Прочитайте и переведите предложения, определите, являются ли они верными или ложными. Исправьте ложные утверждения .

1) Analgesics are used for pains of different intensity or even induce stupor.

2) Analgesics are used in surgical procedures and can affect the whole body or a particular region.

3) The antibiotic‘s disease-fighting capability is destroyed if pathogenic microorganisms developed resistance to this antibiotic.

4) Antiviral drugs produce the same effect as antibiotics do.

5) Antiplatelet drugs increase the tendency of platelets to stick together.

6) Anticonvulsants are prescribed in various types of epilepsy.

7) Antihistamines cause allergic symptoms such as hives, asthma, hay fever, and, in severe cases,

anaphylactic shock.

8) Cardiovascular drugs are divided into various subclasses.

9) Endocrine drugs act in much the same manner as the endogenous hormones.

10) Different classes of gastrointestinal drugs cure specific diseases.

11) It is necessary to administer some tranquillizers to control anxiety and severe disturbances of



Ответьте на вопросы .

1) What is the action of an analgesic? What kind of pains are they used for?

2) Do anaesthetics eliminate sensation? What classes of anaesthetics do you know?

3) What kinds of pathogens may be inhibited or killed by antibiotics? Why is caution about their use necessary?

4) What drugs prevent blood clotting?

5) What medication is administered in case of epilepsy?

6) What are the action and the most common side effects of antihistamines?

7) What classes of drugs show antiemetic action?

8) What classes of drugs may produce dependence (addiction)?

9) What class of drugs is mainly administered as an inhalant?

Дополните предложения предлогами, если это необходимо.

1) As you bad condition is caused … myalgia, you may use a mild analgesic … it.

2) Narcotics are called opioids because they are derived … opium.

3) Stupor is a condition … near unconsciousness

4) Local anaesthetics inhibit the conduction … impulses … sensory nerves … the region … which

they are injected or applied.

5) … indiscriminate use, pathogenic organisms can develop resistance … the antibiotic.

6) Anticoagulants prevent the formation … clots or break … clots … blood vessels … conditions

such as thrombosis and embolism.

7) Aspirin is recommended … patients … coronary artery disease.

8) Mild sedatives treat mild forms … depression associated … anxiety.

9) Cardiovascular drugs act … the heart or the blood vessels … treat hypertension, angina, heart

attack, and arrhythmias.

10) ACE inhibitors are used … treating hypertension.

11) Diuretics reduce the volume … blood … the body … promoting the kidneys … remove water

and salt … urine.

12) Gastrointestinal drugs are often used … relieve discomfort, rather than as cures … specific


Допишите вопросы .

1) For what ________________? For mild to moderate pains, such as myalgias, headaches, and toothaches.

2) Why _______________? Because they contain or are derived from opium.

3) _______________? Yes, they may produce dependence.

4) How many _______________? There are two classes: general and local.

5) _______________? No, because the grippe is of viral origin and not bacterial.

6) What _______________? They treat symptoms of depression.

7) _______________? No, they can‘t, but they can relieve allergic symptoms.

8) What _______________?They are ACE inhibitors, beta-blockers, calcium antagonists, cholesterol-lowering drugs, and diuretics.

9) What _______________? Laxatives are mild cathartics, and purgatives are strong cathartics.

10) How _______________? Patients with insulin-dependent diabetes receive daily injections and patients with non-insulindependent diabetes are given oral antidiabetics.

11) What _______________? In case of these diseases respiratory drugs are prescribed.

12) _______________? No, tranquillizers are more powerful than sedatives.

Дополните предложения

1) _____ reduces or eliminates sensation.

2) _____ are used to regulate the level of insulin in the body.

3) _____ relieves pain.

4) _____ prevent the formation of clots or break up clots in blood vessels and are added in preserved blood.

5) _____ cannot cure the allergic reaction, but they can relieve its symptoms.

6) _____ depress the central nervous system and promote drowsiness and sleep.

7) _____ are taken if something is wrong with the organs of the digestive tract.

8) _____ elevate mood, increase physical activity and mental alertness, and improve appetite and


9) _____ act on the heart and blood vessels.

10) _____ inhibit or kill bacteria, fungi, and parasites.

Дополните диалоги .

Anticonvulsant; anticoagulant; antacid; antibiotic; ACE inhibitor; bronchodilator; antihistamine; tranquillizer; analgesic

1. A: This patient has the history of severe behaviour disturbances and anxiety.

B: He needs a (an) ….

2. A: Doctor, this patient has a convulsion attack. I think, it‘s epilepsy.

B: We shall give him a (an) ….

3. A: The cardiologist made the diagnosis of congestive heart failure and hypertension.

B: I‘m sure he administered a (an) ….

4. A: Doctor, I often feel some epigastric discomfort after meal.

B: You may take some ….

5. A: Can you recommend me anything for myalgia and neuralgia?

B: I can advise you a mild ….

6. A (in the operating room): This patient is developing the anaphylactic shock.

B: We must prevent it with a (an) ….

7. A: What should I administer in case of thrombosis or embolism?

B: …s are in that drug cabinet.

8. A: The diagnosis of the patient admitted to the ward 617 is bacterial pneumonia.

B: Give him injections of this … every 6 hours.

9. A: Can I help you?

B: My daughter suffers from asthma attacks. I need a new prescription for her ….


Дата добавления: 2019-02-12; просмотров: 534; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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