VIII. Rewrite the parts in bold type using a participle

Model: Our neighbour fell off a ladder and broke his arm.

Our neighbour fell off a ladder, breaking his arm.


1. If all is well, we shall meet again next year.

2. If you judge by George’s attitude, he isn't going to go along with our plans.

3. In view of the effort we put in, the rewards aren't very great.

4. I knocked the milk over and spilled it all over the floor.

5. The place was a mess. Piles of papers were lying everywhere.

6. While we're on the subject of holidays, when are you taking yours?

IX. Write a sentence with a similar meaning using the word in brackets in a participle construction

Model: If you use it properly, this gadget is quite effective. (used)

Used properly, this gadget is quite effective


1. I didn't have much money, so I couldn't buy a ticket. (having)

2. I waited hours, and then I was told to come back the next day. (having)

3. If the weather is all right, we might go out. (permitting)

4. In view of what's happened, I think you've been proved right. (considering)

5. It would be nice to have a ride somewhere. (riding)

6. Never use a mobile phone and drive a car at the same time. (while)

7. She lay in bed and worried all night. (worrying)

8. The stereo was blasting out rock music, so conversation was impossible. (with)

9. The team that wins will be awarded the trophy. (winning)

10. We've been invited to the wedding, so we've decided to go. (having)

X. Translate into English

1. Я побачив, що вікно роз­бите.

2. Вас сфотографували?

3. Вони швидко вийшли з дому, і він провів її до вокзалу.

4. Їй зробили зачіску.

5. Коли дощ ущух, ми пішли додому.

6. Коли лист був написаний, я пішла відправити його.

7. Мені треба полагодити годинник.

8. Оскільки день був дуже гарний, вона пішла на прогулянку.

9. Усміхаючись, вона увійшла в кімнату.

Якщо дозволить погода, ми проведемо вихідний день у лісі.

Дата добавления: 2019-02-12; просмотров: 85; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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