Task 4. Fill in the gap with the appropriate word.

Зразки екзаменаційних завдань.

Харківський національний економічний університет

Екзаменаційний білет державного іспиту

З навчальної дисципліни «Іноземна мова за професійним спрямуванням»

Для студентів освітньо-кваліфікаційного рівня бакалавр

Усіх напрямів підготовки


Task 1. Read the text and choose the best sentence below to fill each of the gaps.

Do not use any sentence more than once. There is one extra sentence. The ге is an

Example at the beginning (0).

(1) International trade takes place because of differences in costs of production

between countries, and because it increases the economic welfare of each country by

widening the range of goods and services available for consumption. (0) Differences in costs

of production exist because countries are differently endowed with the resources required.

Countries differ as to the type of and quantity of raw materials within their borders, their

climate, the skill and size of the labour force, and their stock of physical capital. Countries will

tend to export those commodities which production requires relatively more than other


(2) There is a presumption that international trade should be free from restrictions. (1)_____.

Governments intervene in international trade for economic and non-economic reasons.

Such intervention is called protection. Some barriers to trade which hinder imports are tariffs

and quotas. Taxes levied by the government on imports of particular goods are known as

tariffs or import duties. (2)_____. Tariffs bring revenue to the government and give protection to

domestic producers when raising the prices of imported goods relative to the prices of

competing domestic products. Limiting the quantity of goods that are allowed into the country

over a period of time is done through import quotas, which provide an upper limit to permitted

imports over the given period.

(3) There exist economic and non-economic arguments for protection. Among the

non-economic arguments one might be to preserve a peasant farming community, even if it

were inefficient. This could justify restrictions on the import of farm products which where

obtainable more cheaply from other countries. (3)_____. It has been argued, for instance, that

Britain needs an experienced merchant navy in case of war. (4)_____.

(4) For the UK, trade now accounts for over a quarter of national output. Economists

have long recognized that the principles governing the gains from international trade are the

same as those governing trade within a single country. (5)_____.

• A second example might be protection on grounds of national defense.

• Although identical principles apply to international, interregional, and interpersonal trade,

there are characteristics which distinguish the first from the other two.

• However many trade restrictions still remain.

• This industry should, therefore, be shielded from competition by more efficient foreign

vessels, even in peace-time.

• A major source of economic growth and rising living standards throughout the world

derives from specialization and division of labour.

• A tariff may be either "specific", i.e. so much money per unit of the goods imported, or it

may be calculated as a percentage of the price of the product.

• Differences in costs of production exist because countries are differently endowed with the

resources required.

Task 2. Match the word with its definition: find the word in the marked paragraph of the




1. All the people who work for a company or in a country (p.1).

2. An amount of money that you must pay to the government according to your income,

property, goods etc. and that is used to pay for public services (p.2).

3. A tax on goods coming into a country or going out of a country (p.2).

4. A rule or law that limits or controls what people can do (p.3).

5. The amount of goods or work produced by a person, machine, factory etc. (p.4).

Task 3. Choose the best word to fill each gap.

A government spokesman announced that the fund would be (1)___ in the next few days, and

would help Honduran companies to (2)___ specific brands.

The Honduran economy was once completely (3)___ to foreign investments, but it opened up to

foreign companies five or so years ago under sweeping reforms (4)___ by the new government. The

moves have so far (5)____ more than € 20 billion worth of foreign investment.

1. launched; fired; pronounced; engaged.

2. invent; promote; support; develop.

3. close; shut; denied; refused.

4. provided; presented; introduced; discovered.

5. claimed; caught; persuaded; attracted.

Task 4. Fill in the gap with the appropriate word.

Middlemen, channel of distribution, final users, points of sale, market research, needs,

creative director, launch, "S.W.O.T.", advertising.

1. A product reaches customers through a ..... .

2. There are many possible ways to satisfy the ….. of target customers.

3. Often the system is more complex- involving different kinds of ..... and specialists.

4. The main form of mass selling is ….. .

5. Product advertising is aimed at ... .

6. A firm should be aware of its ..... it faces in the market place.

7. A ..... is a person in charge of developing ideas for advertising campaigns.

8. To introduce a new product onto the market means to ..... it.

9. Collecting, analyzing and reporting data relevant to a specific marketing situation is

called ..... .

10. ….. are the places where goods are sold to the public.

Дата добавления: 2019-02-12; просмотров: 278; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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