Для выполнения данного задания необходимо перевести представленные предложения с русского языка на английский, используя конструкцию Complex Object .

E . g .: Он слышал, как кто-то спускается по лестнице. – He heard someone walk down the stairs.

Она почувствовала, как ее руки дрожат.

Он почувствовал, как его сердце забилось быстрее от радости.

Никто не заметил, как он вошел и сел на свое место.

Я почувствовал, как Ник положил руку на мое плечо.

Она почувствовала, как слезы катятся по ее лицу.

Мы видели, как он прыгнул с парашютом.

Она слышала, как кто-то подошел к двери.

Они все собрались на горе, чтобы посмотреть, как всходит солнце.

Я слышал, как входная дверь мягко открылась и так же мягко закрылась.

Я слышал, как он говорил учителю об этом.


В этом задании необходимо раскрыть скобки и использовать конструкцию сложного дополнения.

E.g.: We suspect (she, help) by him. – We suspect him be helped by her.


We don’t like (he, prevent) us from making it.

Everyone considered (she, be) a good person.

They want (he, treat) like Peter.

We would like (the car, buy) by Monday.

Rob expected (Rose, invite) to the celebration party by the Tailors.

Children don’t want (parents, be late) for their wedding ceremony.

People want (she, introduce) them to the director.

We would like (he, fix) the appointment for us for Saturday.

Everyone expected (the meeting, hold) in the head office.

Grandmother wanted (Rosie, tell) her news in brief.

I expect (he, arrange) everything by the time I return from our trip.

Does he want (I, show) him around the city?

We’d like (the specialist, look trough) our papers.

Does he want (you, stay) in this room any longer?


Данное задание аналогично первому, только в этом случае перевод предложений нужно осуществить с английского на русский.


We didn’t expect the policeman to be such an impolite person.

We want you to deliver our goods by the end of July.

I expected her to be invited there.

They didn’t expect him to be asked about it.

I heard his name mentioned several times during the meeting.

He didn’t notice us come closer.

Have you seen them laughing at something?

We didn’t expect it to be announced on the radio.

I want her tell us what is she going to do this evening.

I think you will hear her sing this evening.

When he heard his son crying he stood up and went to the nursery.

I don’t want anyone take my clothes.

He wants us to come today.

I want you to wait me here.

He wants his son to become a doctor.

Do you want him to help you?

I never heard him speak French.

He didn’t hear me knock on the door.

I heard him return home.

I never saw him swimming.


4. Следующее задание требует от выполняющего составления как можно большего количества предложений с предложенными в таблице словами и группами слов. Помните о том, что после глаголов see (видеть), feel (чувствовать), let (позволять), make (заставлять) инфинитив употребляется без частицы to .

С глаголом see (видеть)

I We Everyone Saw See(s) The master Them His friend A bricklayer A girl Move to a new flat. Enter the house of her aunt. Draw a doll. Speak to his employee. Lay a brick house.

С глаголом hear (слышать)

I He We They Heard Hear(s) A guest Our teacher My friend Them The hostess Read a story. Welcome the newcomers. Speak to the hostess. Praise my latest work. Ring the doorbell.

C глаголом feel (чувствовать)

He I The patient Felt Feel(s) The sister His friend Her The nurse mother   The feather-bed   Tuck the blanket. Smooth the pillow. Put a cushion. Dry with a bath towel his back. Sink under his body.

С глаголом want (хотеть)

She I Our teacher Wanted Want(s) Him You This house This work Us To be done. To face the lake. To draw the curtains. To master French. To put this coat on. To pull up the blinds.

С глаголом make (делать)

Mother I Made Make(s) Him Us Her daughter Mend the furniture. Turn on the light. Go to bed. Feed the kitten.

С глаголом let (позволять)

She They I Let Let(s) The boy Leave for Paris. Light a big candle. Plug in the toaster. Unscrew a bulb. Screw in a new bulb.

С глаголом expect (ожидать)

Mother We I Expected Expect(s) you To come back. To clean the room. To wait in the courtyard. To follow the advice. To receive guests in the living-room.


Дата добавления: 2019-02-12; просмотров: 318; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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