EXERCISE 10a — Complete the sentences with phrasal verbs from this section. Be sure the phrasal verbs are in the correct tense.

1. The teacher asked me to ________ the exams ________.

2. Why don't you let a mechanic fix the car? If you try to do it yourself, you'll just ________ it_______.

3. Nobody likes the new priest in our church, and attendance has ________ ________.

4. My feet were killing me a couple of weeks ago, so I ________________ jogging for a while, and now they're fine.

5. It really ________ me ________ when you told my boss what I said about him.


6. The Ortega’s won't take a vacation this year because Mr. Ortega has been _______ ________ and they need to save money.

7. When Mother was ________ ________, there wasn't any TV. People went to the movies or read instead.

8. The head of purchasing at my company went to jail because he made all the suppliers ________ ________ $2,000 of every contract.

9. My husband told me my plan to enter medical school was crazy, but I ________ ________ with it anyway.

10. The secretary in the human resources department said/Here's an application. Take it and ________ it ________."

11. If you want to borrow my car tonight, ________ ________. I'm not going anywhere.

12. The other mountain climbers are nervous about Jim because they think he's going to ________ ________ a cliff.

13. You've been criticizing me for the last three hours! Will you ______ ________!

14. The manager asked his assistant to ________ him ________ about the problems in the warehouse.

15. It's Friday night. Let's buy some beer and ________ ________.

16. I can't work tomorrow. Can you ________ ________ for me?

17. You're acting like a big baby. ________ ________!

EXERCISE 10b — Complete the sentences with nouns from this section.

1. At the party, the children ate in the living room, and the ___________ ate in the dining room.

2. The boss said, "One more ___________ and you're fired."

3. The reporter discovered that the mayor was taking ___________ from the construction company.

4. Every year at this time the king gives ___________ to the poor.

5. Ned will be my ___________ while I'm on my honeymoon.


6. The teacher prepared a ___________ to give to the students.

7. The CEO said he regretted the ___________ but that there was no other way for the company to avoid bankruptcy.

8. The team lost every game of the season and suffered a 60 percent ____________ in attendance.

9. The president called General Chambers and gave him the ___________ for the attack.

EXERCISE 10c — Write three sentences using the objects in parentheses. Be sure to put the objects in the right place.

1, You haven't filled in. (all the spaces, them) ___________ ___________

2. Is the teacher handing out? (the tests, them) ___________ ___________

3. The company is going to lay off. (my brother, him) ___________ ___________

4. I'm sorry I screwed up. (your plan, it) ___________ ___________

EXERCISE 10d — Write answers to the questions using phrasal verbs, participle adjectives, and nouns from this section. Be sure the phrasal verbs are in the correct tense.

1. I wasn't sure if my plan would work, and I thought about it for a long time before I finally decided to try it. What did I do with my plan?

2. The secretary gave me an application and told me to put the correct information in the spaces, What did the secretary tell me to do?

3. In Question 2, how would you describe the application after I put the correct information in the spaces?

4. The mechanic is trying to fix my car's transmission, but she's making a lot of mistakes. What is the mechanic doing to my car's transmission?

5. In Question 4, how would you describe the transmission after the mechanic finishes fixing it?

6. You give $3,000 to the mayor every month so that he will give your company city business. What do you do every month?

7. In Question 6, what is the $3,000 that you give to the mayor every month?

8. Business is bad at Nancy's company, and they told her that they don't need her anymore. What happened to Nancy?

9. The hotel clerk forgot to call me in the morning to wake me up, and I was late for a very important meeting. What did the hotel clerk do to me?

10. I was born in Hawaii, and I lived there until I was eighteen. What did I do in Hawaii?

11. Sally's parents told her she can't watch a TV show because it's for adults. What did Sally's parents tell her about the TV show?

12. New home construction will decrease if there is a recession. What will new home construction do if there is a recession?

13. In Question 12, if there is a decrease in new home construction, what would it be called?

14. Timmy was teasing Susie all day until his mother told him to stop. What did Timmy's mother tell him to do?


15. All is doing Omar's job while Omar is on vacation. What is Ali doing?

16. Blankets and boxes of food will be given to the people whose homes were destroyed by the tornado. What will be done with the blankets and boxes of food?

17. Sarah had to answer the phone while she was watching a movie. After she returned to the TV room, Sarah's friend Sally told Sarah everything she had missed. What did Sally do for Sarah?

Дата добавления: 2019-02-12; просмотров: 275; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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