II. Для спеціальності: «Правознавство»

Task 1 . Read the text and choose the best word to fill the gap from the choices A – D below the extract. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Завдання 1. Вибрати найкращий варіант, В, С абоD)для заповнення пропусків (1-10).

    Even though the crime (0) …. keepsgoing up, society is soft on criminals. People who have committed major crimes and even murderers sentenced to (1)…… are often released after serving just part of their sentence. Everyday (2)…… crime is destroying the quality of life of many people, particularly in city areas. (3)…… you look there are examples of graffiti and mindless vandalism. Personally, I have had my car (4)…… into twice in the last three months. As far as I know the police are not looking into (5)…… of the crimes.

     Even when a friend recently caught a young theft, the police (6)…… him off with a warning because of his age. Doubtless, the child in (7)……., thinking he has got away with one crime, will be (8)…… to try another. Yet if you or I park our cars in the wrong place or exceed the speed limit slightly we have to pay (9) ……. I know it’s important to take into account the age of criminals. I also know that upbringing and drugs are (10) ……. for many crimes. All the same, the lives and rights of the victims of crime should be considered too.


0 А numbers В wave С rate                       D figures
1 А live В living      С life D lifetime
2 А little В petty  С small D major
3 А Wherever        В Forever   С However D Whatever
4 А looked В turned  С broken  D made
5 А both В any  С either D none  
6 А set В allowed   С let D got
7 А mind  В trouble     С discussion D question
8 А attempted В dared С tempted D threatened
9 А fee В caution С tickets      D fine
10 А guilty В responsible    С faulty D cause



Task 2. From the four underlined words identify the one that is not correct.

Завдання 2. Знайдіть помилку в одному з чотирьох підкреслених фрагментів речення

(А, В, С абоD).


1. The Freedom of Information Act, passed by the U.S. Congress in 1966, gives U.S. citizen

                                                         A                                                B               C   

the right of access to public records.


2. Small animals can survival the desert heat by finding shade during the daytime.

                                A                         B                       C            D

3. Many American novelists, such as Gore Vidal, resides in other countries.

A                                    B                             C       D   

4. In communes, the land and productsarecollective owned.

A                                         B    C   D

5. Millions of dollars are donated year to the Red Cross to aid people in disaster-stuck areas.

A                                       B                              C                       D   

6. Some artists use traditional design while another use more modern themes.

A                           B                           C                       D          

7. Much unknown plants and animals are disappearing as the tropical forests are destroyed.

A                                                                             B       C                            D

8. Australia is the flatter and driestof all the continents.

                     A            B C                D

9. The psychological school of behaviorism it was founded by J.B. Watson.

A                                  B                 C            D

10. Industrial robots grasp and manipulates objects that are too dangerous for humans to handle.

A                                                B                   C                             D 

11. That species of butterfly areoften seen in many parts of North and South America.

A            B                             C     D

12. The difference between the living conditions in the countryside and in townshave been

                          A                                      B                              C            D eliminated.

13. Edwin Hubble`s observations show that the universeis expand.

A                                       B               C            D  

14. Aerial photography willrecently and unexpectedly revealedmany historical sites.

                            A  B                                   C       D

15. In the city centre, it is noisy market stalls set in a maze of winding alleys.

A                     B                                C                      D      

Task 3. Open the brackets using the correct form of the word. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Завдання 3. Розкрити дужки та поставити слово у відповідну форму. На початку надається зразок (0).

0. Anyone who buys goods and services, whether an individual shopper or a large business, is a consumer.

1. The most senior members of the Government (know) as the Cabinet.

2 .Even if the Government (change) after an election, the same civil servant are employed.

3. The Conservative Party (create) after the revolution of 1688 and aimed to subordinate the power of the Crown to that of Parliament and the upper classes.

4. The Magistrates’ Court (deal) with summary offences.

5. The role of lawyers (grow) rapidly in our society nowadays .

6. The main function of the Verhovna Rada is (make) laws.

7. The old circuit courts, which (exist) since 1789, also remained.

8. Courts prefer (hear) all the claims arising from a dispute.

9. The vast majority of the states (not require) their justices of the peace or magistrates to have law degrees.

10. Only a few states still allow their legislators (appoint) state judges

Дата добавления: 2019-02-12; просмотров: 359; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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