Tell about the TAIL UNIT and its functions:

The tail unit



consists of two surfaces


1. ……………………………..

2. ……………………………..

a   Answer the questions:

1. What is a movable part of the vertical surface?

2. What does it control?

3. What are the movable parts of the horizontal surface?

4. What do they control?

Look at the pictures on this page. There is a word which corresponds to each number. Decide which of the words you know and fill in the table below.

fuselage   ailerons  
landing gear (or undercarriage)   leading edge  
wing tip   window  
Nose gear   tail fin  
engine nacelle   door  
Nose   elevators  
wing   spoilers  
Hold (or cargo compartment) door   slats  
windshield (or windscreen)   rudder  
airbrakes   flaps  
stabiliser   trailing edge  


a Look at the picture, listen to the tape and repeat the words.

b Now test yourself. How many of the words do you remember? Listen to the tape, look at the picture and say the correct word when you hear the number. Then you will hear the right answer. Remember, do not repeat the words; try to say them before you hear them on the tape. Listen to an example.


Look at these words for parts of a plane:

wing tip  door  ailerons

trailing edge  wheel   rudder

window      fuselage  nose  windshield

engine nacelle  slats  stabiliser

flaps  tyre  tail   airbrakes

elevators  landing gear  leading edge

wing  tail-fin   nose gear


Now fill in the ‘word tree’ below by putting a term in each box. (Some words are filled in for you.)


1     Discuss with your partner the following questions:


1. Which side of the fuselage is the starboard side?

2. Where is the cockpit?

3. What is the name of the very front part of the fuselage?

4. What is attached to the horizontal stabilizer?

5. What is the rudder attached to?

6. What is the flight compartment?

7. Is the nose wheel controllable?

8. Is the fin movable?

9. What can the nose contain?

10. Where is the toilet?


2     Fill in the blanks with the suitable words and answer the questions:


1. ………... consists of five structural units?

2. What ………... the engine and some systems?

3. What contains ………... ?

4. What ………... a fin and a horizontal stabilizer?


What cockpit instruments and displays do you know?

Look at the pictures and complete the captions.



1. It is an …….. .              2. It is an …….. .            3. It is a…….. .             4. It is a …….. .



5. It is a …….. .            6. It is a ……... .              7. It is an ……..

3        Match the beginnings and ends of the definitions.

An altimeter is an instrument used in an aircraft to inform the pilot of the attitude of the plane - it indicates attitude in both pitch and roll. The instrument is considered the most important for flight under the instrument flight rules (IFR), but has minimal application under the visual flight rules (VFR), except in emergencies, when the pilot may lose visual reference to the ground.
Airspeed indicator is an instrument used in an aircraft to inform the pilot of his heading. It is sometimes referred to by its older name, the directional gyro, or direction indicator or DI.
Vertical speed indicator is a highly sensitive barometer, which shows an aircraft’s altitude above mean sea level by measuring atmospheric pressure.
Magnetic compass is shows the rate and direction of a turn.
Directional gyro (Heading indicator) is an instrument used in an aircraft to display the speed of an aircraft (typically in knots) relative to the air mass in which the aircraft is flying.
Turn and slip indicator a navigational instrument for finding directions. It is the main method of indicating the heading or flight direction of an aircraft.
Artificial horizon (Attitude indicator) is a variometer (also known as a rate-of-climb indicator, a vertical speed indicator (VSI), or a vertical velocity indicator (VVI)) is an instrument in an aircraft used to inform the pilot of the rate of descent or climb.


Vocabulary revision and extension. Look at the first (left) column of the table and decide how many cockpit instruments you remember. Test yourself looking at the second (right) column.

Attitude (director) indicator (AI) /artificial horizon авиагоризонт/указатель положения;
Radio altimeter радиовысотомер;
Altimeter высотомер;
Vertical speed indicator (VSI) вариометр;
Airspeed indicator (ASI) индикатор скорости;
Compass компас;
Engine instruments панель приборов двигателя;
Fuel gauges датчики горючего;
Head-up display (HUD) проекционный бортовой индикатор/ индикатор на лобовом стекле;
Multi-function display (MFD) многофункциональный индикатор;
Warning lights сигнальные лампы;
Undercarriage indicator индикация выпуска шасси;
Turn and speed indicator указатель поворота и скольжения;
ILS indicator указатель системы посадки по приборам;
Machmeter указатель числа М;
Automatic direction finder (ADF) автоматический радиокомпас;
Distance measuring equipment (DME) дальномерное оборудование;
Clock часы;
Horizontal situation indicator указатель горизонтального положения;
Radio magnetic indicator радиомагнитный указатель курсовых углов.

5 Give the English equivalent to the following word(s):

указатель системы посадки по приборам; индикация выпуска шасси; высотомер; дальномерное оборудование; индикатор скорости; указатель горизонтального положения; авиагоризонт/указатель положения; панель приборов двигателя.

1 Give explanation of the following cockpit instruments:


1. What is airspeed indicator (ASI)?

2. What is altitude indicator or artificial horizon?

3. What is altimeter?

4. What is turn and slip indicator?

5. What is a directional gyro?

6. What is a vertical speed indicator?

7. What is compass?


Pre-watching activity


1    Answer the following questions before watching the film:


1. Have you ever flown on British Airways?

2. Have you got any information about this carrier?

3. What is its position in the airlines safe rating list?

4. Where is the head office of British Airways?

Watching activity

1    Watch the video “British Airways”. Get acquainted with the words and word phrases from the film.



throughout the world                    по всему миру

airborne                                         отрываться от земли

jet                                                  реактивный самолет

inherently                                      присуще/свойственно

normal strength                             достаточная мощь/сила

stresses                                          нагрузки

process of monitoring                   процесс наблюдения/отслеживания



Part 1      A tale of two Jumbos

routine life                                    повседневная жизнь

care                                               ухаживать, заботится, уход

huge jet                                         большой реактивный самолет

within minutes                              в течении нескольких        

for major overhaul                        для капитального ремонта


Part 2      XE is going back into outside world

complete an overhaul                    завершать ремонтные работы       

Nairobi                                          Найроби

Johannesburg                                Йоханнесбург

airline operations                           эксплуатационные требования компании

keep an airplane safe                     содержать самолет в состоянии безопасности

components                                   элементы, детали

unconditional maintenance           необходимое обслуживание (по факту неисправности)

mixture                                          смешивание



Part 3       First sector London – Nairobi non-stop


non-stop flight                              беспосадочный перелет

Mediterranean                               Средиземное море

valley                                            долина

Kenya                                           Кения

local time                                      местное время

ground electrics                            наземные електрики

cargo and baggage vehicles          транспортеры для подачи багажа и грузов на борт в/с

catering                                         бортовое питание

cabin cleaners                                персонал для уборки в салоне в/с

toilets disposal                              замена бортовых туалетов 

duty officers                                 дежурные пилоты

minor faults                                   незначительные неисправности

hydraulic leak                               течь гидравлической жидкости

force of law                                  сила закона (правил)

position actuator                           силовой цилиндр, привод положения (посадочного шасси)

replace                                           изъятие (замена элементов)

meanwhile                                     тем временем; между тем

routine transit check                     обычная проверка на пересадке

examine for wear                          проверка на износ тормозов

control services                             системы управления в/с

to scan carefully                            осматривать внимательно (внешний осмотр в/с)

refueling                                        дозаправка

oil levels check                              проверка уровня масла



Part 4    Maintenance Control Centre

Maintenance control centre          центр контроля за обслуживанием в/с

access                                            доступ

exact state                                     точное состояние (приборов или систем в/с)

serviceability                                 годность, пригодность

personal history                             личная история самолета   

overhaul                                        капитальный ремонт

remarkable status                          чрезвычайно важный статус/положение

continuously monitored                непрерывное отслеживание 

transplant of organs                      замена частей, блоков или модулей в\с

engine warning devices                система предупреждения о нарушении в работе двигателя

engine vibration                             вибрация (тряска) двигателя

strip down                                     списывать (прибор)

attribute                                        свойство, характерная черта                                             

mechanic dependability                механическая зависимость


Part 5    High safety standards

to maintain high safety standards выдерживать высокие стандарты безопасности

fibre optics                                    фибро-оптические приборы

blade                                             лопатка (от двигателя реактивного в/с)

schedule for removal                    график замены (прибора, элемента или системы)         

detective work                              поисковая работа                

gamma radiation                           гамма излучение

very high frequency sound waves высокочастотные волны 

magnetic devices                          магнитные приборы

metal chips                                    металлическая стружка

sludge                                           грязь, ил, налет

plug                                               пробка, втулка                                                        

engine remove                   замена двигателя

on top of the world                       на вершине мира

watch the performance                 наблюдать за работой приборов

airplane vital functions                 жизненно-важные функции самолета

fuel consumption                          расход топлива

fuel load                                        заправка топлива

hydraulics                                     гидравлика                          

power station                                аккумуляторные батареи

Part 6   From African sun into Alaska winter

freezing fog                                  леденящий туман

despite of the cold                        несмотря на холод

accumulate                                    накапливать, собирать

spray off                                       обрабатывать (корпус и крылья в/с против обледенения)

night shift                                     ночная смена

take the aircraft apart                    разбирать самолет на части

vital part                                        жизненно-важная часть в/с                                   

flying control system                    система управления полетом

maneuver the aircraft               управлять самолетом

hydraulic units                              гидравлические узлы (системы)

Part 7    XE coming home from Japan

running up engines                         прогревать двигатели

complete the overhaul        завершать/заканчивать капремонт

special tape cassette                       кассета с магнитной лентой

collect (from)                               изымать

magnetic tape                                 магнитная лента

recorded data                                 записанные данные

to analyse the tape                         расшифровывать/анализировать запись на кассете

to analyse a print out         анализировать распечатанные данные 

assigned for another trip                назначен/поставлен на другой рейс



Part 8 On the final sector – warning lights – Ratio rudder possible fault

warning lights                                лампочки предупреждения

possible fault                                  возможная/допустимая неисправность

sensitivity of the rudder                 чувствительность руля направления в/с

low altitude flight                          полет на низкой высоте

maintenance controller       диспетчер центра обслуживания самолетов

to consult the specialist engineer   получить консультацию инженера-специалиста

reassurance                                     подтверждение

component to be changed              элемент, который необходимо заменить

goes back into service        возвращение к работе (эксплуатации)

like everything mechanical             как и все механическое

unique                                        уникальный, необычный

professional resources        профессиональные ресурсы

supremely high standards              чрезвычайно высокие стандарты

to make sure                                   быть уверенным

After-watching activity

1     Watch the video again in parts. Answer the questions after each part:


Part 1


1. What do the maintenance hangars serve for?

2. What reason was XG sent into the dock for?

3. What is the weight of unloaded Jumbo?

4. How much time do the engineers need to start work?


Part 2


1. Where was the first flight of XE after its overhaul completed?

2. What are the two ways of keeping an airplane safe in airline operations?

Part 3

1. How many passengers and how much cargo were on board XE when it crossed the Mediterranean?

2. What ground operations were performed at Nairobi?

3. What problems did the crew report to the ground staff?

4. What does the routine check consist of?


Part 4

  1. Where did the signal and details about repairs go to?
  2. How do the engineers of MCC process the income information?
  3. What was the speed of XE when it was cruising home from Johannesburg?  
  4. How much time does XE spend every day and how many miles does it fly every year?


Part 5


  1. What do engineers need to maintain high safety standards?
  2. What devices do engineers use to search for small metal signs?
  3. What purposes do the magnetic devices settled in the oil lines serve for?
  4. What are the airplane vital functions?


Part 6

  1. How can the low temperature influence the wing?
  2. What is necessary to make before departure in condition of low temperature?
  3. What is the vital part of any aircraft?

Part 7

  1. What is the purpose of special tape cassette in the flight deck?
  2. What data does this magnetic tape contain?
  3. What helps the crew to keep the safe heading?
  4. What happened to XE on landing in New Zealand?

Part 8

  1. What was the reason for the warning light on XE?
  2. What were the crew actions?
  3. How much time do the engineers need to complete the overhaul on XG?
  4. Why does the author believe that an airliner is a unique form of transport?


Дата добавления: 2019-02-12; просмотров: 297; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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