Tablet of the Quintessence of Laudation



A medium length mainly Persian scriptural tablet of considerable doctrinal importance. Most likely from the late 1880s.


He is the Most Holy, the Most Great,

the Very Clear, the All-Knowing, the Conversant,

the quintessene of of laudation.





Translated by S. Lambden

in progress


Tablet of the Priest of Istanbul                                                                         CHAPTER [     ]

Divisions [ ]

otherwise named the Tablet to the Son of Man

What is referred to as `the Tablet of the Son of Man', drawing on the translation of Shoghi Effendi, is a tract from a lengthy summary of a large tablet of Baha-ullah to a priest living in Istanbul. That is to say, the so-called Tablet of the Son of Man forms part of the larger unamed tablet that converses with followers of the Bab.  


Selection translated by S. Effendi

Gleanings 36

Translations of Shaykhi, Babi and Baha'i Texts, vol. 5, no. 2 (May, 2001)Baha'u'llah, Tablet of the Son (Jesus), Letter of the Middle Edirne Period circa 1866 Translation* and Commentary. Cole gives an excellent full translation of the Tablet of Baha'-ullah which cites in summary form the `Tablet to the Priest of Istanbul'.





Gleanings 36


Know thou that when the Son of Man…

Know thou that when the Son of Man [al-ibn = Jesus] yielded up His breath (al-ruh) to God, the whole creation (al-ashiya' kulliha) wept with a great weeping. By sacrificing Himself, however, a fresh capacity was infused into all created things. Its evidences, as witnessed in all the peoples of the earth, are now manifest before thee. The deepest wisdom (al-hikmat) which the sages (al-hakim) have uttered, the profoundest learning which any mind hath unfolded (`alam ... al-`ulum), the arts (kull al-sani`) which the ablest hands have produced, the influence 86 exerted by the most potent of rulers (al-sultan), are but manifestations of the quickening power (al-quwwat) released by His transcendent, His all-pervasive, and resplendent (al-munir) Spirit (ruh).
We testify that when He came into the world, He shed the splendor of His glory upon all created things (tajalli `ala al-mumkinat). Through Him the leper recovered from the leprosy of perversity and ignorance. Through Him, the unchaste and wayward were healed. Through His power, born of Almighty God, the eyes of the blind were opened, and the soul of the sinner sanctified.
Leprosy may be interpreted as any veil that interveneth between man and the recognition of the Lord, his God. Whoso alloweth himself to be shut out from Him is indeed a leper, who shall not be remembered in the Kingdom of God, the Mighty, the All-Praised. We bear witness that through the power of the Word of God every leper was cleansed, every sickness was healed, every human infirmity was banished. He it is Who purified the world. Blessed is the man who, with a face beaming with light, hath turned towards Him.



Tablet of the Furthermost Mosque                                                                         CHAPTER ONE

Divisions 1-[ ]

Masjid Al-Aqṣā

A unamed Arabic tablet of the Akka years.


During the Akka period of his religious ministrations, Baha-ullah claimed to be a personification of the Masjid al-Aqsa, the "Furthermost Mosque" referred to in Qur'an 17:1, and the Meccan Kabah, and the Jerusalem Temple. That these holy buildings would be rebuilt or re-established in eschatological times is predicted in various Biblical texts and Islamic traditions.




He is the Exalted, the Mighty.




The Call of God has certainly been raised up from the right-hand side of the Divine Throne [speaking the words]:


“I, verily, am God, the Unique, the Peerless.




You shall in no wise inhibit your ears

from hearkening unto the pure spiritual intimacies of the Word of God.


Then be among such as turn unto Him with a purified heart.


Such are certainly of those who have sanctified their ears for hearkening to

the Divine Call from the Luminous Tree raised up upon the Blessed, Crimson Spot.


By God! The promised [prophet] has indeed appeared in His Name, the Loving,

on the part of God the Mighty, the Deliberate. 




Emerge ye then from the cities of idle fancy,

for the monarch of Certitude has come with the Light of the All-Merciful.


Wherefore has the matter been decreed on the part of God, the Peerless, the All-Enduring.


Necks hath been humbly leveled before the manifestation of the brightness of the Horizons for the people hath been enveloped in veils of hypocricy


Under such circumstances did the Tongue of Divine Inspiration cry out ever-voicing the words: 


This is the Day whereon every atom utters the cry,

`The King of Names and Attributes hath indeed come,

He who took for himself neither a Partner nor a Son.' 





Mystical knowledge is assuredly the gnosis of My Logos-Persona.


Whoso has attained thereto has assuredly attained unto God. 


And whoso turns away therefrom

is among such as hath disbelieved in the verses of the All-Merciful.




Of such account does the Tongue of Grandeur cry out and bears witness, [saying], 


`We have indeed ornamented the Kingdom with Our Name and the Heaven with Our verses 


So Fear ye God, O People,

and follow ye not all such as have disbelieved.




[I am indeed the Masjid al-Aqṣā ("Furthermost Mosque") among you 

and the [Meccan] Sanctuary of God before your faces, 

the Sanctified House before all humankind.


Beware lest ye withold thine own selves from hath been ordained for thee...







Translated by S. Lambden

Edit in Progress


Tablet of the Prayer of the Dawn                                                                        CHAPTER ONE

Divisions 1-11


A tablet identifying and celebrating the word Bahā, in the format of the traditional Dawn Prayer, with Baha-ullah as the Greatest Name of God. The dawn prayer mentioned here is by the fifth Imam, Muhammad al-Bāqir, circa AD 725.

The Duā Saḥar is recited by Shia Muslims at dawn times during the fasting month of Ramaḍān. It is a special prayer and loved by the Bab, who quoted or invoked it many times in his Book of the Five Degrees, and the Book of Names. The Bab's naming of the months of the Babi (Bahāī) year is closely related to the divine attributes found within the prayer, and other related versions of the Dawn Prayer.

The opening line of the Dawn Prayer of Imam Muhammad al-Baqir uses terms taken from the same triliteral root from which the verbal noun bahā' and the superlative abhà (all-glorious) is derived, including brilliant, resplendent, radiant, glorious, luminous, etc. Bahā-ullāh drew attention to the use of the term Baha in a number of his Arabic and Persian tablets.

The person that recites the Dawn Prayer is supposed to have their wishes granted by God. In one of his Tablets Baha-ullah has referred to the Duā Saḥar of Muhammad al-Baqir as the Lawh-i baqā, "The Tablet of Eternity", and stated that all should have recognized him on account of the exalted words.



In My Name, through which the Light of Explanation (Bayan)

hath radiated forth from the Horizon of Possibility.




O Thou who gazest towards the [Divine] Countenance

and are one mentioned nigh the Divine Throne!


Today the Tongue of the Proof, in the Kingdom of Explanation,

giveth utterance to this Elevated, Blessed, Word:




"O my God!

I beseech Thee by Thy Bahā at its most Splendid,

for all Thy Splendor is truly glorious."


This is the Greatest Name of God which was announced by the proof of God and His evidence.


By My Life! There hath not appeared either any mention nor any evidence (bayān)

more lucid than this.


Blessed then, be that demand justice! [?]


This is a Name through which the limbs of the unbelievers hath been made to quake

and whereby the hearts of those who are nigh unto God hath been made tranqil.




So draw ye near [to God] and say:


`The Kingdom [of the Earth] and the Kingdom of God are in the grasp of the power of God,

the Lord of all the worlds!


He it is whom the [military] ranks cannot hold back

nor the powers of the hosts of the world overpower him.


He doeth whatsoever He willeth

and ordaineth whatsoever He pleaseth for He is [a Lord] Mighty, Praiseworthy"

Translated by S. Lambden



Tablet of the Nymphs                                                                                          CHAPTER ONE

Divisions 1-40





In the name of God, the most holy, the most exalted.




Praise be to Thee, O God, My God.


I make mention of Thee at this time,

when the sun of Thy Godhead hath risen from the horizon of the splendid divinity of Thy oneness,


the lights of Thy lordship have shone forth from

the dawning of the indescribable encounter with the eternal kingdom of Thy independence,


and the darkness of this world hath been illumined

by the radiance of the faithful realm of Thy cause--

in such wise that the garden of Paradise was made into being

above the essence of Thy glorious personhood.




Therein were planted the trees of Thy quintessence,

which put forth the fruits of Thine essence,

and therein wafted the breezes of Thy spirit and the breaths of Thy sanctity.


Therein were foreordained the gems of Thy bounties and the substance of Thy munificence;

and therein were uncovered the treasures of Thy knowledge and mystery.


Over its terraces flow the streams of Thy glorious life,

the canals of Thy radiant eternality,

and the springs of the wine of Thine inaccessibility.




When Thou didst desire, O my God, to manifest it,

Thou didst raise it up to the throne of grandeur and greatness,

embellish it with the rays of might and power,

render it brilliant by Thine essence,

and didst make to shine upon it the sun of oneness from the pre-eternal lights of Thy features.


Thou didst light for it the wick of eternity in the lamp of pre-existence.




Now, Thy most exalted decree hath come to the kingdom of command by Thy signature,

so that a visage might appear therefrom,

that the brilliance of Thy beauty might be manifest to all who dwell on earth,

and that the glory of Thy countenance might be seen by all who are in the realm of Thy cause. 


There arose the nymphs,

Who had dwelt in pre-eternity in the pavilions of holiness, protection, and glorification

and in the canopies of sinlessness, greatness and splendor.


Upon Her creamy brow the most high pen hath written in crimson ink,

"Praise be to God!


This is a nymph upon Whom nobody have gazed except God, the Exalted, the Most High.



God hath purified the hem of Her purity

from the knowledge of the concourse of names in the realm of eternity,

and Her face from the view of all who are in the kingdom of creation.


When She arose with the ornament of God from Her palace,

She looked with one glance toward the sky.


The people of the heavens swooned at the rays of Her visage

and at the wafting of Her perfume.


Then She looked with another glance toward the earth,

and it was illumined by the lights of Her beauty and the loveliness of Her splendor.




Praise be to Thee, O my God,

for all the wonders of Thy handiwork that Thou hast shown Me in Her,

for the ensemble of Thy power, manifest in Her creation.


She hung there, suspended.


Then She journeyed through the sky as though striding across the horizon in mid-air.


It is as though I discovered that the chain of being was set in motion by Her footfalls.


She descended, drew nigh, and came until She halted before Me.


I was bewildered by the subtleties and wonders of Her creation.




Behold, I discovered within myself a passion that grew out of my yearning for Her.


I raised my hands toward Her, and lifted the hem of Her veil from Her shoulder.


I found Her hair to be sandy, wavy and curly,

lying on Her back in ringlets, hanging down almost to Her legs.


And when the gales blew it to the right of Her shoulder,

it perfumed the heavens and the earth.


When it was blown to the Left side,

from its fragrance there spread a holy musk-like scent.




It is as though the motion of Her tresses

caused the spirit of life to quake in the inner essence of creation,

and caused the kingdom of mystical insight to tremble in the realities of being. 


Exalted be God, Her creator, for what He caused Me to see in Her.




Then blessed be God, Her fashioner,

for the manifestation of might that I witnessed in Her beauty,

and the modalities of power that I saw in Her splendor.


At one time, I perceived Her as the sweet water of life,

delicious and flowing through the realities of beings and the dark recesses of contingent things.


I grew certain that the entirety of being survived by virtue of Her eternity,

and continued to exist because of Her perpetuity.



At another time, I perceived Her as a fire that had blazed forth in the divine bush,

as though the element of fire had been created from a torch ignited by Her glowing embers.


The hearts of both visible and invisible being were consumed by Her heat and flame

when they were shaken by a delicate yearning for Her and a wondrous hankering for Her.


It is as though the fragrance of the All- Merciful wafted from the apertures in Her garments.


Praise be to God,

Her creator, originator and fashioner.


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