Forms Expressing Unreality in Different Types of Subordinate Clauses


Type of clause Principal clause Conjunction Subordinate clause Example

Subject clause

It is (was) necessary, important, advisable, requested, urgent, arranged       that smb should do smth smb do smth It had been arranged that the library should supply all out of town students with the necessary  books (that the library supply). It was important that he should be informed at once (that he be informed).
It is (was) natural, strange, odd, curious, doubtful, impossible     that smb should do smth smb should have done smth It’s only natural that she should feel offended. It’s curious that she should have been there.
It is/was possible that smb may do smth smb may have done smth smb might do smth It is possible that she may know it. It is possible that she may have heard it. It was possible that she might return.
It is/was time (about time, high time)   - smb did smth It is time you knew it. It was high time they learned it.

Predicative clause

Smb (smth) looks (looked), feels (felt), seems (seemed) is (not)/was (not) as if as though smb did smth smb had done smth You look as if you had been running. She felt as if she were a child. It looks as if they were out. It is not as if I had promised. It is as if my life were over.
The order / request / demand / suggestion / plan / wish is (was)     that smb should do smth smb do smth Her only request was that we should keep the door locked (that we keep the door). My suggestion is that we try again (that we should try again).

Object clause

Smb demands (ed), suggests (ed), insists (ed), arranges (ed)   that smb should do smth smb do smth Do you suggest that he should be the one to do it? (that he be the one …). She demanded that I should stop the car (that I stop the car).
Smb feels (felt) it strange / find (found) it curious / considers (ed) it natural / believes (ed) it doubtful   that smb does / did / had done smth smb should do / have done smth I find it curious that she does not write (that she should not write). She believed it natural that she was tired in the evening (that she should be tired).
Smb feels (felt) it important / finds (found) it necessary / considers (ed) it advisable / believes (ed) it better   that smb should do smth smb do smth Do you find it necessary that somebody should stay at the camp? (that somebody stay …) She felt it advisable that they should be told (that they be told).
Smb wishes (wished)   smb did smth smb had done smth smb would do smth I wish you did not interfere. You’ll wish you had stayed at home.

Adverbial clause of purpose

Smb does smth / will do smth / did smth lest so that smb should do smth smb do smth smb should not do smth Here’s my address lest you should forget it (lest you forget it). Here’s my address so that you should not forget it.
Smb does smth / will do smth / did smth so that smb may / can do smth smb might / could do smth I’ll show you the letter so that you may (can) see for yourself. I left a note so that they might (could) know where we were.
Adverbial clause of comparison Smb does smth / will do smth / did smth as if as though smb did smth smb had done smth You speak as if you knew all about it. She treated me as though I had offended her.
Appositive clause The order / request / suggestion / fear / plan / idea / wish is (was)   that smb should do smth smb do smth He told me about the rule that every student should write four grammar tests a year (that every student write). The plan that we should wait for them at the camp was suggested by him (that we wait…).

The Use of the Subjunctive Mood in Conditional Sentences

The Subjunctive Mood is used in Conditional Sentences to express an unreal condition (in the subordinate clause) and an unreal consequence (in the principal clause).


There are three types of Conditionals.

The first type expresses a real action.

If I find my notebook I’ll tell you her telephone number.

The First Conditional

If + Present Simple If you drop it Or Future It will break Future it will break If + Present Simple if you drop it

The first conditional refers to the future. It is used when there is a possibility that the if-event happens.

E.g. If it rains, we’ll go to the cinema. (= It might rain, it might not).

The other two types express an unreal action.

If I had time I would read his new book with pleasure.

I didn’t know you were in hospital. If I had known I would have gone to visit you.

The Second Conditional

If + Past Simple If you dropped it If they asked me to work for them Or would / could / might + infinitive I would do a lot of swimming I might accept Would / could / might + infinitive it would break I might accept If + Past Simple if I lived by the sea. if they asked me to work for them

The Third Conditional

If + Past Perfect If you had dropped it If I’d worked harder Would / could / might + Perfect infinitive I wouldn’t have married Jo I would have passed the exam Would / could / might + Perfect infinitive it would have broken I would have passed the exam If + Past Perfect if I’d met you earlier if I’d worked harder


Very often Conditionals are called the Conditional Mood.

The Conditional Mood has two tenses: the present tense and the past tense.

The present tense refers the action to the future.

I should know what to do.

The past tense refers the action to the past.

I didn’t know you wanted his book. I should have bought a copy for you too.




Principal Clause + Subordinate Clause (if …)




Conditional I

Conditional II

Conditional III

Subordinate clause Principal clause Subordinate clause Principal clause Subordinate clause Principal clause



Present Simple or Present Continuous will (not) shall (not) + Infinitive Past Simple or Past Continuous Should would could might + Infinitive Past Perfect should would could might + Perfect Infinitive

If we go by bus, it will be cheaper.

We’ll get there more quickly if we go by taxi.

If you don’t hurry you’ll miss the train.

If the phone rings, I’ll answer it.

Present / Future

If he had the money, he would buy a fast car.

I don’t know the answer. If I knew the answer, I’d tell you.

If you didn’t have a job, what would you do?


If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something.

If he had missed the train, he would have been late for his interview.

If I had been tired, I’d have gone home then.


Conditional sentences are introduced by the conjunctions if, in case, provided, unless, suppose. If is the most common. In case and provided are chiefly used in sentences of real condition.

Unless has a negative meaning; suppose is more common in sentences of unreal condition.

If I have time, I will go to the museum.

I’ll buy that jacket if it isn’t too expensive.

Suppose he offers you a job, would you be glad?

Unless you work harder your boss will not raise your salary.



Adverbial clauses of condition containing the verbs had, were, could, should are often introduced without any conjunction; in these sentences we find inversion: Should he come here I will speak to him.


There are two mixed types of conditionals of unreal condition.

1. In the first of these the condition refers to the past and the consequence refers to the present or future.

If you had taken more exercise, you would probably feel healthier.

2. In the second type the condition refers to no particular time and the consequence to the past.

She would not have done that if she disliked me.


Sometimes in the subordinate clause should is used:

If he should phone, ask him to phone me tomorrow.

Sometimes unreal conditions may be expressed by but for, if it were (was) not for/ had not been for.

But for your help we should miss the rain.

If it hadn’t been for your help we would not be able to visit your country.



Exercise 1


Comment on the mood of the verb in the following sentences:


1. I’ll help you if I can.

2. Shut the door after you!

3. She didn’t know where she was and what had happened.

4. I remember it so clearly as if it had happened only yesterday.

5. She promised she would be calm.

6. She wouldn’t be calm if she knew what has happened.

7. She said she didn’t know me.

8. Don’t look at me as if you didn’t know me.

9. The article wasn’t difficult and I could translate it.

10. If I had a dictionary I could translate the article.

11. If I hadn’t told him, he would never have known.

12. She was sure I had not told him the bad news.

Exercise 2


Comment on the use of the Subjunctive Mood and translate the sentences into Ukrainian.


1. You were very kind to that foreigner, Dick. I wish that we could see him.

2. Dora wished she had got her book out of the suitcase before the train started.

3. I wish I had thought of it before. It’s a good idea.

4. He nodded his head to her and turned hastily in the direction of his own room. He wished she had not seen him. He wished she had not been there.

5. He wished heartily that Mildred had not consulted him.

6. It was a beautiful idea. I wished I had thought of it myself.

7. I wish I could feel sure about it.

8. Don’t you wish you had come earlier?

9. It seemed as though he wished to speak, but feared to give offence.

10. I remember now that his colour had gone in a moment and he seemed to breathe as if he had been running.

11. Her eyes had shadows as though she had not slept.

12. Suddenly he smiled and spoke in a changed voice, as if he were confiding a secret.

13. She looked content, as though she had been waiting for this moment all day.

14. Hugh was surprised and annoyed and chilled as if the temperature of the room were sinking steadily.

15. And you behave as if we were two people who were acquainted.

16. You’re almost grown-up now, and I’m going to talk to you as if you were grown-up. And you must help me.

17. They stared at each other in the silence of the house, and it was as if they were listening for distant footsteps.

18. There was a curious carefulness about his manner, as though he were concealing some pain.

19. Even if you only thought that I could be of any help to you, I’d be very glad. I’d be very happy to be allowed to stay around.

20. Why say it even if it were true?

21. I should get there even if I had to walk all the way.

22. Even though you asked him twice he would do it again; he is a stubborn boy.

23. You couldn’t have got in touch with him even if you had tired; he wasn’t in town.

24. Had we known in time we could have prevented the catastrophe.

25. “You see,” said Randall, “I wouldn’t go if you didn’t want me to.”

26. I think it would be natural if you joined them.

27. “Would everything have been different if mother hadn’t died?” she thought.

28. No doubt somebody would have noticed if she hadn’t been there.

29. If only father were alive!

30. If only it were true!

31. If only I could believe that!

32. If only he had told you the whole story!

33. If only she were with us!

34. If only I hadn’t mentioned his name! How foolish of me!

Exercise 3


Comment on the use of the Subjunctive Mood in object clauses after the verb ‘to wish’ and translate the sentences into Ukrainian.


1. He wished now that when the director of his firm spoke to him he had answered differently.

2. I wish I knew how you reach your results.

3. I only wish that you could come with me.

4. She wished that it had been possible not to cause those two people such fearful distress.

5. I wished I hadn’t wasted so much money when I got there.

6. I wish I deserved your compliments. I don’t.

7. He had nothing against skiing – he wished he had had the time to take it up when he was a young man.

8. He wished he felt more conviction on the point.

9. I wish I hadn’t sent him that letter telling him to take care of himself.

10. I know this is none of my business. But I wish I knew what it’s all about.

11. I only wish it had lasted twice as long.

12. I always remember everything. Some people wish I didn’t.


Exercise 4


Read these sentences, the words in brackets make their meaning fuller.

1. I wish I knew how to drive a car. (At the time of speaking, the speaker doesn’t know how to drive a car)


I don’t know how to drive a car. I wish I did.

b) I wish today was a holiday. (But today is not a holiday)

c) I wish I had more time to read. (At the time of speaking the speaker hasn’t got much time         to read)

d) I wish I could travel round the world. (At the time of speaking, the speaker can’t travel round the world. Perhaps he hasn’t got enough money, or time.)

e) The father told his children, ”I wish you wouldn’t make so much noise. I’ve got a headache.” (When the father says this, his children are making a lot of noise.)


Add to each of the following examples 2 sentences, both beginning: “I wish…”.


1. I don’t understand this question. – I wish I did. I wish I understood this question.

2. It’s still raining. – I wish it wasn’t. I wish it wasn’t still raining.

3. My father can’t give me more pocket money. – I wish he could. I wish he could give me more pocket money.


1. My brother doesn’t have a very long holiday.

2. I can’t play the piano.

3. My tooth is aching.

4. I sometimes make careless mistakes.

5. He’s not coming to see me today.

6. I can’t swim well.

7. I don’t know how to answer this question.

8. He always drives too fast.

9. I don’t speak English fluently.

10. I can’t go to the cinema this evening.

11. The teacher gives us a lot of homework.

12. My father doesn’t come home from work early.

13. I live a long way from my work.

14. Our television set is broken.

15. I can’t sell my old bicycle.


Exercise 5


Add to each of the following a sentence, beginning: “I wish…” (to express the same wish in the past). The words in brackets will help you to form your sentences.

Model: I wish I knew how to drive a car. – I wish I had known how to drive a car in 1980.


1. The shoes I bought last month are too small for me. (a bigger pair)

2. I sat at the back of the hall, and I couldn’t hear his speech very well. (every word)

3. I was late this morning; I didn’t wake up until eight o’clock. (earlier)

4. There were no taxis, so I had to walk from the station. (to find)

5. I went to bed very late last night, and I’m half asleep this morning. (so late)

6. I could only answer three of the questions in the last examination. (all of them)

7. I think the fish I ate last night was bad. (not to eat)

8. My father gave me some good advice, but I didn’t take it. (his advice)

9. One of my friends went to London for a holiday last summer, but I couldn’t go. (with him)

10. I gave my dictionary to my sister, and now I want it. (to her)

11. There was so much noise in the streets last night that I couldn’t sleep well. (better)

12. There was a very good film on last night, but I didn’t see it.

13. We went for a picnic yesterday, but it rained all the time. (so hard)

14. I was lazy and wasted my time when I was at school. (harder)

15. I didn’t understand what he said yesterday.

16. I made careless mistakes in the last dictation.


Exercise 6


Practise the following according to the models.

Model 1: I know five languages. – I wish I knew five languages. (stress on the second “I”). Or: If only I knew five languages! (this form is much more dramatic and less generally useful than the “I wish” form).


1. I have a flat here.

2. I live near my work.

3. I have plenty of time for reading.

4. I understand it.

5. My son writes every week.

6. My house looks out on a park.

7. I can take a day off any time.


Model 2: I asked Bill. – I wish you’d asked Tom too. Or: If only you’d asked Tom too. (“had” is normally contracted here)


1. I invited Paul.

2. I stopped Mary.

3. I rang Ann.

4. I wrote to Alec.

5. I spoke to John.

6. I warned Philip.

7. I voted for Peter.



Exercise 7


Make ‘I wish’ sentences for the following situations.

Model: I’m poor. – I wish I had more money.


1. I live in a tiny house in the suburbs.

2. I’ve got a boring job.

3. My car is 15 years old.

4. My sister doesn’t understand me.

5. My children never listen to a word I say.

6. I never have time to do the things I like.

7. I hardly ever see my friends.


Exercise 8


What wishes do you have about your own life? Write down a few and then tell your partner about them.

I wish I was / were…

        wasn’t / weren’t so…

        had …/ didn’t have…



        might… etc.


Exercise 9


Complete the sentences, use the following words:









a. I wish I’d been more_______

b. I wish I’d been less_______

c. I wish I’d taken more_______

d. If only I’d had more ______

e. I wish I hadn’t been so _______

f. I wish I hadn’t taken life so _______

g. If only I’d done more of one things I _______


Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.


Exercise 10


Supply the correct form of the Subjunctive Mood of the verbs in brackets.


1. Oh, I wish I (not to send) him that letter. I’d give anything to take it back.

2. I wish I (to be) as sure as you.

3. But he wished that there (to be) some way in which he could help the young lawyer.

4. “I wish I (not to cry) so much,” said Alice trying to find her way out.

5. And here I wish I (can) tell you half of the things he used to say.

6. I wish I (to know) it was your friend.

7. He wished he (to come) by air.

8. I wish I (to know) what to do now.

9. I wish they (to be) back.

10. I wished I (to have) enough confidence so that I could transfer some to her. But I didn’t.

11. I wish I never (to hear) of it.

12. I wish I (to know) where we are going.


Exercise 11


Match the two halves of the sentences in the three groups below.


I. a) I wish I loved you                   1. but hard as I try, I can’t.

b) I wish I didn’t love you           2. but I don’t.

         c) I wish I could love you           3. but the fact is, I do.


      II. a) I wish you had left                  1. because you’re getting on my nerves.

          b) I wish you would leave           2. so early.

          c) I wish you weren’t leaving      3. before my mother arrived.


     III. a) I wish I had told you              1. but I promised I wouldn’t tell anyone.

           b) I wish I could tell you            2. but I didn’t know you’d be so upset.

      c) I wish I hadn’t told you          3. but I was scared you’d get angry with me.


Look at the sentences again and answer these questions.

1. Which three sentences express a definite wish to change the past?

2. Which two sentences express a definite wish to change the present?

3. Which four sentences express a desire to change the near future or the present?


Finish these sentences so they are true for you. Discuss your sentences with a partner.

1. I wish I (Past Simple) …

2. I wish I had …

3. I wish … (Past Continuous)

4. I wish … would…

5. I wish … could …


Exercise 12


Paraphrase the following sentences so as to use the Subjunctive Mood after the verb ‘to wish’.


1. He was sorry he couldn’t join us.

2. It’s a pity you were absent yesterday.

3. I’d like him to be more polite.

4. They are sorry they didn’t invite her.

5. He was disappointed that he would not be able to watch the film.

6. I regret now not having told her all the truth then.

7. What a pity you can’t swim.

8. I’m awfully sorry that I have disturbed you.

9. It’s a pity you are leaving so soon.

10. I’m very sorry I kept you waiting.

11. It’s a pity I couldn’t go to the theatre with you.

12. I’d like to see him again.

13. It was a pity we couldn’t see the stage well.

14. They were sorry they hadn’t taken a taxi and had missed their train.


Exercise 13


For each of the sentences below write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence but using the words given in brackets.


1. I would like to be rich (wish).

2. Please hurry up (wish).

3. It’s very late. We really ought to be leaving (time).

4. It would be nice to know his opinion (wish).

5. Please keep it a secret for the time being (rather).

6. It’s a pity that you’re going away so soon (wish).

7. Would you mind not smoking at table? (rather)

8. He should really find himself a regular job (time).

9. My parents would prefer us to live in the country (rather).

10. When is weather going to improve? (high time)

11. Please stop making so much noise (wish).



Exercise 14


Rewrite the following, using a “wish” construction (phrases in brackets should be omitted).


1. I’m sorry I don’t live near my work.

2. I’m sorry I don’t know Finnish.

3. I’m sorry I didn’t book a seat.

4. I’m sorry I can’t drive.

5. I’d like you to keep quiet. (You’re making so much noise that I can’t think.)

6. It’s a pity he didn’t work harder during the term.

7. I’m sorry you didn’t see it.

8. It’s a pity you’re going tonight.

9. I’d like you to wait for me (even though you are ready to start now).

10. I’m sorry I didn’t bring a map.

11. I’m sorry I didn’t know you were coming.

12. I’m sorry I can’t swim.

13. I’m sorry you aren’t coming with us.


Exercise 15


Write at least two wishes for the people in these situations.


I have to play tennis with Jack on Saturday. The thing is, not only he is dreadful at tennis, he’s also a pain in the neck. And now Nico has asked me if I want to play with him. I wish …

I went to see The Texas Chain Saw Massacre with Carmen last week, and she’s had nightmares about it all week. I wish

Ten years ago, when I was 16, I left school and went to work in my dad’s business. Now the business has gone bankrupt and I’m out of work. If only

I started smoking when I was a teenager. I’m on two packs a day now and I’m desperate to stop, but I just can’t manage it. If only

We got married when we were both 18. We were in love and we thought it would last for ever. But as we’ve got older we’ve drifted apart and now we fight all the time. I wish


Exercise 16


Transform the sentences according to the model (use “it’s time…”)

Model: You ought to stop smoking. – It’s high time you stopped smoking.


1. finish the work;

2. read the book;

3. go in for sport;

4. learn the poem by heart;

5. overcome difficulties;

6. learn to fight;

7. discuss the problem;

8. have plans;

9. visit your sick friend;

10. start working regularly;

11. see the doctor;

12. learn to swim;

13. help mother;

14. buy the furniture;

15. give a talk;

16. see that programme;

17. take care of the child;

18. ring up your friend;

19. plant the trees in the garden;

20. wash the glasses;

21. do the flat;

22. clean your teeth;

23. spend the weekend with us;

24. buy the new boots.


Exercise 17


Study the following sentences. Translate them into Ukrainian. Note the use Of the Subjunctive Mood.

1. It is very strange that he should think that.

2. I suggested that Tom should walk on and try to get help.

3. He changed his name so that nobody should know what he had been before.


Open the brackets, using the Subjunctive Mood.


1. It is essential that this matter (to be kept) secret.

2. It is most important that I (to see) him at once.

3. It is only fair that you (to know) the truth about your own brother.

4. This passage doesn’t lead anywhere. It is odd that no one (to have noticed) this before.

5. It is amazing that the Leaning Tower of Pisa (to have stood) for so long.

6. Can’t I trust you not to read my letters? It is ridiculous that I (to have) to lock things up in my own house.

7. It is astonishing that a person of your intelligence (to be taken in) so easily.

8. It is only fair that you (to know) what people are saying about you behind your back.

9. It is essential that everyone (to be able) to see the stage.

10. It is important that I (to go) there at once.

11. I suggested that they (to have) hot breakfast.

12. The headmaster suggested that the school (to buy) its own minibus.

13. He insisted that the newspaper (to print) an apology.

14. He ordered that Tom (to leave) the house at once.

15. He suggested that the money (to be raised) by public subscription.

16. When he found out that the man had smallpox he urged that every effort (to be made) to contact his fellow passengers.

17. The doctor recommended that I (to go) to the South in summer.

18. He advised that the child (to be taken) to hospital at once.

19. She locked the cupboard so that her son (not to take) the cakes.

20. He told me the secret so that I (to help) him.

21. George is working hard so that he (to pass) his examination. (use ‘may’)

22. When he went out he left the radio on so that his parents (to think) that he was still in his room. (use ‘might’)

23. He left the front door open so that they easily (to get) into the house. (use ‘could’)


Exercise 18


Complete the following sentences.

Model: It’s important that _______ they should come in time.

        The order was _______ that we should stay there.


1. Is it advisable that ________?

2. Her first suggestion was _______.

3. I can arrange that _______.

4. What do you think of our plan that _______?

5. I think it is a good arrangement that _________.

6. Nobody demands that _______.

7. It is very important that a growing child _______.

8. She had only one wish that _______.

9. I’ll give them some sandwiches lest _______.

10. I don’t want to speak about it lest _______.

11. Have you forgotten her request that ______?

12. The general rule is that every student _______.

13. I shall write her address and telephone number on this sheet of paper lest _____.

14. I say that again lest _______.


Exercise 19


Study these sentences.

a. He looks as if he were sick.

b. He talks as if he had done all the work himself, but in fact Tom and I did most of it.

c. He looked as though he had lost his last friend.


Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms.


1. He walks as if he (to have) a wooden leg.

2. He looks as if he (to be) very tired.

3. He talks as though he (to live) in England for many years.

4. He looked as if he (to spend) all night studying.

5. He always talks as though he (to address) a public meeting.

6. He laughed as if it (to be) a big joke.

7. He treats us as if we (to be) all children.

8. He acted as if he never (to see) us.

9. He treated her as if she (to be) an old friend.

10. You talk as though it (to be) a small thing to leave your native town for ever.


Exercise 20


Supply the necessary forms of the Subjunctive Mood in clauses introduced by ‘as if’ and ‘as though’.


1. Whenever I saw them it looked as though they (to be) on very good terms with one another.

2. The knife shone as though it just (to come) out of the workshop.

3. As I opened my door I seemed to hear a changing sound as if a mass of metal (to fall).

4. Suddenly the voice was clear and strong as if she (to be) in another room of the hotel.

5. Fred wasn’t shy, and he talked to her parents as though he (to know) them all his life.

6. His tanned, smooth skin looked as though a razor never (to touch) it.

7. You behave as if you (to be married) to her already.

8. You look as though you (not to have) much sleep the last night or two.

9. She noticed a shade of thought pass over his face as if he (to begin) to realize that things were changed.

10. He felt as if he (to catch) cold.

11. He leaned against the desk, and upon my word he was shaking as though he (to get) fever,

12. She clutched the letter to her heart as though she (to think) I would take it from her.

13. He looked as if he (not to have) a meal for a week, and I hadn’t the heart to refuse him.

14. She frowned as if she (to be puzzled).

15. He looked as if he (not to sleep) much late.


Exercise 21


Express an unreal wish concerning the following statements.

Model: I don’t know him well enough. – If only I knew him better.

       He will not be in time. – If only he were in time.


1. She makes article mistakes.

2. She always comes late.

3. I forgot to wind my alarm-clock.

4. I don’t know who is responsible for it.

5. He will miss the train.

6. There is something the matter with her heart.

7. That dog keeps barking all through the night.

8. The show will be over by the time we come.

9. I’m not able to concentrate somehow.

10. They are coming today.


Exercise 22


Show that you are sorry an action took or did not take place in the past.

Model: I lost my wrist watch. – If only I had not lost my wrist watch.

       I did not give him my address. – If only I had given him my address.


1. I forgot to tell her about the lecture.

2. I did not leave any message.

3. He did not know her address.

4. She promised to come and help them.

5. They did not know about that.

6. They found no taxi.

7. They stayed the night at a motel.

8. She switched off the lights before going to bed.

9. She did not read the paper that day.

10. They wrote and told her so.


Translate into English.


1. І навіщо я не сказав їй про це!

2. Якби я знала де вони зараз!

3. Якби він тоді прийшов вчасно!

4. Якби вона (завжди) не тремтіла в жаху на екзаменах!

5. І навіщо вона поїхала з міста!

6. Якби ж вони тоді не заблукали!


Exercise 23


Paraphrase the following sentences.

Model: She would prefer to stay here. – She’d rather stay here.

        She would have preferred not to go there. – She’d have rather not gone there.


1. I should prefer not to make any decision now. Not before I know all the facts.

2. She would prefer to have breakfast in bed.

3. They would have preferred to play football.

4. Would you prefer to have lunch at the café?

5. Mother would have much preferred to stay at home and watch television.

6. Would you prefer to go through the letters now?

7. She would prefer not to discuss it in public.

8. He would prefer to do this himself. He likes doing jobs round the house.


Translate into English.


1. Я би краще зачекала тут, якщо ви не проти.

2. Я так стомився вчора. Я би краще залишився вдома.

3. Я не хочу їсти. Я би краще поїла пізніше.

4. Він дуже хвилюється. Йому краще відповідати першим.

5. Вони дуже втомилися після тесту і їм краще було би сьогодні не залишатися на консультацію.

6. Погода була жахлива. Краще би ми пішли в кіно.

7. Я зараз вільний і із задоволенням зробив би переклад статті.


Exercise 24


Give advice, using the words in brackets.

Model: She makes an awful lot of spelling mistakes. (to make smb write dictations) – You had better make her write dictations every day.


1. That skirt is too wide for me. (to take it in at the waist)

2. I’ve been sleeping badly. (to take a walk last thing in the evening)

3. I think he made a mistake here. (to write and tell him so)

4. I have to be there in half an hour. (to take this bus)

5. Fish never agrees with me. (to order some French beans)

6. I don’t think much of the book. (to read it to the end first)

7. I can’t make up my mind about that job. (not to hurry with your decision)

8. My, but I am hungry. (to go down to the canteen and have a snack)


Exercise 25


Express a preference.

Model: Do you want to go upstairs with me? (to wait here) – I’d rather wait here.

1. Shall we take a taxi? (to walk)

2. Let’s have dinner first. (to have a cup of coffee and a sandwich)

3. Ann wants us to come over on Sunday. (to go to the pictures)

4. Are you going to give her a doll for her birthday? (to give a pair of skates)

5. Shall we see this Polish serial on television? (to go to bed)

6. Take the dog for his run while I fix some supper. (to do the cooking)

7. Shall I pack your things for you? (to do it myself)

8. Will you explain what you mean by this. (not)


Exercise 26


Open the brackets. Show that the action named by the infinitive is an unreal one using some form of expressing unreality.


1. Let’s count the money so that we (to know) where we stand.

2. Isn’t it time somebody (to explain) to us what we are waiting for?

3. If only I (to know) what it is all about!

4. If it (to rain) in the night the dog will lose the trail.

5. I (to do) anything in my power if I (can) help you.

6. I do wish you (to make up your mind) one way or the other.

7. Do you find it quite natural that she (to treat) you like a servant?

8. I’m afraid the dog (to bite) you.

9. But for his blue eyes I (can take) him for a native.

10. I’m sorry I did not buy that coat, it (to be) very useful later when the real cold began.

11. Nothing I (can say) (to stop) him. He had made up his mind.

12. Why do you want me to go? It’s not as if (to speak) their language.

13. The children feel as if it (to be) holidays already.

14. It looks as if it (to be) going to rain.


Exercise 27


Change into sentences of unreal condition.


1. You went to bed very late last night and you are feeling tired now.

2. We can’t go boating as it is raining hard.

3. Bill didn’t check his composition carefully and there are a lot of mistakes in it.

4. Nick fell on his bicycle yesterday because he was driving too fast.

5. She’ll never master Greek, she isn’t good at languages.

6. He has a sore throat as he ate two ice-creams yesterday.

7. We enjoyed our visit to the country because the weather was fine.

8. I feel bored as the lecture isn’t interesting.

9. I haven’t invited him as I couldn’t get in touch with him.

10. He is not bright, he cannot remember simple things.

11. She is not you, she behaves in her own way.

12. I don’t have a typewriter, so I cannot type the paper.

13. Under different circumstances your proposal would be most welcome.

14. That would have been useful a month ago.

15. Another person would have acted differently.


Exercise 28


Supply the correct mood of the verbs in brackets.


1. If I (not to be) what I am, things (to be) so simple.

2. If you (to be allowed) to stay in Canada, what you (to do)?

3. We are foolish and sentimental and melodramatic at twenty-five, but if we (not to be) perhaps we (to be) less wise at fifty.

4. If I (to be) you I (to do) my hair rather differently.

5. I (not to mind) if he (to say) my pictures were bad, but he said nothing.

6. After all, if he (to have) any talent I (to be) the first to encourage him.

7. I (not to go) if you (not to say) you’d come with me.

8. How it (to be) if I (to drop) around this evening?

9. If only I (to feel) that somebody wanted me, that I was of use to somebody, I (to become) a different person.

10. Your manners are all right. I (not to bring) you here if they (not to be). Don’t be uneasy.

11. If you (to let) me have my way before there (to be) no cause for our trouble tonight.

12. If I (to be) twenty-seven again I suppose I (to be) as big a fool as I was then.


Exercise 29


Complete the following sentences using the words in brackets.


a) Do you actually suggest that (he _______ to take in somebody’s confidence)?

b) My only wish is that (I ______ to let alone).

c) It is quite so necessary that (they _____ to punish)?

d) Why do you insist that (you _______ to be the first to answer)?

e) She won’t take any sleeping pills lest (she ______ to grow used to them).

f) She proposed the arrangement that (we ______ to take turns in helping smb with smth).

g) I suppose it is rather important that (everybody ______ to understand the necessity of these measures).

h) I assure you her suggestion will be that (you _______ to leave it all to her).

i) No one objected to her demand that (he _______ to inform of our decision).

j) We asked her too lest (she _______ to be hurt).

k) Do you think it advisable that (he ______ to coach the younger boys)?

l) The general rule is that (children over twelve ______ to admit).

m) She kept repeating the directions again and again lest (I ______ to confuse smth).

n) We did not quite like the arrangement that (she ______ to supervise our work).

o) The only condition was that (she _______ to keep the children).



Exercise 30


Translate the sentences into English.


1. Якби я не знав його так добре, я би не повірив тому, що він мені щойно розповів.

2. Ми всі були би раді, якщо його фільм мав би успіх.

3. Якби я тоді була достатньо дорослою, щоб зрозуміти всю серйозність становища!

4. Якби ти поклала книгу на місце, вона би зараз була там.

5. Якби вони почали цю роботу одразу, вони мали би змогу закінчити її вчасно.

6. Якби я тоді була там власноруч, я би негайно владнала всі справи.

7. Якби ви були уважнішими на останньому уроці, ви зараз знали би учбовий матеріал краще.

8. Де ти чекав би на мене, якби ми домовилися зустрітись?

9. Якби він не хворів тоді, зараз він міг би опинитися у більш скрутному становищі.

10. Хто здогадується, як би він повівся, якби почув про це раніше?

11. Я давно би відповіла на твоє питання, якби мала змогу.

12. Всі були би раді, якби ви завітали до нас ще раз до вашого від’їзду.

13. Ви почувалися би краще, якби проводили більше часу на свіжому повітрі.


Exercise 31


Supply the correct mood of the verbs in brackets.


1. I don’t know how to address him. I wish I (to know) his name.

2. I feel as if my head (to be) on fire.

3. If only I (to know) earlier, I (to send) you a telegram.

4. My wife says she wishes I (to be) a thousand miles away.

5. He felt as if he (to float) in the air.

6. He stared at me as if I (to ask) him something very odd.

7. At that moment she wished she (not to send) for him.

8. If I (to tell) you, you might have thought it was my choice.

9. Even if it (to be) twice as dangerous I (to carry out) my plan.

10. I wish I never (to see) you.

11. Don’t look at me as if you never (to see) me before.

12. I think it (to be) natural if you (to join) them.

13. Remember her! As if I (can) forget her!

14. Then he suddenly said, “You (to take) me to London if I (to ask)?”

15. Don’t you think it (to be) rather nice if we (to ask) her to stay on for a week as our guest?

16. “How I wish I (to be) there with you,” I said with deep regret.

17. “Don’t be sorry,” he said. “I (to be) relieved if you (to go), if it (to be) settled somehow.”

18. Well, at any rate, the weather isn’t going to present difficulties. It looks as though it (to set in) fine.

19. I (to be) sure of it if I (to be) you.


Exercise 32


Supply the correct mood of the verbs in brackets.


1. I knew he (to be) silly, but I (not to believe) that he (to be) as silly as that.

2. I wish he (to be) a bit stronger against Crawford.

3. After a moment’s silence he (to break out): “It (to be) a nuisance if I (to beg) a cup of tea in your rooms?”

4. You must thank him, not we. Without him we (not to achieve) any success.

5. I wish she (not to look) so pale.

6. “If I (to be) Crawford, I (to thank) Winslow much,” said Chrystal.

7. I (to give) a good deal for that assurance!

8. Are you glad to see me? – You’re funny, Dick! As if you (not to know).

9. If I (to think) as you do I (to feel) miserable.

10. Mr. Dennant’s glance rested on Shelton and quickly fell down to the ground as though he (to see) something that alarmed him.

11. I wish you (to show) more sign of not liking it in practice.

12. I can’t for the life of me understand why you didn’t wait before they decided. I (to expect) you to discuss it with me.

13. When Hilary opened the door the stranger made a quick movement forward, almost as if he (to be) going to stick his foot hurriedly to the opening.

14. Her voice sounded as though something (to offend) her.

15. I wish I (can) play tennis as well as you do.

16. He looked up sharply as if he (to make) a dangerous remark.

17. I may travel out with Uncle, but it (to be) such fun if you (to come).

18. He saw it as clearly as though it (to be) before his eyes.

19. But for your friendship I (to feel) lonely here.


Exercise 33


Translate into English.


a) Бажано, щоб усі виступаючі говорили по суті справи.

b) Необхідно, щоб ви зустріли делегацію на вокзалі.

c) Важливо, щоб ви вжили усіх заходів безпеки.

d) Необхідно, щоб усі їхні бажання були задоволені.

e) Неможливо, щоб літак вилітав у таку погоду.

f) Важливо, щоб урядова делегація була відправлена вчасно.

g) Необхідно, щоб ви віднеслися до нього з належною увагою.

h) Природно, що викладач володіє мовами добре.

i) Необхідно, щоб ви відносилися до нього, як до дорослого.

j) Цілком природно, що вона була прийнята до університету.

k) Неприродно, що вони так поводяться. Вони такі виховані люди.

l) Цілком природно, що Джек перекладає з англійської мови так легко, адже він три роки провчився в Оксфорді.

m) Необхідно, щоб усі документи були підписані.

n) Необхідно, щоб тварин у зоопарку годували двічі на день.

o) Бажано, щоб ви продали всі речі.

p) Суттєво, щоб студенти отримували усі необхідні підручники у бібліотеці.

q) Неможливо, щоб проект було закрито.

r) Природно, що Пітер не здав іспит: він зовсім не готувався до нього.

s) Необхідно, щоб ти передав моє прохання Джейн.

t) Досить природно, що матч закінчився унічию.

u) Бажано, щоб ви були присутні протягом нашої бесіди.

v) Важливо, щоб Ірен не заблукала в чужому місті.

w) Важливо, щоб ви провели літо на півдні.

x) Дивно, що він відповів на таке важке запитання.

y) Необхідно, щоб ви відпочили перед відрядженням.

z) Образливо, що такі дрібниці вас засмучують.

aa)Дуже важливо, щоб ви ознайомилися з усією літературою цього тижня.

bb) Необхідно, щоб ви взяли до уваги всі деталі цього проекту.

cc) Неможливо, щоб це було простим збігом.

dd) Бажано, щоб вони поїхали з нами на екскурсію.

Exercise 34


Translate into English.


a) Ми запропонували відкласти поїздку через погану погоду.

b) Він вимагав, щоб ми дали пояснення з приводу нашої відсутності.

c) Усі наполягали, щоб він детально розповів нам про надзвичайну подію в Нью-Йорку.

d) Комісія рекомендувала відкласти це питання до наступного засідання.

e) Він вимагав, щоб вони припинили поводитися з ним, як з дитиною.

f) Лікар порадив, щоб хворий повторив курс лікування через рік.

g) Я запропонував, щоб його послали на стажування до Лондону.

h) Я наполягаю, щоб ви зустрілися з професором ще раз.

i) Менеджер дав розпорядження, щоб рахунки були перевірені ще раз.

j) Неллі наказала, щоб ми прибрали приміщення самі.

k) Ми вимагали, щоб нам повернули наші гроші.

l) Джон наполягав, щоб ми летіли до Арізони літаком.

m) Я попросив, щоб мені принесли іншу пару взуття.

n) Вони погодилися, щоб їм надали трикімнатну квартиру.

o) Директор розпорядився, щоб збори були перенесені на наступний тиждень.

p) Він запропонував, щоб усі висловили власну думку щодо цього питання.

q) Капітан наказав своїй команді приступити до виконання своїх обов’язків.

r) Я раджу, щоб ви зустріли Новий Рік у Парижі.

s) Він наказав, щоб стіл накрили на веранді.

t) Було запропоновано, щоб вони не брали участь у грі.

u) Я вимагаю, щоб ви були тут рівно о восьмій.

v) Я пропоную, щоб цього хлопця запросили на вечірку.

w) Він наполягав, щоб молода актриса грала головну роль у спектаклі.

x) Фірма наполягала, щоб ми надали всі документи своєчасно.

y) Бажано, щоб ви поїхали з нами на екскурсію.

z) Необхідно, щоб дитина почувала себе комфортно у нашій родині.

aa)Необхідно, щоб вони пофарбували всі вікна в будинку.

bb) Важливо, щоб ви вивчили всі правила.

cc) Провідник запропонував, щоб група підготувалася до подорожі заздалегідь.

dd) Необхідно, щоб туристи зареєстрували свій багаж.


Exercise 35


Translate into English.


1. На твоєму місці, я би не ходив на збори.

2. Він виглядав так, наче був сильно схвильований.

3. Ми дивилися на неї, начебто ніколи її не бачили.

4. На місці батька, я б вчинив те саме.

5. Якби нам довелося перекладати такі тексти, ми б скористалися словником.

6. На твоєму місці, я би не приймав поспішних рішень.

7. У кімнаті було темно, наче настала ніч.

8. Якби ти прийшов вчасно, ми б встигли на потяг.

9. Вона поводилася так, ніби жила в цьому домі сто років.

10. На місці директора я б вчинив інакше.

11. На твоєму місці, я б не робив ніяких кроків.

12. Він так говорив, наче навмисно хотів її скривдити.

13. Якби ви були більш уважні, ви б не робили так багато помилок.

14. Якби Марта не була такою ледачою, вона б досягла більшого успіху.

15. Я б так не хвилювався на місці Кейт.

16. Вона грала так натхненно, ніби хотіла показати, який дорогий цей твір для неї.

17. Якби не ця нудна робота, я б давно пішов додому.

18. Якби ми мали брати участь у змаганнях, я б зробив усе можливе, аби перемогти.

19. Не може бути, щоб Елл не справився з човном!

20. Ви так гарно плаваєте, наче тренуєтеся змалечку.

21. Він сказав це так енергійно, наче поспішав повідомити важливу новину.

22. На твоєму місці, я б не їздив до Норвегії в цей час.

23. Він спав, як дитина.

24. Сюзан виглядала такою стурбованою, наче щось трапилося.

25. Я б здав квитки до каси на вашому місці.

26. На вашому місці, я б не нехтував цими порадами.

27. Ти такий знервований, наче сталося щось страшне.

28. На вашому місці, я б зосередився на роботі.

29. У нього були таки витрати, наче він був мільйонером.

30. Вже час Джону закінчити цей переклад.

31. Вже час вам придбати вам нове авто.

32. Вона плакала, як дитина.

33. Вже давно час усім лягти спати

34. Вони подивилися один на одного, наче хотіли сказати, що обидва чудово розуміють серйозність ситуації.

35. Він здивовано подивився на мене, наче не розумів, чому я хочу покінчити з цією темою назавжди.



Exercise 36


Translate into English.


a) Він говорив так впевнено, наче знав, про що говорить.

b) Час повертатися додому.

c) Він подивився на будинок, наче бачив його востаннє.

d) Час би організувати виставку картин талановитих дітей нашого міста.

e) На його місці, ми б не намагалися прискорити справу. Час вже йому висловити власну точку зору.

f) Якби ми мали ремонтувати квартиру, ми б придбали сучасні матеріали.

g) Час нам включити його до складу нашої команди.

h) Немає потреби вам приходити на батьківські збори.

i) Він би зробив ці вправи швидше.

j) Він уважно подивився на неї, наче мав якісь сумніви.

k) У вас такий вигляд, наче вам все одно.

l) На вашому місці, я б зачекав на директора.

m) Йому було дуже небажано пропускати лекцію про Шекспіра.

n) Якби вам довелося судитися з ним, щоб ви зробили?

o) Неможливо, щоб вони наробили стільки помилок.

p) Досить ймовірно, що така дощова погода може тривати довго.

q) Він виглядав так, наче у нього боліла голова.

r) Час працювати, чи не так?

s) Чи не час покінчити з таким життям?

t) Не може бути, щоб він так вчинив.

u) Ви такі засмаглі, наче все літо провели на півдні.

v) Нам слід трохи перепочити, перш ніж розпочинати роботу.

w) Я пропоную, щоб ми зробили ці вправи вдома.

x) Він завжди має такий вигляд, наче він чимось незадоволений.

y) Вам вже час викласти власну точку зору.

z) Вона вважає, що йому вже давно час позбавитися цієї поганої звички.

aa)Вона дивилася донизу з острахом, бо їй здавалося, що вона ось-ось впаде.

bb) Чи не час нам оголосити перерву?

cc) Необхідно, аби вони сплатили за навчання.

dd) Цей чоловік, здавалося, багато страждав.

Exercise 37


Translate into English


1. Шкода, що ви не пішли подивитися цю виставку, я впевнений, вона б вам сподобалася.

2. Шкода, що вона не встигла закінчити свій твір.

3. Фільм був дуже цікавий, шкода, що ти його не побачила.

4. Шкода, що ти такий безтурботний, тобі все, як з гуски вода.

5. Шкода, що ти мешкаєш так далеко від мене.

6. Шкода, що тобі доведеться вирушати у далеку дорогу саме зараз.

7. Шкода, що ти виявився такою недалекоглядною людиною.

8. Шкода, що ти витрачаєш час на всілякі дурниці.

9. Шкода, що ти не скористався двомісячною відпусткою та не з’їздив до Англії.

10. Шкода, що дівчина не зможе одружитися з цим красенем.

11. Шкода, що актори не зіграли гарно і тільки зіпсували п’єсу.

12. Шкода, що вашу доповідь ніхто не почує.

13. Шкода, що ви не зробили висновків з цієї історії.

14. Мені б хотілося, аби ви скоріше повернули свої гроші.

15. Шкода, що ваш син така несерйозна людина.

16. Я не хочу, щоб ти був таким зухвалим.

17. Шкода, що він боягуз.

18. Шкода, що тобі доведеться сісти на дієту.

19. Шкода, що директор така обмежена людина.

20. Шкода, що розмова виявилася такою недовгою.

21. Шкода, що тобі більше не довіряють.

22. Шкода, що тобі довелося робити це всупереч бажанню.

23. Шкода, що зараз не зима.

24. Шкода, що ми не домовилися про наступну зустріч.

25. Шкода, що ми не зустрілися 20 років тому.

26. Шкода, що ти порушив обіцянку.

27. Шкода, що мрячить дощ! Як було б чудово прогулятися лісом.

28. Шкода, що фільм такий нудний.

29. Шкода, що наша довголітня дружба припинилася так раптово.

30. Шкода, що ти нічого про це не чув.

Exercise 38


Translate the sentences from Ukrainian into English.


1. Ви так засмагли, наче провели все літо на півдні.

2. Я впевнена, він зробить вигляд, що чує про це вперше.

3. Що з вами? У вас такий вигляд, ніби вам погано.

4. Хвилину чи дві він стояв посеред кімнати, ніби не знав, що робити далі.

5. Чому ви дивитесь на мене так, наче я вам щось збрехала?

6. В мене було жахливе відчуття, що ми говоримо на різних мовах.

7. Я впевнена, він буде триматися так, ніби не відчуває жодного болю.

8. Вона так важко дихає, наче бігла дуже швидко і довго.

9. Вона говорить так, ніби він повторює чиїсь слова.

10. Він говорив про вас так, ніби знає вас все життя.

11. Здається, ви вже пішли.

12. В мене таке відчуття, ніби мене скривдили.

13. Прикро, що ми витратили марно так багато часу!

14. На вашому місці я би знав, що робити.

15. Вона дивиться на мене так, ніби ми знайомі. Здається, ми десь зустрічались.

16. Прикро, що ми не поснідали вдома.

17. Якби не цей прикрий випадок, ми би ніколи не зустрілись.

18. Прикро, що ви не почекали мене ще трохи, ми поїхали би разом.

19. Якби не його серйозний вираз обличчя, ми вважали би це пустощами.

20. Якби ж я подумала про це раніше!

21. Ми нічого про це не знали; ми ніколи не дали би на це згоду.

22. Він не змінив би свого рішення, навіть якщо би його дуже про це просили.

23. Якби ви тільки знали, як я хвилювалась!

24. Прикро, що мене не було поруч з вами тоді, коли це трапилось.

25. Якби ви добре підготувались до тесту, ви не зробили би так багато помилок.

26. Я зателефонував би тобі, але ж твій телефон був вимкнений.

27. Прикро, що я поїхав з Лондона. Краще було би там залишитися.

28. От це було би добре, якби завжди було літо!

29. На вашому місці я тримав би себе в руках.

30. Я би дуже хотів, щоб ви серйозніше ставилися до таких подій у вашому житті.

Exercise 39


Comment on the use of the Subjunctive Mood, translate the sentences into Ukrainian.


1. In his place I should have been more embarrassed and less calm.

2. Well, my dear, I do many things to please you I should never do to please myself.

3. I should never have thought that peeling potatoes was such an undertaking.

4. Another ten minutes and we shouldn’t have been there, and then I shouldn’t have got back home till twelve.

5. I am a passenger, or else I should be a steward, I think.

6. It would be more economical to live at the villa.

7. But for David he would never have slipped out of the affair like this.

8. You are silly, you know I like you or else I shouldn’t be here.

9. Who would have thought of such a meeting after so many years?

10. To go back there would only make it more difficult.

11. Nothing would be solved by opening our doors wide to all comers.

12. I hadn’t known about the fact, otherwise I would have given you the extra day.

13. She was by this time a woman of hard on sixty, but she bore her years well, and no one would have taken her for more than fifty.

14. I’m sure a daughter would be a great amusement to you.

15. He would have gone out and come in again, but he was too concerned.


Exercise 40


Comment on the use of the Conditionals and translate the sentences into Ukrainian.


I. I shouldn’t worry now in your place. Everything will clear up very soon, I’m sure.

II. It wouldn’t have astonished me if he had found some reasonable excuse and stayed away.

III. But if you were right I should prefer to act in my own way.

IV. But for my help he would have failed at the final exam.

V. It seems to me that what she refused then she would be glad to get now.

VI. Sir Horace asked me one or two questions and it wouldn’t have been decent manners not to reply.

VII. A few years before he wouldn’t have said so of Henry.

VIII. Come along, Jassie! It would do you more harm to stay by yourself.

IX. I’m thinking of good results we’ve achieved together. We shouldn’t have managed them alone. It’s a pity to find us divided now.

X. If you break your promise, people will say that Crawford would never have done so in similar circumstances.

XI. But for the bees we should have no honey.

XII. She even didn’t want to look in my direction; or else I’d have come up and apologized.

XIII. He was in a great hurry and had no time to think it over. Otherwise he would have found a better way out.

XIV. I myself shouldn’t agree to that.

XV. They would all be only glad to see you.

XVI. I should have sent her away, only I thought you wanted her to talk into your machines.

XVII. You never did anything good to anyone. If you had done you would have more support now.


Exercise 4 1


Replace the infinitives in brackets by the correct form of the Subjunctive Mood in conditionals.


1. I didn’t know about the fact, otherwise I (to give) you some more time to think.

2. There was no piano because it (to take up) much room.

3. Last night it (to be) quite possible.

4. How wonderful it (to be) to take the sadness out of those big and lovely eyes!

5. Billy (to adore) to live in the country. His ideal happiness was to have a pleasant cottage.

6. I (to like) to say ‘no’ but it not (to be) true.

7. But for his last remark she (not to start) a bargain.

8. Normally by now the court-room (to be) almost empty but for one or two lawyers.

9. She didn’t know anything or she (not to agree) to accept them.

10. Nobody ever (to say) that he is a shy and timid man.

11. I don’t know what I (to do) without you, my dear boy.

12. The sensation with which James dropped the letter was similar to that he (to have) entering his bedroom and finding it full of black beetles.

13. But for that letter on the table she (not to accuse) you.

14. He (to do) everything but nobody asked him to.

15. She was just the sort of person I (to expect) the wife of a professor to be.

Exercise 42


Change the type of condition in the following sentences by making it problematic, unreal in the present or future, unreal in the past.

Model: Real condition – If nobody objects we shall begin at once.

        Problematic condition – If nobody should object we shall begin at once.

        Unreal condition in the present / future – If nobody objected we should begin at once.

                                                                           If nobody were to object we should begin at once.

         Unreal condition in the past – If nobody had objected we should have begun at once.


1. If the weather is fine (tomorrow) the outing will be a success.

2. If we take the children they will be in everybody’s way.

3. If you add a little sugar and cinnamon it’ll taste just right.

4. If he is here by five o’clock it will be all right with me.

5. If we have traffic lights here the number of road accidents will decrease.

6. If you speak to her about it she will just shrug it off.

Exercise 43


Make the sentences more emphatic by using the modal verb ‘would’ in the clauses of condition.

Model: The throat symptoms would trouble you less if only you did not smoke so much. - … if only you would not smoke so much.


1. The children would not annoy you if you did not pay attention to them.

2. I’d fix you a meal of sorts if only somebody went and bought me some cigarettes.

3. No one would mind in the least if only you did not make such a noise.

4. Father would let you take the car if you left it clean.

5. I should be much better if you stopped asking me how I feel.

6. They would be all right if people let them alone.

7. I should work much better if you didn’t interrupt me all the time.

8. You would not make so many mistakes in your typing if you attended to what you are doing.

9. Your health would be better if you stopped experimenting with one medicine after another.

10. Mother would not feel so bad about it if only you remembered her birthday and wrote from time to time.

Exercise 44


Open the brackets. Refer the condition to the past, the results to the present.

Model: If you (to follow) the directions on the box the jelly not (to be) such a mess. – If you had followed the directions on the box the jelly would not be such a mess.

1. If you (to take) her advice you (to know) what to do.

2. If she (to be told) to come she (to be) here now.

3. She (to be) well now if she (to stay) in bed for a few days longer.

4. I (to show) you this place if I (not to leave) the book at home.

5. I (to stand) to the end if I (not to promise) Mother to be back by ten.

6. You (to feel) much better if you not (to spend) a sleepless night.

7. You (to like) a picture better if you (not to read) a book.

8. I (to stay and help) if I (not promise) Jane to fetch the children from school.

9. I (to go over) at once if she (not to specially ask) me not to interfere.

10. She (to be) here if she (not to miss) the night bus from London.

11. You (to know) what to do if you (to think) the matter over.

12. If it (not to rain) heavily all through the night we (to try) to cross the river here.


Exercise 45


Paraphrase the following sentences so as to make them hypothetical. Use the past tense of the Conditional when speaking about the past, the present tense when speaking about the present or future. Translate each sentence into Ukrainian.

Model: I knew what to do. – I should have known what to do.

        He will show you the way. – He would show you the way.

1. Nobody minded in the least.

2. Nothing was said on the subject.

3. Someone is sure to object.

4. I simply don’t know where to find him.

5. He doesn’t keep anything valuable in this room.

6. I don’t believe him.

7. They didn’t come in time.

8. She didn’t leave them without saying good-bye.

9. It was a mistake.

10. You will get a lot of experience that way.

11. Someone warned him in time.

12. People saw a low gray car pass at a wicked speed.

13. They refused to do anything about it.

14. You will be more comfortable in bed, dear.

15. The neighbours will complain about the children again.

16. Any girl will look her best in this outfit.

17. She guessed the truth at once.

18. She gave up her job to look after her invalid mother.

19. The children will play in the garden.

20. She doesn’t understand such things.


Exercise 46


Change into sentences of unreal condition.

Model: She won’t help us as she is not here. – She would help us if she were here.

       We didn’t meet so often because she lived far from my place. – We should have met more often if she had not lived so far from my place.


1. They will do it if they can.

2. It isn’t summer now, and we don’t go to the country.

3. He doesn’t write to me, and I don’t write to him.

4. She didn’t find the book because she didn’t open the bag.

5. It will be better if they don’t come.

6. I didn’t give it to you because you were out.

7. I can’t knit another sweater as I have no more wool.

8. I don’t study Italian as I haven’t much spare time.

9. She didn’t follow the doctor’s advice and fell seriously ill.

10. The boy is shivering. He isn’t quite well.

11. He refuses my help, and the work won’t be finished today.

12. I have a headache because I had a sleepless night.

13. Anne can’t translate this song: she doesn’t know French well enough.

14. You are not quite all right now because you didn’t take the medicine regularly.

15. They took a taxi and didn’t miss the train.

16. He doesn’t know her address, or he will write to her, I’m sure.

17. The garden doesn’t look beautiful because the trees are bare.

18. He makes so many mistakes because he doesn’t know grammar well enough.

19. Will you do it for me if I ask you?


Exercise 47


Complete the following sentences. Use the present tense of the Conditional to refer the sentence to the present or future. Use the past tense to refer it to the past.

Model: But for her nose, which is a little long –

She would be rather pretty (now).

She would have been rather pretty (then).

1. But for one difficult place the translation _______

2. But for her slightly trembling hands the girl ________

3. But for her accent she _______

4. But for the wind the day _________

5. But for his words we _______

6. But for the kitchen which is really too small, the flat _________

7. But for the spelling mistakes the composition_______

8. But for one or two mistakes she made at the very beginning her report _____

9. But for me you ______

10. But for my headache I ________


Exercise 48


Study the following sentences.

1. If I had a big garden, I would grow a lot of flowers.

2. If I had a big garden, I might grow a lot of flowers.

3. If I had a big garden, I could grow a lot of flowers.


Indirect speech

He said that if he had a big garden, he would (might, could) grow a lot of flowers.


Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses.

Model 1: If I had a typewriter I (to type) it myself. – If I had a typewriter I would type it myself.

Model 2: If we (to have) more rain our crops would grow better. – If we had more rain our crops would grow better.


1. If I knew his address I (to give) it to you.

2. If he worked more slowly he (not to make) so many mistakes.

3. I could tell you what this means if I (to know) Greek.

4. He might get fat if he (to stop) smoking.

5. If he knew that it was dangerous he (not to come).

6. I (to keep) a horse if I could afford it.

7. What would you do if the lift (to get) stuck between two floors?

8. It (to make) a great difference to the room if you painted each wall a different colour.

9. I (not to go) there if I were you.

10. You couldn’t have so much trouble with your car if you (to have) it serviced regularly.


Model 3: If I (to see) a blind man trying to cross the road, I (to help) him. – If I saw a blind man trying to cross the road, I would help him.


1. If I (to know) the answer, I (to tell) you.

2. The journey takes about three hours by bus. You (to get) there much sooner if you (to go) by train.

3. The teacher said to David, “You’re late again this morning. If you (to get up) earlier, you (not to be) late so often”.

4. He was a good honest man. He never (to make) a promise if he (not to mean) to keep it.

5. The teacher told Peter that he (not to pass) the examination if he (not to work) harder.


In the next 4 sentences, use ‘might’ instead of ‘would’ (to give the meaning ‘perhaps’)


1. He’s getting fat. If he (to take) more exercise, he (to lose) weight.

2. He smokes about fifty cigarettes a day and he’s always coughing. If he (not to smoke) so heavily, he (to get) rid of this cough.

3. She feels very tired in the morning. If she (to go) to bed earlier, she (not to feel) so tired.

4. He’s not a strong child. If he (to drink) more milk, he (to be) stronger.


In the next 4 sentences, use ‘could’ instead of ‘would’ (to give the meaning ‘possible’).


1. We (to understand) the English teacher better if she (to speak) more slowly.

2. I like reading, but I haven’t much time. If I (to have) more time, I (to read) a lot more.

3. I don’t know where he’s living now. If I (to know) his address, I (to write) to him.

4. James is rather short. If he (to be) taller, he (to wear) his brother’s clothes.


Exercise 49


Read the following:

I wanted to catch the nine o’clock train yesterday. I thought I had plenty of time, so I took a bus to the station. But there was a lot of traffic, and the bus kept stopping. I didn’t get to the station until ten past nine, and I had to wait until eleven o’clock for the next train. If I had taken a taxi to the station, I would have caught the nine o’clock train. (certain) I might have caught the nine o’clock train. (perhaps) I could have caught the nine o’clock train. (possible)


Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses.


1. If I had known that you were in hospital I (to visit) you.

2. If I (to know) that you were coming I’d have baked a cake.

3. If you (to arrive) ten minutes earlier you would have got a seat.

4. You would have seen my garden at its best if you (to be) here last week.

5. I wouldn’t have believed it if I (not to see) it with my own eyes.

6. I (to offer) to help him if I had realized that he was ill.

7. If I (to realize) what a bad driver you were I wouldn’t have come with you.

8. If I had realized that the traffic lights were red I (to stop).

9. The hens (not to get) into the house if you had shut the door.

10. If he had known that the river was dangerous he (not to try) to swim across it.

11. If you (to speak) more slowly he might have understood you.

12. If he had known the whole story he (not to be) so angry.

13. If I (to try) again I think that I would have succeeded.

14. You (not to get) into trouble if you had obeyed my instructions.

15. If I (to be) ready when he called he would have taken me with him.

16. If she had listened to my directions she (not to turn) down the wrong street.

17. If you (to look) at the engine for a moment you would have seen what was missing.

18. I (to take) a taxi if I had realized that it was such a long way.

19. You (to save) me a lot of trouble if you had told me where you were going.

20. If you (not to sneeze) he wouldn’t have known that we were there.

21. If I (to see) you in the street yesterday, of course I (to say) “Good morning”.

22. I’m sorry I threw the newspaper away. I (not to throw) it away if I (to know) you had wanted it.

23. Why didn’t you ask me to help you? Of course I (to help) you if you (to ask) me to.

24. I’m sorry I couldn’t come to the cinema with you last Friday. I (to come) if I (not to be) so busy.

25. I (not to leave) the office early yesterday if I (not to finish) my work.


Use “might’ in these sentences.


1. She (to catch) a cold if she (not to wear) a coat.

2. Henry took an examination last June, but he failed. If he (to answer) the last question more correctly, he (to pass).

3. The little boy climb up the tree. He (to break) a leg or an arm if he (to fall).

4. If you (to send) the parcel by air, it (to arrive) a week sooner than it did.


Use ‘could’ in these sentences.


1. We (to send) them a Christmas card if we (to know) their address.

2. If I (to know) you were coming by the 6 p. m. train, I (to meet) you at the station.

3. I think we (to win) the football match if we (to play) a little better in the second half.


Exercise 50


Study the following sentence.

The teacher told Peter, “If you had done your homework last night, you could answer my questions this morning.” (Peter didn’t do his homework last night, in the past. The teacher supposes the opposite, using “had done”. He uses “could answer” to express the present possible result.)



Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses.


1. I had a sandwich for lunch. If I (to have) a proper lunch, I (not to feel) so hungry now.

2. He told his friend, “I’m not feeling very well. I (not to be) here today if I (not to promise) to come.

3. I can hardly keep my eyes open. If I (to go) to bed earlier last night, I (not to be) so tired now.

4. He looked at his watch while he was driving and thought, “If I (not to stop) to get petrol, I (to be) home now”. (use ‘might’)

5. If Jack (not to hurt) his ankle yesterday, he (to play) football this afternoon. (use ‘could’)

6. He wasn’t a very happy man, and he often said, “If I (to follow) my father’s advice, I (to be) much happier now.” (use ‘might’)



Exercise 51


Practise according to the model.

Model: 1. A. He lives near his work, so he’s always in time.

            B. If I lived near my work I’d always be in time too.

        2. A. His case is light, so he carries it himself.

            B. If my case were light I’d carry it myself too.

        3. A. Tom and his wife have a colour television, so they stay at home in the evenings.

            B. If we had a colour television we’d stay at home in the evenings too.


1. His garden gets a lot of sun, so he can grow peaches.

2. They use electric typewriters, so they finish early.

3. He runs round the park every morning, so he keeps very fit.

4. His alarm clock rings very loudly, so he always wakes up in time.

5. He understands electricity, so he does his own repairs.

6. His French is good, so he reads French authors in the original.

7. They have a balcony, so they grow plants in pots.



Exercise 52


Complete the following sentences with the form ‘were’ of the verb ‘to be’ in its modal meaning in the clause of condition to denote unreality in the future.

Model: I don’t know what I should do – if he were to come now.


1. I’m not sure I should know him ______

2. What should we do _______ ?

3. Where would you find a doctor _______ ?

4. There would not be time enough to pack _______

5. I believe I should take the job after all _______

6. I don’t think you would find rooms in Palanga ______

7. They would be delighted ________

8. I think he would understand everything and do his best to help _______

9. She would only feel uncomfortable ______

10. They would not mind in the least _______

Exercise 53


Write conditional sentences according to the model. Think carefully about the verb tenses.

Model: You arrived early. I wasn’t ready. – If you hadn’t arrived early, I would have been ready.


1. I ate too much last night. I’m not feeling very well.

2. He went to university. He got a good job.

3. She’s got a fast car. She got here in two hours.

4. You only had sandwich at lunch time. You’re hungry now.

5. I didn’t see you. I didn’t say ‘hello’.

6. There was a power cut. I lost two vital computer documents.

7. You didn’t ask anyone for directions. We’re lost.

8. He loves her a lot. He forgave her.

Exercise 54


Match the if-clauses with the correct main clauses.



4. If you have dreams, …

5. If I ever felt I had too much money, …

6. If I’d known that they were valuable antiques, …

7. If I didn’t behave well, …

8. If I were single with no kids and no responsibilities, …

9. If I had to choose one sport I couldn’t live without, …


Main clauses

4. I didn’t get any pocket money.

5. It would have to be football.

6. I’d give it away to charity.

7. I’d take a year out and go traveling.

8. I would have kept them.

9. Money makes them possible.

Exercise 55


Match the two halves of these sentences.


1. Would you marry me 2. How would you feel 3. You’d have a lot more friends 4. Would you have left the firm 5. What would you do 6. I’d go out more often a. if you were not so mean b. if someone gave you a diamond necklace c. if I had more money d. if I had a lot of money e. if you hadn’t been promoted f. if you were in my position
1. If you were promoted 2. If you lost your job 3. If you apologized 4. If you hadn’t been promoted 5. If you had lost your job 6. If I were stronger 7. If I hadn’t been so tired 8. If he hadn’t telephoned 1) you’d be able to change the system 2) you wouldn’t be sacked 3) would you have left the firm? 4) would you be in despair? 5) You wouldn’t have bought such an expensive car 6) I would carry it myself 7) I wouldn’t have left asleep in the armchair 8) we wouldn’t have got the message

Exercise 56


Choose the correct word or words to replace the words in italics in these sentences.

Model: I’ll give you $100 if you say nothing about this. (provided that, what if, unless) – I’ll give you $100 provided that you say nothing about this.


§ If you company went bankrupt, what would you do? (just suppose, on condition, as long as)

§ If you had to live in another country, where would you go? (on condition, unless, imagine)

§ We’ll let him out of prison if he reports to the police station every day. (supposing, as long as, unless)

§ I’ll take them to court if they don’t pay me what they owe. (imagine, provided that, unless)

§ If you won a million pounds – what would you do with it? (providing, as long as, unless, imagine)

§ If they keep to the agreement, I’ll give them the money. (what if, imagine, so long as)

§ You’ll be alright if you take some travellers’ cheques. (provided hat, imagine, what if)

§ I’ll complain to the manager if you don’t give me a different room. (as long as, unless, imagine)

§ If all the hotels were full, where would we stay? (provided that, as long as, suppose)

Exercise 57


Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses (Conditional II).


§ If I (know) her address I’d give it to you.

§ He (look) a lot better if he shaved more often.

§ I shouldn’t drink that wine if I (be) you.

§ More tourists would come to this country if it (have) a better climate.

§ If I were sent to prison you (visit) me?

§ If someone (give) you a helicopter what would you do with it?

§ I (buy) shares in that company if I had some money.

§ If he (clean) his windscreen he’d be able to see where he was going.

§ If you (not belong) to the union you couldn’t get a job.

§ If I (win) a big prize in a lottery I’d give up my job.

§ What you (do) if you found a burglar in your house?

§ He might get fat if he (stop) smoking.

§ I (be) ruined if I bought her everything she asked for.

§ If you slept under a mosquito net you (not be) bitten so often.

§ I could get a job easily if I (have) a degree.

§ If she (do) her hair differently she might look quite nice.

§ If we had more rain our crops (grow) faster.

§ The whole machine would fall to pieces if you (remove) that screw.

§ If they (ban) the sale of alcohol at football matches there might be less violence.

§ What would you do if the lift (get) stuck between two floors?


Exercise 58


Supply the correct form of the missing verbs.


§ If she _____ (be) here now, she ____ (give) us some advice.

§ If he ____ (fail) in his present job, he ____ (think) about another career.

§ If you ____ (can play) a musical instrument, you ___(help) with the school orchestra.

§ If they ____ (have) the right qualifications, they ____ (be able to) apply for better jobs.

§ If she ____ (can have) some lessons, she _____ (improve) her performance.

§ If we ____ (run) our own business, we ____ (be) more independent.

§ If John ___ (go) to his home town, he ____ (visit) his mother.

§ If Susan ____ (borrow) your book, she ____ (return) it.

§ If Frank ____ (want) advice, he ____ (ask) his bank manager.

§ If you ____ (learn) your words well, you ____ (not have to) be afraid of the vocabulary test.

§  If your brother ____ (drive) more carefully, the accident ___ (not happen).

§ If Tina ____ (call), tell her I ____ (ring) her back later.

§ I think life ____ (be) very boring if we ____ (have) nothing to do.

§ If I ____ (live) in Australia, I ____ (probably be) a sheep farmer.

§ The train has left. If you ____ (give up) smoking, you ____ (feel) a lot better.

§ If you ____ (think) this exercise was too difficult, you ____ (have to) read the grammar rules once more.


Exercise 59


Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses (Conditional III).


1. If I had known that you were in hospital I ____ (visit) you.

2. The ground was very soft. But for that, my horse ____ (win).

3. If you ____ (arrive) ten minutes earlier you would have got a seat.

4. You would have seen my garden at its best if you ____ (be) here last week.

5. But for his quickness I ____ (be) killed.

6. I shouldn’t have believed it if I ____ (not see) it with my own eyes.

7. If he had slipped he ____ (fall) 500 meters.

8. If he had asked you, you ____ (accept)?

9. If I ____ (have) a map I would have been all right.

10. If I ____ (know) that you were coming I’d have baked a cake.

11. I ____ (offer) to help him if I had realized that he was ill.

12. If you had left that wasp alone it ____ (not sting) you.

13. If I _____ (realize) what a bad driver you were I wouldn’t have come with you.

14. If I had realized that the traffic lights were red I ____ (stop).

15. But for the fog we ____ (reach) our destination hours ago.

16. If you had told me that he never paid his debts I ____ (not lend) him money.

17. If you ____ (not sneeze) he wouldn’t have known that we were there.

18. If you ____ (put) some mustard in the sandwiches they would have tasted better.

19. If he had known that the river was dangerous he ____ (not try) to swim across it.

20. If you ____ (speak) more slowly he might have understood you.

21. If he had known the whole story he ____ (not be) so angry.

22. I shouldn’t have eaten it if I ____ (know) that there was ginger in it.

23. If I ____ (try) again I think that I would have succeeded.

24. You ____ (not get) into trouble if you had obeyed my instructions.

25. If you hadn’t been in such a hurry you ____ (not put) sugar into the sauce instead of salt.

26. If I ____ (be) ready when he called he would have taken me with him.

27. She had a headache, otherwise she ____ (come) with us.

28. If you ____ (look) at the engine for a moment you would have seen what was missing.

29. Rome ____ (be captured) by her enemies if the geese hadn’t cackled.

30. He would have been arrested if he ____ (try) to leave the country.


Exercise 60


Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses.


Ø If he ____ (not take) his gloves off he ____ (not get) frost-bitten.

Ø She was sent to prison only because she refused to pay the fine; if she ____ (pay) the fine she ____ (not be) sent to prison.

Ø  He didn’t tell me that he was a vegetarian till halfway through the meal. If he ____ (tell) me earlier I ____ (cook) him something more suitable.

Ø Why didn’t you say that you were short of money? If I ____ (know) I ____ (lend) you some.

Ø It’s lucky he had his torch with him. If he ____ (not have) it he ____ (fall) down the cellar steps.

Ø The job is much worse than I expected. If I ____ (realize) how awful it was going to be I ____ (not accept) it.

Ø It was the drug, not the disease, that killed him. He would still be alive today if he ____ (not take) the drug.

Ø I overslept; that’s why I’m half an hour late; and if my phone ____ (not ring) at nine o’clock, I might still be in bed.

Ø It was rather a dull game so I left before the end; if I ____ (wait) another five minutes I ____ (see) Chelsea scoring a really exciting goal.

Ø The paraffin heater was perfectly safe. There ____ (not be) a fire if the children ____ (not knock) it over.

Ø It’s a pity he never patented his invention. If he ____ (patent) it he ____ (make) a lot of money.

Ø The fog came down suddenly and I suppose they didn’t know which way to turn; if only they ____ (have) a map and compass with them they ____ (not be) drowned.

Ø He asked his parents for a loan but he didn’t say what he wanted money for, so they refused. I think if he ____ (tell) them that he wanted to open a restaurant they ____ (agree).

Ø The accident was mainly Tom’s fault. He was driving much too close to the car in front. If he ____ (be) further away he ____ (be able) to stop in time.

Ø The launching of the rocket was delayed half an hour by bad weather. If the weather ____ (be) good they ____ (launch) it at 8.30 instead of at 9.00.

Ø I’m sorry you didn’t tell me the dogs were allowed in the hotel; if I ____ (know) I ____ (bring) my dog. He ____ (enjoy) the walk.

Ø Most people ____ (attend) the union meeting if they had had longer notice of it.

Ø He says he refused the job, but that this was nothing to do with the salary. He ____ (refuse) even if they ____ (offer) him twice as much.

Ø The club secretary is useless. He never tells anybody anything. We ____ (not know) about this meeting if the chairman ____ (not tell) us.

Ø When the director asked her to play the lead she agreed though she didn’t know anything about the play. I think that if she ____ (read) the play first she ____ (refuse) the part.

Ø The burglar made quite a lot of noise getting into the house; but fortunately for him the family was watching a noisy TV play. If they ____ (play) cards they certainly ____ (hear) him.

Ø It rained, which spoiled our picnic; but if it ____ (not rain) it ____ (be) a great success.

Ø You used wet sticks; that’s why the fire took so long to light. If you ____ (use) dry sticks it ____ (light) long ago.

Ø  I didn’t recognize him at first because he was wearing dark glasses; if he ____ (not wear) them I ____ (recognize) him immediately.

Ø When the weather got bad the climbing party turned back; all except Tom and his brothers, who decided to go on. If only they ____ (turn back) with the others they would be alive today.

Ø He wasn’t very happy at school because he was a bookish boy, not at all interested in games. If he ____ (play) games like the other boys he ____ (have) a much better time.

Ø We had to stand almost all the way. It was Tom’s fault. If he ____ (book) seats, as I told him to, we ____ (have) quite a comfortable journey.

Ø We were traveling with false passports. That was the trouble. If our passports ____ (be) all right, we ____ (not be) arrested.

Ø They voted by a show of hands and decided in favour of a strike. But that was by a narrow margin and I think that if they ____ (hold) a secret ballot there ____ (not be) a strike.

Ø You knew that horse was going to win! – Don’t be ridiculous! If I ____ (know) I ____ (back) him myself.


Exercise 61


Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form (mixed Conditionals).


Ø I’ve hung out the clothes. It’s lovely and sunny; if it ____ (stay) like his they ____ (be) dry in two hours.

Ø French is essential in this job. All the telephonists speak it. If they ____ (not know) French they ____ (not understand) half the callers.

Ø How did you do in the car rally? – We came in last actually; but only because we got lost. If we ____ (get lost) we ____ (come) in somewhere in the middle. We certainly ____ (not be) last.

Ø I wasn’t really surprised that we got lost because I knew that the navigator couldn’t map-read. – But if you ____ (know) that why you ____ (take) him as navigator?

Ø A group of spectators, including myself, left the stand just before the end of the game. When we were half way down the stairs a goal was scored and there was a great cheer from the spectators. If there ____ (not be) a goal a crowd ___ (not cheer).

Ø If the crowd ____ (not cheer) we ____ (not run) back up the stairs to see what had happened.

Ø If we ____ (not run) back we ____ (not crash) into the rest of the spectators on their way down, and there ____ (not be) this frightful accident.

Ø If the pain ____ (return) you’d better take another pill.

Ø If you aren’t going to live in the house why you ____ (not sell) it? If I ____ (have) a house I couldn’t use I ____ (sell) it at once.

Ø Tell him to bring his bicycle inside. If he ____ (leave) it outside someone ____ (steal) it.

Ø Why do people always wear dark clothes at night? If pedestrians____ (wear) light coloured clothes drivers____ (see) them much more easily.

Ø She must have loved him very much because she waited for him for fifteen years. If she ____ (not love) him she ____ (not wait) so long.

Ø He looked so small and weak that nobody asked him to do anything. If he ____ (look) strong he ____ (be) expected to dig all day like everyone else.

Ø When he left school he became a fisherman. His family didn’t like it at all. They ____ (be) much happier if he ____ (become) a greengrocer like his father.

Ø They still say that if he ____ (go) into the green grocery business when he left school he _____ (be) comfortably off now instead of being poor.

Ø But he says that if he ____ (have) his life again he ____ (make) the same choice.

Ø No one bathes here. The water is heavily polluted. If you ____ (bathe) in it you ____ (be) ill for a fortnight.

Ø Look at poor Tom trying to start his car by hand again! If I ____ (be) Tom I ____ (get) a new battery.

Ø But I blame the real culprit even more. If he ____ (admit) his guilt Peter ___ (not be) expelled.

Ø The only thing I haven’t got is a balcony. If I ____ (have) a balcony I _____ (grow) plants in pots. Then my flat ____ (be) perfect!

Exercise 62


Open the brackets. Use the necessary forms denoting unreality.


1. It was a wet day. If I (not to wear) my raincoat I (to be) wet to the skin.

2. Kate is such a comfort to me. If it (not to be) for her I (to feel) lost.

3. You certainly came in time. If it (not to be) for you I (to lose) my temper.

4. I have not seen her since she was a child. If I (to see) her now I (not to know) her.

5. No one is likely to come now. But if anyone (to come) ask them to wait.

6. She looks awfully young for her years. If it (not to be) for her gray hair she (to look) about thirty.

7. The passage was not lighted. If the moon (not to shine) so brightly through the cob-webby windows we (to be) in total darkness.

8. All her things are here. If she (to go away) for good she (to take) them. She intended to come back.

9. “You see,” the lady said, “if you (not to stuff) yourself with meat you (to be able) to eat a peach now.”

10. She was the moving spirit of the whole thing. Nothing (to be done) if it (not to be) for her.

11. Everything depended now on whether she had spoken the truth. If she (to lie) we (to be) lost.

12. Probably the man had not recognized me. If he (to recognize) me he (to speak) to me.

13. We should have left a message. If we (to tell) them where we were going they (to look) for us now.

14. There’s enough money to last you for ten days. If you (to want) more Anne will lend you some.

15. I can’t tell you how grateful I am for what you did. If it (not to be) for you Dick (to be crippled) for life.

16. It’s not your heart, dear, and you know it. If you (not to eat) so much lobster salad at lunch you (to feel) fine.

17. I haven’t danced for years, baby. If I (to start) dancing again people (to wonder).

18. Of course it’s important. If it (not to be) so important I (not to insist) on it.

19. It was raining. If the road (not to be wet) the car (not to skid).

20. She knew what the matter with her was. If she (not to know) she (not to consent) to the operation.

Exercise 63


Open the brackets, depending on whether the sentence refers to the present, future or past.


1. Mother would worry herself sick if I (not to be) home by eleven o’clock.

2. The weather would have been just right for a long walk if there (not to be) a threat of rain in the air.

3. If you (to know) what is good for you, you would not refuse.

4. If you (not to waste) all that time arguing we should have got there already.

5. If the taxi driver (not to recognize) him he would have never been suspected.

6. Even if nothing (to happen) to delay us we should not be able to reach Sydney ahead of them.

7. Even if you (not to go) so fast we should not have found the right turning in the dark.

8. I should not have paid the slightest attention to his words if he (not to look) so upset.

9. If you (to know) her better you wouldn’t think so.

10. If it (not to be) so late we’d go there now.


Exercise 64


Complete the following sentences using the words in brackets.


1. If it had not been for what he said (nobody _______ to believe).

2. If it had not been for your help and understanding (I _______ to achieve nothing).

3. If it were not for the children (we ______ to take a more interesting route).

4. If it were not for my bad foot (I _______ to go to the beach with them).

5. If it had not been for the rain (the forest fire _______ not to go out).

6. If it were not for you (she _______ to agree with our idea).

7. If it were not for a slight stammer (she _____ to have a good pronunciation).

8. If it had not been for the fall (he ________ to come first).

Exercise 65


Supply the correct mood of the verbs in brackets.


1. If they (not to help) us we (not to find) the way.

2. If I (to have) enough money I (to buy) this cassette-recorder.

3. You (to be) able to speak English better if you (to study) harder.

4. If she (to be) older she (to understand) you better.

5. If he (to be) in town yesterday he (to call) on us.

6. We (to enjoy) the play better if it (not to be) so long.

7. My uncle (to be) able to help us if he (to be) here.

8. I (to do) the same if I (to be) there.

9. If I (to know) of your arrival I (to meet) you.

10. If you (to know) what it is all about, you (not to keep on) smiling.

11. If you (to go) to the theatre last night, I’m sure, you (to enjoy) the play.

12. He (to act) differently if he (to realize) the situation.

13. If she (to come) earlier she (to be) able to see them before they went out.

14. Nobody told me about your trouble. I (to help) you if I (to hear) about it.

15. I (to come) sooner if I (to know) you were here.

16. We (not to know) anything about their plans for the summer holidays if Mario (not to send) us a letter.

17. If you (to come) between two and three yesterday you (to find) him in.

18. If I (to be) you I (to have) a long walk in the park.

19. If I (can) help you I readily (to do) so, but you know I can’t.

20. I must be off now. If it (not to be) so late I (to stay) a little longer.

Exercise 66


Complete the sentences below the box using he information in the box.

John’s plan Possible problems Alternatives
Fly by 9.30 plane to JFK Miss the plane Fly by 12.00 plane to Washington
Arrive in JFK at 12.00 local time Miss the plane Arrive in JFK at 11.00 pm local time
Take a taxi to the company office No taxis Take the underground
Report to the company manager The office closed Go to a hotel
Leave back home he following evening There are problems Stay longer


10. John will fly by 9.30 plane to New York unless ____.

11. If John ____, he’ll fly by 12.00 plane to Washington.

12. Unless ____, he’ll arrive in New York at 12.00 local time.

13. John may ____ if he flies by 12.00 plane to Washington.

14. Unless ____, john won’t go by underground.

15. John will have ____ if there ____ no taxis at the airport.

16. John will ____ unless the office ____.

17. If the office ____, John ____ to the hotel.

18. Unless the office ____, John ____ to the hotel.

19. John ____ back home the following evening unless ____.

20. If there ____ problems, John ____ longer.

21. Unless ____ problems, John ____ longer in New York.

Exercise 67


Supply the correct form of the verb in parentheses for each of the following sentences.


1. Henry talks to his dog as if it ____ (understand) him.

2. If they had left the house earlier, they ____ (not be) so late getting to the airport that they couldn’t check their baggage.

3. If I finish the dress before Saturday, I ____ (give) it to my sister for her birthday.

4. If I had seen the movie, I ____ (tell) you about it last night.

5. He would give you the money if he ___ (have) it.

6. I wish they ____ (stop) making so much noise so that I could concentrate.

7. She would call you immediately if she ____ (need) help.

8. Had they arrived at the sale early, they ____ (find) a better selection.

9. We hope that you ____ (enjoy) the party last night.

10. If you have enough time, please ____ (paint) the chair before you leave.

11. We could go for a drive if today ____ (be) Saturday.

12. Mike wished that the editors ____ (permit) him to copy some of their material.

13. Joel wishes that he ____ (spend) his vacation on the Gulf Coast next year.

14. Had we known your address, we ____ (write) you a letter.

15. Because Rose did so poorly on the exam, she wishes that she ____ (study) harder last night.

16. Mrs. Wood always talks to her tenth-grade students as though they ____ (be) adults.

17. If they had known him, they ____ (talk) to him.

18. He would understand it if you ____ (explain) it to him more slowly.

19. I could understand the French teacher if she ____ (speak) more slowly.

20. If the roofer doesn’t come soon, the rain ____ (leak) inside.


Exercise 68


Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses.


§ If you (find) a skeleton in the cellar don’t mention it to anyone.

§ What (happen) if I press this button?

§ I should have voted for her if I (have) a vote then.

§ If someone offered to buy you one of those rings, which you (choose)?

§ The flight may be cancelled if the fog (get) thick.

§ What I (do) if I hear the burglar alarm?

§ If you (read) the instructions carefully you wouldn’t have answered the wrong question.

§ I could repair the roof myself if I (have) a long ladder.

§ Unless they turn that radio off I (go) mad.

§ If you were made redundant what you (do)?

§ We’ll have a long way to walk if we (run) out of petrol here.

§ You (not have) more accidents if you drove more slowly.

§ If you (wear) a false beard nobody would have recognized you.

§ Unless they leave a lamp beside that hole in the road somebody (fall) into it.

§ You’ll get pneumonia if you (not change) your wet clothes.

§ If I had known that you couldn’t eat octopus I (not buy) it.

§ She (be able) to walk faster if her shoes hadn’t such high heels.

§ If you had touched that electric cable you (be) electrocuted.

§ You (not be) any use to me unless you learn to type.

§ If anyone attacked me, my dog (jump) at his throat.

Exercise 69


Complete the following sentences using the Conditionals


1. If it were not so late _________

2. If it were Sunday today ________

3. If you invited him _______

4. If I were you _______

5. If she lived in Moscow ________

6. If you had waited a little ______

7. If I could play the piano _______

8. If you had done it as I told you ________

9. If she were my sister _______

10. If the weather were fine ________


Exercise 70


Complete the following sentences:


1. We should go to the country if _________

2. I should help her if ________

3. He would have done it for you, no doubt, if _______

4. They would play tennis now if _________

5. I should have come yesterday if ________

6. What would you do if ___________?

7. It would be very nice if ________

8. I’d have a walking holiday if ________

9. They’d be only very glad if ________

10. Everything would have been all right if _______

Exercise 71


Complete the sentences making them conditional.


§ We’ll just manage to catch the train if …

§ If I see him again I …

§ I will accept your explanation only if …

§ If my bank manager lends me the money …

§ What will happen if …?

§ If you don’t hear from me by next Friday …

§ If your work continues to improve …

§ … only if you promise not to tell anyone else.

§ Look up the answer in the key only if …

§ What will he say if …?

§ If the worst should come to the worst …

§ Give me time and …

Exercise 72


Imagine you opened the door of the classroom and found you were in …




The Kalahari desert


The Amazon rainforest


Work with a partner. Choose one place and discuss what it would be like.

What would it look like? What sounds and smells would there be? What would the building be like?

What would the weather be like?

What would the people look like? What would they be wearing?

What would you eat and drink?

What would you be able to do? What wouldn’t you be able to do?

Would you have a good time?


Exercise 73


Work in groups. Discuss the following situations.


If you governed your country

1. …where would you build your palace?

2. …what laws would you change?

3. …what new laws would you bring in?

4. …what would you spend most money on?

5. …what would you tax?

6. …what would you ban?

7. …who would you appoint as your ministers?

8. …what would you have named after you?


Exercise 74


Complete the sentences to make them true for you. Discuss your sentences with a partner.


1. If I’d been born in a different country …

2. If I’d been born a member of the opposite sex …

3. If I’d had famous parents …

4. If I’d started learning English earlier in my life…

5. If I’d listened to my parents’ advice when I was younger …

6. If I hadn’t come to this English class today …


Exercise 75


Read the article adapted from Jane’s Police Review and then proceed to the task.


In December, three men were arrested for illegally obtaining customer bank details from one of the high street banks in Windsor. As customers took out their cards to open the bank door, the criminals’ electronic skimming device would read and record the account details. The men would follow the customers to the cash point and, by watching closely over their shoulders, got the card pin numbers. The incidents, seven in total, were all recorded on video. The men were arrested on their seventh attempt. Two pleaded guilty to the charge of credit card fraud, but the third man argued that it was a case of mistaken identity and pleaded not guilty. Thames Valley Police, therefore, called on the Facial Verification Bureau experts. The FVB team analyzed the video recording of the first six incidents of credit card fraud. They then compared the seventh piece of the video recording to see whether the person was the same as the individual in each of the other incidents. They concluded that the same person was present at each of the seven incidents of credit card fraud. This evidence was presented in court and the man was found guilty of conspiracy to defraud.


Hypothesize according to the model:

Model: Three men / obtain illegal information / arrest – If three men didn’t obtain illegal information, they wouldn’t be arrested.


Ø customers take out their cards / criminals’ device read and record the account details;

Ø the men follow customers / watch over their shoulders / get the card pin numbers;

Ø the incidents recorded on video / the men arrested;

Ø two suspects plead guilty / court find them guilty;

Ø the third man plead guilty / police not call on the Facial Verification Bureau experts;

Ø experts analyze the video recording / find the truth;

Ø experts compare the seventh piece of the video recording / the person be the same in each of the incidents;

Ø the evidence be presented in court / the third man not find guilty.


Exercise 76


Read the text and then proceed to the tasks.

April 1865. The Civil War is over. The US President’s wife, Mrs. Lincoln, delighted to be free from the restrictions of war time, had arranged a theatre party for the evening of Friday, April 14. They were to go Ford’s Theatre to see Laura Keene play in “Our American Cousin”. Lincoln had been warned to be on his guard, but he only smiled. Who would wish to kill him now that the war had ended?

The play had already begun when the president’s party entered the theatre. The mighty cheer greeted the president. He bowed and sat down in his stage box. Two hours passed. It was nearly ten o’clock. Suddenly a man neared the door of the box, produced a card and told the attendant that he had important news. He was admitted. The president sat close to the door next to his wife. A young army major with his bride was sitting on the right…


Imagine what would have happened if …

Model: President’s wife had arranged a theatre party. – I wish she hadn’t arranged the party. If she hadn’t arranged it, the president wouldn’t have been shot.


i. President’s wife wanted to visit the theatre very much.

ii. President’s wife was tired of war-time restrictions.

iii. President didn’t pay much attention to the warning.

iv. President didn’t take care of his bodyguards.

v. President was sitting by the door of the box.

vi. The attendant didn’t check the visitor’s card carefully enough.

vii. The attendant let the visitor into the president’s box.

viii. The major was sitting far from the president.

ix. The major’s attention was occupied by his bride.

x. There were no bodyguards in the president’s box.

xi. The major was late to spring at the assassin.

xii. The assassin had a pistol.

xiii. The assassin had a dagger too.

xiv. The president’s box was close to the stage.

xv. The actors and the public were frightened.

xvi. The assassin had a horse waiting for him.

xvii. The assassin escaped to Maryland.

xviii. The assassin wasn’t tried in court.

xix. The president wasn’t taken to hospital.

xx. They didn’t have neurological surgery at that time.


Finish the text using the information given above.


Exercise 77


Read the article adapted from the Guardian below and then proceed to the tasks.


Shakespeare might have ended his days on the gallows as a Catholic martyr rather than a wealthy citizen of Stratford-upon-Avon. This is one conclusion being drawn by scholar detectives as they try to account for the young Shakespeare’s “lost years”. It was proposed in the 1930s that Shakespeare spent his formative years as a servant to Catholic families in Lancashire, having changed his name to William Shakeshafte. But evidence that would explain a link between Stratford and Shakeshafte’s employers in Lancashire, the Houghton family of Houghton Tower, near Preston, had been overlooked. Now, writing in the Times Literary Supplement, Richard Wilson of Lancaster University says that a famous Jesuit mission to newly Protestant England in the winter of 1580/81 offers evidence that confirms “beyond reasonable doubt” the identification of Shakeshafte with Shakespeare.

Why would Shakespeare have gone to Lancashire? After 1576, Shakespeare’s father, John, refused to attend Stratford corporation meeting and, says a report of 1592, “obstinately refused to resort to the church”, pleading that he might be arrested for debt. This excuse was accepted by scholars until 1984, when it was shown that he was then a wealthy man. The real reason may have been a religious feeling that swept Warwickshire a Catholic priests arrived from the new seminary at Douai, in France, founded by the Houghton family. The priests, whose lives were dependent on the support of families prepared to hide them, were drawn to Stratford, one of the most significant centers on the recusant map of England. An early recruit was Simon Hunt, who taught Shakespeare from age 7 to 14. Prof. Wilson thinks William may have joined those young men who adopted pseudonyms and set out to further the Catholic mission’s aims. John Shakespeare may have wanted a Catholic education for his son in the service of the Catholic nobleman Alexander Houghton. In 1581 the Houghton family was arrested for sheltering the Jesuit Edmund Campion, who was executed. Shakespeare escaped with the help of a wealthy neighbour, eventually moving to London and a career in the theatre.


Hypothesize about the following:

Ø Shakespeare would be a Catholic martyr if …

Ø Scholar detectives would make such a conclusion if …

Ø Shakespeare wouldn’t have changed his name if …

Ø Scholars could explain a link between Stratford and Shakespeare’s employers if …

Ø If it were not for the famous Jesuit mission …

Ø The identification of Shakeshafte with Shakespeare would be impossible now if …

Ø Shakespeare’s father wouldn’t have refused to attend the church if …

Ø Should Shakespeare’s father have been in debt, he …

Ø If it had not been for he evidence found in 1984 …

Ø If Shakespeare’s father wouldn’t have refused to attend Stratford corporation meetings …

Ø It looks as if a real reason to stay away from church …

Ø But for the arrival of Catholic Priests …

Ø There wouldn’t have been a religious fervour if …

Ø If it had not been for the families prepared to hide the priests …

Ø The priests wouldn’t have gone to Stratford if …

Ø Stratford wouldn’t have been a significant center on the recusant map of England but for …

Ø If Simon Hunt had not been teaching Shakespeare until the age of 14 …

Ø Professor Wilson wouldn’t think that Shakespeare had been a Catholic if …

Ø Shakespeare wouldn’t have joined the young men who adopted aliases if…

Ø If Shakespeare’s father hadn’t wanted a Catholic education for his son …

Ø The Houghton family wouldn’t have been arrested if…

Ø Jesuit Edmund Campion wouldn’t have been executed if …

Ø But for the execution of Edmund Campion …

Ø If it had not been for the wealthy neighbour’s help…

Ø Shakespeare wouldn’t have started his theatre career if…


Exercise 78


Read the following stories and discuss what you would have done.


1. I was in the supermarket yesterday and I saw this elderly woman shuffling up and down the aisles. She didn’t have a trolley, and was putting her shopping straight in her basket. Anyway, I thought nothing more about it and carried on doing my shopping and when I went to queue up to pay, there she was in front of me. I watched her put one tin of cat food on the counter and pay for it, then she walked out with her basket full of unpaid shopping.

2. Something awful happened to me last week. I’d invited six people round for dinner and you know how I hate cooking. Anyway, I spent all afternoon preparing the meal and actually I was quite pleased with how it turned out. I even managed to get all the vegetables ready at the same time as the meat. So, the vegetables were on the table and I just had to get the chicken out of the oven. I lifted it out and I don’t know how it happened, but I dropped it on the kitchen floor and before I could pick it up, the cat had licked it. She regretted it afterwards, because she burnt her tongue.

3. My friend put me in a really difficult position the other day. She’d bought this dress for a special ‘do’ and I don’t know why she had to ask me what I thought of it. I mean, she wouldn’t have bought it if she didn’t like it, would she? And she paid a fortune for it. Anyway, she put it on and I immediately thought, “No, orange is not your colour.” Not only that, but some people just haven’t got the legs for short skirts. To be honest, she looked ridiculous.

4. On my last birthday, my husband just gave me an envelope. I was really excited. I thought it was going to be tickets for a holiday to Egypt. He knew that it was my ambition to see the pyramids. Anyway, when I opened the envelope, there was a cheque inside for $5,000 and a little note saying, “Happy Birthday darling. I’ve booked you a face-lift.”

5. I had a very strange experience the other day. I was up in London for a meeting and it was lunch time. It was a lovely day, so I bought a sandwich and went for a walk. I was just on my way back to the office when I noticed a scruffy, bearded man begging in the street. I recognized him immediately. It was someone I’d been at university with, a brilliant rugby player. He’d always been a bit of a rebel, but a very clever man. We’d been very good friends, but I’d lost touch with him when we left university.


Exercise 79


Read the text and do the tasks that follow.


In the President’s Chair


Every week we ask someone what they would do if hey were a president. This week it is a turn of Heather Pearce, university lecturer.

I would import more high technology for our industries and transport systems instead of relying on cheap labour. I would pay for this by exporting more of our agricultural produce and cutting down on our food imports. I would work hard for international peace instead of making aggressive speeches, and at home I would put more money into our health and social services instead of cutting taxes.

Task 1

Which of the following would Heather Pearce choose to do if she was president?

§ import high technology;

§ rely on cheap labour;

§ export more agricultural produce;

§ cut down on food imports;

§ work hard for international peace;

§ make aggressive speeches;

§ put more money into health and social services;

§ cut taxes.


Task 2

Write your own version of “In the President’s Chair”. What would you do if you were the president of your country?


Exercise 80


Work in small groups and discuss these questions.


If you

1. …could be anywhere in the world for the next 24 hours, where would you go?

2.  …were on a five year space mission and could take one of your possessions what would it be?

3. …could have the answer to any one question, what would you want to know?

4. …could change one thing about your country, what would it be?

5. …could have one day with someone from history, who would it be?

6. …won $1 million on the lottery next week, what would you do with the money?

7. …could relieve one week of your life, which week would it be?

8. …could change sex for one year, what would you do with the time?

9. …could be transported into the future, when and where would you like to go to?

10. …could be any animal, what would you be?

Exercise 81


Match the sentence halves (a-f and 1-6) to make six questions.


2. If you could spend a year on a desert island with another person, …

3. Assuming you could have the answer to any one question, …

4. Imagine you could relive any one experience of your life, …

5. Supposing you would never be caught, …

6. If you could be any famous person’s partner, …

7. Imagine you had to spend $1 million before the end of the day, …


1. … what serious crime might you consider committing?

2. … what would you ask?

3. … who would you most like to spend the time with?

4. … what would you spend it on?

5. … whose would you like to be?

6. … which experience would you choose?


Work in small groups, discuss all these questions.

Exercise 82


Translate from Ukrainian into English.


1. Що б ви сказали, якби я запросив його провести з нами суботу і неділю?

2. Які ліки ви б запропонували, якщо у хлопчика заболить горло?

3. Хлопчик не тремтів би, якби ж йому не було холодно. Дайте йому випити гарячого чаю.

4. Ми б із задоволенням посиділи ще годину, якби не було так пізно.

5. Якби ви вчасно приймали ліки, які вам виписав лікар, ви б почувалися зараз набагато краще.

6. Якби ми почали працювати рано вранці, ми б вже все закінчили.

7. На вашому місці я б не сперечалась з ними. Те, що вони говорять, має сенс.

8. Якби все було до ладу, він не виглядав би таким стурбованим.

9. Я б заздалегідь зробила це, якби знала, що це так важливо.

10. Я б, можливо, залишилась, якби мені дозволили.

11. На вашому місці я б не пішов туди без запрошення.

12. Якби ви зателефонували мені вчора, я б із задоволенням завітав до вас.

Exercise 83


Read the text, choose the answers to the given questions and then try to find out who the shipwrecked man was.


The Shipwrecked Man


There are three men on an island. They all look the same but one of them is not a native of the island. The one who is not a native was shipwrecked years before. One day a ship comes to look for the shipwrecked man. They can ask the three men only two questions. They know that the shipwrecked man always tells the truth and the natives always tell lies. They ask the first man, “Are you the shipwrecked man?” But the answer blows away on the wind and they do not hear it. They ask the second man: “Did the first man say “yes”?” He answers: “Yes”. From just this much information they are able to find their man. How?


Ø If the first man is the shipwrecked man, what must his answer to their question been?

· Yes, I am.

· No, I am not.

· People are always asking me stupid questions.

Ø If the first man is not a shipwrecked man, then what must his answer have been?

· Yes, I am.

· No, I am not.

· Get away from my island!

Ø Can we tell only from the first man’s answer whether or not he is lying?

· Yes, because the first man looks the same as the others.

· Yes, because the first man has such a nice face.

· No, because he first man’s answer must be the same in either case – ‘yes”.

Ø Is the second man truthfully reporting what the first man said?

· Of course not.

· Who knows.

· Yes, he is.

Ø How many of them can be telling the truth?

· One of them.

· Two of them.

· Three of them.

Ø You know whether the second man is telling the truth or not?

· He doesn’t care.

· He is telling the truth.

· He must be lying.

Ø So which man is the real shipwrecked man?

· The first man.

· The second man.

· The third man.



Ø a) – if the first man is the shipwrecked, he must have told the truth and said he was.

Ø a) – if the first man is not the shipwrecked man, he must have lied and said he was.

Ø c) – No, we can’t tell if the first man is lying or not because he must answer “yes” in either case.

Ø c) – if the first man says “yes” in either case, then the second man is trustfully reporting what he said. If the second man were a liar, he would have to say “no”.

Ø a) – only one of them can be telling the truth.

Ø c) – since the second man is telling the truth, he first man must be lying.

Ø b) – the second man is the real shipwrecked man.

*** The third man was not asked because he would have been the shipwrecked man if the other two had been lying.


Exercise 84




Put “+” or “-“ in front of each question (put “v” if you don’t know the answer), then count all the positive and negative answers.


a) Would you stay silent if …

Ø you had been accused of stealing something;

Ø you did not understand a question you had been asked;

Ø someone shouted at you;

Ø someone asked your opinion;

Ø someone misunderstood what you had said;

Ø someone told you a joke you did not approve of;

Ø everybody in the meeting disagreed with your ideas;

Ø you hated someone;

Ø you were in a crowd of shouting people;

Ø you suddenly went deaf;

Ø you had emotionally hurt someone you loved;

Ø you were told you had passed an important exam;

Ø you knew an unpleasant but important fact about someone;

Ø someone was chasing you down a dark street;

Ø you were given bad food in a restaurant;

Ø you were being tortured for information;

Ø you found someone had lied to you;

Ø you wanted a chatterbox to shut up;

Ø someone told you to shut up;

Ø you were asked to report a friend who had done something wrong;

Ø someone asked you for money in the street;

Ø someone spoke to you on a train and you did not like their looks;

Ø you saw a parent hit a child in the street;

Ø you saw someone was about to light the wrong end of the cigarette.


b) Would you feel afraid of if …

a. you were driving and just missed having a fatal accident;

b. you found yourself falling from a high window;

c. you were going to lose your job;

d. the police stopped you and you did not know what for;

e. your doctor told that you had some years left to live;

f. you came under fire for the first time;

g. you had to go to consult a psychiatrist;

h. you were in high mountains and you had to cross white water in a wooden box suspended from a cable;

i. you had to sleep in a big house alone;

j. you had failed to do the job you had promised someone you would do;

k. you had a dentist appointment in ten minutes;

l. the doctor said you needed an operation;

m. your exams were coming up soon;

n. you were walking down a dark street and someone stepped out of the shadows in front of you;

o. you had to live alone;

p. a black cat crossed your path;

q. you were climbing a steep mountain;

r. a dog ran at you in the street;

s. your boat was sinking;

t. you received a telegram late at night;

u. you saw a robbery taking place.


c) Would you cry if …

a. you received an award publicity;

b. your pet died;

c. your parent left home;

d. you heard a song of your childhood;

e. you got the news of a terrible tragedy;

f. you relationship with your friend ended;

g. someone you loved was going away for a long time;

h. you moved out of a neighbouhood you liked;

i. you were by yourself and felt lonely;

j. you saw a sad film;

k. it were a very moving film even if it ended happily;

l. you had your birthday without your parents and friends far from your home;

m. you peeled onions;

n. you saw someone you hadn’t seen for a long time;

o. you were frightened;

p. you hurt yourself;

q. you felt very nervous and tense;

r. you had been laughing too hard.

Exercise 85


Answer these questions. Mind that the questions are about present and future possibilities.


Ø If you could ask God just one question, what would it be?

Ø If you could be another person for a day, who would you be?

Ø If you could be invisible for a day what would you do and why?

Ø If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

Ø If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?

Ø If you could choose to live on a different planet, which one would you choose?

Ø If you could have only one food for the rest of your life (assuming that this strange situation would not affect your health), which food would you choose?

Ø If you could meet any famous person, dead or alive, who would it be and why?

Ø If you could spend a day with any celebrity, who would it be and what questions would you ask that person?

Ø If you could take a vacation anywhere in the world for any length of time, where would you go?

Ø If you had one wish, what would it be?

Ø If you had time machine, where would you go and why?

Ø If you received lottery tickets as a gift at the office party, and you won $30,000,000, would you share the winnings with the person that gave you the gift?

Ø If you saw a robbery, would you report?

Ø If you were asked to choose which time you would like to live in, which century would you choose?

Ø If you were given a choice between being given great wisdom or great wealth, which would you choose?

Ø If you were going to a deserted island and could only take three things with you, what would you take? Why?

Ø If you were invited to have tea with the Queen of England, what would you say?

Ø What kinds of problems would you have if you had to always tell the truth?

Ø Supposing you are given $1 million, what you would do with it?


Exercise 86


Answer these questions with conditional clauses both in the present and the past. Use a long response.


Ø If you had chosen your own first name for yourself, what would you have selected?

Ø If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you choose?

Ø If you could come back in some future life in another form, who or what would you like to be?

Ø What kind of food would you have been eating for dinner if you had stayed in Italy?

Ø What kind of job would you like to do if you could choose anything in the world?

Ø What kind of climate would you prefer if you could choose?

Ø What would you have been studying if you had attended a university abroad?

Ø What language would you study if you didn’t learn English?

Ø What would you have been doing today if you hadn’t come to class?

Ø What would you do if your classes were boring?

Ø What would you do if you were the dean of your department?

Ø What would you do if you were the President of Ukraine?

Exercise 87


Translate the sentences into English, paying attention to the use of the Subjunctive Mood in conditional sentences.


Ø Було б корисно порадитися з лікарем.

Ø Було б цікаво з’ясувати, хто з нас правий: ти чи я.

Ø Було б приємно прийняти душ у таку спеку.

Ø Було б добре випити кави.

Ø Було б важливо з’ясувати його думку з цього питання.

Ø Вам було б дуже корисно займатися спортом.

Ø Вона б добре навчалась, але ж часто хворіє і не відвідує лекціі.

Ø Ми б із задоволенням вам допомогли, але дуже зайняті сьогодні.

Ø Я поїхав би на південь, але мій лікар не радить цього робити.

Ø Добре, що ви прислухались до порад лікаря, інакше ви б не оминули запалення легень.

Ø Минулої неділі дощ йшов цілий день, інакше ми б поїхали за місто.

Ø Він каже, що в нього щось негаразд із серцем, інакше він би прийняв участь у спортивних змаганнях.

Ø Якби не головний біль, я б приєднався до вас.

Ø Якби не ваші ліки, мене б поклали у лікарню. Вони створили диво.

Ø Якби ви знали всі симптоми корі, ви б одразу ж зрозуміли, що це була не скарлатина.

Ø Дивна жінка! Вона не стала б радитися з лікарем навіть якби почувала себе погано.

Ø Як би ви відповіли на це запитання?

Ø Що б ви зробили на моєму місці?

Ø Я б порадила вам звернутися до дантиста.

Ø Я б ніколи не зробив цього без вашої допомоги.

Exercise 88


Translate the sentences into English paying attention to the use of the Subjunctive and the Conditionals


a) Шкода, що він поїхав.

b) Вона жалкувала, що була ніч, а не ранок, щоб ніхто не бачив, яка ж вона нещаслива.

c) Шкода, що вона мені не сестра, я б її дуже любила.

d) Ми пожалкували, що залишили його там одного.

e) Він пожалкував, що пішов так рано.

f) Вона розсердилася так, наче були витрачені її власні кошти.

g) Не дивись на мене так, наче ніколи раніше мене не бачив.

h) Вона має такий вигляд, наче вона не знає, що сказати.

i) Навіть якщо б ми отримали телеграму вчора, все рівно було б дуже пізно.

j) Навіть якщо б я була дуже зайнята, я б все рівно знайшла час провідати її в лікарні.

k) Якби ж тільки він не був такий ледачий!

l) Якби не велосипед, він би нас не наздогнав.

m) Якби я знав, що ти прийдеш, я б залишився вдома.

n) Я пішов би з вами, але мій маленький братик хворіє, мені потрібно йти в аптеку.

o) Це було важливо тоді, а не зараз.

Exercise 8 9


Translate into English.


§ Якби сталося так, що на світі не стало б жодних хвороб, то всі люди жили б довго і не хворіли.

§ Якщо станеться так, що ти потрапиш у біду, я допоможу тобі, не зважаючи ні на що.

§ Якби він хотів, він міг би багато чого домогтися.

§ Якби ти працював хоча б три години кожного дня, ти б склав ці іспити.

§ Якби він працював, йому б не довелося просити гроші у матері.

§ Якби вона не хотіла б тебе бачити, вона б не телефонувала.

§ Якби я був султаном, я б мав трьох дружин.

§ Якби не було б мрії, нема чого було б прагнути.

§ Якщо б усе легко давалося, жити було б нецікаво.

§ Якби вони були разом, вони були б щасливі.

§ Якби квитки на концерт були дешевшими, я б обов’язково туди пішов.

§ Якби він не витрачав гроші на дрібниці, він би давно був мільйонером.

§ На твоєму місці, я б не купував таку дорогу машину.

§ Якби ти сам подивився цей фільм, ти б зрозумів моє захоплення.

§ Якби не ти, я б не був таким агресивним.

§ Якби я жив з батьками, мені б не довелося витрачати зароблені гроші на їжу.

§ Якби мені подарували кокер-спанієля, я б назвав його Джо. Вийшло б Джо Коккер.

§ Якби ми поїхали поїздом, а не летіли літаком, ми б не встигли на весілля.

§ Якби я мав достатньо грошей, я б вирушив у кругосвітню подорож.

§ Якби я був автором, я б змінив назву книги.

§ Якби йому вдалося вивчити англійську, він би одержав роботу у міжнародній компанії.

§ Якби я працювала в цій фірмі, я б одержувала гарну зарплатню.

§ Якби зараз пішов сніг, я б поїхав кататися на лижах.

§ Якби я мала гарний зір, я б не носила окулярів.

§ Якби я знав, що книга така цікава, я б давно її прочитав.

§ Якби ми були в Лондоні, ми б подивилися всі визначні пам’ятки.

§ Якби зараз було літо, я б поїхав до моря.

§ Якби я мала авто, я б об’їздила усю Європу.

§ Якби люди були добрішими один до одного, все у світі змінилося б на краще.

§ Якби ти читав газети, ти б знав, що відбувається у світі.


Exercise 90


Translate into English


Ø Якби Неллі жила біля університету, дорога не забирала б в неї стільки часу.

Ø Якби мені подобався футбол, я ходила б з чоловіком на матчі.

Ø Якби Пол не був хворий, йому б не довелося залишатися у ліжку у такий чудовий день.

Ø Якби у нас не були сьогодні збори, ми б обов’язково зустрілися.

Ø Якби вона могла зробити цю роботу сама, вона б не просила нас допомогти їй.

Ø Ми б пограли сьогодні в теніс, якби ти не був сьогодні такий зайнятий.

Ø Якби ми взяли таксі, ми б добралися до вокзалу за півгодини.

Ø Якби ти не була такою неуважною, ти досягла б великих успіхів.

Ø Якби я знала, коли ти повернешся, я б не хвилювалася.

Ø Якби Пол не доглядав за автомобілем, він би давно вже був непридатним.

Ø Якби ти не кричала на дитину, вона була б спокійною.

Ø Що б ти зробив, якби тобі запропонували піти з цієї посади?

Ø Куди б ти пішов, якби був вільний?

Ø Якби вона була більш терплячою, з нею легко було б мати справу.

Ø Якби не дощ, ми увесь час були б на палубі.

Ø Якби фільм був кольоровим, він би справляв більше враження.

Ø Він подумав, що він теж не знав би, як би він вчинив, якби він був на її місці.

Ø Якби дорога йшла через ліс, ми б пішли пішки.

Ø Якби він був молодішим, я певен, він би теж захоплювався туризмом.

Ø Якби я купив лотерейний квиток, я б виграв авто.

Ø Він би не втомлювався, якби не працював 12 годин на день.

Ø Ти б не була такою повною, якби не їла так багато.

Ø Сьогодні не було б так вогко, якби не йшов дощ.

Ø Якби я поїхав до Лондона, я б відвідав музей воскових фігур.

Ø Якби я мав достатньо інформації, я б написав цю статтю.

Ø Якби вона прийшла пізно, він би хвилювався.

Ø Якби він знав французьку мову краще,він би читав книги в оригіналі.

Ø Я багато б не думав, якби мав вибирати.

Ø Якби ти підтримав Тома, він би зміг досягти гарних результатів.

Ø Вона б не була такою короткозорою, якби не читала так багато.


Exercise 91


Translate into English


Ø Якби я знала про це вчора, я б прийшла.

Ø Якби Нік приїхав вчора до міста, він би приймав участь в обговоренні.

Ø Якби я була вчора в театрі, я б зустріла там свого старого друга.

Ø Якби він знав цю людину, він би давно запитав його про вас.

Ø Якби вчора була гарна погода, ми б із задоволенням пішли на прогулянку.

Ø Якби минулої неділі я дістав квитки на концерт, я б одержав задоволення від нових пісень улюбленого співака.

Ø Якби ти був вчора вдома, ми б домовилися про наші сумісні плани на відпочинок.

Ø Він не зрозумів цього, якби йому не натякнули минулого разу.

Ø Він би не зніяковів, якби йому сказали це прямо в обличчя.

Ø Якби ви сповістили мене, що хочете поговорити зі мною, я б прийшов до вас учора.

Ø Якби вчилася торік старанно, ти б успішно склала іспити.

Ø Якби ти з ним зв’язався, він би зробив тобі послугу.

Ø Якби я побачили цього вчора, я б розповіла йому про це.

Ø Якби всі студенти взяли участь, все було б давно виконано.

Ø Якби усі прийшли вчора, ми б розв’язали проблему.

Ø Якби знав про це, купив би квитки заздалегідь.

Ø Якби моя сукня була готова, я б одягла її вчора на вечірку.

Ø Якби я вступила до університету торік, я б його закінчила через 4 роки.

Ø Вашу статтю надрукували б, якби ви закінчили її вчора.

Ø Якби проект був поданий на обговорення, рішення було б ухвалене зараз.

Ø Було б дивно, якби ми пам’ятали кожну деталь того, що сталося дуже давно.

Ø Я б відповів, якби був впевнений.

Ø Якби блузка підходила до спідниці, я б її купила.

Ø Якби у хлопчика була мама, він би не був таким нещасним.

Ø Якби вони допомогли йому вчасно, він би не потрапив у халепу.

Ø Якби не носив такі зношені туфлі, він би не почував себе незграбно.

Ø Якби ми мали гарний фотоапарат, ми б зробили багато цікавих фото.

Ø Якби вона провела тиждень біля моря, вона б почувала себе краще.

Ø Якби вона прийшла сюди вчора, ми б усе обміркували разом.

Ø Якби не моє погане самопочуття, я б поїхав з вами.



Exercise 92


Translate into English


Ø Насправді, він не був би такий засмучений, якби йому було потрібно залицятися до Джейн.

Ø Якби я зараз був у Лондоні, я б зупинився у друга.

Ø Якби ми дуже поспішали, ми б поїхали на таксі.

Ø Якби я не почув прогноз погоди, я б не взяв плаща.

Ø Якби ночі були теплішими, ми б спали на відкритому повітрі.

Ø Якби вона не хворіла, вона б взяла участь у сьогоднішній вечірці.

Ø На вашому місці, я б покарав його.

Ø Якби вона займалася спортом, вона не була б такою повною.

Ø Вони б не відхилили мою пропозицію, якби розглянули її як слід.

Ø На вашому місці, я б переконав його взяти участь у конференції.

Ø Якби він вибачився переді мною, я б йому пробачила все.

Ø Я б не потурбував вас так пізно, якби справа не була такою терміновою.

Ø Якби ми не вжили усіх необхідних заходів, робота була б зіпсована.

Ø Якби машина не їхала так швидко, нещасного випадку б не було.

Ø Якби ваші діти були не винні, вас би не викликали до директора школи.

Ø Ми б давно полагодили телефон, якби у нас були гроші.

Ø Нам би передали пакунок ще вчора, якби ми були на роботі.

Ø Кріс з’явився б в офісі вчасно, якби він не затримався в аеропорту.

Ø Я б не хвилювалася вчора весь вечір, якби знала, де ти був.

Ø Якби ти взяв з собою парасольку, ти б не змок.

Ø Якби він мав бажання говорити відверто, він би не відповідав на мої запитання так неохоче.

Ø Якби моя подруга не була такою наполегливою та працелюбною, вона б не досягла таких великих успіхів.

Ø Якби ви відповіли на цей лист негайно, ви б вже отримали відповідь.

Ø Якби Стів не розмовляв таким тоном, Марта б не образилася на нього.

Ø Якби ти не був таким балакучим, тобі б більше довіряли.

Ø Якби моя відпустка була влітку, я б поїхав до Маямі.

Ø На вулиці сильний мороз. Якби було тепліше, ми б пішли на ковзанку.

Ø Якби вони так не втомилися, вони б не лягли спати так рано, та, звичайно, подивилися б телепередачу.

Ø Якби ця стаття була б опублікована в останньому номері цього журналу, ми б, звичайно, її прочитали.

Ø Якби ти не боявся Джона, ти б обов’язково виграв суперечку.


Exercise 93


Translate into English


a) Якби ти вів машину обережніше, ми б уникнули нещасного випадку.

b) Якби не твоя допомога, я б нізащо не закінчила роботу вчора.

c) Якби зараз ти сказав неправду, я б більше ніколи тобі не повірив.

d) Ти б не зробив цієї помилки, якби звернув тоді увагу на мої слова.

e) Я міг би позичити тобі гроші минулого тижня, якби був упевнений, що ти вчасно їх віддаси.

f) Якби не цей випадок, ми б так і не взнали, що він за людина.

g) Якби не терміновість цієї справи, я б залишився вдома.

h) Якби він більше тренувався, йому б вдалося встановити рекорд на Олімпійських іграх.

i) На вашому місці, я б давно спробував це зробити.

j) Якби не хвороба, він би ніколи не кинув палити.

k) Ми б могли зробити це сьогодні, якби ви не відмовилися нам допомогти.

l) Якби ви показали квиток, цього непорозуміння б не трапилося.

m) Якби ти міг жити в іншій частині світу, яку б країну ти обрав та чому?

n) Якби до тебе приїхали гості з США, як би ти організував їх дозвілля?

o) Усі б зраділи, якби ви зайшли до нас ще раз до вашого від’їзду.

p) Я б давно відповіла на ваше запитання, якби могла.

q) Якби я не знав його так добре, я б не повірив тому, що він мені щойно розповів.

r) Якби зараз було тепліше, я б надягла нове літнє плаття.

s) Якби минулого заняття ви були уважними, ви б зараз краще знали матеріал.

t) О, якби ми тільки могли усе пояснити!

u) Хто знає, що б він зробив, якби почув про це раніше?  

v) Якби ти повсякчас не кричав на дитину, вона б не була така знервована.

w) Якби не лікар, Сюзан би не врятували.

x) Вона запевнила його, що якби він був з нею ласкавіший, вона б прийняла його освідчення.

y) Якби не ураган, ми б залишилися на турбазі ще на декілька днів.

z) Мені б і на думку і не спало, що Кейт така брехуха.

aa)Ми б жили дружно, якби не втручалася свекруха.

bb) Ти б почувала себе краще, якби перейшла на вегетаріанське харчування.

cc) Якби він не був такий легковажний, мабуть, вже й одружився.

dd) Кімната була б затишнішою, якби ти повісила пару малюнків.


Exercise 94


Translate into English


1. Якби в тебе вилося волосся, ти б робила чудові зачіски.

2. Якби не твій смак, у нас би не вийшла така чудова робота.

3. Ви б почували себе краще, якби ходили до басейну.

4. Ти б не підхопила запалення легенів, якби не ходила легко вдягненою в таку жахливу погоду.

5. Ми б вручили вам приз, якби ви доклали більше зусиль.

6. Ти б відкрив конверт, поки нікого немає.

7. Я б згадав усе, що мені казали, якби мені дали час.

8. Ми б давно переїхали на нову квартиру, якби в ній не було так холодно.

9. Він би вийшов із скрутного становища, якби йому не заважали.

10. Якби ти викинув з голови ці думки, всім стало б легше.

11. Якби нам видали зарплатню вчасно, ми б не потерпали від таких труднощів.

12. Якби ти була стриманішою, люди не ображалися на тебе.

13. Якби ти не вирвав зуба, в тебе б почався запальний процес.

14. він би не з’їхав з глузду, якби не цей його спосіб життя.

15. Я б покликав лікаря, якби ти погодилася.

16. Ми б вимокли до останньої нитки, якби не взяли з собою парасольки.

17. Ти б випив чаю, якби тобі його зараз запропонували?

18. Я б висловив вам свої співчуття словами, якби я не був так схвильований.

19. Я б вже давно попрасувала білизну, якби не ці нескінченні телефонні дзвінки.

20. Ти б сказала йому всю правду в очі, а не тримала образу в собі.

21. Ти б у них погостювала, якби вони тебе запросили?

22. Якби не ваша брутальність, ми б продовжили з вами співпрацювати.

23. Якби не цей гомін, ми б давно закінчили переклад.

24. Якби не твоя сором’язливість, тебе б запросили на цю роль.

25. Коли б не її завзяття, вона б давно перетворилась на стару жінку.

26. Час вже познайомити їх один з одним.

27. Якби дорогу не замело снігом, ми б дісталися міста до вечора.

28. Час уже тобі припинити ці безглузді розмови.

29. Бажано, аби ви перевірили зір, перш ніж будете замовляти нові окуляри.

30. Вона ридала, нібито з нею трапилося горе.





List of Sources


Ø Abbs B., Freebairn I. Blueprint Upper Intermediate. Longman, 1993. 142p.

Ø Alexander L.G. Longman English Grammar. Longman, 1998. 374 p.

Ø Alexander L.G. Longman English Grammar Practice for Intermediate Students. Longman, 1999. 296 p.

Ø Allen W.S. Living English Structure. Longman, 1996. 338 p.

Ø Barabash T.A. A Guide to Better Grammar. M., 1975. 285 p.

Ø Blokh M. Y., Lebedeva A.Y., Denisova V.S. English Grammar Exercises. Moscow, 1984. 174 p.

Ø Carr J.C. Eales F. Cutting Edge. Intermediate. Longman, 2001. 96 p.

Ø Eastwood J. Oxford Practice Grammar. Oxford: University Press, 1999. 432 p.

Ø Evans V., Dooley J. Mission 1.Express Publishing, 1996. 216 p/

Ø Gneenall S. Reward. Intermediate. Macmillan Heinemann, 1995. 123 p.

Ø Gneenall S. Reward. Upper-Intermediate. Macmillan Heinemann, 1997. 123 p.

Ø Gordon E.M., Krylova I.D. A Grammar of Present-day English. M., 1980. 235 p.

Ø Gude K., Duckworth M. Proficiency. Masterclass. Oxford University Press, 1994. 217 p.

Ø Jones L. Cambridge Advanced English. Cambridge University Press, 1993. 251 p.

Ø Jones L. New Progress to First Certificate. Cambridge University Press, 1997. 287 p.

Ø Jones C., Bastow T. Inside Out. Advanced. Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 2005. 159 p.

Ø Kay S., Jones V. Inside Out. Intermediate. Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 2004. 159 p.

Ø Kay S., Jones V. Inside Out. Upper Intermediate. Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 2005. 159 p.

Ø Murphy R. English Grammar in Use. Cambridge University Press, 1995. 350 p.

Ø Natanson E.A. Practical English Grammar. Higher School Publishing House. Moscow, 1973. 303 p.

Ø Prodromou L. Grammar and Vocabulary for First Certificate. Longman, 2000. 319 p.

Ø Soars J., Soars L. Headway. Intermediate. Oxford University Press, 1995. 120 p.

Ø Soars J., Soars L. Headway. Pre-Intermediate. Oxford University Press, 1996. 143 p.

Ø Soars J., Soars L., Devoy J. New Headway. Oxford University Press, 2000. 104 p.

Ø Thomson A.J., Martinet A.V. A Practical English Grammar. Oxford University Press, 1997. 383 p.

Ø Thomson A.J., Martinet A.V. A Practical English Grammar. Exercises 1-2. Oxford University Press, 1996. 181 p., 197 p.

Ø Vince M. Intermediate Language Practice. Macmillan Heinemann, 1998. 266 p.

Ø Walker E., Elsworth S. Grammar Practice for Upper Intermediate Students. Longman Group Ltd., 1998. 170 p.

Ø Yanson V., Svistun L. A Practical Guide for Learners of English. = Практичний курс англійської мови для студентів вищих навчальних закладів. Книга ІІ. Київ: ТОВ «ВП Логос», 2003. 352 с.

Ø Аракин В.Д. и др.. Практический курс английского языка. 2курс. Москва: «Владос», 1998. 516 с.

Ø Каушанская В.Л. Грамматика английского язика. Москва, 2000. 318 с.

Ø Павлоцкий В.М., Тимофеева Т.М. Практикум по грамматике английского языка. Изд. «Каро». Санкт-Петербург, 2006. 535 с.

Ø Федотова И.Г., Ишевская Н.А. Ускоренный курс английского языка. Москва: Высшая школа, 1989. 288 с.

Ø Хведченя Л.В., Хорень Р.В., Крюковская И.В. Практическая граматика современного английского язика. – Минск, «Книжный Дом», 2005. 687 с.

Ø Черноватий Л.М., Карабан В.І та ін. Практична граматика англійської мови з вправами: Посібник для студентів вищих закладів освіти. Том 1-2.-Вінниця: Нова книга, 2005.-288 с.

Ø Шапран Л.Ю.,Куниця Л.І. та ін. Англійська мова: Підручник.- Київ: Фірма «ІНКОС», 2007. 717с.

Ø Эпштейн Г.А., Казанская Н.М. Глагол. The Verb. Изд. «Каро». Санкт-Петербург, 2003. 542 с.


Internet Sources








7. http://www.aitech.






























and others


Передмова.............................................................................................. 1

The Noun................................................................................................. 3

The Noun (exercises).................................................................... 19

The Article............................................................................................... 40

The Article (exercises).................................................................. 48

The Adjective .......................................................................................... 64

The Adjective (exercises).............................................................. 74

Modal Verbs............................................................................................ 93

Can/could..................................................................................... 93

Can/could (exercises).................................................................... 95

May/might.................................................................................... 103

May/might (exercises)................................................................... 104

Must, Have to, Be to.................................................................... 111

Must, Have to, Be to (exercises)................................................... 113

Dare, Need.................................................................................... 124

Dare, Need (exercises).................................................................. 125

Shall/should, Ought to.................................................................. 131

Shall/should, Ought to (exercises)................................................ 133

Will/would.................................................................................... 148

Will/would (exercises).................................................................. 149

General review of all modals........................................................ 165

Non-finite Forms of the Verb (Verbals)................................................... 172

The infinitive................................................................................ 172

The infinitive (exercises)............................................................... 180

The Gerund.................................................................................. 210

The Gerund (exercises)................................................................. 217

The Participle............................................................................... 245

The Participle (exercises).............................................................. 249

General review of all verbals........................................................ 278

Mood....................................................................................................... 293

The Subjunctive Mood............................................................................ 293

The Subjunctive Mood (exercises)................................................ 301

List of Sources......................................................................................... 360


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