Pattern 2 (Participle II as an attribute)

1. Della only drinks juice made from fresh fruit. (= which is made) – Делла пьет сок, сделанный только из свежих фруктов. (= который делается) 2. The technologies used 50 years ago seem outdated now. (= which were used) – Технологии, использовавшиеся 50 лет назад, теперь кажутся устаревшими. 3. Half of the people invited to the birthday party didn’t turn up. (= who had been invited) – Половина людей, приглашенных на день рож- дения, не пришли. (= тех, кто был приглашен)  


17. Paraphrase using Patterns 1 and 2.

1. The students who were questioned gave very different opinions. 2. The day which was spent with the family was a happy one for Kevin. 3. The striking coal miners, who protested violently, were led away by the police. 4. Most of the people who had been invited to the wedding were old friends and relations. 5. Anyone who touches that wire will get a shock. 6. Bill who had just graduated from college applied for a place at an investment bank. 7. By the end of the auction there was only one painting which hadn’t been sold. 8. He looked intently at the stranger who was being questioned by a police officer. 9. The film which starts at 7 p.m. is a drama which is based on a true story. 10. The reporters are trying to get in touch with the person who composed music for the popular song.


18. Complete the sentences using the phrases suggested in the box as participles or clauses.


it was standing on the bed it is parked outside it was covered with feathers they are sitting in it they were accused of … I was given it (before) it is made from fresh fruit they went out to concerts and the theatre they were committed during the war they didn’t have children they were dipped in whipped cream he was nicknamed ‘Big Bob’ they are made with linen we needed to find (them) out


1. There’s a blue minivan _____________________ with two security guards ______________________. 2. I found my fox-terrier __________________ and _____________________ from one of the pillows that it had ripped open. 3. Many people ___________________ crimes _____________________________ had to be set free because no witnesses could be found to testify against them. 4. Jim and Brenda Jackson, ___________________, were free to spend more of their time ________________________. 5. The strawberries _____________________ were really delicious. 6. Robert Ball, _______________________, was my favourite teacher. 7. I would prefer shirts _______________________ if you have any. 8. This isn’t the information _______________________ before. 9. There were several things _______________________________. 10. My younger sister only drinks juice _______________________.


19. Translate into English.

1. Вот темы, обычно обсуждающиеся на семинарах по истории экономики. 2. Журналистам показали письмо министра, написанное перед его отставкой. 3. Говоривший по телефону секретарь положил трубку и повернулся к посетителю. 4. Где продавец, обещавший вам заменить поврежденный телевизор? 5. Мой отец знал одного из дипломатов, принимавших участие в Ялтинской конференции. 6. Студентов, принимающих участие в дебатах, просят пройти в зал № 4. 7. Студентов, принимавших участие в дебатах, просят пройти в зал № 5. 8. Преподаватель раздал студентам несколько ксерокопированных статей. 9. Мальчик сидел, не слушая историю, которую рассказывал его дедушка.




Make the following text shorter by using participles instead of clauses.

For all you food-lovers who will be sitting at home and who will be looking for something interesting on TV this afternoon, there’s a fabulous new show which is called “The Asian Kitchen”, which has been created and which has been produced by Mary Sah, which begins at 4.30 this afternoon. Among the dishes which will be featured will be Saucy Tofu, which consists of Tofu squares which have been dipped in a special batter, which have been deep-fried and which have been covered in a creamy peanut sauce, and Evil Shrimp, which is made with hot peppers which have been sautéed with other vegetables, and which are served with shrimp which are sizzling in a shallow pool of red curry. It’s the most delicious thing on TV today!

(From George Yule, Oxford Practice Grammar, 2006)


Translate into English using the Participle where necessary.

1. Михаил показал мне сувениры, купленные в Эдинбурге. 2. Фигуристы, занявшие первые четыре места, будут выступать на чемпионате страны. 3. Лающие собаки не кусаются. 4. Профессор рассказывал о методах, применяющихся в сердечно-сосудистой хирургии. 5. Врач, использовавший этот метод, был приглашен на международную конференцию. 6. Метод, используемый в данный момент, был разработан группой российских хирургов. 7. Туристы любовались дворцом, построенным в начале XVIII века. 8. Люди, ищущие убежища в другой стране, должны быть готовы столкнуться с различными трудностями. 9. Судостроительная компания уволила десятки человек, много лет проработавших на верфях Клайда. 10. Высотный многоквартирный дом, который строится в нашем районе, будет самым высоким жилым домом в городе.





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