Exercise 4. Fill in the blanks with the modal verbs making necessary changes (you may have several variants).

1. He is in the garden. He ____ (read) a newspaper in the summerhouse. 2. Her son ____ (get) into trouble yesterday. I've seen him today and he looked quite happy and gay. 3. I don't remember him well but it seems to me he ____ (be) in charge of the Finance department last year. 4. He ____ already (get) used to driving on the left. He has been living in London for a year. 5. He ___ (receive) an emergency call, that's why he is out. 6. They ____ (not take up) this problem. It has already been solved. 7. Where is Mr. Black? — He ____ (receive) a foreign delegation. They ___ (come) at two o'clock. 8. Why haven't the Smiths arrived yet? — They ____ (lose) their way. They don't know the road well; 9. You ____ (introduce) me to your wife long ago. 10. He ____ (buy) a new car. He is deeply in debt. 11. He ___ (buy) a new car, but I am not sure. 12. They ____ already (arrive). Look, the windows are open. 13. Where is John? — He ___ (smoke). in the corridor. 14. I think for your children's sake you ___ (do) it. 15. You ____ (buy) this book for me. You know I have wanted to have it. 16. A wife ___ (obey) her husband, the Bible says. 17. You ____ (wait) for me, I knew the road well and found my way myself. 18. Judging by his papers on the writing table he ____ (work) for several hours. 19. ____ it (be) Nick? He has changed a lot. 20. They ____ (not know) of the plane's delay, otherwise they did not come at 2 o'clock.

Exercise 5. Find and correct the mistakes if any.


1. I must not dress in my best. When I came, everybody was wearing jeans and T-shirts. 2. He must have known that she needed his help. 3. He had to have an accident in the thick fog. 4. You should phone her long ago. I am sure she is looking forward to your call. 5. With your knowledge of the language you may read the article. 6. I may not imagine Mary teaching students. She used to be so impatient. — You know time changes people. She is able to become quite different. 7. I am sure you might have done it much better. You did not try. 8. I was so angry, I must have thrown my boot at him. 9. May you do me a favour, please? 10. May I ask you to do me a favour, please?


Exercise 6. Translate into English using the modal verbs.


1. Что здесь происходит? Не могли вы бы вы сказать, в чем дело? — Должно быть, полиция ловит опасного преступника (criminal), и поэтому здесь нельзя пройти. 2. Он мог бы объяснить мне с самого начала, как это важно. 3. Тебе следует поторопиться. Мы можем опоздать. 4. Какой скучный фильм я посмотрел! Не стоило ходить в кино, я мог бы посмотреть что-нибудь по телевизору. 5. Тебе следовало бы сесть на диету (go on a diet) еще полгода назад. Посмотри на себя! Ты поправилась (gain) на 3 килограмма. Тебе нельзя есть сладкое. 6. Неужели она потеряла мой номер телефона? 7. Почему он молчит (keep silence)? — Может быть, он не расслышал ваш вопрос. Не могли бы вы его повторить? 8. Ты должен уважать (respect) своих родителей. 9. Наверное, он сегодня не придет. Уже восемь часов, а он должен был прийти в семь. 10. Вряд ли они уже вернулись. Они там впервые и могут задержаться (stay long).

The Infinitive

Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Define the function of the Infinitives.


To explain this simple fact is not so very easy.

We are to study the main laws of physics.

The author was to read a paper at the conference.

The next step will be to produce a diagram of the system.

Glass which is to be used for lenses must be almost colourless.

The exact level is hard to calculate.

The books by Pawling are interesting to read.

The experimental results are few and not easy to interpret.

He must have found out about the conference from the newspaper.

The explosion must have occurred long ago.

There are some other properties of water to be considered at this point.

There is a particular question to be discussed at length.

There will be six independent elements to be determined.

There is not very much experimental data on which to base a decision between these two possibilities.

The amount of polonium to be obtained from a uranium mineral can be simply calculated.

There are some other groups of compounds to be mentioned.

Joule was the first to note definitely this phenomenon.

There are only a finite number of wave numbers to characterize electronic states.

Most of the nuclear reactions to be studied are of this type.

Polonium was the first of the radioactive elements to be isolated by the chemists.

This theory will be adequate for practical applications through centuries to come.

These methods are to be described in the next chapter.

The methods that are to be described next were widely used.

The methods to be described are used in our laboratory.

The experiment is to be carried out in our laboratory next month.

We hope that the experiment to be carried out in our laboratory will provide new and reliable data.

Thе experiment which is to be carried out in our laboratory will last for ten or eleven hours.

This is the first factor to be taken into consideration.

Many examples of this anomalous behaviour are to be found in literature.

Here is one more important point for the speaker to explain.

He seems to know this rule well.

They are likely to come here.

I was not able to write my test. It proved to be too difficult.

The experiment turned out to be more timetaking than could be expected.

I happened to be out when he called.

The guests are likely to arrive soon.

The new method is believed to have given good results.

All students are supposed to know Newton's laws of mechanics.

The result is expected to agree with theoretical predictions.

The Greeks seem to have manufactured the first lens.

Such reaction was not observed to happen.

There does not appear to be an agreement between these results.

They can hardly be said to have discovered this phenomenon.

Dr. Irmes was expected to report his new discoveries.


Дата добавления: 2019-02-12; просмотров: 745; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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