifice to the wrongs Thou didst suffer,

and my soul be a ransom for the adversities Thou didst sustain.


I beseech God, by Thee and by them whose faces have been illumined

with the splendors of the light of Thy countenance,

and who, for love of Thee, have observed all whereunto they were bidden,


to remove the veils that have come in between Thee and Thy creatures,

and to supply me with the good of this world and the world to come.


Thou art, in truth, the Almighty,

the Most Exalted, the All-Glorious,

the Ever-Forgiving, the Most Compassionate.




Bless Thou, O Lord my God, the Divine Lote-Tree and its leaves,

and its boughs, and its branches, and its stems, and its offshoots,

as long as Thy most excellent titles will endure and Thy most august attributes will last.


Protect it, then, from the mischief of the aggressor and the hosts of tyranny.


Thou art, in truth, the Almighty, the Most Powerful.




Bless Thou, also, O Lord my God,

Thy servants and Thy handmaidens who have attained unto Thee.


Thou, truly, art the All-Bountiful, Whose grace is infinite.


No God is there save Thee,

the Ever-Forgiving, the Most Generous.



Tablet of Glad Tidings of Hallelujahs                                                                CHAPTER ONE

Divisions 1-25




He is the Beloved [Lord].


The Maid of Eternity came from the Exalted Paradise;
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, O Glad Tidings!


With harp and with song, with crimson goblet she came;
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, O Glad Tidings!


With amorous glances, with the taste of mystical death—

with dance and with song she came;
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, O Glad Tidings!




With musky tresses, with beauteous ruby lips—

from near unto God, she came;
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, O Glad Tidings!


Two daggers her eyebrows, one hundred arrows from her eyelashes—

to pierce our hearts she came;
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, O Glad Tidings!


All souls in her path, all hearts in her embrace—

slain when she came;
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, O Glad Tidings!


With snow-white hand, with raven locks—

like the dragon of Moses she came;
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, O Glad Tidings!




This sweet Davidic voice, from the Divine Lote-Tree—

with the Messianic Spirit she came;
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, O Glad Tidings!


With the allurement of fidelity, with the protection of Baha'—

from the Dawning-Place of "H" she came;
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, O Glad Tidings!


With guiding light from the morn of the Divine Encounter, with Mount Sinai she came;
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, O Glad Tidings!


This song of the spirit came to her lovers from the Nightingale of "No";
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, O Glad Tidings!


With the joyful tidings of reunion this Divine Maiden came from a branch of the Tree of Blessedness;
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, O Glad Tidings!




This [heavenly] lover, this earthly bird—

she came as a sacrifice in the Path of the Beloved;
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, O Glad Tidings!


This sword of [justice], from the Throne of fidelity—

she came upon the neck of the Beloved;
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, O Glad Tidings!



This sacred letter, with an Arab messenger—

she came from the city of Sheba;
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, O Glad Tidings!


This Eternal Visage, she came with snow-white hand from the Divine command;
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, O Glad Tidings!




This Hijazi Falcon came with Iraqi accents from the forearm of the King;
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, O Glad Tidings!


This Pardoning Visage, she came with fetching allure from the Court of Nearness;
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, O Glad Tidings!


This Nightingale of mystic meaning, she came from the sacred rose bush with the hand of ecstasy;
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, O Glad Tidings!


This luminous page, she came with light and splendour from the Midian of Spirit;
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, O Glad Tidings!




This Witness of the Omnipotent, this heady Wine of the Beloved

— she came with the goblet of Sovereignty;
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, O Glad Tidings!


That essence of the Beauty of the True One, that jewel of the Glory of the True One

— she came with the Most Great Sign;
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, O Glad Tidings!


That Countenance of the Desired One, that Face of the Adored One

— she came with the Most-Supreme Mercy;
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, O Glad Tidings!


The souls to her reunion, the hearts to her Bestowal — as the Most Exalted Lord she hath come!
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, O Glad Tidings!




This Wondrous Remembrance hath come from the Eternal Rosegarden

that the lovers of the beauty of the Adored One, hearts and souls burning with love,

might, in utmost tranquillity, busy themselves with these wondrous new melodies;


that perchance, attracted thereby, the inmates of the Kaaba of gnosis might be shaken with ecstasy

and remember their divine and sacred homeland.



Translated by S. Lambden and S. McGlinn



Tablet revealed on the Day of Ridván                                                                    CHAPTER ONE

Divisions 1-25

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